Forms: Multiple Destinations Depending On Combo Of Multiple Select Boxes?

Sep 5, 2010

I'm trying to search for the correct code to make my form work. I have 3 select boxes - one with 2 options, one with 8 options, and the last with 2 options... All of this adds up to 32 different url paths. Can anyone tell me how to get this done?This is what I have so far: (and yea, I know I suck... I honestly have absolutely NO clue)



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Multiple Form Destinations

Jul 20, 2005

I was wondering if it is possible to create in one form 2 destination for example

<form method="post" action="test.html">
<textarea name="content">
<inbut button="submit" name="submit" value="submit">

Now I want a second button lets say submit2 and when it is clicked I want to
post to test2.html instead test.html. Is that possible without an if else?

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Multiple Select Boxes :: Make The Select Boxes Appear AFTER You Select The Field Before?

Jul 24, 2009

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

// This script supports an unlimited number of linked combo boxed

// Their id must be "combo_0", "combo_1", "combo_2" etc.

// Here you have to put the data that will fill the combo boxes

// ie. data_2_1 will be the first option in the second combo box

// when the first combo box has the second option selected

// first combo box

data_1 = new Option("Business Cards", "$");
data_2 = new Option("Club Flyers", "$$");[code].....

I have this code, and I was wondering if it is possible to make the select boxes appear AFTER you select the field before.

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Multiple Dropdown Select Boxes?

Nov 19, 2010

I'm populating a couple of dropdown boxes from an xml file, but can't get them working independently. As you can seehtmwhen you select an item from the first select box (a polyline), itdisplays the corresponding item from the other box (a polygon), too.I found this answer on the google maps forum:"Don't know of an example, but building two select boxes isn'tdifficult: pass into your createMarker() function the relevant flag,and add the data to one of two variables (instead of everything beingadded to select_html as now).You shouldn't need two handleSelected() functions -- both select listscan use the same function because each select box passes itself("this") into the function."which is what I thought I did (making sel_html and select_html) butmaybe the two variables being discussed here are different ones?cross-posted on the google maps forum here and here but not answered.

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Select Option Value - Multiple Forms?

Oct 11, 2011

I'm creating a paypal webpage and am having some issues with input values updating based on which item the user has selected. The boxes I need to update are the amount, item number and item name. I have the following code but it only updates the first form. If I make a change to the second set of options it updates the first form instead of the second.

function details(val)
var info = val.split("|");


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JQuery :: Multiple Select Boxes Changing A Div Value?

Oct 29, 2011

I'm not entirely familiar with jQuery coding, but I've given it my best shot to get this script working properly, and I can't seem to manage it. Here is my scenario: I'm creating a website for a friend who sells custom jewelery cuts. There are 4 different parameters you have to choose about your cut, and we would like to change the image displayed to match the parameters you select so you have a picture of what your going to purchase. The idea is like this:

I have managed to get it to update the image for a single select box, but then If I select another one it completely overrides the first one, and displays the second box. Here is what I have so far (and no it doesn't work :P):


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JQuery :: Multiple Select Boxes, Only One Is Required?

Jul 12, 2011

I have a form with 4 select boxes. At least one of them must be used during the submission event.I cannot get the logic straight that will enable this to happen.


This ensures that when only one select box is chosen, the form validates, however, it also validates if no boxes are selected. What's the most efficient way of doing this?

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Move Items Between Multiple Select Boxes

Apr 9, 2007

I need to be able to move items that come from a database (no problem with that) between three multiple select boxes. I also need to be able to move the items up and down within individual boxes....

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JQuery :: Populating Multiple Select Boxes With Ajax?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm trying to populate select boxes depending on choices in other select boxes. In my case, the person has to choose a type of fixture type, then a select box with all the models would populate, and then a third select box with the watts have to populate.

In my code, the second select box is populating, but the third one is not. I'm sure that the problem is not in the php, but has to be in the jquery side. I'm a newbie in jquery and javascript.


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JQuery :: Multiple Select Boxes Affecting Visible Items

Feb 17, 2010

I'm quite new to jQuery and have this working, though I'm fairly sure if this won't be an efficient way to do this. I have a form with each day of the week, and each day has a choice in the number of slots which then shows the correct number of slots for entry for that day.

The form:
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="DataTable"><tbody>
Slots .....

This is simplified just a little as there are more than the 1 input in an 'Entry Section' (eg .Entry3). The jQuery I have working here is:
function onSelectChange(){ .....

That's working fine, except I do want to have 7 days so that would be quite a lot of replicated jQuery code. I am thinking there will be a way to identify the select item with the others so jQuery will know which to adjust without having to spell every single item out. Is there an easy way to achieve this in the above?

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JQuery :: Multiple Forms With Multiple Submit Buttons?

Jul 7, 2011

I am trying to change each forms .submit function like so (below) but each submit button gets the function of the last iteration. I want each form to have a different submit function without using onclick events.

var x = document.getElementsByTagName("form");
for(i=0; i < x.length; i++){
var ele = x[i].elements;[code].....

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JQuery :: Multiple Select Lists In Multiple Rows That Have Been Dynamically Added?

Mar 7, 2010

I've been stumped. I'm usually good at figuring this stuff out, but I'm completely confounded here.I have a form with tables in it to add items to a series. The rows are being added dynamically by Jquery on the click event.

$('#hybrid tr:last').after('<tr><td width="15%"><?=brands('hybrid');?><input name="clubtypes[]" value="6" type="hidden" /></td><td width="25%"><?


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Multiple Text Boxes

Jan 31, 2008

i have a multiple page form where on one page i ask my user to enter a number into a textbox. i would like to know how to get some textboxes to appear on the next page in relation to the number they enter on the first page. i.e. if they enter 10 in the first text box, 10 textboxes appear on the next page for them to enter data into and then press next to go onto the following page.

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Post Multiple Forms

Jul 23, 2005

Is it possible to post all (or more of one) forms simultaneosly?


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Sum Fields On Multiple Forms?

Nov 19, 2010

I have been looking around on the webs but have not found anything. I can find how to add multiple fields, but what if they reside on different forms on the same page?

For example, here is my code with two forms:
<FORM name="form1">
<b>Size</b><input type="text" size="12" value="" name="size">*
<b>Qty</b><input type="text" size="4" value="" name="qty"


In this example, I want to sum the two fields named "tw1" (the last field on each form) into a text box.

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Multiple Action Forms And Js

Feb 24, 2011

I am trying to update a site that has a cookie feature enabled so that a certificate can be retrieved later on.I am using a form to collect and put the cookie, but I have to use two buttons to get the information stored and then direct the user on through to the rest of the site.My question is:Can I combine these functions into the same button? I have scoured the web for solutions, but I can't seem to find anyone doing this exact thing. I know that websites do this type of thing all of the time.

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Multiple Forms - How To Reference DIV

Mar 24, 2011

How do I reference a div in a form when there are multiple forms on a page? Each form will have a unique id. I'm trying to change the style.display of a div in a particular form. I can alter elements inside that div (whether they have id's or names), but I can't seem to reference the containing div. For example, I have a div with an id=customOrder. Inside the div I have 3 objects. I want to be able to change the display value for the div instead of having to change each objects' display. I'm currently passing (this.form) on a button click (which is what triggers the display of this div - well hopefully eventually). I've tried several things, but I guess I'm not getting the right combination.

The ultimate thing I'm trying to accomplish (and maybe this is part of my issue) is I have a series of 2 drop down menus I want to use for numerous items for purchase. I've included the drop down menus as "php includes", so when the page renders out, there will be multiple instances of the drop down menus (multiple instances of id's and names) - unless there is another way around this, I've got to work this way. I've got so far as to be able to distinguish which form's "add to cart" button was clicked and its corresponding drop down values. As of now, when I code a textarea to be hidden, it hides ALL textareas on the page (because I can't figure out how to reference a div on a formID by formID basis... If I need to supply a mock-up example, I can put one together...

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Using The Function For Multiple Forms?

Nov 25, 2011

I have this function and would like to use it with multiple form.

function validate_form (anyform){
valid = true;
if ( document.anyform.color.selectedIndex == 0 ){


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Multiple Alert Boxes At A Time?

Mar 21, 2010

Is there any way to pop up more than one alert boxes at a time?I tried it using a loop but they appear one after another, not at a time.

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Open Multiple Dialog Boxes?

Feb 1, 2010

I have some code to open 1 dialog box. Could someone please help me manipulate this code to open multiple boxes with different contents. I would like to do this with out duplicating the existing code, maybe setting a variable. The least amount of code the better.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8">[code]...........

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Random Selects Into Multiple Boxes?

Feb 16, 2010

I have a script which allows me to select random users from one select field to another and works like a charm, but...I want to be able to get random users from one select field to multiple (lets say 2) other select fields...So lets say that I have 5 users in the first field (select1):


Now when I press a button: <input value="" type="button" onClick="randomusers();" />

2 users should be moved to select2 and other 2 users moved to select3.My current script is as follows:

function randomusers(){
var given = 2, used = {}, randnum, opts = $('#select1 option'), olen = opts.length, hiddiv = $('#hiddendiv');
function ran() { // generate a unique random number[code].....

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Selecting Multiple Check Boxes....

Jul 18, 2007

I have developed an application in PHP.The user will find the list of experts and this code is generated based on the experts data in database.. It is working fine..

The users selects the expert according to his wish ( checks using check box provided before the expert and there is no restriction in selecting experts) .

Now he enters the question, he needs the reply and then he clicks on submit button.An email must be sent to the expert I need the javascript to find whether the USER CHECKED the Check boxes or NOT.

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Handling Multiple Forms On A Single JSP

Jul 20, 2005

I have a JSP page with several forms on it. Some of these forms are
generated dynamically, and each of them submits some information to a

Handling one form is easy, as I can simply make the form post to
itself, and handle the
data using a single bean. Since I have multiple forms, I now have a
problem. Several of the forms on the page handle the same type of data
(same input names), and a 'setproperty *' call for each of the form
beans would change data in several beasn, not just the form/bean that
sent the data.

I am attempting to write a separate JSP with a single bean that
handles a form submission. However, I'm not sure how to make this page
go back to the referring page from which the data was submitted.

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Accessing <span> With Multiple Forms?

Apr 12, 2011

I have multiple forms on one page with the same element name and one of them is the <span>. Below is my sample code for a simple html file for testing purposes. I have no problem accessing the <input> element, but i had problems with the <span> element.

In this scenario, i won't be able to use the document.getElementById() as both <span> have the same name.



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Access Elements With Same IDs Within Multiple Forms?

Aug 11, 2011

Normally I would just use document.getElementById to get anything I need but here is my problem:

I have a zip code control that I load using AJAX. it has city, state, country, county and zip code. This gets loaded within a business application and at one point you can have both a bill to and ship to address forms on the screen at the same time, loading my zip control with the same fields, same ids and same name. This forced me to now pass in the form name that contains the control.

I need to get to divs and spans within this form. Primarily as you type in a city or zip code, I am doing a hot search with a popup div that shows you results you can quickly choose from. The only time this becomes an issue is the situation I mentioned before when the zip code control is on the screen twice. I am not certain how to access the innerHTML of a span or div by way of the form name. Is this possible and if so what is the proper syntax?

Here is a very basic example at its simplest form of my problem.

<form name="frm_billto" id="frm_billto">
<span id="myspan">Hello</span>
<form name="frm_shipto" id="frm_shipto">
<span id="myspan">World</span>

In the above example because the control was loaded twice, I now have 2 spans with the same ID. I want the innerHTML of the each span based on the form they are in.

We wanted one control that we could use throughout the system that we could update in one place and the entire application be updated. Unfortunately we did not anticipate having it load more than once on the page.

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JavaScript Multiple Forms In Html?

Apr 17, 2010

I'm having some trouble naming variables in javascript. Actually, my html has multiple form names (form, form1, form2, etc..., and im just having trouble understanding how to access elements within.For example: I get error:Message: 'document.forms.form.bname' is null or not an objectWhen I use the following code:

var bname = document.forms["form"].bname.value;
And when I try this:
var bname = document.form.bname.value;

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