JQuery :: Cannot Get Script To Skip Operation When Data To Append Pre-Exists
Aug 19, 2011
$(".DdsConstant").each(function (index, element) {
var text = $(element).html();
$(element).html(text + ":"); });
The above code works for me, but I want to be able to skip the elements that already have a colon or question markin it.Example: Search Name: or Perform this daily? should be skipped. But Search Name should be changed to Search Name:. I will put question marks in manually. I have tried a few things and done some searches but no luck.
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Jan 28, 2010
AJAX Error: The data necessary to complete this operation is unavailablequery 1.3.2 do not have this error,jquery 1.4 have this error, how to solve?
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Nov 24, 2010
I've knocked together a simple chatroom app that gets new messages via an ajax call and prepends it to the list of messages. It does this by looking for the first hidden div with ID comment_counter, which contains the ID of the most recent message in the list that the client already has. The ajax call then makes a request to another page that returns a string of HTML with just the messages with an ID greater than the most recent one. That gets prepended to the current list of messages, the interval repeats, and so on.
The function looks like this:
var messageID = $("#comment_counter").first().html();
$.get("page.php", { m: messageID, b: <?=($post_id)?>, n: 'true' },
I haven't done any jQuery development prior to this, and it's been a while since a I did any web development anyway
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Aug 30, 2009
I want to append some data to a div called chat_box but I want it to slide in from the bottom as it appears, the code Im currently using to attempt to reach this is success: function(data){
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Jul 8, 2010
how can i have the functionality of load() except i want to append data instead of replace. maybe i can use get() instead but i want to just extract the #posts element from the loaded data
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Oct 17, 2011
I am working on a registration page.I did all the validation but facing problem during username validation.when a user enter email id in the textbox,it first check whether it is present in database or not.. if not present "register successfully" otherwise "email exists"
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Feb 28, 2011
I'm trying to retrieve new records as they come in in real time.
I have this so far, but as of now its replacing the span. I want each record to stack on top of the other as they come in
// Do data load every 5 seconds
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Nov 2, 2011
I'm creating a JSON script to pull and append its data to a table, but its not doing anything for some reason. The JSON:
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Oct 20, 2010
i retrive data from web service using .ajax() and appand that data in nested <ul><li>..ajax() is run under $(document).ready() .. After appending the data (received from ajax) to <ul><li> I want to perform some .click() on these appended elements .. but i can't seem to get it working. Is this a bug or the .click() function should be placed somewhere else.
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Oct 1, 2010
I am doing a JSON request to get data back from a PHP file. On the return of that data, I am using a for loop to go through the data and post it up using JS. Here is my code:
for (var x = 0; x < data.length; x++) {
//create a container for each comment
var div = $("<div>").addClass("entry round").appendTo("#characters");
//add author name and comment to container
$("<span>").addClass("main-armory button").appendTo("div.details");
Now, what is happening, because there is 10 entries being posted, my JS is looking at the class that is being put together (main-armory button) and making it so that class appends every run through. So, I want one entry for main-armory button and I am getting this:
<div class="details"><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span><span class="main-armory button"></span></div>
And then, when it goes down to the next entry, it has 9 spans, and then the next entry has 8 spans, and it continues all the way down. What is going on here that I am missing? I know that I am not clearing a variable properly or something is wrong within my loop.
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Jan 4, 2010
When I tried to use it and append data to a div, it works fine. With that said, I was wondering if it can be used to simulate, for instance, a php include file. Such as:
var id= $("#field_id").val();
no appending it to a div for display, just good old fashion "include the contents of this php file, with a querystring appended to it"
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Feb 27, 2011
I basically want to use the .append() data to append the data that I got to the selected div.
this is variable that i've declared
var li_template = '<div style="display:none" class="load_reply"><div class="reply_img"><img src="status/blankSilhouette.png" /></div><div class="reply_text"><a href="#" class="blue">Test Name</a><p class="tex">%s</p><div
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Dec 9, 2011
I am analyzing header tags for submitting forms online in order to better understand how htmlhttp forms work- signing in to gmail, yahoo mail, and amazon, using the network tab of google developer tools, to view the http headers of requests and responses, and learn where they come from. I am seeing very peculiar behavior in my browser's (chrome)request headers when signing into amazon. The form data, always has the following two header names appended to the second and third to last places of the form data query: x=(some random number), and y=(some random number).
There are no input tags getting dynamically generated,since when i tell google chrome to break on all subtree modifications, the site still sends off the post with the added parameters before anything gets modified, BEFORE crashing. There also is NO ajax call which is causing dynamically added data to be appended to the form post.My question is this: is there any way, using javascript, to instruct a browser, to append data as data, to a form post, WITHOUT the use of dynamically appended input elements, or ajax?
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Feb 15, 2009
it looks like a simple form that uses a 'GET' method to append to the default URL the users choice of the dropdown data. I'm assuming this is sent to the sites server where it performs some PERL or CGI magic and sends back to the users page a link. The weathersite already has all the links created in Flash format.
I have compiled a list of all flash-links for the cities I want users to be able to choose on my page. Since I have no clue to what type server side code I would need to write, could I not use Javascript to take the users choice from the dropdown box and then output the correct Flash code into the appropriate point in the HTML page?
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Jun 27, 2009
http:[url]....but this example has a problem that after a new task has been added by ajax, it does not update the task lists ie suppose i have 2 task in the list now and now i add another one successfully, it showed me the message that 1 task has been added name "foobar" but in task list it still shows 2 tasks not 3.How to update the task list div>ul after the ajax operation Well I tried something like below
var note = $('#wrapper textarea').val();
if(note == defaultText || note == ""){[code].....
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Mar 18, 2011
I am looking for a jquery plug in that will make it easy to enter Hours of Operation ( to indicate when a business is open) as a form element. My current solution is Egor Khmelevs Safari Style Slider [URL]..) but it will not jump to where you click on the slider, and will only allow selection by dragging the pointers.
Is there a way to modify this plug in to accept click events to set the pointers? Or is there a better solution for what I am attempting? My hours of operation slider is just like the last demonstration on that page, except it spans 24 hours.
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Sep 23, 2011
I have an array of divs, and can do a style change on them:
var Ray = new Array("first", "second", "nth");
function bluRay() {
$('#' + Ray.join(',#')).animate({color: '#00f'}, 600);}
( The divs don't share a class, and it'd be code-heavy to add classes for all the necessary variations on this function. )
How to make the operation on the divs sequential, at say, 500ms intervals?
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Sep 13, 2010
I have tried this without success:
trying to emulate the expected CSS3 statement:
@font-face {
font-family: "myCustomFont";
src: url("myFontLocation");
Is this possible? If so what is the exact syntax?
Searching found no clear answer, though I ran across Cufon and similar libraries, but I would rather stay in jQuery if possible.
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Jun 16, 2009
i have following problem: When the user on my website presses a image link, I prevent the default behaviour, and toggle some table rows (show or hide them, depending on the the image src (closed.gif / opened.gif)). Since I got a lot of rows I run over and toggle, the function takes some time to process and the browser "hangs" in the meanwhile. Due to this I want to show the user that the operation is still in progress and want to change the image of the link to a load spinner until it is finished. So I thought that I just have to change the src URL of the image in advance and then start the function, but jQuery is ignoring the line and I don't know why? Here is the code I am using:
$("a[name='changeDisplayModeAll']").click(function(e) {
var newStatus;
var imageSrc = $("img[name='imageChange']").attr('src');
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Jul 22, 2011
I want to loop through an array called "otherBox" using .each(), but I want to skip the element that is equal to the variable "box". When i run the code, it does work, but doesn't skip any elements. Here is my code:
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May 25, 2011
I'm just now trying to get my head around AJAX in general and jQuery's AJAX specifically.I have a table that is generated from php/mysql. A sample of the rendered page can be seen here. I've also attached a text document with the php code that generates the page.What I'm trying to do is, when a user clicks on one of the edit buttons, I want to open a jQuery UI Dialog popup and populate a form with the current information for the class the user clicked on. Then, after the user clicks on a Submit button (and some basic validation), jQuery's ajax() sends the data for processing to a php script. Upon successfully processing the changes to the class I want to close the Dialog popup and show the changes in the table on the main page.[code]
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Oct 16, 2009
I've an input field in the form which is displayed based on the user selection. Initially it is set to 'display:none' and I do have a validation rule for that field.
How do I skip validation on this hidden input field and only validate when its displayed on the page.
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Aug 4, 2010
I want to validate my forms when clicking only on submit button. Here is my code.
The problem is it fires the validation to every button in the form. how can I do the validation only for the submit button and skip the validation to other button clicks?
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Oct 21, 2010
I am using the validate plugin with the defaultvalue plugin (empty fields given a default value and class of empty), and would like to use it together with the validator plugin. Is there a way to mark required fields with only the default value (and class empty) as invalid on submit?
E.g.: First_name field is required by validate, has a default value of "Enter your first name" and class of "empty" - how can I get the validator to mark this as invalid?
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Feb 14, 2007
I've this comparison with two numbers
if (t.minimum.value t.maximum.value) ...
yet it's always true except when minimum and maximum are identical. Why
isn't it false when minimum is smaller than maximum?
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Jan 21, 2005
i have a column which have some numbers into...
and any td of this columns have class="something"...
so i want to sum the tds of that column which have the same class name when i click on the first cell..
| | -> i click here
| 3 | -> class="ha"
| 4 | -> class="haha"
| 2 | -> class="ha"
| 8 | -> class="haha"
so here i want the sum in this column where the class name is "ha"...
so the sum is 3+2 = 5...
all that have to happens when i click on the first cell!
any suggestion??
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