HTML In Sharepoint 'Content Editor Web Part'

Feb 1, 2010

I'm trying to put in my javascript codes and html codes into the sharepoint "content editor web part" source editor.i have this set of javascript codes that needs to work together with the html codes.i created a link using ahref with the tagname as "homepage". i want to hide this "homepage" link using javascript codes.this is the codes that I'm using right now. the html part is working fine[the link "Homepage" is being display and is able to click on] but not for the javascript part.

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Use Html Editor In Our Webpage?

Aug 31, 2010

I have one web page, in it i want to get the content from user for some description.I used earlier as a text area field.Now i want to put simple HTML tags included editor.(as like we enter this description in sitepoint).

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Custom HTML/CSS Editor Possible?

Jul 8, 2009

I know very little js, but I've been reading up on it, mainly for one reason. (I'm a PHP programmer and I've just used js for small tasks like client-side form validation, that sort of thing).

What I want to do is make a textarea with buttons, similar to a BB editor, but which will use defined html tags; I'll use <div style="box1"> and <h1 style="greenunderline"> for examples. I've tried to modify some open source editors and get utterly lost in trying, and I'm not sure that approach would work anyway.

The buttons would need to function two ways, again like a BB editor.

1) It could simply insert the start and end tags in the textarea;

2) If text were selected, it would put the tag in front of the selection and the end tag after.

If I can get this done, I think I can handle a preview function. I haven't even gotten close to getting javascript to "get" selected text inside a textarea.

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JQuery :: Get Actual Content Written By User In This Rich Text Editor?

Mar 11, 2011

I am using this Rich Text Editor in my page.Every thing is fine , but i want to get the html contents inserted by user using a javaScript function and submit the form asynchronously. But i am unable to get the html content. how to get the html contents.I am herewith attaching that Rich Text Editor file .You please unzip these files and place those in a single folder, i have kept in separate folders since single file size was getting larger that limit.

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JQuery :: Get Text Of HTML Editor?

Mar 6, 2011

HTML Editor is a AjaxControlToolkit that i registered it on my page (it's similar to the text box that i'm now writing my Question)... I want to get Content (Text) of HTML Editor with JQuery... I tried $('#HE').val() and $('#HE').text() but i couldn't get the text! I want to get the text and set the text into a div!

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CK Editor Not Sending Rich HTML?

Feb 21, 2011

I am having a bit of a problem sending rich html emails. I just installed CK Editor on my hosting account and it appears to be working fine. But instead large colored fonts, I'm getting html tags only in my email. Links and emails appear to be working fine, though... So instead looking like this: Big Bold Blue. It looks like this: <p><span style='color: rgb(0, 0, 255);'><strong>Big Bold Blue.</strong></span></p> I also tried using mail() function in php, on its own, but that didn't work either.

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Make A Simple Txt / Html Editor?

May 2, 2006

Im trying to make a simple txt/html editor...

I need to apply specific formatting to selected text via a button.
for example, I select some text, click the 'bold' button which then replace the selected text with <b>selected text</b>

Is there a way to do this ?

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JQuery :: Recommend WYSIWYG HTML Editor?

Nov 15, 2010

recommend a good WYSIWYG HTML editor for jQuery?

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Pre Load Html Code Into WYSIWYG Editor

Oct 23, 2007

I am trying to load the following html code into a WYSIWYG editor. Basically all I need to do is supply the html code to the 'rte1.html' var and it should load in the editor. However, I am receiving the following error: Code:

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JQuery :: Show Part Of Content Again Which Is Hide()?

Sep 2, 2010

Is it possible with jQuery to show a part of the content again which is already hide?

<!DOCTYPE html>


When I click on #hidr, #div1 is hide() like it should, but when I click on #showr, #div2 doesn't show up, probably because it is hide in div1.

Is there a workarround?

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How To Send The Current Page's Content As Part Of A Form

Aug 4, 2006

I would like to do the following:

- I have a page with a form inside. When the user submits the form, I
would like to have a hidden variable in that form that contains the
entire page content as it was when the 'submit' button was clicked
(including the HTML, not only the form values). (The reason I want to
do this is that I want to save every 'form submission' to a database on
the server side.)

I read about the innerHTML, but it looks like its not portable across

I suspect the solution would be using somekind of javascript, by
iterating through the DOM elements of the document and so on, but I'm
not sure..

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Actively Change / Update Content In Specific Part Of Page

Aug 3, 2011

I am current building an information database for the company I work at...basically just a place for employees to get information and answers from. It is all hosted on a local server and I can only use javascript, html, and css. I've got everything made there is just one thing i want to add to it. Basically an "alerts and updates" page that only some people can edit without having to know html so if im not there they can post important updates. No computers have access to the internet so I did try some rich text editors but none of them worked. The layout I'm going for is kind of like this.

Alerts and Updates
Click on links to show updates: update 1 * update 2 * update 3 * update 4
Stuff goes in the update
[edit button]
You click edit it prompts you to login, bring up something to edit the text in that specific update you hit submit and it changes the info that was on there. The update links are linked to a script I wrote that just display the info below so when the page loads you see whats in update 1 then you click update and it changes the content to the next one.

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Extract Part Of Html Page

Jul 23, 2005

I'm trying to write a widget for Mac OSX Tiger. Here's the problem: The
user enters a search term which is sent to a perl script on a remote
server. This script returns a fully formatted HTML page. I only want
part of that page to be displayed. How do I go about doing this?

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AJAX :: How To Extract Part Of HTML From Response

Apr 28, 2010

I'm trying to come up with what is probably a kludge. What I'd like to do is take the responseText from an AJAX request -- which will be a full HTML page -- and parse it first to find if there is a <form>...</form> in it. If not I'll display a success message and all is fine, but if it's there, then I want to extract just that form section and display it within a <div> in the page.

This is where my JS skills are failing me. Can anyone point me to the applicable functions, tutorial, or whatever that would show me how to find the <form> and extract it and then replace my div contents with it (just innerHTML?).

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Make A Comment Editor With Iframe, And Want To Trigger The Change Of Content Inside Iframe?

Feb 18, 2011

I am trying to make a comment editor with iframe, and want to trigger the change of content inside iframe, the following code cant work.code....

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JQuery :: Replace Part Of An Link In A HTML File?

Sep 30, 2010

I want to replace a part of a link. See my example below.

The Links :



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Specific HTML Elements On Reloading Part Of Page

Jan 24, 2010

I am trying to do is load new content into a form without resetting the form. I have about 10 checkboxes, once 4 are selected I would like to reload a div in the page to insert four corresponding textareas with the same id as the checkboxes. So for example the checkboxes:

<div id="page_select">
<input type="checkbox" name="option1" id="option1" value="Home" /> Home
<input type="checkbox" name="option2" id="option2" value="About" /> About</div>

There would be about 10 after 4 are selected than four divs with textareas are loaded onto the page - These textareas have the same id in order for the right ones to load. If your wondering why not just hide the textareas and show when then have been selected by the checkboxes, its because they have a wysiwyg editor attach so it would start to load slow after I add say 10-20 different textareas.

Would this work:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#reload_1').click(function() {
//var names = [];
var myScripts = new Array(4)
$('#page_select input:checked').each(function() {
$('#content_div').load('external_content.php.html # . + '. myScripts[0]);
$('#content_div').load('external_content.php.html # . + '. myScripts[1]);
$('#content_div').load('external_content.php.html # . + '. myScripts[2]);
$('#content_div').load('external_content.php.html # . + '. myScripts[3]);
If I had all the divs and textareas in external_page.php and load only the ones needed.

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Edit A Web Page Using A Editor And Display New Content In Same Page

Aug 18, 2010

I am developing a web application in which I need to integrate a javascript/html editor on some of the web pages and then provide 'Edit' buttons on those web pages so that users can edit the content on that partciular html/jsp page (like editing in wiki pages) and then, when they add some content and click on submit button, the new content should appear on the web page with all the formatting (i.e. bold, italics, color and so on) which was applied by user when he was entering the text.

Now, I need help for the below issues:

1. Suggest me a good javascript/html editor (freely downloadable) which I can use to integrate with my web pages.

2. Once the user has entered some content using the above javascript editor, how to make that content reach the server and update the corresponding web page.

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How To Separate A Html Text In Order To Print Each Part In Individual Pages?

Jul 23, 2005

I am a novice/moderate html programmer and I wonder how to tell the
browser from which start point and to which end point in the text will
each page be printed.

In other words, I have a single html text that contains different
informations that are displayed alltogether in the same browser.
When I print this page, the browser should put each different subject
in a separate page and not having it all mixed up.
Is it possible? How should i do it?

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Create New XML File In SharePoint?

Dec 20, 2010

I'm developing an org chart for my company and I want to spend some effort to make it interactive. I'm utilizing the Google Visualization API Org Chart tool and writing JavaScript to extend the basic functionality provided by that framework. This is the general plan that I've devised so far (note that I'm somewhat experienced with programming in general, but very new to web development):

(1) I need to store everything on my company's SharePoint site. So far, I've successfully uploaded an HTML file with some JavaScript that loads the appropriate Google Vis API onto the SharePoint. In the same directory, I've uploaded an XML file that contains some sample organizational data. I've employed XMLHttpRequest to read that XML file and draw the org chart. That seems to work well.

(2) I've written some JS functions to create new individuals in the org chart (at the Google DataTable level, not the XML level) and delete selected individuals. After the user makes these changes, I want to provide the option to save the displayed state of the OrgChart in a new XML file that sits in that same directory. I'm not sure how to do this. I've been searching on the web for a while. I don't know how to use the XMLHttpRequest object to create a new XML file on the server.

(3) Once I figure out (2), I'd like to also rename the other XML files to store old copies of the XML database so that I can restore data if I need to. I think this boils down to: How can one manage and rename files on the server side using JS?

Perhaps I'm looking at this using too limited a set of tools. If this is the case, please let me know and point me to the correct place. Remember though: I need to do everything from SharePoint. I doubt that I can load code or run processes on the SharePoint server because I'm just a simple SharePoint user. I can simply load documents (HTML files, XML files, etc.) onto the site.

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JQuery :: Using .html() And .click() - Change The Content Of Different Div's Using .html()

Jul 28, 2011

I want to change the content of different div's using .html(). The change should be done by clicking on the inner element of the container. The content of the clicked container should be changed with the first container. My problem is, that the following code does the change, but only once. After every div has changed one time, no more reaction is shown.

<script type="text/javascript">

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JQuery :: Replace Unique Sharepoint ID With Script Based On Id* Or Id$?

Dec 22, 2011

I have a sharepoint site which I am integrating into and I wrote a hundreds of custom functions on my HTML demoin oldschool plain javascript based on the Unique IDs of the elements, however sharepoint 2007/or ASP.NET seems toprepend unique IDS with a long string of crap, the string of crap ('which I shall now refer to as the crapstring') changes based on which page you are on ("eg txtNameValue becomes zctl00_ctl16_g_b132ca0b_b2ad_4e2b_a5e0_8babbb67ff22_ctl00_txtNameValue'"). I found a piece of code in oldschool javascript which works on a page by page basis however I need something I can include in the header that performs the same function across all pages. I was thinking of something in Jquery that works on id*=


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JQuery :: Using Context Menu Plugin In Sharepoint 2010

Dec 2, 2010

I try to use the Plugin in SP. The problem is, that the offset is calculated wrong when using it in a Webpart. So the contextmenu is always displayed a litlle bit more to the right and a litle bit more to the bottom of the page. Playing with the left and top values using firebug i have figured out, that the top left corner is inside the webpart right underneath the title of the webpart.

Is there a way to manipulate the plugin so the position of the menu is corrected?

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Update A Sharepoint List (Document Library) Folders Using Web Services?

Jan 6, 2010

I would like to Update a Sharepoint List (Document Library) Folders using Web Services with Javascript.

I have searched on Goggle but nothing that updates a document Library using UpdateListsItem method & with it being a clientside i need to pass NT Credentials to the List

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Including A Javascript External File From The <body> Part Of An HTML File

Sep 26, 2007

I got an [object error] from IE 7.0.5730.11 when moving the <script
src="..." type="text/javascript" /tag from the <headpart to the
<bodysection of a HTML file.

Is not possibile to include Javascript code via <script src="..."
type="text/javascript" /from the <bodysection, instead from the
<headone? If yes, anyone has any idea of which the problem could be?
If not, how can I programmatically include a javascript external file
inside the <bodypart of a HTML file, for example, using Javascript
to some particular native functions?

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JQuery :: Adding ID Where Cssclass=myclass - Customize Navigation In SharePoint 2010

Aug 2, 2011

My first foray in using JQuery - trying to customize navigation in SharePoint 2010. Have adapted some jquery found online through various sources to meet needs. However, having an ID assigned to the <ul> element that drives my menu is required. SP, while dynamically building menu does not assign and ID to the ul element. Been trying, unsuccessfully thus far, to use jquery to add and ID tag to the proper ul... just wanted to see if that is in fact possible and for any tips in implementing.

Output is <ul class="root static"> and I would like to replace it with <ul class="root static" id="menu">

I have been successfully in simply replacing the cssclass (which doesn't actually help me) and in replacing regular text in the body, but just can't get that ID added to the element.

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