JQuery :: Can't Get The Animation To Work Correctly With Multiple Items
Mar 13, 2010
If you look at this page [url] you will see that if you hover over the photo the text block goes up, and if you hover over the text it slides down and covers the photo. It's all pretty basic and it works fine. But ones I try to get them animated during the sliding up and down the trouble starts.
It works fine if you take the time and wait for them to go back to their starting position, but if you move over the items quickly it becomes a mess. You can see what I mean on this page [url]
I hoped that by adding a stop() before the animation if would fix the problem, but it doesn't really improve at all. It still quickly becomes a mess if you hover from one item to the next one.
How I could get the animations to work properly without it becoming a mess? I now there are double id's in the html, but unfortunately I can't really change the html.
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Jan 21, 2010
I got a pice of html that i want to transform to UI Tabs. This code is aouto generated and wrong, so I want to correct it before calling tabs() function
<div id="localtabs" class="list">
<li id="tab1"><a href="#tone" title="Local Tab One"><span>Local Tab One</span></a></li>
My target is to move the divs currently inside the UL tags outside.
My thought was to select the divs with this statement:
var tabdivs = $('#'+options.id+' ul').children('div');
alert('tabdivs.length '+tabdivs.length);
This works fine in Firefox he told me tabdivs.length 2 but in IE6 i got an alert tabdivs.length 0 .
Why IE6 found no childrens?
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Feb 15, 2011
I added a jquery megamenu to my site, but now my thichbox script is not working correctly.trying to get it to work. I added a noconflict statement and changed $ to jQuery in my jquery.js file, but it is still not working correctly.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://homecomforts.com/js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://homecomforts.com/js/thickbox.js"></script>
<script> [code]......
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Apr 2, 2010
I have a bunch of floated divs and I want to increment a variable every time they 'jump' to the next line. When I try using offset() for this I get the same top,left cords for every single element. Is there any way of getting the actual offset? (I get the same result in FF and Chrome)
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Jul 23, 2009
I'm having a problem with my radio buttons. On FF and Chrome they work just fine, but in IE, they does'nt appear as sellected. In other words: they do their job, but when you click'em, they stay unckeched. The genetarion code:
var item = $('<input type="radio" />').attr('value',pid).attr('name',name);
self.append($('<p />').append(item).append('<label>'+desc+'</label>'));
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Oct 5, 2010
I'm trying to get something to work that sounds simple and it worked great until I had a second item to apply it to. This works fine, with one div. When you hover over the link with the class 1slide, it loads the div with the class panel1. The problem is I can't get it to work if I use a second function for .2slide to load the div .panel2.
<script type="text/javascript">
I've tried multiple variations, including 2 <script> tags with the classes swapped, and combining as shown below
<script type="text/javascript">
I think I'm combining these wrong but I've tried multiple different ways. They're classes now but were ID's, and that didn't work either. Figures, I was hesitant about posting hours ago because I knew it might be something simple.. I almost solved everything with this:
<script type="text/javascript">
All 4 div's .panel1, .panel2, .panel3 are set to display:none. The only issue now is panel3 is twitchy. I have a feeling it's yet again just a closing bracket issue. Am I writing this correctly? semi-colons anywhere, mess the entire thing up. I am using FireFox 3.5 for reference.
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May 27, 2011
i am following the example ajaxSubmit[URL].... here my code[URL]... i realized that the showRequest work correctly, shown all my form submit values But it doesn't respond "showResponse(responseText, statusText, xhr, $form)" is not execute. the respond prompt is not pop up
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Aug 18, 2010
I am performing the same animation three different times on three different elements. Is there a more efficient way to do this?
Here's my code:
$('.tier1').animate({opacity:.2}, 500)
$('.tier2').animate({opacity:.2}, 500)
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Nov 9, 2010
I have a table containing multiple rows (tr), each row has two columns (td). In the first columnIhave acheckbox, when this checkbox is clicked i need it to change the class of a div in the second column of the row.
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm having problems getting my popup menu to work correctly. I have the following script:
[Code] .....
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Apr 27, 2010
I'm looking for some guidance on a part of some coding practice I'm stuck on!
I've created a shopping cart using javascript, the items save to the arrays etc and it all works fine. If the user adds the same product again to the cart the quantity is added onto the previous quantity that is already in the cart.
To check if the item is already in the cart I've ued the below code, but what it does is update the quantity for the first cart, and when it updates the quantity for the second item it updates the quantity but keeps adding the same product to the cart in seperate elements of the array as well (if that makes sense?
here are the two functions used [code]...
It may jsut be a simple mistake I've made but it's been bugging me a lot and I can't seem to fix it.
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Nov 17, 2011
I am sorry if this is a stupid question. I have never really used javascript before. I found some code online that I tried to piece together so I might not even be going about this the right way.
I want the background to take up 100% and resize with the browser. That works fine. I also want the text "welcome to the ahi life" stick to the bottom left hand corner and the enter button to stick to the bottom right. I would like these to resize with the browser as well. It all kind of works, except the first time you load the page the text and the button are much smaller than I would like them to be. If you refresh the page everything is correct.
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Oct 14, 2010
I'm trying to have multiple divs with the same class acting a s a button. I need to handle the click for each one. I will be obtaining the name attribute and passing that in an ajax call.However, this only works for one of the divs on the page, am I doing something wrong?
$('#mark_sold').click(function() {
var item = $(this).attr("name");
I'm also going to need to know how to refresh an image, too. I will be updating an image in the ajax call.
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Dec 10, 2010
When my page loads I want some text to fade in on my header, display for a few seconds, thenfade out, followed by a second piece of text which does the same, then a third etc. Ideally, I would like all the text elements to loop infinitely. I have managed to get the effect I want with one piece of text usingthese simple lines of code but am stumped when it comes to the subsequent ones. From what my small brain has computed I think the option may be to put all my text items in a list, set the initial list div to display: nonethen apply the fadein, display, fadeout to each in turn. But I don't know what I would put in the script to acheive this (create some sort of array with the li items?)
My searches keep leading me to image carousels etc which I couldn't work out how to configure for text. Also I'm not sure if the (hidden) list would just be dropped onto the page for non-javascipt enabled browsers messing up my page layout, so maybe I need to pull the text from a file / folder?
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
<div id="hdrtext">
first line of text
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Apr 24, 2011
I have a function called blink:
function blink(strObject) {
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May 13, 2009
I need to append multiple spans to the line items in an unordered list. Essentially, each line item contains a <span> and I need to grab the content of that span and append it to the bottom of the line item it's contained in. Here's what I have so far: My jquery code:
var Name = $(".name") .text();
var Content = $(".content") .text();
As you can see, instead of taking the all the "Name" var's and putting them together, instead of just using the "Name" var of that line item.
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Feb 5, 2010
I have an image next to a checkbox and if either of them are clicked I want to run the same function. I've tried these so far
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Feb 28, 2010
[code]I want to be able to highlight all of the divs which contain both the classes 'two' and 'three'. So the first and the third divs above are highlighted but the second isn't because it doesn't contiain both classes.I can see how to select multiple classes like this:$('.two, .three').css('background',''yellow');This selects items with either'two' or 'three' classes. I want it only to select the items with both classes.
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Dec 29, 2009
I'm looking for a lightweight way to be able to switch between 2 divs on a page.
I have found various ways to do this online with jQuery, but none of which are able to handle multiple switches and make it extendable across the pages of my website efficiently.
For example I could have 12 - 15 individual elements on a page (All with same style) each with an option to switch content e.g. "Click here to do something" then once clicked "it would reveal something" (Within that element/<li> tag) - so it's element specific.
For example:
<li class="box>
But of course as it's element specific you have to associate each id together but you can't have two id="2" - as that won't validate.....
Looking around, a perfect example can be seen at: [URL]
And because it's CMS driven and will have multiple categories/pages, you can't list all the id's with the javascript, so it has to be portable/OOP (Is that the word?) so just a main identifier in the JS...??
Where you click to reveal code and it switches div, but only for that element, it doesn't effect anything else.
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Sep 9, 2009
I have a page with a textbox that I want to have a message written inside it that will dissapear when the user clicks in the text box and writes something and it will show up again if the user clicks somewhere else but hasn't written anything inside the textbox. So I am using the onfocus event in order to write "Enter your email here" and the onfocus event in order to show the "Enter your email here" message inside the textbox if the user clicks somewhere else in the webpage but has left the textbox blank. If however the user has written, for exampl "jim@yahoo.com", I want this to remain in the textbox.What am I doing wrong?
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Dec 6, 2009
Red part in the code above is for conditional statement.
But the conditional statement doesn't work correctly.
How can I make the conditional statement correct in javascript?
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Sep 19, 2011
I would like to call method when all my animationsare finished. What I do wrong? My callback function has been executed before animation start
var elems = new Array();
for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
.push($(elemContainer).children(':eq(' + i + ')'));
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Jul 1, 2009
My problem arises when I use this to access the portfolio section. The portfolio section doesn't seem to work. If you head over to http:[url]... , you can see how the section should render and how a person can use the scroll feature, however, when the content is loaded using jQuery, it doesn't function properly.Additionally another problem i'm realizing is the delay of the content. For example, if you are on the contact page and then click on downloads, the content will slide left and then slide back right when the content is loaded. However the problem i'm seeing is the delay in the content loading meaning that the animation will finish and the content will then load.A second or two delay. I've tested it in multiple browsers and seeing the same problem. Surprisingly the only browser i'm not seeing this in is IE6.
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Dec 9, 2010
This is my code:
I've set the animation to large numbers (1000) to make it very obvious.
The helper will show before the other fieldSets have been hidden. The show animation begins about half way through the hide animation. Since both elements are occupying the same space, this makes the container jump around in size as it breifly expands to fit one under the other.
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Feb 8, 2011
I have a simple filmstrip that uses getJSON to return data. The data is an array containing two arrays. The first, is the base path to photos. The second is a list of the photo file names. I am trying to loop through the array of photos and set them in divs. Then I need to attach an event to popup a larger view of the image placed in a dynamically generated div containing the image and initially hidden.
So what I am trying to accomplish is:
1. get JSON data from server.
2. get base image path from json data array
3. get list of images from json data array
4. Loop through list of images, prepend base path and assign to hard coded div.
5. create a dynamically generated div with larger version of same image.
6. Attach hover action to cause a mouse-over action on the hard coded div to popup the dynamically generated div containing the larger version of the image.
My issue is that once my code runs, no matter what image in the filmstrip I mouse over I always get a popup with the last image in it. Here is my code:
<script language="javascript">
$.getJSON("<?php echo site_url('filmstrip/index');?>",
var dir = data['dir'];
var imgs = data['imgs'];
var i =0; .....
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Dec 15, 2011
I have a UL group with multiple LI items, and each LI has a DL with a DT and DD inside. What I am trying to do is show EACH LI's DT, but not the DD. The DD will only show once the DT has been clicked (except for the first, which should be visible on page load.here is the structure code ... I am struggling to make this work using jQuery show/hide functionailty.
<!-- LIST -->
<ul class="examples">
<!-- ITEM #1 -->
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