JQuery :: Create Elements And Functions?

Apr 20, 2011

Im initiate with jQuery now and trying to create some elements and, after that, create functions for this. What i do is:


function" works fine, but when i try to execute the "close function" i cant get he result. Its seems like after create element, i cannot use any action with jquery for. I know, probably this is very simple, but i need to practice step by step.

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JQuery :: Create Custom Functions?

May 9, 2009

How do you create custom jQuery functions? I've tried numerous tutorials on the net and everyone results in firebug saying my function doesn't exist.

Is this the correct way to define a custom jQuery function:


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JQuery :: Adding Functions To Elements That Appear In AJAX?

May 6, 2009

I have a table that i load into the document via ajax. the table shows a list of times. every row has a button that when clicked should call another AJAX function. However when clicking the link nothing happens. If I put a link in the original document myself and ask it to do this, it works fine, but becuse this is generated code, this option will not do.

THis calls for the table.... works fine...

$(function () {
$("#departmentToSchedule").change(function () {
url: "schedjewelAjax.php",


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Jquery :: Functions To Work When Certain Elements Or Identifiers Are Present On A Page?

Jan 8, 2009

I have a single javascript file that contains all of my javascript functions. Each of the these functions are particular to different pages on my entire site. How can I create logic that will only allow those functions to work when certain elements or identifiers are present on a page?

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JQuery :: New Ajax Added Elements Not Invoke Body.Load Functions

Dec 4, 2010

I have a simple problem and cant seem to figure it out. I have a function in the body.load function that is supposed to highlight rows in my table when i mouse over them. When u refresh the page, the function works properly. When I dynamically add new rows to the table using ajax, I get no response.

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JQuery :: Dynamically Declaring Functions - 'array' Variable Contains Strings Representing The Id's Of Different Elements

Oct 12, 2010

Demonstration code:

The 'array' variable contains strings representing the id's of different elements. If the for loop above were to finish iterating, would all the links in all three elements call the click function (that displays an alert message), or would only the last element ("element3") have the click function? For me, the latter seems to be the case unless if I'm doing something wrong, but I would like clarifications and, if possible, alternative solutions as to how I can achieve the former result.

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JQuery :: .click() And .submit() Functions Do Not Work On HTML Elements Inserted After Page Has Loaded

Jul 26, 2010

I have a page that inserts a div after another div on my page. Basically this div and its content are generated by the server and outputted via Ajax when the user clicks a button.I have something like:

//Listener function
$("div").click( function () {

Clicking any of the divs that were loaded on the page will give this alert however, clicking on this div that was inserted after the user clicks a button does not respond to this listener. I put my rendered html into the w3c validator and my page has no errors (because I thought that maybe I had a missing end tag which would cause jquery to not work).

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Lost Functions With Copied Elements

Jul 4, 2009

I have a series of elements on the page that have been assigned anonymous functions as a user works with them. At a certain point I would like to take a element and all of its children and copy them from their current location and into a newly created element. Then remove original version and all its children.

I have done the above by using innerHTML to copy the element and its children to a temp variable.. problem is that I think my copy has lost all these anonymous function that was assigned to the original version. Has anyone ever faces the problem of trying to copy a series of elements and losing their anonymous assigned functions in the copied version? If so whats the work around on this?

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Add User Defined Functions To Elements?

Aug 1, 2011

Im trying to add a cross browser event listener to an element so i made my own function that detects weather the browser is IE or Firefox, then add the appropriate eventListener function to the element.

Code JavaScript:
function addCrossBrowserEventListener (elementName, eventName, functionName) {
// does the addEventListener function exist?


but when i run the code inside Firefox i get a error message "name.addCrossBrowserEventListener is not a function".

So I'm wondering is it possible to add custom functions to elements directly or is there any special way of doing it.

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JQuery :: Create A URL That Presets A Bunch Of Elements On The Page?

Jun 16, 2011

I really don't know how to explain this well.


So when a user goes to that directly, all the presets are already there? (since my updateResults function already sends that data along when the user is actually using the page, perhaps I could just somehow parse that url and call my updateResults function with the requested parameters...

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JQuery :: Syntax: Create And Add Multiple Elements To Page?

Feb 4, 2011

Is there a cleaner way of creating a mixture of different elements and adding them to a page e.g.


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JQuery :: Create A Loop Taking Elements That Id Matches A Pattern?

Nov 3, 2010

I am trying to make some changes in Prestashop, an ecomerce platform that make use of jQuery library.

I just found out the way they do the onmouse over efect for the different pictures of a particular product.[code]...

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Mysql - Create A Site That Will Require A Database - Like Facebook Functions

Jul 30, 2009

I am trying trying to create a site that will require a database. (much like facebook functions)

I am not new to programming, as I know Java and C++, but I am very new to the web development.

For security reasons (so I have heard), I would like to write this site in php. At the same time, I may need some client sided code. (Or do I?) I am not at all sure.

I know that facebook is written in php, and the site I am making basically has the majority of those functions.

Any inputs as to how I should go about choosing what language? As of now, my partner is learning javascript and mysql, while I am studying php and mysql.

I know that some sites implement both, javascript and php, but I was wondering if it is at all necessary to use both, and how would one know which code to write in what language.

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JQuery :: Create JSON Data Format By Grabbing The DIV Elements Ids And Innerhtml Of It ?

Aug 24, 2011

I have some DIV elements having some ID and content in it .. for example

I have submit button when I click this ... I should generate a JSON data structure like this

I need to POST this on submit button clicking.... I have seen some serializeArray() function but it works well for form based elements, I have created some string based structure in which I am printing the single quotes and double quotes like this fashion by creating a array and pushing itvar result = new Array();

Is there any short cut to create JSON with this datas ...

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Passing Variables To Functions - Disable Elements Of A Form Based On Which Options Are Selected

Feb 2, 2010

I'm trying to make a function that will disable elements of a form based on which options are selected.

I have made this work for individual form controls but now i want to make it into a function that could be used on any form control.

Here is the broken function


I've probably just missed something but i really cant see what?

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Way To Create Elements With Json

Jan 12, 2009

I want to write a javascript that will add x number of cells in a table - each with an input form. In my case 1 row (3 cells) with input forms[code]...

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Create Methods That Can Be Used By All Elements?

Mar 1, 2009

Creating methods that can be used by all elements?

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Create Elements For Image Displays?

Mar 3, 2010

I'm trying to use an ajax function to load filenames into a text area. This works and is not the problem.Then I read the contents of the text file and create an array of file images. The images can be .jpg, .gif, etc. Again no problem.However, when I try to create new <img ...> elements with a 'createElement' function, I get major errors. I think the problem is in the 'AddImage()' function in the code below.


<title>Image Display</title>


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Create And Remove Elements On Button Click

Feb 3, 2005

i want to do something like this,

when i click a "CREATE" button a row should be created which contains 5 columns.
first column check box,
second column textbox,
third column textarea,
fourth column radio button,
fifth column a button with "DELETE" as value, which on click should delete the created row.

the number of times i click "create" button that many rows has to be created.their names also should be generated dynamically.

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Using To Create Table Rows Containing Form Elements?

Apr 26, 2005

I am really struggling with a little bit of javascript I am working on. I know the solution with a bit of javascript is simple but unfortunately I am no javascript wizard.I have a form that will initially contain 1 table row with 3 form elements (2 text boxes and one dropdown select). The form tags are wrapped around the table. What I want to do is use a form button to add new rows on demand. So if the button (labeled with a +) was clicked a new row would be added with the same 3 form elements listed above but with a new name for the element (1,2,3 so on..). Each time the + was clicked a new row would appear. I know this is probably simple but just can't seem to find any examples anywhere on this entire world wide web

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JQuery :: Create Copy Of File On Server Change It And Create Download Link On Page?

Dec 16, 2011

I have files on the server: .txt, .xml, .config, and "no extension" - all editable with notepad.

User will write some input, it will be added to file in specific place.

I need an ability to change element value in file (in one of them - depends what user choose) (or it even can be some trigger word it-self like CHANGE_ME for not to use attributes)

Create a temporary copy of edited file and create a unique temporary link to it.

I don't know what to start from.... For now I know how to make XHR, but what to do with other extensions?

Have no idea how to save the NEW file (a copy of original file) on server , and create a UNIQUE link ,and delete the file right after it was downloaded.

I can find a specific word in xml file, but how to change it?[code]...

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Getting Nested Functions To Work Within Functions?

Aug 20, 2009

I have written a number of functions designed to return frequency data on 1000 randomly chosen numbers using different math functions for the rounding. I would like to include all of these functions within the wrapper of another function so that only one call is needed to get returns from all of the 'inner' functions. However, while each of the functions works in isolation, the moment I wrap them in another function they stop working. :confused:

The following code is one of the functions 'frequencyWrapperOne' that has been wrapped in the function 'testWrapper'. A call to testWrapper does nothing.

function testWrapper()
function frequencyWrapperOne()


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Adding Functions To Properties Of Functions?

Apr 23, 2011

$(something).split(something),this is a function with a function as a property for that function.

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JQuery :: Show / Hide Elements Or Remove / Add Elements Based On Radio Selection By User?

Mar 14, 2010

I have a page I am working and I am having some trouble with: I need to show and hide areas based on a radio selection. I initally started using the show / hide feature in Jquery but the problem is the elements need to be removed but then put back if the user selects the radio buttonagain as it has form elements that have validaion on them. The validation is still trying to validate the form elements becuase they are still on the page but just not showing. This is the radio group the user makes the selection from:

<input name="terms_usr" type="radio" id="terms_usr_1" value="1"/>
<label for="terms_usr_1">Credit Card</label>
<input type="radio" name="terms_usr" id="terms_usr_2" value="2"/>
<label for="terms_usr_2">C.O.D</label>


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Call All The Validation Functions From A File Call Functions.js?

Jan 27, 2011

I have several form in my site, that validate on onsubmit.I call all the validation functions from a file call functions.js.Here is a sample of the code that is working:

<form name="contact" action="contact-insert.php method="post" onSubmit="return checkform()">
<label class='SubHeadlbl' for='TextField1'><?php echo IDS_EFORMNAME?><br></label>
<input type='text' name='dfname' class='text_field' id='dfname1' size='70' maxlength='40'/>

all the other forms are not working. all have the same structure:

<form name="frm1000" action="frm1000-insert.php method="post" onSubmit="return checkform1000()">
<label class='SubHeadlbl' for='TextField1'><?php echo IDS_EFORMNAME?><br></label>
<input type='text' name='dfname' class='text_field' id='dfname1000' size='46' maxlength='40'/>

I don't know what is happening only one for work all the others don't.

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Converting HTML Elements Stored Within XML To Usage Js Elements?

Jun 3, 2010

I have HTML tags stored in XML. I want to be able to use these HTML elements with Javascript, just as you can with elements in document.body. How can it be done? (And don't try and tell me I should use server-side because I have written it all for Javascript and the project is nearly complete minus this and there are practical reasons for not doing this server-side. After all, anything is possible with Javascript!)

Let me explain:

- I have HTML templates such as this [URL]

- I want javascript to populate these templates then add them to my page

- The only way I know javascript can get this kind of data is by parsing XML

- I want to parse the XML then be able to use the HTML elements just like those in document.body

- As far as I'm aware, XML is the only good way of storing data for javascript. I don't want to store it in javascript variables (too much multiline data with " and '). Nor do I want to build it using document.createElement("div")... etc

As someone not yet with any experience in computer science etc, please ignore my poor terminology! However, I'm not a beginner when it comes to javascript.

Here's the script concerned but I doubt it'll help you understand my problem: [URL]

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