http:[url]....but this example has a problem that after a new task has been added by ajax, it does not update the task lists ie suppose i have 2 task in the list now and now i add another one successfully, it showed me the message that 1 task has been added name "foobar" but in task list it still shows 2 tasks not 3.How to update the task list div>ul after the ajax operation Well I tried something like below
I am looking for a jquery plug in that will make it easy to enter Hours of Operation ( to indicate when a business is open) as a form element. My current solution is Egor Khmelevs Safari Style Slider [URL]..) but it will not jump to where you click on the slider, and will only allow selection by dragging the pointers.
Is there a way to modify this plug in to accept click events to set the pointers? Or is there a better solution for what I am attempting? My hours of operation slider is just like the last demonstration on that page, except it spans 24 hours.
i have following problem: When the user on my website presses a image link, I prevent the default behaviour, and toggle some table rows (show or hide them, depending on the the image src (closed.gif / opened.gif)). Since I got a lot of rows I run over and toggle, the function takes some time to process and the browser "hangs" in the meanwhile. Due to this I want to show the user that the operation is still in progress and want to change the image of the link to a load spinner until it is finished. So I thought that I just have to change the src URL of the image in advance and then start the function, but jQuery is ignoring the line and I don't know why? Here is the code I am using:
$("a[name='changeDisplayModeAll']").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var newStatus; var imageSrc = $("img[name='imageChange']").attr('src');
$(".DdsConstant").each(function (index, element) { var text = $(element).html(); $(element).html(text + ":"); }); The above code works for me, but I want to be able to skip the elements that already have a colon or question markin it.Example: Search Name: or Perform this daily? should be skipped. But Search Name should be changed to Search Name:. I will put question marks in manually. I have tried a few things and done some searches but no luck.
I'm just now trying to get my head around AJAX in general and jQuery's AJAX specifically.I have a table that is generated from php/mysql. A sample of the rendered page can be seen here. I've also attached a text document with the php code that generates the page.What I'm trying to do is, when a user clicks on one of the edit buttons, I want to open a jQuery UI Dialog popup and populate a form with the current information for the class the user clicked on. Then, after the user clicks on a Submit button (and some basic validation), jQuery's ajax() sends the data for processing to a php script. Upon successfully processing the changes to the class I want to close the Dialog popup and show the changes in the table on the main page.[code]
I have been searching high and low on how to do this and I think I'm at a loss because I'm so unfamiliar with js and ajax.What I would like to do is have just a single div on a page refresh every 5-10 secs; the content of the div shows what users are logged on; the content is generated by a query on my db
<div id="players"><?php $online_query = "SELECT user_log.user_id,user_log.ip,user_log.logged_in,user_log.logged_out,users.username,users.type_id FROM user_log LEFT JOIN users ON WHERE user_log.logged_in IS NOT NULL AND user_log.logged_out IS NULL ORDER BY users.username";[code]....
almost all of the google results I got for refreshing a div were for updating dropdown boxes or dealt with some kind of page now I'm at a loss on what else to look for..
i have a column which have some numbers into... and any td of this columns have class="something"... so i want to sum the tds of that column which have the same class name when i click on the first cell.. ie
i have a table with three columns , quantity and rate amount.when user puts in quantity, and rate their multiplication is given in amount. and then these amounts will be added and total will be the table you can add and delete rows dynamically.
Need som directions to find my way. First contact with jQuery. I want to auto refresh part of a page in a WordPress blog. already have a page geting the resoult i want from a include_result1.php and include_result2.php Want to make this results to be updated for visitor every 1 second. I am Using this:
When i run this page the result from 1 and 2 keeps blinking alternation from one to another. It is very ugly. Is there a way to get this results beeing updated but in a quietly way as live content?
I am trying to refresh an image on the page but it is not happening. I have a page with images and I need to update those images as required. To update an image I upload the image on a lightbox and then close the lightbox. The image on the page should update itself. Now, I tried $('#imageid').attr('src', newimage). I want to make a special mention here that the name of both the old and new images are same. And I feel this is the problem. If I hard code any other image it does appear as soon as the lightbox closes. But, when I try to refresh the image by putting the same image name for the 'src' attribute then nothing happens.
How do I refresh the content in a dialog box ?I embedded a iframe inside the dialog box which contains some form and when clicked on the submit button its redirected to a output data.When I closed the dialog box it still shows the previous output data instead of from How to get back to the form after I close the dialog box?
I came across this product page at nordstrom that allows users to filter products by certain criteria (size, fit, price, etc). [URL]..
They use ajax to update the page with any new criteria that users select, but with each page update the page url also changes and the browser history shows the new page. This is done without refreshing the page.
how this is done: creating a new page in browser history but without refreshing the page?
i have a slider ( slideup and slidedown of a div box ) and in the div box i have a menu. If i click on the menu the page will refresh and my div box do not show because standart the div box is up ( slidup ). can i make jquery remeber how position is my slide ? if the page do refresh i will see my div box.
I want to use AJAX for my whole site so I can load and browse trough pages without refreshing. I use a lavalamp plugin for the menu on each page and some other jquery functions for the different pages.The problem is that when I use AJAX and go to the next page, the javascript there won't be loaded and will start running when I am already on the page. I don't know if the above was clear enough, but my question is: Is there a way I could use AJAX to load the next page, run every javascript function in it and then show it to the user?
Trying to figure out how to get my simple page re-load to pause for a couple seconds before sending the request. I tried $.wait() and think this could possibly be what I need but seem to not be using it correctly, as I have not had any success getting it to work.
Is there a specific place to put the $.wait()? or should I be using something different entirely to get the script to pause before sending the request to reload?
How to send one input data using ajax, I then needed to send a form with multiple inputs. I believe I can't do this with AJAX so have tried to implement it using JQuery.
The problems I am having is that my page is refreshing when I click on submit and the data is not being sent.
I am more than happy to look at other ways to do this if JQuery is not the answer. All I want is a page that doesn't refresh or redirect but does submit a form.
I've got an order system with a database table column key which is set to 0 by default, in which case the order's html tag has an id prefixed with "transstat-".When the order goes through successfully, it changes the value to 1, in which case the order has no html id tag.The new orders are already in list-style (<ul>/<li>) being "pended" to the monitor page so a complete refresh of the page is out of the solution.
When a new order is shown, it's given a unique id e.g. id="transstat-1023" and then it should check the database every 4-5 seconds to see if the transstat has changed to "1". If so, it should change the html id tag of that order to nothing so that the jquery script skips it at the next sweep for "transstat-".I've tried using the following to search through all the orders with an id that contains "transstat-", but with no luck...
I'm using some jQuery to work with the Last.FM API, and I'm stuck where I need to allow the user to run the JSON request a second time after the page loads (it loads once automatically when the page loads, the second time is when they push a button). What happens currently, is the JSON function is fed some default data when the page loads:
You might have noticed in the JSON, I write the URL the JSON is requesting to the console every time it runs. When I click this button, a new URL pops up in the console below the first one but only for a second, and then the page reloads and the original JSON request is called. It's this loop that I can't seem to break out of - why does re-calling the JSON refresh the page?