I'm trying to get multiple scripts to run simultaneously. As of now, my hover drop-down menu is not working on the "Teams" page, but all other scripts work. I have 3 other scripts running on the Teams page, and was wondering how I could get the menu to work as well (seeing how it's pretty important). Code:
I am working on a project that shows archived data as well as current data on the same page. When the page builds, current data is shown, archived data is hidden (by using a div with id="archive"). I found comments here that getElementsByName was not a good cross browser way to handle this (and I'm not sure how to use that anyway). Can someone suggest the correct way to handle this?
There should be a link that, when clicked, will grab each element on the page with id="archive" and toggle the display property (none or block).
Here is the current code:
function archives(toggle) { if (typeof(toggle) != "undefined") { if (document.getElementById(toggle).style.display == 'none') { document.getElementById(toggle).style.display = 'block';
This works just fine, but only for the first element that it finds. I need many elements with the same name to be effected.
If I don't use style="display:none" inside the divs, I see them both initially and I can hide/show each one depending on which link I press. But the thing is that I need both divs to be hidden in the first place, and when I click on ONE, to show TWO, when I click on TWO to hide ONE and show TWO etc. Each time 1 div should be visible, depending on which link we press. The other must disappear.
1. I have this list of 3 products/items that is created and displayed automatically through a for-loop. By changing the number in this loop, I can either add or subtract items of this list. More and more items are supposed to be added to list on a regular basis.
2. For each item, a number of customer-comments should be displayed and looped. I accomplish this using Arrays, where I can easily add new comments for each individual item to the loop.
3. Each item may have a different number of comments.
My goal is to have a system that effeciently allows me to add new comments at a minimum effort from my part.The comments loops fine, as long as I only choose to loop them for one item at the time. As soon as I try loop comments for two or more items at once, trouble ensue.
Below is my code:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- //SBC verdicts verds_sbc = new Array(new Array("Great Game!","Good game!","I love this!"),new Array("AVGN","CurlysWorldof SOftware","ANGRY JOE"),new Array("www.cinemassacre.com","www.curlyswordsofsoftware.com","www.angryjoe.com"));
I developed a website with php. Using cms, users can upload an image and a textual description of this image.Using jquery, images change automatically.Now, i want that textual description changes with the imageIn my generated html code i have:
So at the moment I'm working on an Ajax powered navigation that's animated with a horizontal slide and fade. So far I've imported the Effects Core and Effect "Slide" from the jQuery UI to get the horizontal slide effect in. Here's the documentation on the specific slide technique I'm using from the jQuery UI:[URL].. You can see the work I've done so far:[URL]... As you can see, the Ajax and horizontal slide features are working properly. However, one thing I can't get to work is the horizontal and fade effect to occur at the same time. I mistakenly tried to chain the show/hide functions with the fade function, but of course it happened sequentially instead of simultaneously.
I looked up for solutions online and most point to the animation function as the solution. In this case, I can't figure out a way to work with it because the animation function seems to manipulate the CSS to get the desired effects. While I could have animate change the width of the content area along with its opacity, the width resize would squeeze the text as the content area shrinks which is undesirable for my case. This is why I'm using the Effect "Slide" in the first place, to prevent the text getting squeezed as the content area slides.
So is there anyway I can get a simultaneous fade working at the same time with the Effect "Slide", or do I have to look for other methods of horizontal sliding to get it to work with fades?
What I'm trying to do is display whatever is typed within an input field simultaneously inside of a <p> tag.
For Example:
If the name Mark is typed into the input field, i would want "Mark" displayed somewhere else on the page inside of a <p> tag and the letters are typed in the input field it displays each etter as its being typed.. is this possible?
I'm one of the main developers from [URL](which is a gaming website), One of our main games is Free rider 2, Which we have converted to run via a database so people don't have to manually send around track codes so other people can evaluate their tracks. I am trying to build a track previewer in html5/javascript which will eventually replace our current one written in flash (which lags terribly on large tracks)
I am stuck on 1 thing though, With the larger tracks there are up to thousands of lines that are drawn using lineTo() moveTo() etc. And when i move using the arrow keys, It requires the javascript to reload the track, and parse every single line again, Causing the screen to turn white whilst it does so.
Is there a way i can use a similar method to the way it has been done in the flash version, where it is in a movieclip, which then instead of moving each line, it moves the movieclip instead.
Script: <html> <head> <script type="application/javascript"> var offsetx = -133;
I'm using Lightbox picture displayer [URL].. and a content slide show UI [URL].. on the same pagesimultaneously. Although when I connect to the javascript files in my html page one of the effects won't work. Whichever javascript file I include last doesn't seem to work.
In the scenario below my content slide show effects won't work because they are listed first. It seems that whatever is listed last overrides everything else. I've also listed the error I get when running the page.
I've been stumped. I'm usually good at figuring this stuff out, but I'm completely confounded here.I have a form with tables in it to add items to a series. The rows are being added dynamically by Jquery on the click event.
I am using jquery with the cookie plugin and I have multiple image buttons that can hide/show multiple elements. My question is how can I add a cookie to this code to remember whether each separate element is opened or closed?
The code, $(document).ready(function() { // choose text for the show/hide link - can contain HTML (e.g. an image) var showText='<div class="expanddown"></div>'; var hideText='<div class="expandup"></div>'; // initialise the visibility check var is_visible = false; // append show/hide links to the element directly preceding the element with a class of "toggle" $('.toggle').prev().append('<a href="#" class="togglelink">'+hideText+'</a>'); // capture clicks on the toggle links $('a.togglelink').click(function() { // switch visibility is_visible = !is_visible; // change the link depending on whether the element is shown or hidden $(this).html( (!is_visible) ? hideText : showText); // toggle the display - uncomment the next line for a basic "accordion" style //$('.toggle').hide();$('a.toggleLink').html(showText); $(this).parent().next('.toggle').slideToggle('fast'); // return false so any link destination is not followed return false; }); }); HTML, <a class="togglelink" href="#"></a> <div class="toggle"> Content </div>
I'm trying to search for the correct code to make my form work. I have 3 select boxes - one with 2 options, one with 8 options, and the last with 2 options... All of this adds up to 32 different url paths. Can anyone tell me how to get this done?This is what I have so far: (and yea, I know I suck... I honestly have absolutely NO clue)
This is my first post to this forum. When a button in parent window is clicked multiple times, more than one popup window is opened. This problem is occurring in linux firefox and mozilla browsers. In windows the code is working fine. Is there any option in window.open() method to open a popup window once. s there any known issue regarding this case?. Need a workaround to fix this issue.
hen a button in parent window is clicked multiple times, more than one child window is opened. This problem is occurring in linux. In windows the code is working fine. Is there any option in window.open() method to open a child window once.
I am trying to change each forms .submit function like so (below) but each submit button gets the function of the last iteration. I want each form to have a different submit function without using onclick events.
var x = document.getElementsByTagName("form"); for(i=0; i < x.length; i++){ var ele = x[i].elements;[code].....
I am setting up a text search with 3 search buttons to allow 3 different searches from the one text box. Each search has different values for the 2 hidden elements. So far I've got the 3 submit buttons working with the below code but I can't figure how to get the hidden values to be inserted. For each of the 3 different submits I need to tell javascript what the 2 hidden values are.
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> function OnSubmitForm() { if(document.pressed == 'questions') {
Does anyone know of a Javascript slider that can function like Adobe's gradient creator?I'm not actually making gradients, I just need similar slider capabilities.I have a defined date range, let's say it's January 1 to Januaray 31. I want to make a slider that allows my user to split this date range into multiple ranges. So one person can do:
Jan 1 to Jan 5, Jan 6 to Jan 12, Jan 13 to Jan 31 Another person can do: Jan 1 to Jan 21, Jan 22 to Jan 31. How many regions they create doesn't matter to me. The goal is to pull it off with a Javascript slider that works similar to Adobe's gradient creator. Handle's can be added by clicking and removed by pulling it away from the slider. Handle's can also slide around fairly liberally.
I am familiar with the user built addEvent function used to load multiple functions in the window.onload property. However, I am curious as to the best way to do this across multiple JavaScript files. I thought I had seen somewhere code similar to the addEvent function was native to JavaScript now but I can't seem to find that anywhere.
Just to clarify, suppose I have 3 JavaScript files:
Code: function foo() { // do something here } fileB
note that it is not feasible to combine those functions into one file as they aren't always loaded together. What's the best way to load them all as a window.load?
Problem: This is essentially for a model number decoder. Several selection boxes full of coded information in a left column, decoded items appearing in right column. The 'decoded' divs will only show up when their coded counterparts are selected in the dropdown. The main problem is that I know nothing of Javascript.I have cobbled together enough stuff to get the "select box 1" to toggle the corresponding div, but have no clue how to get the next in series to toggle the next div. CSS:
I have found a problem with <select multiple="multiple"> and .change() under ie6. The problem is ie6 fires first change event right after any other event, like selecting again, clicking mouse, pressing a key etc. It is perfectly seen on [URL]... Just click any option in demo, nothing will happen.
If i put a handler using plain DOM, i.e. $("select").get(0).onchange = function() { ... } the problem dissapears. So, it's definitely a bug with jquery. JQuery version 1.4.2.
I am trying to introduce a multiple datepicker into a webpage and the problem arises with the second picker. I tried to copy and adapt the code I employed for the first one, renaming the variables but it is simply unable to output any date to the database. The code for the first picker (which works fine) is as follows: