JQuery :: Replace Unique Sharepoint ID With Script Based On Id* Or Id$?

Dec 22, 2011

I have a sharepoint site which I am integrating into and I wrote a hundreds of custom functions on my HTML demoin oldschool plain javascript based on the Unique IDs of the elements, however sharepoint 2007/or ASP.NET seems toprepend unique IDS with a long string of crap, the string of crap ('which I shall now refer to as the crapstring') changes based on which page you are on ("eg txtNameValue becomes zctl00_ctl16_g_b132ca0b_b2ad_4e2b_a5e0_8babbb67ff22_ctl00_txtNameValue'"). I found a piece of code in oldschool javascript which works on a page by page basis however I need something I can include in the header that performs the same function across all pages. I was thinking of something in Jquery that works on id*=


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JQuery :: Unique Value In Find And Replace

Dec 7, 2011

My problem is that im using jQuery to replace the bb tags in a message. I want to replace all the [youtube][/youtube] with a youtube video and so far it works only if there is only 1 [youtube][/youtube] tag. If there is multiple [youtube][/youtube] tags in a message they change all of them to the same video.[code]

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JQuery :: Using Context Menu Plugin In Sharepoint 2010

Dec 2, 2010

I try to use the Plugin in SP. The problem is, that the offset is calculated wrong when using it in a Webpart. So the contextmenu is always displayed a litlle bit more to the right and a litle bit more to the bottom of the page. Playing with the left and top values using firebug i have figured out, that the top left corner is inside the webpart right underneath the title of the webpart.

Is there a way to manipulate the plugin so the position of the menu is corrected?

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Replace Completion Date Based On Selection Box Input

Sep 11, 2007

I have a form with a selection box and would like to replace the completion date based on the selection "Closed" with the current date. Code:

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JQuery :: Adding ID Where Cssclass=myclass - Customize Navigation In SharePoint 2010

Aug 2, 2011

My first foray in using JQuery - trying to customize navigation in SharePoint 2010. Have adapted some jquery found online through various sources to meet needs. However, having an ID assigned to the <ul> element that drives my menu is required. SP, while dynamically building menu does not assign and ID to the ul element. Been trying, unsuccessfully thus far, to use jquery to add and ID tag to the proper ul... just wanted to see if that is in fact possible and for any tips in implementing.

Output is <ul class="root static"> and I would like to replace it with <ul class="root static" id="menu">

I have been successfully in simply replacing the cssclass (which doesn't actually help me) and in replacing regular text in the body, but just can't get that ID added to the element.

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JQuery :: Get The Number Of Itmes Existed In List In Sharepoint 2010 Designer

Oct 7, 2011

I am working onSharePoint2010.I want to know total number of items existed in list.I have list with 15 items , When i show list as "Single Item Form" on DataFormWebPart using designer ,At the bottom of it is showing me the pages as 1-1 .And when i move to next page it is showing me as 2-2 .Instead of showing me as 1-15,2-15 ,As 15 are the totalitemsin my list. When i pointed my mouse to bottom of the paging column,I see <xsl:value-of select="$FirstRow" /> for showing first row .And<xsl:value-of select="$LastRowValue" />. how can ,I get total items of list usingj query

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Misunderstanding - Replace Prototyping With Own Array Type Based On Object

Dec 17, 2009

I'm apparently misunderstanding what I'm reading on prototyping. My main task is to squeeze some performance out of an app that's a bit slow on IE, and it looks like large Arrays and their overhead may be part of the problem. I'm trying to replace those with my own array type based on Object and extend it with helper functions like .length. Here's a munged sample of what I've tried:


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Create New XML File In SharePoint?

Dec 20, 2010

I'm developing an org chart for my company and I want to spend some effort to make it interactive. I'm utilizing the Google Visualization API Org Chart tool and writing JavaScript to extend the basic functionality provided by that framework. This is the general plan that I've devised so far (note that I'm somewhat experienced with programming in general, but very new to web development):

(1) I need to store everything on my company's SharePoint site. So far, I've successfully uploaded an HTML file with some JavaScript that loads the appropriate Google Vis API onto the SharePoint. In the same directory, I've uploaded an XML file that contains some sample organizational data. I've employed XMLHttpRequest to read that XML file and draw the org chart. That seems to work well.

(2) I've written some JS functions to create new individuals in the org chart (at the Google DataTable level, not the XML level) and delete selected individuals. After the user makes these changes, I want to provide the option to save the displayed state of the OrgChart in a new XML file that sits in that same directory. I'm not sure how to do this. I've been searching on the web for a while. I don't know how to use the XMLHttpRequest object to create a new XML file on the server.

(3) Once I figure out (2), I'd like to also rename the other XML files to store old copies of the XML database so that I can restore data if I need to. I think this boils down to: How can one manage and rename files on the server side using JS?

Perhaps I'm looking at this using too limited a set of tools. If this is the case, please let me know and point me to the correct place. Remember though: I need to do everything from SharePoint. I doubt that I can load code or run processes on the SharePoint server because I'm just a simple SharePoint user. I can simply load documents (HTML files, XML files, etc.) onto the site.

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HTML In Sharepoint 'Content Editor Web Part'

Feb 1, 2010

I'm trying to put in my javascript codes and html codes into the sharepoint "content editor web part" source editor.i have this set of javascript codes that needs to work together with the html codes.i created a link using ahref with the tagname as "homepage". i want to hide this "homepage" link using javascript codes.this is the codes that I'm using right now. the html part is working fine[the link "Homepage" is being display and is able to click on] but not for the javascript part.

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Update A Sharepoint List (Document Library) Folders Using Web Services?

Jan 6, 2010

I would like to Update a Sharepoint List (Document Library) Folders using Web Services with Javascript.

I have searched on Goggle but nothing that updates a document Library using UpdateListsItem method & with it being a clientside i need to pass NT Credentials to the List

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JQuery :: DatePicker - How To Use Non Unique ID

Oct 12, 2011

I have been trying to figure this out for a while, and I cant manage to get it working. I have a table for instance the one below:
<td><input type='text' id='test_value[]' .... /></td>
<td><input type='text' id='test_value2[]' .... /></td>
<td><input type='text' id='date[]' onclick ="testfunc(this);" .... /></td>

Within my function I can grab the index of the onclick no problem, but when I select the date from the date picker, it always select the first column.
I am using clone to create multiple instances of a row, but how can I use non-unique id (date[]) which all my X rows have the same name, to unique enter the datepicker value.

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JQuery :: Loop Through <ul><li> Using Unique ID?

Apr 28, 2009

I am trying to loop through my top level nav i.e <ul> <li> and then apply that class name to teh sub level menu of that particular top level. So essentially the clas name on the top <li> wil be applied to its sub level items. Here is my code, which isn't working at the moment:

var pageID = $('body').attr('id');
var uniquePageID
uniquePageID =$("#site-nav ul li",this).attr('id');


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JQuery :: Getting Unique Values In List?

Oct 31, 2011

I am using MVC3 with razor and binding dropdownlist with a listNow issue is @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Result, new SelectList(Model.Result.OrderBy(item => item.Enhet), "EnhetID", "Enhet"), "ALL")in Enhet i am getting 3 values Nitin NA NAI want to make sure that values are always unique, how can i remove duplicate values.

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JQuery :: Get All Unique Class Names?

Jun 11, 2009

I'm interested in getting an array of unique class names of all option tags under a specific select element. I'm imagining something like this (which does not do what I want): $ ( '#select_id option.class' ); What's the correct way to do this using jQuery?

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JQuery :: Passing Unique URL To Load()?

Jan 13, 2012

I'm just learning jquery an have an issue. I have a page, product.php, that is set up with unique urls depending on the product clicked. So, product.php?id=15, but in my PHP code, because I'm pulling from my database, it appears as product.php?id=$id. I am trying to get jquery to load that page, but with the unique id.


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JQuery :: Select Two Unique Elements By ID

Jan 30, 2010

Let's say you have two elements, and you know their IDs; is there a way to select them both at the same time; something like $('#test #test2')?I realize I could just select them both on two different lines and apply the same function, or use class or something to track them down; but sometimes I just want to grab two elements by ID and do the same thing to them. I assume I'm just missing the syntax.

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JQuery :: Allow Assignment Of Unique IDs To Cluetip Container

Apr 15, 2011

I see that the cluetip plugin project is on github so, perhaps at some point I'll be able to try implementing this feature myself, and submit a pull request. My team is using the cluetip plugin in a rather exceptional way. Rather than a tooltip like msg bubble that appears on mouseover, we show the cluetip on page load and require the user to dismiss it. We're using these cluetips to communicate new features on our site. After looking at available jquery plugins, cluetip seemed to be best suited for this use (all be it, a rather exceptional use).

The current design allows for this use with just a bit of css work but it limits us to one cluetip visible on a page at a time. Multiple cluetips are not possible because the cluetip div container has a non-unique id and the jquery id selector is used in the plugin code (which means that only the first cluetip in the DOM is ever referenced by the code). I'd like to extend the code to allow for dynamic assignment of the id on the cluetip container which would allow us to render multiple cluetips on the page. Perhaps, this might constitute a new plugin, since this isn't really the intended use of cluetips.

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JQuery :: Hiding One Non-unique Element After Showing It?

Sep 16, 2010

$(this).next(".postTitle .postTags").fadeIn(1000, function()


The indentation is probably a little wacky, since I just copy/pasted, but that's what I've got right now. When you click on .postTags_opener, it shows the nearest matched .postTags; that is exactly what I want, since .postTags immediately follows a .postTags_opener. The problem arises when I then try to close it: .postTags_closer comes after .postTags starts, so that's probably why next() is bugging out.

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JQuery :: Return Unique ID - .data(elem)

Feb 5, 2010

Before 1.4, it is possible to return an unique ID with jQuery.data(elem), now seems does not work.


The new api must need a key, what is the key then?

I just want an unique ID by inputing an element, why I need such a key?

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JQuery :: Select .parent() - DIV Names Cannot Be Unique

Mar 23, 2011

Suppose I have something similar to this HTML (this is not my exact HTML, rewritten to simplify):

<a onclick="ShowHide(); return false;" href="#">show/hide</a>
<div id="summary">Summary of info below</div>
<div id="enclosure" style="display:none;">Information</div>
<a onclick="ShowHide(); return false;" href="#">show/hide</a>

These DIVS are full of information populated from a MSQL db. So the DIV names cannot be unique. I have this jQuery code:


This code actually works perfectly except for one major headache. When I click the 'hide/show' link on any of these - the only one that hides or shows is the first set. After research I feel like I'll need to use the .parent() selector or (this) somewhere but I feel like I've tried every combination.

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JQuery :: Adding Elements With Unique Ids Automatically Generated

Apr 27, 2011

Im building a small feature where users can create a page. They select an element they would like to add from a select box. When they select it it is automatically appended into the preview div. The problem is that they can choose to add any number of divs, p,s etc to this preview div and i need a way of giving them all unique ids so i can use them later.


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JQuery :: Parse Links And Then Create A Unique Target Attribute?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm trying to parse my anchor tags, by getting all the href attribute available in the page, and then i will loop through this attribute values and then parse it. if each href value is equal to "mypage.com", the link will open to the same window, but if not it will open to a new window, more like the concept of determining internal and external links in a page.

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JQuery :: Unique Url And Browser Back Button In An Ajaxified Page

Jul 2, 2009

Unique url and browser back button in an ajaxified page

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#666666">
<font size="-1"><font face="Calibri">Hi,

Does jQuery provides any feature or plugin to handle unique url andbrowser back button in an ajaxified page.


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JQuery :: Setting CSS Style - Turn User Select Off For Unique ID

Oct 24, 2010

Are there limitation on what can be set for css styles? I have a script which sets a unique id but I wanted to turn user-select off for that item. I thought this would work:
id = 'wrapper_'
+(new Date().getTime());
wrapper = $('<div id='+id+'></div>'
$(id).css({'-webkit-user-select: none;'});

The error I get is:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token }

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Preserve The Session State Of A SharePoint Browser State?

Jun 1, 2010

How can I preserve the session state of a SharePoint browser state using javascript?

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JQuery :: (.) Period In Value Field - Show/hide A Div Based Based On The Selection Made Via A Dropdown

Apr 9, 2010

Im using a jQuery script to show/hide a div based based on the selection made via a dropdown.

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>

The problem im having is that the value used in the dropdown lists are price values eg 10.00

Consequently jQuery seems to interprit these as css notations, meaning the code doesnt work.

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