JQuery :: .click() And .submit() Functions Do Not Work On HTML Elements Inserted After Page Has Loaded

Jul 26, 2010

I have a page that inserts a div after another div on my page. Basically this div and its content are generated by the server and outputted via Ajax when the user clicks a button.I have something like:

//Listener function
$("div").click( function () {

Clicking any of the divs that were loaded on the page will give this alert however, clicking on this div that was inserted after the user clicks a button does not respond to this listener. I put my rendered html into the w3c validator and my page has no errors (because I thought that maybe I had a missing end tag which would cause jquery to not work).

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JQuery :: One Page Loaded Multiple Times Getting Elements By Id Won't Work?

Nov 10, 2011

My goal: I'm trying to to create a configuration dialog and persist it so the user can edit it later. Since the configuration is long and has Datepickers, Sliders, different types of inputs and such, I'm loading a new page for the configuration and using ID to get values from them. For example, the page has a datepicker text input "startDate" and a datepicker for it.My problem:1) I load theconfigurationpage into a div of home page make a dialog out of it. jQeury moves that div to it's own div that it created in the body of home page. So when I add multiple dialogs, datepicker doesn't work anymore since there are two "#starDate" input fields in the page now. I also plenty of other cases where I use the ID directly to do other tasks. Is there a way for me to go forward with this.

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Jquery :: Functions To Work When Certain Elements Or Identifiers Are Present On A Page?

Jan 8, 2009

I have a single javascript file that contains all of my javascript functions. Each of the these functions are particular to different pages on my entire site. How can I create logic that will only allow those functions to work when certain elements or identifiers are present on a page?

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JQuery :: Triggering Click Event On Parent Page From A Page Being Loaded Via .html()

Jun 9, 2010

I am working on a page that will load in other pages using AJAX and the .html method. Something like this :

<span id = "edit">Edit</span>
<div id = "cont">
//the click edit script


Unfortunately this does not seem to work, entirely. It does trigger the click event but it messes up the post for some reason. I have played around with it for the last 45 minutes or so and it seems like the click event trigger is what is messing things up, if I comment it out it works fine. Could anyone tell me why they think this is? note this is an over simplified version of my actual code, but the structure is the same.

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JQuery :: Click Events From <a>s Inserted In A .html() Call?

Oct 17, 2010

I'm using some click events on normal <a> tags. When I rewrite the links within a html() method call, the click events no longer work. I've set up a very simple example here:When the page is loaded, clicking either of the 'link 2' links displays the correct information.When 'link 1' is then clicked, the main information is redisplayed. However, now, the 'link 2' link in the main paragraph doesn't work, although the 'link 2' link in the menu does.

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AJAX :: Functions Never Work With PHP - Tree Folder Which Calls Another Page To Be Loaded Into A DIV By AJAX Again

Apr 14, 2009

I'm creating an AJAX page that is built using a PHP Class, ie the php looks a bit like this: PHP Code:

$wp_parser->page = "userpolicywindow.php";

within this page that has been created, there is an AJAX tree folder which calls another page to be loaded into a DIV by AJAX again. Code:


I don't know why it doesn't work because the page has been loaded with the JS file, but as soon as the link is added afterwards it doesn't work. I take it this is because it doesn't know where to find the JS, but how can I overcome this?

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JQuery :: Can't Get Click Response To Loaded Div P Elements

Jun 13, 2011

Below is a simple page where a click loads a div. The contents loaded are a few paragraphs. What I'm looking to do is, after the user loads the div 'remotecontent' by clicking "click here to load", that he will be able to click on one of the paras in that div and have the contents of that para displayed in the div 'respondtoremoteclick'.

<html><head> <script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script language=Javascript>
function loadremotecontent() {


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JQuery :: Run Functions After Load (function From Loaded Page)?

Jan 21, 2010

I have a nproblem with running commands from a loaded page;[code]Now i want to execute the alert() on page BB.html when doing the load on page AA.html.

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JQuery :: A New Loaded Html Elements Can't Be Applied Function?

Apr 4, 2011

I already make this line of code

// request form


Which means, once after a link namely as "bank" is clicked,then it will extract the bank.html contentinto the middle div. And I already put a button ID named as "butang" over that bank.html. But why after the content is nicely rendered, I can't obtain the alert?

Hmmm... even when I clicking, clicking, and clicking many times at the button named as "butang", can not also give me an alert. How could I apply a jquery into a new html rendered as it firstly it's not there?

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Ajax :: Loaded Form Search Or Submit Button Will Not Work

Nov 20, 2010

I load into a div on index.php page via AJAX another php page. Once that page loads, I lose all the function of that page. For example, I click on the search or submit button and nothing happens.

I am trying to create a site using mostly PHP and MySQL and I have integrated some AJAX functions into the site to load new PHP pages into a DIV called "dynamic" on the index.php page without having to reload the entire page. This is working great.

However, when I use the menu with the following hyperlink <a href="javascript: addContent('sample.php', 'dynamic')"> calling the AJAX code to load the sample.php page inot the the DIV dynamic, the sample.php pages loads into the DIV but the PROBLEM is that the submit, and or search functions on the sample.php page stop working.

I believe that this has something to do with using the AJAX code because it is Asynchronous. Perhaps I need to use live or event delegation.

Since I am new to webdevelopment and trying to learn best practices if anyone knows a good way to load PHP forms into a DIV on perhaps a index.php page and then have the form controls still work.

Also I have been using NuSphere PhpED for an IDE which has helped me step through PHP and MySQL code to solve problems real well. However, I would like to get a recommendation on a IDE to use with Java Script and AJAX. Part of my problem with resolving this issue is that I can't step through the code to see what is not happening..

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Submit Form Without Having Loaded Corresponding Page?

Jul 20, 2005

I have a device with embedded webserver. Its page offers to reset the device,with the following javascript function:

function Restart()
if (confirm("Your Web browser will lose contact with the
Are you sure you want to restart the camera?"))
var form = document.WizardForm
form.do_reboot.value = "yes"

Now I want to execute the reset function automatically on a timeschedule (every 24 hours, from crontab). How do I accomplish this? I guess I need something like the reverse of WGET - something like a WPUT or WSUBMIT, that talks to the embedded web server and submits a form with
do_reboot = "yes". However, I have never heard of any such tool.

How can I trigger the functionality in an automated way, without browsing the page and clicking the button manually?

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JQuery :: Event Click Not Fired By Code Added After The Page Is Loaded?

Aug 13, 2009

I have a page with a form, that represent questions and the corresponding answers.I defined the minimum questions, answers, and their maximum.So I added a link in the form to add question (along with the minimum amount of answers), and a link per question to add an answer in it.the "click" event for my links is like:


the code look more like JS, but basically it.adds the html code in the corresponding divs.The problem is the following: if I add a question, it also add a link to add answers to this question, but this link does not fire the event.Did I miss something to add to make it work?I mean the link in html page is exactly the same, I even tried not
changing the part with the int, it still doesn't work.

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JQuery :: Dump The Html That Gets Generated After The Page Gets Loaded To Verify?

Aug 26, 2009

I was wondering if there was an easy way to dump the html that gets generated after the page gets loaded to verify it's what I wanted and expected (I'd like to check out the source, not just the results).

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JQuery :: Bind Does Not Take Dynamically Inserted Elements Into Account?

Sep 14, 2010

To make it simpler, i've got a div that I populate with buttons (via AJAX), each button has an ID of some table row. It looks like this:

<div id="mydiv">
and buttons are defined like this:
<input type="button" id="1" do_something="1" />

Now what happens - when page loads, I'm inserting buttons in that div with "id" attribute changed depending on some row within the database table.


it all works fine. Now, when I add another entry in the database and when I dynamically append yet another button - even tho it has the attribute "do_something" - the click action on it does nothing. I know how to get around this "problem" by adding bind action after I've inserted that button but it's literally duplicating my work. Is there way around this so that every newly inserted element has the action "click" bound to it if it fits the selector?

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JQuery :: Outline Html Elements On Hover And Click ?

Jun 15, 2009

Trying to make code that adds a hover event to all html elements within a certain container. On hover the element should be outlined by adding/removiing a css class. Thats the first thing and I can't get that to work with the code below.

The second part is to keep the element outlined when its clicked, and also when selecting multiple elements by (ctrl+click).

Have searched for a outline plugin, but came up with nothing.

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Can I Automatically Submit A Form As Soon As A Page Is Loaded?

Apr 19, 2005

I'm using an intermediate page to break up some data and assign it new names. What I then want to do is pass them onto to the next page. However, I don't want to use any method which involves sending them in a query string. So, in short, I want to automatically POST (ie no user intervention) the data.

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Dynamically Change The Font Family Of The Loaded Html Page Of The Main Page?

Nov 4, 2010

On my webpage, I dynamically create an iFrame when a button is pressed, then load a html page from within my own domain into the iframe, based on what html page is loaded into a variable. My question is, can I dynamically change the font family of the loaded html page from the javascript of the main page? My code to create the iframe is:

function setSubTxt(){
var par = document.getElementById('parentDiv');
par.innerHTML = '<iframe src="'+subTxt+'" style="width: 375px; position: fixed; height: 365px; left: 400px; top: 145px; border=none;" name="subIframe" frameBorder=0></iframe>';
document.subIframe.document.body.style.fontFamily = "Arial";

the variable "subTxt" has the url of the html page to be loaded (always on the same domain). The code: document.subIframe.document.body.style.fontFamily = "Arial"; was my attempt to dynamically change the font, but it didn't work. Also, it should be noted that there is no font family set in the html pages which would override this.

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JQuery :: Make Elements Inserted By AJAX Request Respond To Events?

Feb 24, 2010

Using $.get() and insertBefore() work great for what I'm doing. But, the data I insert does not respond to events that I have set up. I'm notsurprised by this. I'm sure there is something extra I need to do. But, what is that?

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JQuery :: Get To Text Inserted Into HTML?

Oct 14, 2009

I need to get text data from a web page which are unfortenately inserted into <span> tag by jQuery so it's not actually involved in HTML source file. That means for me I can't get it by classic HTTPRequest (programmatically).

For example, on this page: [URL]

When you enter some text in the textbox, this text will show up under it. But when you open HTML source or download it using HTTPRequest (I do so in C# language but it shouldn't matter), the source won't contain entered text. And this text is what I'm trying get to.

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JQuery :: Accessing .html() Inserted Images?

Jul 22, 2011

I am building a custom shirt design app which uses an Ajax form to allow a user to upload an image, and once it is uploaded it is automatically placed in the next empty <li> in their little gallery... once it is in the gallery they can click on it and insert it into their shirt design. It's all done with Ajax so they never leave the page.

Here's the code that inserts the image into the page once it is uploaded: (this works perfect)

$('#last').html('<img src="uploads/' + filename + '" />');

Once the image is in their gallery, the user can click on it which inserts it into their t-shirt design:

var selected = $(this).attr('src');
$("#container").html('<img src="' + selected + '" width="40" />');

Okay so say their gallery already has 5 images in it an they upload a 6th, the HTML looks like this on page load:

<li class="graphic"><img src="uploads/monkey.png'"></li>
<li class="graphic"><img src="uploads/ltdtee.png'"></li>
<li class="graphic"><img src="uploads/wordpress.png'"></li>
<li class="graphic"><img src="uploads/kitty.jpg'"></li>
<li class="graphic"><img src="uploads/steve.png'"></li>
<li class="graphic" id="last"></li>

The problem is that if I click on one of the first five, it works, the image gets inserted into the shirt design. But if I click on that last one, which now has the image I uploaded in it, it doesn't get inserted into the shirt design. Is there a reason why?

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JQuery :: Access An HTML Fragment That Was Inserted By A Different Function?

Oct 19, 2010

<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery-1.4.2.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>


The above is a simplified example of the problem I'm facing. I could merge functions into one big self-referencing function (i.e. recursive function), but that's ugly and causes other problems (such as when insert form elements and wanting to harvest the user input afterwards). I considered declaring a variable in the top ".ready" function, and have all child functions stuff their HTML changes in it, but that seems to be a pain to keep track of and removes much of the value of using jQuery in the first place...

Is there a nice solution for this? To, after inserting HTML, somehow update the HTML state referred to by jQuery in the non-local scope(s)?

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JQuery :: Firing Existing Events From Inserted Html

Oct 27, 2009

I have a problem with jQuery appending new text to a div - but then not firing events attached to the inserted text.Let me explain. I have a div that contains a number of divs - the div has a link and a hidden form. Clicking on the link fires a slideToggle event which reveals the form.When you submit the form AJAX handles it and jQuery builds another div with the correct link and the correct form which it sticks on the end of the list. That all works fine and dandy.What I want to be able to do is to click on the newly-added link and have it behave in the same way as the other elements that were on the page when it was built. However, nothing happens when you click on it. Zip. Nadda. Rien du tout.Usually I have found a way round the problem - but I am slightly stuck on my current project. Apart from forcing a page reload, is there any way to get the browser to see the newly inserted link and apply the jQuery action to it?

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Unable To Submit Html Form With Elements Created Dynamically?

Mar 1, 2011

My requirement is to submit html form with Attachment filesfor a web based email application.I have used javascript to achieve Attach more files functionality.When user clicks on ttach more files link, following HTML is dynamically generated using javascript:

<input type=file name=some_namesize=/>

The Javascript code is:

function addRow(tableID) {
var table = document.getElementById(tableID);
var rowCount = table.rows.length;


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Add Dynamically Generated HTML After The Page Has Loaded?

Mar 14, 2009

I'm trying to add dynamically generated HTML after the page has loaded. I've tried two versions.The latest versions is this, using insertBefore (as appendChild is buggy in a few browsers according to the SitePoint reference) ...


addImageField: function(x) {
var newNode = createImageField(x);
var src = document.getElementById("imageUploads");


The first alert returns: object HTMLFieldsetElement .The second alert returns: object HTMLDivElement....and the third alert fails to fire, indicating a problem with the code above.Note that if I change the problem line to remove the null reference it still doesn't work (again the third alert won't fire):



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Ttrack Changes In Content On Html Page After It Loaded?

May 11, 2009

I'm wracking my brain on this one.

After a html document loads in a browser,I want to be able to monitor

the page incase any content on it changes for any reason.

Is there a Javascript function with which I can track 'what has

changed' on the webpage .

This should be irrespective of the type of content on the html page

I have two example for you to ponder on:
Say in an html document there are two select boxes s1 and s2.
The items list in s2 depends on selctions in s1 (page is not

refreshed..ie.. s2 is loaded through Ajax or sumthing)

So after the html page loads I need to get a notification whenever s2

is populated...

Say ,in a html page,there's a link,Onclicking which a light pop-up

div is created with some text.
How can I capture the content of this dynamic pop-up?

In all this discussion,I'm not taking into account any particular

format of html...the html content can be anything.......I just need

to keep tracking if any content chages after the page loads...

Ideally I need to achieve this using javascript (client side

How can I achieve this??

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JQuery :: Events Not Working On HTML Inserted Through AJAX Call?

Oct 20, 2010

I've used to an AJAX call to load a HTML table into div. This is working successfully. I know want to use a click event on buttons located within the inserted table.

The click event is triggering on buttons outside the inserted table but not on the buttons within the table.

Do I need to call some sort of refresh function to so that jQuery is able to pick up these events?

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