JQuery :: Deleting Records With Classic ASP

Mar 8, 2010

I'm using jquery to pass trough data to another page where I want to insert and delete a record. But the problem is that jquery only inserts or deletes the records and not both together. I use following code:
For jquery:
//example 1
function payment(){
url: "acceptPaymentExecute.asp",
dataType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", .....

objRS = objConn.execute(strInsertPayment)
objRS = objConn.execute(strDeleteMemberPayment)
set objRS = nothing
set objConn = nothing
The queries work but not together. If I comment the insert statement, my page executes the delete statement. I already tried to call another object for my delete statement but it does the same.

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Deleting Selected Records For PHP Program?

Aug 17, 2011

I want javascript function to delete the selected records for the given php program below. Also I am not getting field values in correct order one field is more than its field.

$host="localhost"; // Host name
$username="root"; // Mysql username
$password=""; // Mysql password
$db_name="test"; // Database name
$tbl_name="emp"; // Table name

// Connect to server and select databse.
mysql_connect($host, $username, $password)or die("cannot connect");
mysql_select_db($db_name)or die("cannot select DB");
$sql="SELECT * FROM emp";
$count=mysql_num_rows($result); .....

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Javascript Alert / Popup Query On Deleting Records...

Dec 27, 2007

On some sites I have worked on, users can delete content from their site. When they go to delete an item, I take them to a page where I pull the item details of the item they are about to delete from the dbase, and say "Are you sure you want to delete so and so". They can choose Yes / No. Yes takes them to action that runs the SQL to delete the item from the dbase. No takes them to the previous page.

I have seen some sites that have managed this process differently, where, instead of being taken to another page, a little pop up box opens saying "Are you sure", with a Yes / No option on it. Yes takes you to delete the item, No leaves them on the page they are on.

Am I right that this method uses Javascript? I know that it won't work if javascript is turned off, but - most people don't turn it off...

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Sorting An Array Of Records By Value Of Field In Records?

Nov 2, 2009

I have written this program:

var scores=[];
function sortScores(scoreRecs){


to take an array of variables in calling the function (ie sortScores), place these variables into an empty array("scores"), apply the bubble sort to scores, and then alert scores in sorted form. When I use test values like I have above, where they are all just numbers, this program works perfectly and alerts the "scores" array, correctly sorted. However, what I would like to do is to call the function with an array of records, each containing two fields, and apply the same sort to the array of records, based on the value in the first field of each record.To illustrate, i'd like to be able to call the function thus:

sortScores([{score:0,index:0},{score:2, index:1},{score:1,index:2}]);

and for it to sort the records in descending order of the value of the "score" field. So the above call would alert:


however, i'm not sure how i'd reference the numeric part of the f1 of each record in the sort?

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JQuery :: Classic ASP And Alidation Plug-in?

Oct 17, 2010

Basically I am putting together a registration form for my site using, ASP, Javascript/AJAX, jQuery.

I can't find any reference to using the Validation Plugin and ASP anywhere. Here is what I have so far.

jQuery validation:
<script type="text/javascript">


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JQuery :: Submit Data To A Database With Classic Asp?

Dec 16, 2010

I'm trying to convert a html form to use jQuery. The submit asp page works just fine via standard html post. Yet I can't figure out how to use jQuery

//dataString = data from the form
dataType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",


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JQuery :: Classic ASP And JSONP Output - Return Data

Jun 25, 2011

I found this post: [URL] It explains exactly what I want to do. The person who had the problem seemed to have sorted it out but as my knowledge is not to great I am not to sure what he is getting at. I tried various things but to no avail. All I want to do is return data to a calling javascript using type get and datatype jsonp. If I simply Response.Write "[(""id"": ""123""}]" then nothing happens. So whatever the thread I revered to above is doing it seems to be going in the right direction.

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JQuery :: Application That Is Using Classic ASP - Trapping Browser Closing ?

Jul 18, 2011

I have an application that is using Classic ASP, SQL server and cookies. But unless the user goes all the way through the application and the details are removed, they stay in the database.

How can I detect when they close the browser or move away to another web url. I have several pages in my app, so I dont want any unload event firing when I change pages.

Only when I move to another website completely or close the browser.

All the code I've seen on the net so far will fire if i change url's. Oh and I need to be able to access the Session's data in order to remove it from the database.

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Debug In Classic Asp Pages?

Mar 6, 2010

I just started a job doing classic asp and only have experiance with asp.net and no java scrpt

How can i debug javascript in classic asp pages?

i have no clue so If you know, please give baby steps that are idiot proof :thumbsup:

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Select Object Events Problem In Classic Asp

Jul 23, 2005

I want to use a select object in asp and have the user pick
something from this select and have javascript open a window fired by
an event. Once the new window is open it displays another select with
data based on what was picked in the first window. Once a choice is
made in the second window, it allow users to click a submit button and
pass back the chosen value to the calling window. Code:

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JQuery :: How To Show Records And Then Pagination For More

Nov 11, 2011

Here is my Code
$(function () {
function showData() {
type: 'POST',
url: 'CityList.aspx/GetCityList',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (msg) {
var div = $('#Result').empty().append('<tr><td>#</td><td>Name</td>' +
//loop each record
for (var i = 0; i < msg.d.length; i++) {
div.append('<tr><td>' + msg.d[i].CITYID + '</td>' +
'<td>' + msg.d[i].CITY + '</td><td>' + msg.d[i].Keywords + '</td>' +
'<td><button type="button" class="edit">Edit</button></td>' +
'<td><button type="button" class="delete">Delete</button></td></tr>');
}}}); //end of display }
How I can show 5 records and then pagination for more records. Mean 5 record per page.

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JQuery :: Display Specific Records Only In JqGrid?

Jun 9, 2011

How do I display specific records only in jqGrid? For example a user login then the jqGrid should display records that is related to the user logged-in only.

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JQuery :: Validate For Each - PHP / MySQL Data Records

Dec 14, 2011

I have a database listing of properties down the page. Each property row has a date selector and a time selector. I need to somehow validate that if one of the dates is selected the time must be selected per property record before the bulk save can happen (or visa versa), if neither are selected it cane be left blank and addressed later. How I can go about validating this using jquery?

The field names are as follows:
DATE - data[Property][777][entry_date]
TIME - data[Property][777][entry_time]
NOTE: 777 is the property ID and changes per record down the screen.

I basically need something such as within a function to run dynamically:
if(data[Property][$id][entry_date] <> NULL) {
data[Property][$id][entry_time] is required
} else if (data[Property][$id][entry_time ] <> NULL) {
data[Property][$id][entry_date ] is required

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JQuery :: Select Last Record From 'thousands Of Records' Using Sql?

Dec 19, 2008

I want to select the last record from thousands of records, how to write the SQL query for that.

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JQuery :: Form Post - Display Records In DIV For User

Aug 5, 2010

1). Once my form posts, all the information stays in the post. How do I get it to blank. Is this where I set cache to false or is that something else?
2). I am using classic ASP and once I do my insert to sql server I retrieve the new record's ID, how do I get that returned back as part of the post?
Some background: I am trying to submit a form, pull the id, and then requery all records for a user and display them in a div below the blank form without recycling the page.

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JQuery :: Pagination Using ColdFusion And SQL Server And Lots Of Records?

Jun 18, 2009

OK so I've been searching for a week now for an example of pagination of data using jquery, ColdFusion and SQL server. I'm finding tons of examples using PHP and MySQL. Have any of you successfully got pagination working with Fusion and SQL Server? I am trying to run a report that could end up having thousands of results that I would like to paginate using jquery. Most of the pagination plugins though rely on you returning ALL of the results to the client first whether in JSON, XML or just straight to the browser as a table and then it paginates them. So if there are thousands of results this is not optimal. I'd like to try and get something working where as it paginates it goes to the database using Fusion and just grabs the next X records to display.


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JQuery :: Get JCarousel To Fetch New Set Of Records On Click Of Next Button?

Jun 30, 2009

I've been trying for the last 2 days to get this thing to call my getJSON and fetch a new set of records based on the carousel.last value when you click the next button. It loads 3 pictures on start up just fine but the next button is not enabled because I only have 3 loaded and there are no more lingering in the queue. I don't want any lingering.


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JQuery :: Deleting Images That Containing X.jpg?

Apr 11, 2010

I'm trying to look for images that contain 'x.jpg' and remove its <img> container. I'm using the :contains and remove feature without success. What am I doing wrong?


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JQuery :: Ajax POST Designed To Update Database Table Updates All Records At Once

Jul 12, 2011

This jquery code pulls in an XML file, then passes the contents down to the nested POST call to add all of the records from the XML into a database table (which is handled by the saveSenatorRecord.asp file). This all works fine.. except that when the POST is called for "EACH" of the member nodes I expected the success: function to be called once after each of the records are added to the table. But what appears to be happening is that when function is called in the EACH property... it adds all of the records to the database table at one time, THEN it calls the success function once for each individual record.. but AFTER they have all been added.

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JQuery :: Determine If Autocomplete Returns An Empty List And Number Of Records Returned?

Jun 5, 2009

While using jQuery, I found that I needed to know how many records were returned and also if the result set returned was empty. After searching the jQuery documentation I couldn't find any property or method that returned this value, so I've added that functionality
myself and wanted to share it with the group.

1) Determine the number of records returned: I wanted to show the user how many results were returned after they start typing into the autocomplete field similar to how Google indicates the number of results found when you start typing in the search box. At first I thought the max parameter in the function formatItem returned this value. However, it returns the max option that you set it to. So if your query returns 100 records and you set max to 25, it'll obviously return 25 (not what I wanted).So after trying various things, I looked at the jQuery code and simply added the number of records returned by the database to the formateItem function. In the fillList() function around line 660 I added the data.length parameter:

var formatted = options.formatItem(data[i].data, i+1, max, data [i].value, term, data.length);And in my autocomplete code, I added the parameter to the end of theparam list:formatItem: function(data, i, total, value, searchTerm, totalResults)So now whenever a new search is preformed, I get back the number ofsearch result from the database.

2) Determine if a result set returned was empty I wanted to update a <div> with a message like "no records found" whenever the query yielded no results. Again, after searching the jQuery documentation, I couldn't find any property or method that would indicate this so I added it to the code. In the request function after the line var data = cache.load(term); I added the following:

if (!data) {
} else {


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JQuery :: Deleting A Node From XML String?

Jun 11, 2010

$(document).ready(function () {
var EmailXml = "<Set>";
EmailXml += "<Email>"
EmailXml +="<Type>0</Type>";
EmailXml +="<Addr>amol@gmail.com</Addr>";


Now I am trying to delete a node directly from above EmailXml , though it is possible with above code when case matches with my Type, I can do some string operations and get the result. But is there any other method which removes the node directly ?

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JQuery :: .removeClass Is Deleting All Classes?

Dec 3, 2010

I am just starting to learn jQuery. I checked documentation on this and still can't figure this out:Here is my goal:I have these three rowBlocks where I want to make the first and last classes renamed to

"rowBlockTop" and "rowBlockBottom":
<div class="rowContainer">
<div class="rowBlock clearFix">


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JQuery :: Creating And Deleting Items, Using Live()

Apr 6, 2011

I have some ajax functionality I have made, this basically creates an item in a database by an add button, the items are in a li.

I have a delete button span which when pressed shows a confirm or cancel buttons which are hidden initially, If i have more than one item in the list is will show and hide them on all the items in the list, heres the code

$('.source_delete').live('click', function(){
//Fade out delete button
//Show confirm button


I need the show and hide not to apply to all items in list, the issue is im aware you cannot use live and each together, is this correct?? how can I go about doing this?

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JQuery :: Deleting Textarea Values From A Form?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a simple, three-field form that I am setting default values from within my jquery script. When a user clicks on a field the default values are removed, leaving that field blank for the user to type into.

The form accepts the default values from my jQuery script just fine. And when I click on the "to" and "from" fields, the default text is, in fact, removed. The problem is when I click on the textarea, the default value does not get removed.

Here is my html:
<form class="blogForm" name="blogForm">
<Input class="blogFormTo" type="text" name="email" />
<Input class="blogFormFrom" type="text" name="email" />
<textarea class="blogFormNote">

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Jquery :: Deleting Last X Rows (Children Of DIV Fields)

May 8, 2009

I have the following html and I'm trying to figure out how to delete the last rows the are children of div feed. I only want to leave a max of the first x rows. First I count them using $numdivs = $("#feed > div").size() - 1;. Then, I'm a bit lost on what to do next and have looked at the docs for children and thought of trying to traverse but can't seem to get it to work.

<div id="search">
<div id="feed">
<div id="firstrow" class="row"/>
<div id="1741946459" class="row">Test data for the first row</div>
<div id="1741946327" class="row">Test data for the second row</div>
<div id="1741939928" class="row">Test data for the blah row</div>
<div id="1741939928" class="row">Test data for the blah2 row</div>
<div id="1741939928" class="row">Test data for the blah3 row</div>

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JQuery :: Updating / Adding And Deleting Objects Nested In Other Ones?

Aug 9, 2011

I have the following object:
var wDefaults = {
{"wid":"w010","pcol":2,"wpos":1,"wclosed":"false","wcollapsed":"false"}, {"wid":"w011","pcol":2,"wpos":2,"wclosed":"false","wcollapsed":"false"}

First, how do I access a single value? I've tried some of the examples I saw on the forum, but nothing happened. The alert did not fire:
alert(wDefaults.c3col[0].wid); //first try
alert(wDefaults.c3col.0.wid); //second try
var obj = wDefaults.c3col[0]; //third try

The nested objects are the properties for widgets within a portal. After the user moves around the widgets, I need to update the object, putting the widgets in a different order within c3col and updating the values saved in pcol, wpos, wclosed, & wcollapsed. I also may need to add or delete an object, for example, delete wid=w003 and add a new one called w012.

My logic would be:
for each widget on the page
found = false
find the object in c3col where wid == x and update its other values
. set found = true
if found == false then add a new object to c3col with x & its properties
end for
for each object in c3col
if that wid isn't found in the list of widgets on the page, delete it from c3col
end for
sort the objects under c3col by pcol and then wpos

The red parts are the ones I'm unclear about how to do it. My basic questions are:
(1) How do you access a single nested object?
(an object within c3col, find and change its values)
(2) How do you add a new nested object to an existing object?
(add a new object to c3col)
(3) How do you delete an nested object?
(remove an object from c3col)
(4) How do you sort nested objects?
(sort the objects in c3col by pcol and wpos)

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