JQuery :: Determine If Autocomplete Returns An Empty List And Number Of Records Returned?
Jun 5, 2009
While using jQuery, I found that I needed to know how many records were returned and also if the result set returned was empty. After searching the jQuery documentation I couldn't find any property or method that returned this value, so I've added that functionality
myself and wanted to share it with the group.
1) Determine the number of records returned: I wanted to show the user how many results were returned after they start typing into the autocomplete field similar to how Google indicates the number of results found when you start typing in the search box. At first I thought the max parameter in the function formatItem returned this value. However, it returns the max option that you set it to. So if your query returns 100 records and you set max to 25, it'll obviously return 25 (not what I wanted).So after trying various things, I looked at the jQuery code and simply added the number of records returned by the database to the formateItem function. In the fillList() function around line 660 I added the data.length parameter:
var formatted = options.formatItem(data[i].data, i+1, max, data [i].value, term, data.length);And in my autocomplete code, I added the parameter to the end of theparam list:formatItem: function(data, i, total, value, searchTerm, totalResults)So now whenever a new search is preformed, I get back the number ofsearch result from the database.
2) Determine if a result set returned was empty I wanted to update a <div> with a message like "no records found" whenever the query yielded no results. Again, after searching the jQuery documentation, I couldn't find any property or method that would indicate this so I added it to the code. In the request function after the line var data = cache.load(term); I added the following:
if (!data) {
} else {
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Jul 19, 2010
I am using the jquery autocomplete pugin fromhttp://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-autocomplete/
I need to perform an action if no data is returned from the autocomplete search but there seems sto be no way to do that. Any ideas pls?
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Apr 14, 2010
I am looking for an Ajax combobox (drop down, not a text box) auto complete script. I searched for it on Google and only result which seems similar to what I am looking for, is dhtmlxCombo. And that one is too complicated for me. What I basicly need is:
When the client types on the drop down, the records appear from MySQL database and when the client chooses one and submits the form, I want the ID (not the text written) to be posted.
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Jan 19, 2011
I am making an AJAX call using $.getJSON
I get empty response. I am making a same domain call.
Here is the code am using:
I am using firebug and can see the URL and the parameters. The response is always empty.
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Dec 21, 2011
I have a form with an id "modClassForm" when I try:$("#modClassForm").serialize() it returns an empty string ("") When I get the action attribute it's right so it is the form I was expecting. When I do the following:
$("#modClassForm input").val()
it returns "retret" (the contents of the input element in that form). So what is doing this? The only thing I can think of is that this form is loaded from ajax and then placed in the page using the .html(htmlString) method which is rather core to my design. This works in a whole lot of other browsers (IE 9, FF 6-8, Chrome 13-15 and Safari 5). So I know I could try to serialize the fields myself, but the form content has two modes and I'd have to construct a fairly large string and I'm not sure about encoding. Is there any other way to make serialize work? Some way to get it to recognize the contents of the form?
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Nov 3, 2010
If I do this I get a result for test
var test = $.get('manualAddress.cfm');
but if this, test is an empty sting
var test = $.get('manualAddress.cfm').responseText;
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Sep 27, 2010
The goal is to change the source on the fly (as with a firefox extension webdev or another or even Greasemonkey) to add a link. Until then, easy does it work well. This link launches an application ajax jquery like:
$.get(...) or even $.ajax(...)
If I'm on [URL], added my link, I click and it works, I see the ajax request and pass my "alert ()" gives me the return of application. Great! But if I'm on a site other than mine (the url of the ajax request is [URL] while I'm at [URL] for example), the return of the ajax request is empty.
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Feb 9, 2010
I am having a difficult time starting the next page i am working on.I cannot find to much info on how to list records.I can make the table and search critera my problem is i cant get ado to search im unsure of the correct syntax.This is what i want it to do.Have 3 - 4 things someone can search with. have a button that will search, and when the queried search comes back make each record a link so that i can have another page populated where the values can be edited.
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Jul 23, 2009
Any jquery plugin can check number of word in a string instead using of .length?[code]
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May 12, 2011
I have searched Datepicker, the forums and the internet in general to find the way to determine the number of days between two dates using Datepicker. My inputs are named: Starts, Ends, Days. I found the code below, but cannot get it to work.
// calculates reservation duration
function resDuration(#Starts, #Ends) {
var date1 = new Date(#Starts.value);
var date2 = new Date(#Ends.value);
var minutes = 1000*60;
var hours = minutes*60;
var days = hours*24;
var diff = Math.abs(date2.getTime() - date1.getTime());
return round(diff / days);
/* put that value in elapsed days field */
I will then do validation on the result - input field "Days".
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Mar 5, 2010
I have anunorderedlist with many list items several levels deep, some of which contain nested unordered lists. How can I determine whichindividuallist items contain nested lists and attach click events to only those list items? For example:
<ul><li>level 1
<ul><li>level 1-1</li>
<li>level 1-2
<ul><li>level 1-2-1</li>
<li>level 1-2-2</li>
<li>level 1-2-3</li>
<li>level 1-2-4</li>
<li>level 1-2-5</li>
<li>level 1-3</li>
Level 1 and Level 1-2 should have the click event bound to them while all the other list items don't have anything bound to them. I assumed that I would loop over all the list items using each() and :has or .children(), but I couldn't figure out how to test if the list item I was iterating on contain a sublist.
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May 17, 2009
I have a list of records with link with each record
I have like this table structure:
After that dynamic tr and td are created which list the name of cateogy and its image
<a id is dynamic i want when i click this image link i get the value of which link is clicked
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Aug 19, 2011
i'm a listing a member list with jquery autocomplete and i am currently trying to add a minlength of 3 but i doesn't work and i don't really know why. Here the code
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Jul 12, 2010
Is it just looking for the default label:value items in the json to put in the list? Is there a way to specify what you want in the list as the label and value?I've looked over the ui docs for it, but can't seem to find an answer, that or I don't know what I should be looking at.
I've got it working (populating the list with correct number of values, putting values in the field after select), it just doesn't display the options correctly.
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Oct 2, 2005
If I had a webpage that displayed a database in tabular form, it would
be nice to know how many lines of text the browser could display
without scrolling, then have the cgi script output the appropriate
number of lines of data to fill the screen.
I've seen examples of how to get the browser window size in pixels, but
is there a way to determine the number of lines that are displayed?
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Jul 7, 2010
I tried to use it in my app and I only have the first letter of each item in the dropdown list. So it is very difficult to select the good option I have search any information in these forums about this trouble, but no success.
perhaps this code is wrong and json format not good ? so, the first item of dropdown list is fine in the input box, but all items with only one letter in dropdown list. I hope any body can spend a few time and help me a little to understand that is wrong, as I could terminate my app.
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Jan 19, 2011
Here is the simple demo(run in IE7):
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Nov 2, 2009
I have written this program:
var scores=[];
function sortScores(scoreRecs){
to take an array of variables in calling the function (ie sortScores), place these variables into an empty array("scores"), apply the bubble sort to scores, and then alert scores in sorted form. When I use test values like I have above, where they are all just numbers, this program works perfectly and alerts the "scores" array, correctly sorted. However, what I would like to do is to call the function with an array of records, each containing two fields, and apply the same sort to the array of records, based on the value in the first field of each record.To illustrate, i'd like to be able to call the function thus:
sortScores([{score:0,index:0},{score:2, index:1},{score:1,index:2}]);
and for it to sort the records in descending order of the value of the "score" field. So the above call would alert:
however, i'm not sure how i'd reference the numeric part of the f1 of each record in the sort?
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Oct 23, 2011
I have been presented with: Draw a flowchart and write a javascript program which will accept two numbers from a user and will determine whether the second number is a factor of the first. This is determined by dividing the first number by the second and checking if the remainder is 0. This is made easier if you find out what the operator does. The output should be in the form 4 is not a factor of 6 and 3 is a factor of 6. I have tried a few attemps and yet still not sure what the problem is :confused:
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Oct 8, 2011
I am using jquery ui to have two connected sortable lists. The first list is available numbers, and the second is selected numbers. Everything with the jquery is working fine. The problem i am having is when i try to get the contents of the selected numbers box, it is empty, even though the sortables are or were dragged to that list. I tried using this.
var response = $("#selected_numbers_box").val();
alert( response );
and I also tried this..
var response = $("#selected_numbers_box").html();
alert( response );
both are empty. What i am trying to do is retrieve the values of the new list "Selected numbers Box".
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Dec 6, 2010
Is there a way to set an arbitrary position for the result list of the autocomplete plugin?
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Sep 7, 2009
I've just started using the jQuery Autocomplete plugin [URL]I get my completions from a serverside service. Currently I'm using the option selectFirst: false. When I'm using Enter without selecting from the completion list, this submits my form. This is fine, but the displayed completions stay visible after submit. How can I hide displayed completions when hitting Enter without selecting a entry? (As expected, displayed completion list disappear when selecting a entry and hit Enter or Tab)
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Sep 18, 2009
I've got an infinite jQuery carousel, which is working, however I need to make a couple of tweaks and I don't know where to start. Below is the code for a visually simplified, but technically identical version:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Page Title</title>
<script src="[URL]" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$.fn.infiniteCarousel = function () {
function repeat(str, num) {
return new Array( num + 1 ).join( str );
} .....
Basically, I'm trying to achieve two things:
1. The script creates empty carousel items; these are visible in yellow when you scroll through the items by clicking on the blue squares. How can I remove these so that item '6' goes straight back to item '1', without the two empty list items in between?
2. At the moment two clicks allow you to see all 6 'real' squares, plus the two empty yellow ones. How can I make it so that it scrolls one list item at a time, rather than 4 at present?
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Jun 24, 2009
autocomplete border for suggestion list is not showing properly when i am changing it's width.
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Jun 24, 2009
I have a drop down selection box with items in it. I need to be able to pass the selected item through using an onclick event for the "Submit" button. Is this possible?
I have a Javascript that is calling a div to popup. This div is the drop down selector. I want the user to click a button to make the drop down appear, then they must select an item in the list and then hit submit. The submit button being clicked I need to bring in the selected value from the drop down and use it in the script that originally told the div to pop up (this is the first button that the user clicks, it actually runs the script which passes 2 variables, and is basically waiting on the drop down selection to save into a 3rd variable, which will then call a PageMethod).
I have
function AddTemplateToUUT(uutnumber,testerid){
var templatename=SelectTemplateToAssign();
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Jan 5, 2007
I have a form that I am using to generate an email with several user
selected fields being part of it. As part of this form, I have a select
box which allows the user to select which email addresses it should be
sent to. The box works great except that the CGI script I'm sending the
values to can only parse a single line for each field in the form. The
issue comes into play when someone selects more than one value in the
select box, the output of the select box seems to separate each value
on a separate line using a line feed (or carriage return, I can't
tell). The format that the CGI script needs is for a single line with
each of these values separated by a comma. I'm confident that a
javascript can do this fairly easily, but unfortunately, I am not very
well versed in javascript. I've found a few code snippets on the web
that I've mangled together, but since I don't really know what I'm
doing, it isn't working out so good. I've included what I have in the
form right now below (note that I've removed all of the other form data
but the select box code to save space). Code:
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