Dynamically Changing Attributes - Making A Spreadsheet Like Webpage
Dec 21, 2009
I'm currently in the process of making a spreadsheet like webpage and it all working fine... However I have been using setAttribute and removeAttribute in order to dynamically change a table cells onclick property.
This of course does not work in IE7 etc and I've been banging my head against a brick wall trying to come up with a solution that will work in all browsers but I just can't seem to get it to work with using methods such as...
I get all sorts of not implemented, type mismatch errors when I try to use the above.
Below is the setAttribute code which works.
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Jul 24, 2010
I have a question about hotspots in JavaScript. I'm trying to make a web page with two images. I would like to have Image 1 consist of five hotspots, each of which would change Image 2 when it is moused over. Basically, Image 1 would be divided into five small pictures, and when the user placed their mouse over one of the small pictures, Image 2 would change to match it. Is it possible to do this with hotspots? I could convert Image 1 into five different images and stack them, but it would be simpler to do it this way if possible.
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Sep 3, 2002
I need to change dynamically how a class is displayed, my site (with out going into detail) interprets saved info from the user (its saved through perl) in a *.js file, then views it through template *.htm files drawing on js files after loading.
The thing is I need to allow for several settings like font type size and color, (things that could be held in style sheets) but then save in their js file a number representing this and load it when the template page is opened.
I have two possibilities to answer this
1, instead of using classes I could use Ids - but using 1 id for what could (hypothetically) be an endless string of elements seems real messy, I don't even know if it would work.
2, I read somewhere I could dynamically generate style tags with the classes defined, but I can't find where I read this..
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Jul 24, 2009
OK, been banging my head with this for a while. I have a dynamic sitewhere we get a list of elements from the database, we identify theseitems with id numbers and encoded get strings. So I'm trying to getstyle changes to take affect with jquery and it really just doesn'twork.I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Here is the source code:
<script type=text/javascript src=/scripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js></
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May 14, 2009
I am using the JK Pop-up image viewer, from JavaScript Kit for an online library exhibition I am making. I can change the background color of the pop-up window to the color of the main website (Dark Blue) however, I can not seem to find away to change the color or font style, of the text that appears in the pop-up window.I have tried using css to no success, the only way I can seem to do it is by wrapping the text for each image in the deprecated <font color> tag which i obviously don't want to do.Here is the code below:
<script type="text/javascript">
// JK Pop up image viewer script- By JavaScriptKit.com
// Visit JavaScript Kit (http://javascriptkit.com)
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Jun 24, 2010
I'm extending the number of rows of a table by cloning the last row (=newLastRow). Each row has a single input tag in it, with a name which includes the row number and an onclick function call which passes the row number to the function:<input type='text' class='clickable' name='inp8.1' size='20' value='xyx' onclick='toggle("table8");'>The new cloned row has an input tag with the same parameter value as the cloned one, obviously. I need to increment this: name='inp9.1', 'toggle("table9")'.y question is simple but I'm just starting with DOM: how do I refer to the input tag in the newLastRow so I can change these values?
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Nov 22, 2010
I'm not really much of a javascript programmer, but I occasionally use javascript that I've found here and there. But I'm unable to find anything that helps me in what I'm trying to do now.
I regularly use a snippet of code that pops up a small window to display an image or a very small html file.Using the window.open() function, I'm able to disable scrolling, resizing, etc., and size it to my needs. I'll have a window.close link somewhere on the page. But in my current project, my customer's page has several links related to other companies. When you click on the link, an that company's ad pops up in a small window. At this point, the viewer can simply close the window, or they should be able to click on the ad and be taken to that company's website.
I'm able to have it close the window and open that new url in the parent browser window, but my website customer doesn't want their site to go away. They want the new company's website in a new window.
Or I can simply NOT close the popup window, but now the new company's website is in a relatively small browser window, unable to scroll, resize, etc. Is there a way for me to somehow modify an existing window with an onclick directive - something similar to the window.open() function, OR open a new browser window with window.open() AND close the popup window? If I haven't made myself clear, let me know and I'll try to explain myself better.
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Feb 3, 2009
I've got a set of input fields of type text, that I want to change to hidden. The fields are identified by the class name .navtitle. Here is the code I've written to try and change the fields:
Code JavaScript:
$(".navtitle").each(function() {
this.type = "hidden";
This works fine in Firefox, but doesn't work in IE, and worse still, breaks all of the other JQuery code I've got as well.
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Nov 1, 2011
Im developing a script for dynamically creating html table structure so that from the input that has been given to the function it will fetch the values one by one and will create the structure. My problem is i want to add attributes to the elements created. sample code attached.
with( window['o' + elementname]){
here the element name will be get from the parameters passed to the function. i want to verify whether the line in bold is correct or not coz the id is not updated in output.
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Nov 9, 2006
I want to change the href for all the <a> tags once the page has full loaded.
Is there any way to do it.
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Sep 19, 2010
I want to write a program that change the color of blocks and text on each block in a web page by it.You know in a web page we have many blocks and each blocks we have texts and may be shapes.So,I want to assign three(3) code to each block and text and also shape on each blocks so by selecting each of them,the color of each 3 items[ above items;the color of background of blocks,color of text on the blocks and the color of shape on the bolcks ] changed immediately and automatically.
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Jan 4, 2011
I created a web page having textbox and an update button. My need is to display data in the text box when page is loaded. After that when I click on the textbox it will become an input textbox and can enter data. when data entered completely, click on the update button, after that newly entered data must be displayed on the text box. i.e same text box will be used for input and output data.
I created my web page using html. I knew that, by using ajax i can implement the above functionality. but i didn't get any idea to write the code.
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Oct 27, 2008
How does one use the onResize() event to dynamically resize a web page according to the size of the user's viewport?
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May 3, 2011
I'd like to use JavaScript to dynamically change the cursor style of the entire web page but I can't seem to get the phrasing correct. The following does not work:
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Feb 27, 2007
I have a few radio boxes where a user can choose different options and
I want to show an explanation of each option after it's clicked.
Here's what I have:
<script type="text/JavaScript">
function toggle(o){
o.className = ( o.className == "show" ) ? "hide" : "show";
'function describetype(){
' if (window.event.srcElement.value == "starter")
typedesc.innerHTML="A Starter request is for a new employee who's
never worked for cadbury or the Bottling Group before.";
' if (window.event.srcElement.value == "leaver")
typedesc.innerHTML="A Leaver request is for an existing employee who's
permanently leaving the company.";
'function starter(){
'typedesc.innerHTML="A Starter request is for a new employee who's
never worked for cadbury or the Bottling Group before.";
'function leaver(){
'typedesc.innerHTML="A Leaver request is for an existing employee
who's permanently leaving the company.";
function describetype(o){
if (o == "starter"){
typedesc.innerHTML="Starters are...etc.";
if (o == "leaver"){
typedesc.innerHTML="Leavers are...etc.";
The first "toggle" function works fine but the "describetype" won't
work. Here's the HTML:
<td class="layout bold">
<input type="radio" name="reqtype" value="starter"
checked="checked" onclick="describetype(starter)"Starter<br>
<input type="radio" name="reqtype" value="leaver"
onclick="describetype(leaver)"Leaver<br />
<td class="layout bold">
<input type="radio" name="reqtype" value="mover"Mover<br />
<input type="radio" name="reqtype" value="adhoc"Ad Hoc
The error keeps saying that "starter" or "leaver" is undefined. I'm
not much of a javascript guy (mostly the cut and paste variety myself)
but everything I've seen says this should work. No?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a page with 3 divisions overlaying each other. I dynamically
change the visibility to switch between them. On the Mac version of IE
5.1 I am not able to activate the scroll bars after making a division
visible. Only the originally displayed division works. I am able to
click on the data (option select lists) in all of the divisions. There
is no problem when I use Netscape.
I would like to dynamically change the z-index to see if that would
help. Can someone tell me how?
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a piece of javascript I need to modify. Right now it changes a stylesheet in the document between style.css and no_indent.css. These
are in the head of my document:
<link rel=stylesheet href=/style.css>
<link rel=stylesheet href=/no_indent.css>
<link rel=stylesheet href=/style.css>
What the code below does is toggle between the two depending on what link is clicked. Here are the links:
<a href=javascript:changeSheets(1)>Threaded</a>
<a href=javascript:changeSheets(2)>Flat</a>
What I want to do is have one link that will toggle between the two
stylesheets. So the page loads style.css initially. If the link is
clicked once it changes to no_indent.css. If it's clicked again it
changes back to style.css, and so on.
Can anyone let me know how to do this?
function changeSheets(whichSheet){
var c=document.styleSheets.length;
for(var i=0;i<c;i++){
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Dec 16, 2003
Is there a way to change the contents of a div block dynamically? Or should I use iframe instead?
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Dec 11, 2006
I've taken a look around the net, and I've noticed some spreadsheet scripts out there written in javascript/html, and I've noticed they mostly seem to lack some functionality/formulas.
So I've been playing around with creating my own spreadsheet, and so far I have something approximating a spreadsheet in Firefox.
I have a couple of issues with making cross-browser, as I clearly do not understand the problems with the Opera and IE browsers.
Current issues:
1. IE apparently only recognizes every 2nd column/row when entering data, but will quite happily allow the user to scroll around the page with the mouse-wheel and the arrow keys.
2. Every time the user switches cells, what is happening in the background is that the innerHTML of the cell is being recorded, then copied into a textfield for editting, which is then swapped for the old innerHTML. However in IE (and occasionally in Opera) what happens sometimes is that I get a double event firing or something weird like that, and I end up with an text field with its OWN innerHTML inside itself (gotta like that self-referencing stuff).
3. Who knows what else is wrong with the formulas in IE since I can't get past issue #1.
4. Opera apparently doesn't recognize the mouse-wheel event at all, and only fires the onkeydown event once (even if you hold down the key on your keyboard). Also, Opera also occasionally likes to swap the innerHTML for itself as with issue #2 above.
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Apr 18, 2007
The following is a very simple example of what I want to do take an
elements oncontextmenu and changing it dynamically onclick of that
same element. The code below will fail unless you change the line
document.getElementById('div1').setAttribute('onco ntextmenu',
document.getElementById('div1').setAttribute('onco ntextmenu',
function(){alert('World World');return false;});
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Jul 20, 2005
I'm having a problem dynamically changing the color of a table background.
I'm not sure exactly how to word this, but I'll give an example.
I have a function called greentored(propname)
i want to be able to change the following to a different color:
but substitute the propname with the variable that I'm sending over.
Here is what I had written before but it did not work, it should be easy to
understand what i'm trying to do:
function greentored(propname) {
changecolor = "document.all." + propname + ".style.background";
changecolor = "green";
I understand why this doesn't work because all i'm doing is reasigning
"changecolor" to equal green, rather then setting the property of the first
instance of "changecolor" to green.
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Apr 20, 2010
I have a template that will have tons of different background options. I want people looking at the demo to be able to test out each one without having to reload the page.
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Nov 16, 2010
i'm new to jquery and am not real familiar with javascript. I have a color picker on my page that puts the hex value in an input box. I'm not familiar with jquery or javascript in general. I would like to be able to take the hex value and use it in updating a style of a div onkeyup or onchange...say the border color for example. Something like this...but this isn't working.
<input type="text" id="colorfield1" onFocus="ddcolorposter.echocolor(this, 'colorbox1')"> <div id="colorbox1" class="colorbox"></div>
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Apr 19, 2006
Im making a quiz with some javascript and when the user hits submit I want a table cell to display that questions have been missed and to provide a link to the pages that hold the information. Can I do this without using DHTML?
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Mar 16, 2011
I need to select browser option dynamically using javascript for handling cookies , i.e., in need select "override automatic cookie handling" checkbox dynamically. how to select this check.
Tools - -> Internet Options --> Privacy (Tab) --> Advance (Button) --> Override automatic cookie handling .
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Mar 23, 2010
I am building a schedule web page and before I just had it use plain static HTML and CSS to control the styling. I wrote some javascript that goes through the table's rows, then cells (double for loop), and if the cells innerHTML == "" then the style class is changed. I do have some working code, however it only works in IE. Here's a copy of the script:
<script type="text/javascript">
for (var i = 0; i < document.getElementById('table').rows.length; i ++)
for (var j = 0; j < document.getElementById('table').rows(i).cells.length; j ++)
if (document.getElementById('table').rows(i).cells(j).innerHTML == "")
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