Getting Info About Computer Automatically Populated Onto A Form
Sep 3, 2010
In the IT department that I work at, when we move a computer/install a new one we have to fill out a form with the information on the computer (CPU clock speed, amount of RAM, OS and service pack, etc). I created a web form already where instead of doing it on paper, we can fill it out online and it'll send it via email. My boss now wants me to figure out a way to automatically populate the form with the information the computer should know. I think I can do the IP Address in the ASP we have on there, but I think I need something client side to do the other things. I guess my first question is if this is even possible using javascript?
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Nov 13, 2010
I voluntarily contribute on eBay's member-to-member Photos/HTML community forums along with a handful of other contributors.We often have eBay members that post on the forums that have trouble uploading images to eBay for the items that they want to sell. To properly help and diagnose these member's issues, we need to know information about their system, such as the browser that they are using, browser version, Adobe flash version, etc.
I've been seeking for an online tool that can detect info regarding one's system. There are various tools online to detect detailed info about one's system, such as this one, but they either give out too much information, or does detect everything I'd like to see answered.
I would like to have a custom script made that will detect the following information:web browser
browser version, including sub-version
OS platform
adobe flash version, including sub-version
the tool will detect the above information automatically, or upon user input, and send the info to a text box where the user can copy the generated info regarding their system and paste it on the forums for volunteer helpers to look at.
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Aug 7, 2010
Is there a javascript that can automatically change div tag info daily?
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Jul 16, 2010
I have a form to add items to a database. In the sidebar next to the form I have a bunch of pre-defined items, I would like to be able to click on one the pre-defined items and have it add a populated text field to the form.
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Aug 22, 2010
I don't know how hard this is / isn't to do, but I wondered if it is possible to use Javascript / jQuery (I have the library included on the page I need to edit) to display a message below a text input field if the field is populated.
The reason I need it is that if the user fills the field in, I would like to add an instruction message underneath the field. If the field remains empty, I don't want the text to display.
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Jun 28, 2010
i have a small (LAN only) web server running on my computer, and i would like to be able to make a web page in which i can run a program on the server computer from another compuer. say, for instance, i click a button on the web page running on the server, i want that action to run a .exe on the server. i came up with this code, but it doesn't run it server side, it runs it on the computer with the browser.
<TITLE>Run Executable HTA</TITLE>
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Nov 13, 2001
We have a form on our website, which ends up being sent to an e-mail address. The only problem is that some people access this form using public computers. When they press submit , the Internet Mail Wizard pops up and tries to make them setup a new account. Obviously because they are using a public computer we can't have them setting up e-mail accounts on that computer.
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Jul 23, 2005
How would I put this together so,
<input name="input1" type="text">
<input name="input2" value="whatever is typed into input1" type="text">
I would like to be able to type something in input1, and see it type
into input2
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Oct 18, 2010
I have a Cisco ASA that I use as a proxy server as such. I have a internal site that it will not pass credentials to so I was looking for a way to do that. Not being a site developer the only way I can come up with is to maybe pass it by using a cookie to store the password and ID. Below is the code I am trying to use. I can create the cookie with the code below but it will not change the PATH or the Domain for some reason. Also I do not think it is reading from the cookie not sure why. Basically I need it to set the cookie with the user info and then grab the info from the cookie to auto log the user in to the internal site.
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function writeCookie( )
var username = document.form.username.value; // Get the user's name
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Jul 21, 2009
i know that there is a mailto: script to use but it is unsecure and all that, so what would be the best way to go about sending form information to an email address in javascript?
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Jul 17, 2011
I have two forms (in two different webpages) all with radio buttons. A user cannot select more than one option from each form. My plan is to pass the user input from both the forms to a perl script which would then query a MySQL db for the output and display it. Now my question is, is it possible to pass the data from first form to second using GET/POST method in Radio form? Will it be possible to pass both data from first and second form into the Perl code? My first form page named as index.html page and the second one is named as party_names.html. The form code I used in the first index.html page is:
<form action="party_names.html" method=post name="Candidate_name" ENCTYPE= text/plain onsubmit="return form_validation(this)">
I have a JavaScript function to validate form data so that it can check whether a radio button is selected after clicking next button to go to next html form page.
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Mar 18, 2009
I dont know a lot about Javascript or AJAX. But, what I am wanting to do is to have two forms and what ever is entered in either will open a new window with that info.
In form one I want what is entered to be placed where the 77777 is in the URL in a new window.
In form two I want what is entered to replace IRN=77777 with Username=88888 and where the 88888 is will be what is entered in the field.
Here is what I have currently on my page:
<table border="0">
<td>Search IRN:<br /><input name="" style="width: 200px;" type="text"></td>
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Jan 6, 2010
I am NOT a coder; I have managed to attain a decent comfort level with (X)HTML and CSS over the course of the last few years, and I recently bought PHP and JavaScript books with the intention of learning both of those. But at the moment, my skills are akin to a child who is still learning the alphabet. Second, a little background: I am currently in the midst of designing forms to be used on a newspaper website. At the moment, the newspaper uses paper forms that people fill out for announcements such as weddings, engagements, births, child birthdays, etc. But due to an ever-shrinking budget, they'd like to find a way for people to enter the information online and have it arrive at the newspaper in a format that is as close to "ready to print" as possible.
My first experiment was the child's birthday form: [URL] PHPMailer-FE, I was able to set up a PHP template that emails the form info in paragraph form, so that it arrives in my inbox as "Peter Smith celebrated his seventh birthday December 31" rather than "Name: Peter Smith. Celebrate: Celebrated. Gender: His. Birthday: Seventh. Date: December 31." Okay, here's where the JavaScript comes in: I would love to have a "preview" button so that people submitting the form can double-check to make certain that the announcement will read correctly (especially to be sure that they haven't missed any he/she or his/her choices). Which means that I'd like to have, say, a pop-up window that shows the announcement as it will run: "Peter Smith celebrated his seventh birthday December 31." Once people have previewed the announcement, they can then send it to us at the newspaper. Is there a way to accomplish this in JavaScript that can be done by someone who has almost no working knowledge of JavaScript?
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Jul 9, 2010
i'm trying to make a script which display all the info user has chose on the form before submission. now every thing is working as i expected, i have only one problem and it's with the checkbox element. the script is displaying only 1 option and not all the option that has been chosen .
this is the code for the specific checkbox -
what do i need to change in order to show all the checked checkboxes and not only one?
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Nov 18, 2000
I need a form that will take user input and then email it. It should then redirect the user to a download or(page)after clicking submit. With controls to Clearform and Submit. It must also know that the fields are valid.
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Oct 26, 2009
i'm building a website at the moment with a user registration form. something i struggle with everytime is the best way to give feedback to the user (e.g. further instructions for a particular field or error messages).I saw a very nice execution of this recently at this site. /user/register - this looks to be a custom job, but i'm curious is the open-source or even paid plugins that do a similar thing.
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Jan 30, 2009
So I have an order form which gets all validated with fields, checkboxes, radiobuttons and so on...after submiting I would like to show pictures related to what was order/ of right now when I click sumbit it just shows no "error message/validation errors" since the information is just correctly entered but I would now like to go to another page? clear current page and basically show images...say my radiobuttons was car selection with options bmw, audi, lexus after submiting a new page loads ontop? showing a picture of the brand selected? how would I go abouts doing this?
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Nov 7, 2010
I'm just starting up in web design and I have an interesting challenge that I'm hoping can be solved w/java script. I have a site with an application form. When the form is to be submitted, the form data needs to be emailed to the correct person to handle that particular application. However, that can't be determined by anything specific in the form. It can only be determined by the link that they clicked on to get to the form. I really don't want to have 22 identical forms with just a different EmailTo addie, which is what the previous site developer did. Someone please tell me this can be done w/java script? If not w/java script
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Jul 23, 2005
I'd like to submit the form automatically using javascript when I fill the value in the user text input box. is it possible? i know i can do it for a pick list, I am not sure about the user text input box.
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Jun 2, 2001
This maybe a simple question, but I've never had to do it before.
How do I automatically submit a form, preferably with JavaScript?
I have a form with an action attribute to where to send data, some hidden fields and some radio buttons with default values, a submit button at the bottom, and a javascript timer that starts on the body onLoad event. The trick is that when the timer runs out, I want the form automatically submitted.
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May 13, 2010
I have a search form on my joomla site and it only gives live search suggestions, if asterisk (*) sign is present in the bottom of the query, so can you help me with the code, that I must add to this form, so it will add this * automatically and it would be perfect, if this asterisk was hidden (maybe just white color or something)?
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Jan 31, 2010
I'm sure this is really easy, but I can't get it to work
I'm trying to submit a form full of hidden fields automatically when the page loads. I don't have access to the <body> tag, so I'm trying to add the auto submit with javascript. (jqeury)
I've got so far:
Btw this is within a wordpress page.
I've tried the regular "$(document).ready(function() {" as well.
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Dec 10, 2010
Automatically submit a form using .live()?
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Dec 13, 2010
I have a form that has 9 pairs of fields on it. I'd like to change this so that there are only two blank pairs of fields displayed. As the user fills out a pair of fields, it adds another pair of blank fields. This way, the user can fill out as many as their heart desires, but those who don't have that much information to provide, aren't confronted with an unnecessarily huge form of blank fields.
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Mar 4, 2009
Basically, I've setup a form to have all the required data written to a csv file. Now, The only thing is some of the non-required fields are filled in and some people don't fill them in, so when I import it into excel, the fields move about. What I need to know, is there a condition I can set to have a value written into all the empty fields when it is submitted?
Here is where I am with that so far:
if (app100.address2.value == "") {
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Oct 25, 2011
1- Need to display three values on the screen as the user fills a form: total, required deposit and final balance. I managed to display the total but I can�t make the form to show automatically the two other values (deposit, final balance) unless I ask the user to click on buttons, which is not desirable since $ does not change automatically for deposit and final payment if user clicks on another radio button before sending the form.
2- Need to send to an e-mail the values of total, deposit and final balance, along with the choices the user made (ex: "Quad" and "Med"). I only managed to send the choices, not the totalled values.Here is the code I wrote (for demo purpose, I only put 2 choices vis-a-vis radio buttons):
<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
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