JQuery :: Automatic Radio Selection Associated To Input Box?
Nov 11, 2011
I have a simple product order form that's working nicely, but now I needed the radio buttons to select as soon as the client fills in anything for that product (I need to reciev the value associated to that radio button)
Here's my code so far:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
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Jul 22, 2011
It is possible :
When the line that appears, after you type is aonly, select it automatically.
For example, my list includes: 'Aaa', 'Aac', 'Abb'.
I type 'Ab'.
Can be directly selected the value 'Abb', since it is the only containing the value' Ab'?
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Mar 16, 2010
I am a PHP programmer and new to Javascript and jQuery and I have tried about 20 examples/tutorials and cannot seem to get even close to what I want.I have a form (PHP/MySQL) with a list of subjects I got from my database, and then create a set of radio buttons from that list. And based on what radio button they select, I need to pass that variable to a div (at least that's what I want to use) and then show a list of videos that match the radio buttons value. I don't care if its a get or post or other.I tried to use GET or POST so I can use that value for my PHP/MySQL lists.I am open to any suggestions/tutorials, etc.
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Sep 26, 2010
I have a html page which just enter the coordinates of a city and appear that processes the data file javascript.
This is the part where I put the coordinates manually:
So far we have and everything worked .. just that I want to create a table with all names of cities, click on a city data appear to me ..
There is some code that could only enter the coordinates by clicking on the name of the city, instead of entering all the time coordinates?
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Apr 10, 2011
How can I send information to an input box, through a script?
Here is a web site. [url]
It has an input box
When I type a web site address in the address bar (e.g. www.google.com) and click on I AGREE AND WISH TO SURF then it will visit that web site.
If I have bunch of URLS in a text file and I wanted to send that one by one to that text box, how could it be done, since I want to visit a few web sites and capture that page to a file (and I have a program that does that)?
I dont want to sit on the computer and type those urls one by one, how can it be sent through a file.
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Aug 9, 2006
You might know it from several games such as Diablo 2. You have to write down your cd product key in 3 different input boxes, and it varies in length e.g. first box has 4 numbers, second has 3 and last has only 2.
Then when you’re finished writing down your 9 numbers it will automatic change focus to the submit button.
You can do that in JavaScript, if you have an activation code or something else on your webpage, and it's quite simple to actually.
Place this code in your head section on your page:
<script type="text/javascript">
function toUnicode(elmnt,content)
if (content.length==elmnt.maxLength)
if (next<document.forms[0].elements.length)
Place this HTML code in your body:
<form name="form" form methode="post" value="active.asp">
<input size="4" tabindex="1" name="first"
maxlength="4" onkeyup="toUnicode(this,this.value)">
<input size="3" tabindex="2" name="Second"
maxlength="3" onkeyup="toUnicode(this,this.value)">
<input size="2" tabindex="3" name="Third"
maxlength="2" onkeyup="toUnicode(this,this.value)">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"
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Mar 28, 2011
I'm using google voice search on a simple form:
How to activate the voice search, that is generally activated by clicking on the little microphone near the textbox, without clicking it?
I want it to start recording the voice after the user starts talking, or alternatively, after a tot # of seconds..
I did not find anything on the API: [url]
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Mar 2, 2010
I want that a <div> element will show when yes is selected and when no it should be hidden. For show and hind i will use the functions from the jQuery UI. But I don't find a way to call the hide / show function when the selection change.
The radio selection: <input type="radio" name="lang_anz" value="1"> Yes<br> <input type="radio" name="lang_anz" value="0" checked="checked"> No<br> When I understand the documentation I can request the current value from the radio with: <script type="javascript"> $('input:radio[name=lang_anz]:checked').val(); </script>But how i can now call the show / hide function when I change the selection?
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Jan 11, 2010
I have been using the jquery autocomplete plug-in for some time now and find it very useful. Lately I have come across the following problem in one of my JSP pages. The autocomplete suggestions are displayed and formatted properly. But when I select the one that I want, the result briefly appears in the input field and disappears. Simultaneously, the entered result automatically triggers another jquery search. The contents of my JSP page is given below. The same jquery code works perfectly well with other JSPs.
<%@ include file="../common/include.jsp" %>
var cols = []; // column mappings : 0=Last name, 1=First Name,
2=Title, 3 = Employee ID
function { .....
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Nov 25, 2011
How to reset an input field to its default value, which is depend on another. There is a way to clear the input field but not resetting to its default value.
I have 2 radio buttons. Depends of the radio button selection some other input fields are required. Those things are already done using the click function. It clears the input field. But I need to reset to its default value.
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Oct 23, 2009
I'm attempting to display the output of the radio selection into the textbox.
For example, if the user selects 0-15 then display "Your age group is 0-15 years" in the text area.
i get the basic logic. i just dont understand how to display the value in the textbox. heres what i have so far if it will clarify my issue. code...
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Jun 27, 2010
I am trying to get a css-styled button to stay on its 'roll-over' state once it has been selected by its corresponding radio button (connected via the label tag). So far, I have no idea what I'm doing.
Here's what I have so far: [URL]
This is what it's doing: [URL]
This is what I'd like it to do: [URL]
Any experts out there that can lend a hand ?
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Aug 15, 2011
I have a calculator that I want users to be able to select a radio option that will display the coresponding calculator and hide it when the other radio button is selected in other words I want to only have one visible div at a time. How would I do this?
Here is my Javascript:
HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
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Jan 10, 2005
I have a form that I am validating all fields. I successfully completed the Javascript functions for that...the problem is that within this validation I need to check if a specific selection was made within a radio group (array) and if , let's say "Yes" was selected, then another radio group would not be required. Code:
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Jul 5, 2005
I have 2 radio button first is a and second is b.
If a is selected then the form action should be a.php or b is selected then b.php.
Any idea how to do this. I don't want to this in server side script.
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Feb 3, 2010
I'm trying to get the following code to work. It's fine if there are only 2 sets, but once you add a 3rd or 4th it breaks. making a choice of either regular non-member or student member & then changing to another choice fails to disable the last button and also fails to clear selections.note that it is not a requirement that i use radio buttons for the disabled/enabled choices; they could be checkboxes instead.
<script language="JavaScript">
function Disab (val) {
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May 23, 2010
I load a page with two default images and two radio buttons not selected. When either of the radio buttons gets checked I need to swap corresponding image. I tried this but it does not seem to work:
PHP Code:
<script language="JavaScript">
function swapImage(currencyflag) {
switch (aspectflag) {
case "3x2":
3:2.src = "/i/misc/aspect3x2_rd.png";
16:9.src = "/i/misc/aspect16:9_gr.png";
case "16:9":
3:2.src = "/i/misc/aspect3x2_gr.png";
16:9.src = "/i/misc/aspect16:9_rd.png";
<img src="/i/aspect3x2_gr.png" width="150" height="100" alt="" name="2x3">
<img src="/i/aspect16x9_gr.png" width="178" height="100" alt="" name="16x9">
<input type="Radio" name="aspect" id="3x2" onclick="swapImage(3x2)">
<input type="Radio" name="aspect" id="16x9" onclick="swapImage(16x9)">
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Dec 29, 2010
I have a php page called: radio_page.php, it contains two radio buttons. First radio button is checked as default when loading the page. I need when clicking on second radio button to refresh the page and keep selection on second radio button, I am trying that as below, but it does not work. After refreshing the page the selection returns to the first radio button.[code]...
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a form with three radio options. And I have three buttons:
<input type="submit" name="mainform_action" value="Edit Data">
<input type="submit" name="mainform_action" value="View Data">
<input type="submit" name="mainform_action" value="Delete Data">
If the first radio button is selected, I only want all three buttons to be
visible to the user.
If the second radio button is selected, I only want the "Edit Data" and "View
Data" buttons to be visible.
If the third radio button is selected, I only want the "View Data" button to be
Is it possible to accomplish this in Javascript? In particular, I want to
continue using the "input type=submit" buttons without having to create my own.
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Mar 15, 2010
I have a form with a list of subjects (radio buttons) that I get from my database with PHP, and I want to show a list of videos (also from my video table using PHP), based on which subject they choose.
I have tried multiple POST, GET methods with JavaScript examples, but cannot get it to work. I am not having any issues with the PHP getting either list, it is just getting the radio buttons to pass either the POST or GET data to JavaScript, and have it take that value so I can get the list from my database with PHP. I tried to use a div for the list of videos, and didn't have much success.
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Oct 13, 2010
I'm trying to write a progressively enhanced web application. I have an index page and a form with some select boxes and some radio buttons on a different php page. Before enhancement occurs, the form is accessible via regular links and everything works as expected. No issues.
In the enhanced version of the application, the form is AJAXed into the index page. When this occurs, the select boxes in the form work perfectly. The radio buttons are initially unchecked and I can check one option as usual. However, once one is checked, clicking the other radio options does nothing. I am unable to check a different option.
Anybody got a clue what the problem is?
Using Chrome by the way. Firefox is the same as Chrome. In IE I can't even check a radio button the first time.
Here's the code that's ajaxed in:
<label>First Time Buyer Status
<!--These values can't be 1/0 because 0 stands for not set-->
<input type="radio" name="FTB" id="FTBYes" value="1" <?php $M->checkFTBValue(1); ?> title=""/>First Time Buyer
The PHP script you see there checks if the value on the server matches the value of the radio button and echo's checked="checked" if true. I thought this could be causing the problem initially but the exact same code is used in the non-enhanced version and it works fine. I tried commenting it out anyway but it makes no difference.
The only thing I can think of is that some javascript is preventing me from selecting a different radio option. That would explain why it works ok in the non-enhanced version because there is no JS there. I can't find anything that I've written that might cause this effect I'm using jQuerys form plugin on my pages. I'm going to try writing it out and see if that fixes anything.
In the mean time, is there a way I can check if any JS functions when I click on the radio button?
Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, there's so many different languages involved, I hadn't a clue where to put it.
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Apr 27, 2010
I have 3 divs that contain radio with labels and beneath each radio button I would like to show/hide a form based on whether the radio is selected or not.
Code idea:
So if the radio1 input is selected this would show form1. Selecting radio2 input would hide any other forms (form1, form3) and show form 2 etc.
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Aug 24, 2010
how to get contents into a textarea based on a radio button selection.
text = new Array()
text[0] = Array('Saab','Volvo','BMW');
text[1] = 'second list';
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Jul 16, 2011
Codes for Dropdown menu based on radio buttons selection needed!
I need urgent help with this:
I need codes for a dropdown menu that is altered by radio buttons.
I want to insert the value selected from the dropdown menu into a table.
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Mar 14, 2010
I have a page I am working and I am having some trouble with: I need to show and hide areas based on a radio selection. I initally started using the show / hide feature in Jquery but the problem is the elements need to be removed but then put back if the user selects the radio buttonagain as it has form elements that have validaion on them. The validation is still trying to validate the form elements becuase they are still on the page but just not showing. This is the radio group the user makes the selection from:
<input name="terms_usr" type="radio" id="terms_usr_1" value="1"/>
<label for="terms_usr_1">Credit Card</label>
<input type="radio" name="terms_usr" id="terms_usr_2" value="2"/>
<label for="terms_usr_2">C.O.D</label>
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Apr 27, 2011
I am very inexperienced with javasciprt. I am designing a form in coldfusion, and want some dynamic action to take place. My users will be offered 2 selections via radio buttons. Depending on which radio button they select, they will get a few more radio buttons to choose from. I have been told that this can be handled in javascript. So I am appealing to the javascript programmer nation for some assistance in this endeavor.
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