Enable And Disable Fields Dont Work With Radio Buttons?
Jan 19, 2010
I have written probably a rigged way of disabling and enabling fields and radio buttons. The only problem is that when i add the radio buttons to turn on and off the input fields wont work any more.
<script language="javascript">
function enableField()
I've got 2 groups of radio buttons (one is a set of options, the other is a range of payment options). When certain options are selected, various payment options are enabled/disabled. How can this be done with javascript?Here is what I would like to see:
When option 1 is selected, all payment options enabled. (none disabled) When option 2 is selected, payment options 1, 2, 3, 4 are enabled (5 & 6 disabled) When option 3 is selected, payment options 1, 2, 3, 4 are enabled (5 & 6 disabled) When option 4 is selected, payment options 1, 2, are enabled (3, 4, 5, 6 disabled)
I have a form that has three radio buttons. Each radio button, I have text input field. I want to be ale to check on whatever radio button, it will enable all text inputs fields for that radion button and disable the rest of the text field.Here is my form
this site,I had a problem with my code. I had two radio buttons when i click the first radio button i want to appear one login form(username,password&submit button) and some fields like texbox, radio buttons.here the login form is only in enable state remaining fields must be in disable state. When i click on second radio button then i want to disappear the login form and the remaining fields must be in enable state.here is my code
Within my project, using PHP/HTML/Javascript, I am trying to set up a page where a corresponding submit button is enabled when a given checkbox is checked. What complicates my attempt is that the checkboxes and submit buttons are in the form of arrays. Here is a snippet of my code:
<form name="myform4" id="list_apps" method="post"> <?php for ($i=0; $i<$num_rows;$i++)
I am wanting to make a few fields required after they are enabled, but it's not working well.
<script language="javascript"> function enableAdd(){ document.form1.empJobTitle.disabled=false; document.form1.empExt.disabled=false; document.form1.empEmail.disabled=false; }
function disableAdd(){ document.form1.empJobTitle.disabled=true; document.form1.empExt.disabled=true; document.form1.empEmail.disabled=true; }
function validateCheck(){ if(document.form1.empJobTitle.disabled=false && document.form1.empJobTitle.value==""); alert("You must enter the employee's job title."); return false;
if(document.form1.empExt.disabled=false && document.form1.empExt.value==""); alert("You must enter the employee's extension."); return false;
if(document.form1.empEmail.disabled=false && document.form1.empEmail.value==""); alert("You must enter a valid email address for the employee."); return false; }
I have a form with 4 radio buttons, the scenario is, when a user click on a radio button a hidden content will be displayed and the other three radio buttons will be disabled so that at one time a user can only click and view single radio button and the hidden content.Here is my code to show hide the hidden content but i need when the user select one radio button the other radio buttons should disable.
I have multiple forms on my website. Some of them have a checkbox which is checked by default, whereas others are unchecked by default. I'm trying to figure out how I would detect whether or not the checkbox is checked, and if it is checked, disable certain fields (not necessarily all fields), and then toggle it back and forth as I check or uncheck the box..I found this code:
I have a issue - I'm hiding and showing div's when the radio is clicked but currently you have to click twice for the div to show - what am i doing wrong?[code]...
I have a form consisting of nine text fields (labelled 1-9) and nine radio buttons for each of the text fields. I want to enable the radio buttons when text is entered into the field corresponding to that particular radio button. Is there a way of achieving this using a JavaScript onChange event?
I have javasctipt,radio buttons, and textfield in default my textfield is disabled, and when any of radio buttons was click it is disabled also, but when the radio button of the textfield is click it will enable, it works fine and submit the correct data. When I went back to that page the radio button of the text field was checked (ok its fine because it has value) but it didnt show the value of the text field, and it is disabled. I want to repost the input...
Here's my code index: Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]"> <html xmlns="[URL]"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> .....
I have written the following script which enables/disables checkboxes on my page when a radio button is selected.[code] What I would like to do is create another function called checkval() like below, which will check the value of my radio button (id: email_alerts). If the value is equal to "on" then it will run enableCheckboxes().
I have 2 groups of radio buttons..I can manage to make one set be disabled via a selection.. but i can only get this right with the VALUE...Is it possible to use the radio id to do the same?Just use the link below for they jquery
I'm trying to create a group of radio buttons that enable user to select whether to maintain the current image, remove the image or upload a new image. If user selects maintain the current image or remove the image, the upload field will be disabled, when user select upload a new image, the upload field will be enable. My script is as below but I do not get it work correctly, do you have any advice for me?
HTML Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function Disab() { frm=document.forms[0] if(frm.change_voucher.checked) {frm.img_voucher.disabled=false} [Code]....
I made a quiz using radio, grouped with different names, my problem is that, I want a situation at which the visitor that takes the test will not be able to change the answer of an already answered question. Code:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head>
above is the code of quiz which is created in php. that quiz is fine. the problem in in js script above the php script. what i want is when the time of 5 mins is completed then i want to disable all those radio buttons except submit button.
I'm trying to get the following code to work. It's fine if there are only 2 sets, but once you add a 3rd or 4th it breaks. making a choice of either regular non-member or student member & then changing to another choice fails to disable the last button and also fails to clear selections.note that it is not a requirement that i use radio buttons for the disabled/enabled choices; they could be checkboxes instead.
<script language="JavaScript"> function Disab (val) { if(val=="0")
I would like to be able to display or hide fields based on whether a specific Yes/No radio button is selected. This is in conjunction with a posting a just made here in the same group related to checkboxes.
I have a form which has two radio buttons at the beginning which show and hide fields depending on what button is clicked:
I want to adapt this js and html code so that when the page loads it checks whether one of the two radio buttons is clicked and depending on that it displays/hides the divs which are declared in the current function, at the moment it performs this when the user clicks one of the radio buttons but I want to perform it when the page is loaded and also when the user first enters the page I want the yes radio button to be selected and obviously show/hide
I would like to disable a check box depending on whether 1 of 3 radio buttons is chosen by the user. As I am a js noob, I don't have any beginning code to start with.
I can't get the radio buttons to work properly in my browser. If you don't press one the alert box does not tell you that you have to tick either male or female. Also I noticed you can tick both but it won't say you must choose only one, how can I sort this..
case "radio_hidden": if (fld.value != "1")/* radio male or female button should be checked*/ { fld.valid = true;
I'm having a problem with my radio buttons. On FF and Chrome they work just fine, but in IE, they does'nt appear as sellected. In other words: they do their job, but when you click'em, they stay unckeched. The genetarion code:
var item = $('<input type="radio" />').attr('value',pid).attr('name',name); self.append($('<p />').append(item).append('<label>'+desc+'</label>'));
java and i am having trouble getting radio buttons , check boxes and pull down lists to work in my form whenever i put them in there they just come up as undefined. And if i try to put any if statements in the hyper links stop working as the program cannot run. Obviously as i am doing something very wrong.I am at a loss and have spent hours on it and just cant get these things working.Any thing with a typed answer works great such as first name or last name here is the code i have written so far
<script> function hidediv(divname) { if (document.getElementById) { // DOM3 = IE5, NS6
I'm trying to create a questionnaire style series of radio buttons which are hidden and then a different set of radio buttons displayed depending on the previous answer. eg
Q1 Is it a man? (if select yes then display)
Q2 Is he called John? (if no then display)
Q3 Is he called Gary? and so on...
I've been testing using the code below but wondered if anyone had any ideas on how this could be done easily?
I can't get the form validation and the postioned layers/radio buttons working at the same time is either 1 of the other. I have provided the code html/css/javascript code below [URL]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head>