JQuery :: Get The Number Of Itmes Existed In List In Sharepoint 2010 Designer
Oct 7, 2011
I am working onSharePoint2010.I want to know total number of items existed in list.I have list with 15 items , When i show list as "Single Item Form" on DataFormWebPart using designer ,At the bottom of it is showing me the pages as 1-1 .And when i move to next page it is showing me as 2-2 .Instead of showing me as 1-15,2-15 ,As 15 are the totalitemsin my list. When i pointed my mouse to bottom of the paging column,I see <xsl:value-of select="$FirstRow" /> for showing first row .And<xsl:value-of select="$LastRowValue" />. how can ,I get total items of list usingj query
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Dec 2, 2010
I try to use the Plugin in SP. The problem is, that the offset is calculated wrong when using it in a Webpart. So the contextmenu is always displayed a litlle bit more to the right and a litle bit more to the bottom of the page. Playing with the left and top values using firebug i have figured out, that the top left corner is inside the webpart right underneath the title of the webpart.
Is there a way to manipulate the plugin so the position of the menu is corrected?
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Aug 2, 2011
My first foray in using JQuery - trying to customize navigation in SharePoint 2010. Have adapted some jquery found online through various sources to meet needs. However, having an ID assigned to the <ul> element that drives my menu is required. SP, while dynamically building menu does not assign and ID to the ul element. Been trying, unsuccessfully thus far, to use jquery to add and ID tag to the proper ul... just wanted to see if that is in fact possible and for any tips in implementing.
Output is <ul class="root static"> and I would like to replace it with <ul class="root static" id="menu">
I have been successfully in simply replacing the cssclass (which doesn't actually help me) and in replacing regular text in the body, but just can't get that ID added to the element.
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Feb 16, 2011
I have a task that needs to be written in Javascript. I need to change a date e.g. '07/05/2010' to a format of '07 May 2010'. How can I do this?
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Jan 6, 2010
I would like to Update a Sharepoint List (Document Library) Folders using Web Services with Javascript.
I have searched on Goggle but nothing that updates a document Library using UpdateListsItem method & with it being a clientside i need to pass NT Credentials to the List
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Mar 25, 2010
Is there an efficient way (ie. not looping through all members and counting) to find out what number an li will get in an ordered list? For example: [code]...
Naturally #first and #second will be 1 and 2, respectively. Without looping though all children of ol and counting, can I determine the number for #first and #second?
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Oct 22, 2009
I'm just a starter and I'm looking for a function I can't find.
What I want:
I want the row number of the row i clicked of the item list.
For instance I click on third row then I want that var i returns 2. code...
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May 12, 2009
I'm loading another html file full of list items. What I would like to do is hide() the content right after it's loaded, and then fadeIn(0 each individual list item one at a time.
The problem is, it's loading all the list items at once. I don't know what to do. I could code the chain manually, but only if I knew the number of items in the list would never change. I'd really rather set it up to fadeIn any number of items dynamically.
Here's my code, which I know doesn't work, but maybe you could see what I am trying to do:
function loadContent(location) {
$('#content').load("assets/content/"+ location).hide();
var x = $('li#content').size();
var y = x - 1;
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Dec 22, 2011
I have a sharepoint site which I am integrating into and I wrote a hundreds of custom functions on my HTML demoin oldschool plain javascript based on the Unique IDs of the elements, however sharepoint 2007/or ASP.NET seems toprepend unique IDS with a long string of crap, the string of crap ('which I shall now refer to as the crapstring') changes based on which page you are on ("eg txtNameValue becomes zctl00_ctl16_g_b132ca0b_b2ad_4e2b_a5e0_8babbb67ff22_ctl00_txtNameValue'"). I found a piece of code in oldschool javascript which works on a page by page basis however I need something I can include in the header that performs the same function across all pages. I was thinking of something in Jquery that works on id*=
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Feb 17, 2009
I want to build a dynamic list of items with jquery but am unsure how to add an index number to each of the items i create so that i can reference them to edit or delete them for example. So far, I have the following which just creates the items and appends or prepends them to the element depending on whether one item exists already. I just need a way of adding an attribute so I can then reference the current item when clicked and remove it. What would be the simplest method to use?
//create list items
if ($('.mylistitem').length) {
$('.myList-box').prepend('<div class="mylistitem"><div class="mylistitem-image"><img width="30" height="40" src="[URL]"/></div><div class="mylistitem-title">' + title + '</div><div class="mylistitem-options"><a href="javascript:removetitle();">Delete From List</a></div>');
} else {
$('.myList-box').append('<div class="mylistitem"><div class="mylistitem-image"><img width="30" height="40" src="[URL]' + titleid + '"/></div><div class="mylistitem-title">' + title + '</div><div class="mylistitem-options"><a href="javascript:removetitle();">Delete From List</a></div>');
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Jun 5, 2009
While using jQuery, I found that I needed to know how many records were returned and also if the result set returned was empty. After searching the jQuery documentation I couldn't find any property or method that returned this value, so I've added that functionality
myself and wanted to share it with the group.
1) Determine the number of records returned: I wanted to show the user how many results were returned after they start typing into the autocomplete field similar to how Google indicates the number of results found when you start typing in the search box. At first I thought the max parameter in the function formatItem returned this value. However, it returns the max option that you set it to. So if your query returns 100 records and you set max to 25, it'll obviously return 25 (not what I wanted).So after trying various things, I looked at the jQuery code and simply added the number of records returned by the database to the formateItem function. In the fillList() function around line 660 I added the data.length parameter:
var formatted = options.formatItem(data[i].data, i+1, max, data [i].value, term, data.length);And in my autocomplete code, I added the parameter to the end of theparam list:formatItem: function(data, i, total, value, searchTerm, totalResults)So now whenever a new search is preformed, I get back the number ofsearch result from the database.
2) Determine if a result set returned was empty I wanted to update a <div> with a message like "no records found" whenever the query yielded no results. Again, after searching the jQuery documentation, I couldn't find any property or method that would indicate this so I added it to the code. In the request function after the line var data = cache.load(term); I added the following:
if (!data) {
} else {
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Nov 11, 2011
So im working on code that user adds things to a list. When you hit the promote button, the user chooses which task to promote to the beginning by way of the unshift method. My problem that I can't figure out is how to get rid of the number to the old task that I promoted. It's like its an empty string.[code]...
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Dec 20, 2010
I'm developing an org chart for my company and I want to spend some effort to make it interactive. I'm utilizing the Google Visualization API Org Chart tool and writing JavaScript to extend the basic functionality provided by that framework. This is the general plan that I've devised so far (note that I'm somewhat experienced with programming in general, but very new to web development):
(1) I need to store everything on my company's SharePoint site. So far, I've successfully uploaded an HTML file with some JavaScript that loads the appropriate Google Vis API onto the SharePoint. In the same directory, I've uploaded an XML file that contains some sample organizational data. I've employed XMLHttpRequest to read that XML file and draw the org chart. That seems to work well.
(2) I've written some JS functions to create new individuals in the org chart (at the Google DataTable level, not the XML level) and delete selected individuals. After the user makes these changes, I want to provide the option to save the displayed state of the OrgChart in a new XML file that sits in that same directory. I'm not sure how to do this. I've been searching on the web for a while. I don't know how to use the XMLHttpRequest object to create a new XML file on the server.
(3) Once I figure out (2), I'd like to also rename the other XML files to store old copies of the XML database so that I can restore data if I need to. I think this boils down to: How can one manage and rename files on the server side using JS?
Perhaps I'm looking at this using too limited a set of tools. If this is the case, please let me know and point me to the correct place. Remember though: I need to do everything from SharePoint. I doubt that I can load code or run processes on the SharePoint server because I'm just a simple SharePoint user. I can simply load documents (HTML files, XML files, etc.) onto the site.
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Nov 11, 2011
If i have 4 vars
var one = 29.1
var two = 5.4
var three = 12.4
var four = 15
how can compare all 4 and find the smallest? in this case the result would be two
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Sep 2, 2009
is it possible to limit the number of visible items in a dropdown list using javascript or any other way?
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Jul 20, 2005
I'd like to limit the number of selections a user can make in a
multiple select listbox. I have a note on the interface to say that
only x no. of items should be selected and I check the number server
side but I'd like to implement some javascript to do the same on the
client side. Ideally I'd like the javascript to work in IE5+ and
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Sep 2, 2009
is it possible to limit the number of displayed items in a dropdown list? for example list of countries will display only 5 and people scroll down to see the rest of the list?
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Feb 1, 2010
I'm trying to put in my javascript codes and html codes into the sharepoint "content editor web part" source editor.i have this set of javascript codes that needs to work together with the html codes.i created a link using ahref with the tagname as "homepage". i want to hide this "homepage" link using javascript codes.this is the codes that I'm using right now. the html part is working fine[the link "Homepage" is being display and is able to click on] but not for the javascript part.
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Oct 21, 2011
I wanted to create a small DHTML code that created a unordered list of input forms dependent on the number selected from the select dropdown menu. Problem is that it doesn't seem to want to generate the list. I think the variables are within the scope of the function too, and I didn't get an errors from the javascript console when using firebug. The script itself runs, I tested it when I used the old standby alert(); to see if the script was active. Here's the code:
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Mar 29, 2006
i have a list of checkboxes, the number of checkboxes is dynamic. All the checkboxes have same name. i am trying to get the length of selected checkboxes.
<input type=checkbox name=name1 value=1>
<input type=checkbox name=name1 value=2>
........ get dynamically.
when i try to get the length in javascript like document.form.name1.length, it works fine if number of checkboxes selected are more than 1, but not for 1.
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Jun 1, 2010
How can I preserve the session state of a SharePoint browser state using javascript?
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Oct 13, 2011
What i'm trying to do is replacing the size=180 part of the src (in this case an image) with size=400 so that the images appear larger. I can't simply replace any "180" with "800" because the value might be present in the lid or isbn.So far I've pretty much cut the url up in pieces (I reckon it could be done a lot easier), but I'm stuck with replacing it.[code]
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Jun 9, 2009
I have a page that displays a list of people playing in a tournament. I need to be able to generate a Leaderboard based on which players are manually selected by the admin. Next to each person there is a drop-down list. An admin can go in and select a "slot" that a player should be in on the leader board from 1 to 8, or leave it blank if none. What I need to figure out how to do is the following, when a change event happens on a drop-down list, and say the value 5 is selected, I need to check to make sure that 5 is not already selected in one of the other players drop-down lists, in other words, that the 5th leaderboard slot is not already full. if it is, display an error message and make them change that one first. how to do that with jQuery? I'm thinking it will have something to do with the each() function, but not sure exactly how the logic should work.
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Jul 13, 2010
Originally I had the following code. What it does is for a user to type the folder name of their choice and then after clicking submit a window will pop open and they will be taken to "C:folder" (assuming the user typed "folder" and such a folder existed). Here is the code in case I wasn't clear.
<script type="text/javascript">
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Nov 11, 2011
I have this script that is supposed to check if a number the user guesses is the same as the randomly generated number.Problem is that the random number generated at the start of the program keeps on changing everytime I click on the "Check if I'm right" button, the random number gets generated again and I never ever get to reach the correct answer
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
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Oct 8, 2010
i have a menu and i would like to change the color of the Categories which have subcategories only. In my example the basic categories are: News , Announcements , Contact and Career. Only Announcements and Career categories have subcategories. So i would like those two to turn green. The fact is that the list items include a href ,so i don't know how to access those "a href" combined with "this".
<ul id="my_menu">
<li id="id0"><a href="#" style="text-decoration:none">News</a></li>
<li id="id1"><a href="#" style="text-decoration:none">Announcements</a>
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