Check When Value Is In Array Won't Work Correctly / Fix It?
Apr 27, 2010
I'm looking for some guidance on a part of some coding practice I'm stuck on!
I've created a shopping cart using javascript, the items save to the arrays etc and it all works fine. If the user adds the same product again to the cart the quantity is added onto the previous quantity that is already in the cart.
To check if the item is already in the cart I've ued the below code, but what it does is update the quantity for the first cart, and when it updates the quantity for the second item it updates the quantity but keeps adding the same product to the cart in seperate elements of the array as well (if that makes sense?
here are the two functions used [code]...
It may jsut be a simple mistake I've made but it's been bugging me a lot and I can't seem to fix it.
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm having problems getting my popup menu to work correctly. I have the following script:
[Code] .....
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Jan 21, 2010
I got a pice of html that i want to transform to UI Tabs. This code is aouto generated and wrong, so I want to correct it before calling tabs() function
<div id="localtabs" class="list">
<li id="tab1"><a href="#tone" title="Local Tab One"><span>Local Tab One</span></a></li>
My target is to move the divs currently inside the UL tags outside.
My thought was to select the divs with this statement:
var tabdivs = $('#'' ul').children('div');
alert('tabdivs.length '+tabdivs.length);
This works fine in Firefox he told me tabdivs.length 2 but in IE6 i got an alert tabdivs.length 0 .
Why IE6 found no childrens?
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Nov 17, 2011
I am sorry if this is a stupid question. I have never really used javascript before. I found some code online that I tried to piece together so I might not even be going about this the right way.
I want the background to take up 100% and resize with the browser. That works fine. I also want the text "welcome to the ahi life" stick to the bottom left hand corner and the enter button to stick to the bottom right. I would like these to resize with the browser as well. It all kind of works, except the first time you load the page the text and the button are much smaller than I would like them to be. If you refresh the page everything is correct.
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Jun 2, 2010
I've posted this bug [URL]..., but I'm just wondering if anybody knows any quick fix? If we create a jQuery object from an array, and then apply not() and filter() on that object, the result won't be correct. The following code is used for testing. The top part (using selector, ie. $('tr') is the control showing the correct result as a comparison). The bottom part (creating an array and then creating a jQuery object based on them) is the incorrect result demonstrating this bug.
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Sep 9, 2009
I have a page with a textbox that I want to have a message written inside it that will dissapear when the user clicks in the text box and writes something and it will show up again if the user clicks somewhere else but hasn't written anything inside the textbox. So I am using the onfocus event in order to write "Enter your email here" and the onfocus event in order to show the "Enter your email here" message inside the textbox if the user clicks somewhere else in the webpage but has left the textbox blank. If however the user has written, for exampl "", I want this to remain in the textbox.What am I doing wrong?
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Dec 6, 2009
Red part in the code above is for conditional statement.
But the conditional statement doesn't work correctly.
How can I make the conditional statement correct in javascript?
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Mar 13, 2010
If you look at this page [url] you will see that if you hover over the photo the text block goes up, and if you hover over the text it slides down and covers the photo. It's all pretty basic and it works fine. But ones I try to get them animated during the sliding up and down the trouble starts.
It works fine if you take the time and wait for them to go back to their starting position, but if you move over the items quickly it becomes a mess. You can see what I mean on this page [url]
I hoped that by adding a stop() before the animation if would fix the problem, but it doesn't really improve at all. It still quickly becomes a mess if you hover from one item to the next one.
How I could get the animations to work properly without it becoming a mess? I now there are double id's in the html, but unfortunately I can't really change the html.
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Apr 2, 2010
I have a bunch of floated divs and I want to increment a variable every time they 'jump' to the next line. When I try using offset() for this I get the same top,left cords for every single element. Is there any way of getting the actual offset? (I get the same result in FF and Chrome)
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Jul 23, 2009
I'm having a problem with my radio buttons. On FF and Chrome they work just fine, but in IE, they does'nt appear as sellected. In other words: they do their job, but when you click'em, they stay unckeched. The genetarion code:
var item = $('<input type="radio" />').attr('value',pid).attr('name',name);
self.append($('<p />').append(item).append('<label>'+desc+'</label>'));
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Aug 1, 2011
I am trying to make a textbox enter input by pressing the enter key, not just clicking a submit button. For some reason or another it is not working correctly for me. I found this snipet of code that works for me but I was wondering if someone can explain it to me. I get the basic of what it is doing, I just want to understand it better.
.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "if(event.which || event.keyCode){if ((event.which == 13) || (event.keyCode == 13)) {document.getElementById('" + btnSearch.UniqueID + "').click();return false;}} else {return true}; ")
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Mar 16, 2011
I have kind of a complicated setup, and I was hoping to bounce this off some one's head who's more experienced with JavaScript.Assuming I have the following HTML markup:
<div id="one-root">
<div id="one">
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May 27, 2011
i am following the example ajaxSubmit[URL].... here my code[URL]... i realized that the showRequest work correctly, shown all my form submit values But it doesn't respond "showResponse(responseText, statusText, xhr, $form)" is not execute. the respond prompt is not pop up
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Apr 19, 2010
I'm working a bunch of pre existing code on a CMS. Just after a quick fix. Doing a show/hide thing on a particular div somewhere on the page depending if a checkbox is ticked or not.Currently there is 3 checkboxes that are dynamically added through the CMS. Here's simplified version of the form:
<form id="simplesearch" name="simplesearch">
<input type="checkbox" onclick='showhidefield(this.value)' name="meta_data_array_search_criteria[custom_profile_type][]" value="5" class="input-
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Dec 15, 2010
I am currently trying to check using javascript whether a php array contains a variable, and if it does then display a message.I have written the following code...
//php which sets users array to the results of the sql
$selectquery = "SELECT Username FROM User";
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Nov 26, 2002
It's to allow users to create thier own descriptions, and the input is displayed automatically using innerHTML. This part of the function checks if the HTML tags are allowed through, I've got this far...
allowedHTML=new Array("<br>","<b>","</b>","<i>","</i>")
function formcheck() {
if(HTMLcheck==allowedHTML[k]) return; else alert()}}}}}
I want it to trigger if one of the "allowedHTML" isn't found by the time it's finished going through the array.
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Jul 19, 2010
I need to verify that the email address is not a free account. I will have an array that contains a list of free email providers. ie. gmail yahoo hotmail.I want to compare this list to what the user entered. and if there email address contains one of the values from the array then return false. I am a php dev so excuse the crude code.
var freeEmail=new Array("gmail","yahoo","hotmail");
if (form.email_address.value (contain a value from freeEmail) {
alert( "Please no free email accounts." );
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Jul 23, 2005
How can I check if a key is defined in an associative array?
var users = new array();
users["joe"] = "Joe Blow";
users["john"] = "John Doe";
users["jane"] = "Jane Doe";
function isUser (userID)
if (?????)
{ alert ("This is a valid ID"); }
But what goes in place of the ????
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Mar 31, 2009
I am working with a checkbox array where the key is already set. So instead of being able to use name="name[]", I need to use name="name[0]" etc.. I would like a button or a checkbox to select all in the array(name).
The main reason for this is the nature of the checkbox. If a checkbox is not selected then it is completely skipped when looping through the array. To overcome this I added a hidden field of the same name which will assign a value even if the checkbox is not selected. Then the problem of using name[] arises.
The form is populated with hundreds of entries using PHP so I am looking for a way to loop through them all.
Here's a tiny snippet of HTML of how my form is set up.
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Nov 3, 2010
I want to check whether all the values in an array are identical using javascript.Does javascript support this?If so please provide me the js statement.I know it can be done with conditional statements but I want to know the efficient way to implement this.
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Dec 8, 2011
I'm writing a blackjack game for class,it generates two random numbers that select from a switch statement that creates a string file name of a card e.g "AceDiamonds.gif", it then fills an array deck[] with these strings,I want to fill the array with the full deck of 52 cards,and not have any duplicates, how do I check the array for an existing element remove it and replace with another card not in the deck??
var dealer_hand = new Array();
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Oct 21, 2010
I have declared a javascript array:
var strUsersName = new Array("John","Mac","George");
I want to check, if the particular loggedin user for example Mac is available in the array list declared.How to check in a efficient way, if the particular user loggedin is available within the array declared.I tried this, but I am not sure, if it is correct:
var strUsersName = new Array("John","Mac","George");
var L=strUsersName.length;
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Sep 18, 2009
So that I can pass multiple checkbox values to my PHP processing script as an array I added the square brackets to my form's checkbox input element's name, like this: <input type="checkbox" name="checkGroup[]" value="'.$rowIDs.'" /> Because it has to match, I updated the input element I use to check/uncheck all the checkboxes so that it now looks like this: <input type="checkbox" name="all" onClick="checkAll(document.ResIDsDates.checkGroup[],this)" />
When I manually select multiple checkboxes I can successfully pass any number of checkbox values through
the POST array to my process script...but my Check/Uncheck All box has ceased working -- adding the
square brackets to the checkbox input's name disabled it.
I tried playing with the ASCII equivalents to the brackets, but no go. Is there a way to retain the array
functionality and pass multiple checkbox values to the script AND enable the Check/Uncheck All box?
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Mar 15, 2011
have an array of objects which is gAllMedicalFilesClaimantsArray which has 2 properties (UserID & UserInfo).
For example:
gAllMedicalFilesClaimantsArray[0].UserID = 111;
gAllMedicalFilesClaimantsArray[0].UserInfo = "AAA-123";
gAllMedicalFilesClaimantsArray[1].UserID = 222;
gAllMedicalFilesClaimantsArray[1].UserInfo = "BBB-333";
What is the fastest way to check whether a specific UserID exists in the array using Jquery or Javascript because gAllMedicalFilesClaimantsArray has got 8000 records?
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Sep 5, 2007
I want to validate a form. In the form is a text field named 'extra[]' where the user inputs a number. The number is what I want to validate.
However, the 'extra[]' field is dynamic and does not always appear in the form.
If it appears, there may be only 1 occurrence of it which means it's then not an array but there may also be multiple occurrences of it.
I have a script that validates (and work as it should) if the 'extra[]' field occurs multiple times and is thereby an array, but I can't figure out how to validate the 'extra[]' if there is only 1 and to not throw an error if it's not there at all. Code:
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Nov 9, 2010
I have a text box and would like to see if the value of the input matches the values defined in a JavaScript array.[code]...
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