JQuery :: .removeClass Is Deleting All Classes?
Dec 3, 2010
I am just starting to learn jQuery. I checked documentation on this and still can't figure this out:Here is my goal:I have these three rowBlocks where I want to make the first and last classes renamed to
"rowBlockTop" and "rowBlockBottom":
<div class="rowContainer">
<div class="rowBlock clearFix">
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Oct 26, 2010
Small probs at getting started with jquery: i want to have boxes called "employ-big", wich appear on hover "employ" and dissapear on mouseleave. And i tried the following, with one small prob - the removeClass-call comes to early:
This is the HTML incl. jquery and css:
The problem is, that the employ-big-DIV changes the z-index direcly after mouseleave wich is not very nice. Is it possible to removeClass after fadeOut is finished? And is the way i tried to show my divs the right and elegant way in jquery? I tried it also with hover, but didn't work well, so i decided this way!
Suggestions about my removeClass-probs? The main prob is, when there is a second row of Divs "employ", the shown employ-big falls back to early to z-index:1 wich doesn't look nice...
The Idea is to get something similar like the product-categories on [url]
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Aug 3, 2010
I'm having a problem with following code:
$(function() {
$('#footer a')
.bind('click',function(event) {
var text = $(this).attr('href').replace("#","");
However the .delay() isn't working for me. Is it because of the animation and its duration ?
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Oct 8, 2009
I am in the early stages of this script, but removeClass isn't working as intended.
The idea is to remove a background style if there is one applied to #body but to leave the text one there (and vice-versa). I am sure a wildcard can be used, but it isn't working. It will remove a style if I call it by name, or all styles if I declare nothing, but I need to specify a group to remove.
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Jul 3, 2010
I'm building a gallery and i have a couple of thumbnails. There is always 1 active thumbnail (opacity 100%) of the showing image and several inactive thumbnails (opacity 50%).
I've build some functions to catch clicks for those functions:
$(document).ready(function() {
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Dec 26, 2010
I have a simple navigation with four buttons that I want to apply an .active class to a button when it is clicked, but I also have to remove the class of the current button using the .active class. What is the easiest most efficient method of doing this?
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May 14, 2009
I have 4 Div-Boxes next to each other , which, when I move my mouse over them, get bigger.
Looks basically like this: [box1] [box2] [box3] [box4]
The problem is, that when I move over box 1 or 2, they grow BEHIND the other boxes... So, something with the zindex isnt working properly..I am using the animate function, but I can't seem to use zIndex with animate, because Internet Explorer goes nuts when I do it ...This was my original code, which didnt work, as IE seems to fuck it up, when using zindex in animate
$('.infobox').mouseenter(function() {
$(this).animate( {width: 450, height: 300, zIndex:50},{duration: 'slow', easing: 'easeOutBack'})
So I thought, I would use addClass() and removeClass(), to change the zIndex.
CSS classes:
border: 1px solid #ff0000; /* for testing purpose!! */
The problem is, that it does not seem to add that class!!For testing purpose I added a red border to the .indexontop - Class, but no border appears..
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Jan 5, 2010
So, there's a main column of content and to the left of the main column is an A element that is absolutely positioned.I have an announcement system that when there's an active announcement, a box is rendered above the main column, pushing the main column down. However, the A element that is absolutely positioned stays where it is.I added code to check for an active announcement and add a class to the A element so it'll keep it positioned alongside the left-border of the main column.When a user closes the announcement box, it fades out, and the maincolumn moves back up to fill the space - but the positioned A element does not follow. I then added code to the function I had to fade out the box and save a cookie to show the user had closed the active announcement box which removed the active-announcement class I had PHP add to the A element.
The problem is, even though the removeClass function is last in the series of functions, it fires first - the positioned A element moves up to where it should be BEFORE the active announcement box fades out.How can I change this so that the positioned A element has its class removed after the other two things have taken place?[code]
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Sep 12, 2011
I have a link as such:
In a nutshell, I need to set add/remove a class called 'active' to/from a link that is clicked within a DIV. So if the link has the class 'active' already assigned I need to remove it and vice versa however the issue I am having is that I have to double click the link in order for it to work!!
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Jul 15, 2011
I have a dropdown (id='job-roles'), and I would like to remove a class from all of the options in the dropdown when certain conditions are met, but I cannot figure out how to do it.
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Apr 11, 2010
I'm trying to look for images that contain 'x.jpg' and remove its <img> container. I'm using the :contains and remove feature without success. What am I doing wrong?
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Jun 11, 2010
$(document).ready(function () {
var EmailXml = "<Set>";
EmailXml += "<Email>"
EmailXml +="<Type>0</Type>";
EmailXml +="<Addr>amol@gmail.com</Addr>";
Now I am trying to delete a node directly from above EmailXml , though it is possible with above code when case matches with my Type, I can do some string operations and get the result. But is there any other method which removes the node directly ?
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Mar 8, 2010
I'm using jquery to pass trough data to another page where I want to insert and delete a record. But the problem is that jquery only inserts or deletes the records and not both together. I use following code:
For jquery:
//example 1
function payment(){
url: "acceptPaymentExecute.asp",
dataType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", .....
objRS = objConn.execute(strInsertPayment)
objRS = objConn.execute(strDeleteMemberPayment)
set objRS = nothing
set objConn = nothing
The queries work but not together. If I comment the insert statement, my page executes the delete statement. I already tried to call another object for my delete statement but it does the same.
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Apr 6, 2011
I have some ajax functionality I have made, this basically creates an item in a database by an add button, the items are in a li.
I have a delete button span which when pressed shows a confirm or cancel buttons which are hidden initially, If i have more than one item in the list is will show and hide them on all the items in the list, heres the code
$('.source_delete').live('click', function(){
//Fade out delete button
//Show confirm button
I need the show and hide not to apply to all items in list, the issue is im aware you cannot use live and each together, is this correct?? how can I go about doing this?
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Feb 9, 2010
I have a simple, three-field form that I am setting default values from within my jquery script. When a user clicks on a field the default values are removed, leaving that field blank for the user to type into.
The form accepts the default values from my jQuery script just fine. And when I click on the "to" and "from" fields, the default text is, in fact, removed. The problem is when I click on the textarea, the default value does not get removed.
Here is my html:
<form class="blogForm" name="blogForm">
<Input class="blogFormTo" type="text" name="email" />
<Input class="blogFormFrom" type="text" name="email" />
<textarea class="blogFormNote">
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May 8, 2009
I have the following html and I'm trying to figure out how to delete the last rows the are children of div feed. I only want to leave a max of the first x rows. First I count them using $numdivs = $("#feed > div").size() - 1;. Then, I'm a bit lost on what to do next and have looked at the docs for children and thought of trying to traverse but can't seem to get it to work.
<div id="search">
<div id="feed">
<div id="firstrow" class="row"/>
<div id="1741946459" class="row">Test data for the first row</div>
<div id="1741946327" class="row">Test data for the second row</div>
<div id="1741939928" class="row">Test data for the blah row</div>
<div id="1741939928" class="row">Test data for the blah2 row</div>
<div id="1741939928" class="row">Test data for the blah3 row</div>
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Aug 9, 2011
I have the following object:
var wDefaults = {
{"wid":"w010","pcol":2,"wpos":1,"wclosed":"false","wcollapsed":"false"}, {"wid":"w011","pcol":2,"wpos":2,"wclosed":"false","wcollapsed":"false"}
First, how do I access a single value? I've tried some of the examples I saw on the forum, but nothing happened. The alert did not fire:
alert(wDefaults.c3col[0].wid); //first try
alert(wDefaults.c3col.0.wid); //second try
var obj = wDefaults.c3col[0]; //third try
The nested objects are the properties for widgets within a portal. After the user moves around the widgets, I need to update the object, putting the widgets in a different order within c3col and updating the values saved in pcol, wpos, wclosed, & wcollapsed. I also may need to add or delete an object, for example, delete wid=w003 and add a new one called w012.
My logic would be:
for each widget on the page
found = false
find the object in c3col where wid == x and update its other values
. set found = true
if found == false then add a new object to c3col with x & its properties
end for
for each object in c3col
if that wid isn't found in the list of widgets on the page, delete it from c3col
end for
sort the objects under c3col by pcol and then wpos
The red parts are the ones I'm unclear about how to do it. My basic questions are:
(1) How do you access a single nested object?
(an object within c3col, find and change its values)
(2) How do you add a new nested object to an existing object?
(add a new object to c3col)
(3) How do you delete an nested object?
(remove an object from c3col)
(4) How do you sort nested objects?
(sort the objects in c3col by pcol and wpos)
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Jul 9, 2010
delete all option in a dropdown that contain value length of more than zero ie all options that doesnt have value="".
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Dec 15, 2011
I'm trying to present a collapsible list if keys which when expanded will have a delete button at the end of it. My problem is that when this code runs, the confirmation alert shows the key name as the last one read from the array for all items. Here's the complete function:
why this code invokes the deleteNote function with the last key name for all notes?
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Feb 18, 2009
I am looking for a way to add an id attribute to a div element I append to my document so that i can find the id later and delete it. So far, no luck with jquery .each loop trying to assign unique value and add incrementing value to each of them. In my code, they all seem to have the same id and when I click again it just appends the same value again to all of them.
//first I add a title to the list using append.
function addTitle () {
$('.myList-box').append('<div class="mylistitem"><div class="mylistitem-image"><img width="30" height="40" src="[URL]small.aspx?TitleID=' + titleid + '"/></div><div class="mylistitem-title">' + title + '</div><div class="mylistitem-options"><a href="javascript:removetitle();">Delete From List</a></div>');
// then I need a click function, that indexes all the current .mylistitem(s) and allows me to find the id I am clicking on so I can delete it!
function removetitle() {
$(".mylistitem").each(function(i) {
this.id = this.id + "_" + i;
var item = $(".mylistitem").attr("id");
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Apr 30, 2010
It have a problem with the sortable tabs. When i try deleting one of them after changing their position, this is another which is removed. have read that tabs don't check the new DOM positions.
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Jul 6, 2010
I am building a menu system and I cannot seem to differentiate between the different class elements in my menu. My problem is that when I click on one of the 'buttona' elements, all the ul's with 'effect' fire - does anybody know how to differentiate so that if the one li is clicked just thecorrespondingul with open and close?
<ul> <li><a class="buttona" href="#">Application one</a>
<ul class="effect"> <li><a href="#">Add</a></li> <li><a href="#">Edit</a></li> <li><a href="#">View</a></li>
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Jul 22, 2010
I want to use variable names while accessing css classes. Here I am giving example about my query
function ab(temp){
var spc = "horizontal"+temp;
$("#spc .cssClass").css("left","20px");
variable temp will change dynamically. as per temp we need to acces horzontal1 or horizontal2 divs.
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Jul 21, 2009
I am using nested jQuery UI Tabs in my application. My problem is that I want to style them all differently. I can't seem to get this to work, as they all seem to use the same CSS classes.
Is there some way to get the tabs to use different classes, or some other way to do this?
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Oct 21, 2010
We have a need to modify the actual css style definitions dynamically.We can successfully modify css class styles via the following steps. It seems to work fine in ie and firefox.
Does anyone know of a reason it might cause problems?[code]...
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Feb 8, 2011
I saw the ui dialog
here is the link[URL]...I tried to use the same it worked the example uses id which will work only for one element , if I want to display multiple diaglogs then id will not work and I have to use classes
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