Changing Div Contents Dynamically

Dec 16, 2003

Is there a way to change the contents of a div block dynamically? Or should I use iframe instead?

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Changing The Contents Of Another Cell

Dec 1, 2002

I would like a simple table where the user can hover over one of several small cells, and the contents of the main cell changes. An example can be found on the Website right in the middle of the page.

Can someone point me in the right direction?

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Changing Location Bar Contents Without Reloading

Jan 24, 2006

Is there any way to change the contents of the location bar, such as to add something like "?c=1" to the end of the url, without causing the web page to reload itself?

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Dynamically Move A Div And All Of Its Contents?

Jan 3, 2010

I'm trying to create a little game (If you can call it that) where every time the user hovers over a <div> which contains a button, said <div> moves to a random point on the page.I've tried a way of moving the item and Googled extensively but have not yet come up with a way of doing it.This is my current code:

var carrier = document.getElementById(btnarea); = randomHeight + "px";


Which does not work. I hover over the <div> and the button, yet nothing happens. I can click the button, which seems to be the only thing working right now.

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Changing The Contents Of A Textarea In Internet Explorer

Sep 13, 2011

I'm working on a text editor with simple BBCode tags, like . It works perfectly in firefox and chrome, but not in Internet Explorer.

The js function in question:

Do we even have a selection?

The variable textArea is, of course, a <textarea>.

I call this function with the onclick event of a button, like this:

In Chrome and FF, clicking the button inserts the tags, just as it should. In IE, nothing happens.

I have another js function that formats the text and displays it, which works in all browsers. No idea why this doesn't. Any reason this wouldn't work in IE? Anything I can do to make it work?

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Dynamically Edit A Table's Contents

Apr 5, 2007

Does anyone know how to Dynamically add new rows to a table through plain javascript.
I tried changing the InnerHTML with getelementbyid() already and that doesn't work.

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Dynamically Replace Table Contents

Feb 17, 2005

ok basically i want to move two rows in a table.
for example i have the table:

1 name1 address1
2 name2 address2
3 name3 address3
4 name4 address4

and i'd like a javascript function to which i could pass a line number, a destination number, and it would then reorganize the table accordingly.
example: rebuildtable(4,2) would result in:

1 name1 address1
4 name4 address4
2 name2 address2
3 name3 address3

and rebuildtable(1,4) in:

2 name2 address2
3 name3 address3
4 name4 address4
1 name1 address1

I have tried a method using innerHTML, I seem to be able to access <tr>s' innerhtml (if i do an alert on them i can see their current status), however when i want to replace one tr with some other html it fails for some reason.

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JQuery :: Use Event Handlers To Update DOM After Changing Contents Of A UI Tab

Oct 1, 2011

Trying to get a handle on the basic syntax.

I want to use .ajax instead of the following js function so that I can use the event handlers to update the DOM after changing the contents of a jQuery UI tab. What happens now is that the DOM only contains the first loading of the JQuery UI tab (fragment-3 in this example). Once the tab is changed by the displayfrag3 function (a table is rewritten with new <td ids>) the DOM doesn't see any new id tags so "on click" functions using the new ids don't work.

My Call to this Function:

My Attempt at using jQuery .ajax:

What is the call statement for this and how do I pass a variable to it?

Could someone show me the correct jQuery .ajax code and explain how to add the success handler to update the DOM.

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Changing Current Page Contents With Radio Buttons

Feb 11, 2004

i'm trying to set up a page that has 5 radio buttons at the top of the page and when you select one of them, without needing to hit a 'submit' button, it will change the contents of the second half of the page, which will contain form elements.

i'm trying to do this without frames or iframes, and am hoping there's a way to do it with cfloop or something.

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JQuery :: Dynamically Add Divs To HTML Page And Get Its Contents?

May 12, 2010

There is a project called Seed which allows JavaScript programs to run on the Linux desktop. There is connected project called SeedKit which runs HTML files as a Graphical User Interface front end for JavaScript files run by Seed. It acts like a webpage which rather than linked to a web-server is linked to a JavaScript program with HTML events like buton clicks etc that drives JavaScript much in the same way as normal desktop Graphical toolkits do. I hope this page from my blog starts a bit.


Both projects are quite new so is very experimental. I am not involved in the development of any of the projects but I am trying to create a few examples to show how it works. My first example is to take the contents of the log folder /var/log, display it in the SeedKit HTML file and when a user clicks on it, it displays the contents of the log file.The way I am going about this is firstly to create a two column table in the HTML thus:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

The table on the HTML file is populated with the file names but I can't get the contents of the specific div I have clicked on. I tried $(this).text() but it displays all the text in the table.

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Ajax :: Dynamically Update Contents Of Div Based On Form Fields

Jun 5, 2009

Currently, I have a php form with various inputs, and a div where I am embedding an (initially) empty open flash chart object.Right now, I am calling a php file on the submit of the form, which takes the form data, calls a python script to process the form data, and then creates an open flash chart object using the data the python script returns.There are a few problems with this:

1. When the submit on the form is called, it goes to a different page where the chart is displayed, when I would really just like to update the contents of the chart div where I initially embedded the empty chart.

2. The processing of the form in the python code can take some time, so what I would really like is to have the chart "check" the output of the python script periodically and update the chart each time, adding the new data points to the old ones.

I know I can do all of these things with javascript and Ajax, I just can't seem to find any tutorials or examples that are exactly what I am looking for.

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Dynamically Changing A DIV

Feb 27, 2007

I have a few radio boxes where a user can choose different options and
I want to show an explanation of each option after it's clicked.
Here's what I have:

<script type="text/JavaScript">

function toggle(o){
o.className = ( o.className == "show" ) ? "hide" : "show";

'function describetype(){
' if (window.event.srcElement.value == "starter")
typedesc.innerHTML="A Starter request is for a new employee who's
never worked for cadbury or the Bottling Group before.";
' if (window.event.srcElement.value == "leaver")
typedesc.innerHTML="A Leaver request is for an existing employee who's
permanently leaving the company.";

'function starter(){
'typedesc.innerHTML="A Starter request is for a new employee who's
never worked for cadbury or the Bottling Group before.";

'function leaver(){
'typedesc.innerHTML="A Leaver request is for an existing employee
who's permanently leaving the company.";

function describetype(o){
if (o == "starter"){
typedesc.innerHTML="Starters are...etc.";
if (o == "leaver"){
typedesc.innerHTML="Leavers are...etc.";


The first "toggle" function works fine but the "describetype" won't
work. Here's the HTML:

<td class="layout bold">
<input type="radio" name="reqtype" value="starter"
checked="checked" onclick="describetype(starter)"Starter<br>
<input type="radio" name="reqtype" value="leaver"
onclick="describetype(leaver)"Leaver<br />
<td class="layout bold">
<input type="radio" name="reqtype" value="mover"Mover<br />
<input type="radio" name="reqtype" value="adhoc"Ad Hoc

The error keeps saying that "starter" or "leaver" is undefined. I'm
not much of a javascript guy (mostly the cut and paste variety myself)
but everything I've seen says this should work. No?

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Dynamically Changing Z-index

Jul 23, 2005

I have a page with 3 divisions overlaying each other. I dynamically
change the visibility to switch between them. On the Mac version of IE
5.1 I am not able to activate the scroll bars after making a division
visible. Only the originally displayed division works. I am able to
click on the data (option select lists) in all of the divisions. There
is no problem when I use Netscape.

I would like to dynamically change the z-index to see if that would
help. Can someone tell me how?

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Dynamically Changing A Stylesheet

Jul 20, 2005

I have a piece of javascript I need to modify. Right now it changes a stylesheet in the document between style.css and no_indent.css. These
are in the head of my document:

<link rel=stylesheet href=/style.css>
<link rel=stylesheet href=/no_indent.css>
<link rel=stylesheet href=/style.css>

What the code below does is toggle between the two depending on what link is clicked. Here are the links:

<a href=javascript:changeSheets(1)>Threaded</a>
<a href=javascript:changeSheets(2)>Flat</a>

What I want to do is have one link that will toggle between the two
stylesheets. So the page loads style.css initially. If the link is
clicked once it changes to no_indent.css. If it's clicked again it
changes back to style.css, and so on.

Can anyone let me know how to do this?


function changeSheets(whichSheet){
var c=document.styleSheets.length;
for(var i=0;i<c;i++){

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IE Changing An Onclick Event Dynamically

Apr 18, 2007

The following is a very simple example of what I want to do take an
elements oncontextmenu and changing it dynamically onclick of that
same element. The code below will fail unless you change the line

document.getElementById('div1').setAttribute('onco ntextmenu',


document.getElementById('div1').setAttribute('onco ntextmenu',
function(){alert('World World');return false;});


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Dynamically Changing Background Color

Jul 20, 2005

I'm having a problem dynamically changing the color of a table background.

I'm not sure exactly how to word this, but I'll give an example.

I have a function called greentored(propname)

i want to be able to change the following to a different color:

but substitute the propname with the variable that I'm sending over.

Here is what I had written before but it did not work, it should be easy to
understand what i'm trying to do:

function greentored(propname) {

changecolor = "document.all." + propname + ".style.background";

changecolor = "green";


I understand why this doesn't work because all i'm doing is reasigning
"changecolor" to equal green, rather then setting the property of the first
instance of "changecolor" to green.

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JQuery :: Changing A Class Dynamically ?

Apr 20, 2010

I have a template that will have tons of different background options. I want people looking at the demo to be able to test out each one without having to reload the page.

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JQuery :: Dynamically Changing Div Style?

Nov 16, 2010

i'm new to jquery and am not real familiar with javascript. I have a color picker on my page that puts the hex value in an input box. I'm not familiar with jquery or javascript in general. I would like to be able to take the hex value and use it in updating a style of a div onkeyup or onchange...say the border color for example. Something like this...but this isn't working.

<input type="text" id="colorfield1" onFocus="ddcolorposter.echocolor(this, 'colorbox1')"> <div id="colorbox1" class="colorbox"></div>


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Dynamically Changing Content Without DHTML

Apr 19, 2006

Im making a quiz with some javascript and when the user hits submit I want a table cell to display that questions have been missed and to provide a link to the pages that hold the information. Can I do this without using DHTML?

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Changing Browser Options Dynamically?

Mar 16, 2011

I need to select browser option dynamically using javascript for handling cookies , i.e., in need select "override automatic cookie handling" checkbox dynamically. how to select this check.

Tools - -> Internet Options --> Privacy (Tab) --> Advance (Button) --> Override automatic cookie handling .

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Dynamically Changing Table Style?

Mar 23, 2010

I am building a schedule web page and before I just had it use plain static HTML and CSS to control the styling. I wrote some javascript that goes through the table's rows, then cells (double for loop), and if the cells innerHTML == "" then the style class is changed. I do have some working code, however it only works in IE. Here's a copy of the script:

<script type="text/javascript">
for (var i = 0; i < document.getElementById('table').rows.length; i ++)
for (var j = 0; j < document.getElementById('table').rows(i).cells.length; j ++)
if (document.getElementById('table').rows(i).cells(j).innerHTML == "")


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AJAX :: PHP - Changing A Form Dynamically?

Jun 9, 2010

Instead of implenting a prefabricated calender on my site, I tried a different route. I built a simple form where the user picks time and date. Now, what I need to do is to secure a dynamic changing of the <select> tag carrying the values for days in the month, based on what information the user has put into the <select> tag carrying the values for the month. This should be logical, as it should not be possible to choose ie. the 31st of June, as there's no such date. I hope you understand what I need.


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Dynamically Changing Text Box Value From A Select Box

Feb 17, 2004

I have a drop down box on a site, and when an option is selected, I need the value of a text box to change.

My form has the following in it:

<select name="event">
<option value="" onclick="updateprice(0)">Please Select..</option>
<option value="3" onclick="updateprice(25)">Monday 16th February 2004 (£25 per ticket)</option>
<option value="2" onclick="updateprice(20)">Saturday 28th February 2004 (£20 per ticket)</option>

and I have this javascript function:

function updateprice(theamount) {
document.nonmember.adminprice.value = theamount
the form is called 'nonmember' and the text box i need to change is called 'adminprice'.

Everything works fine in mozilla, but in IE nothing happens when I select an item from the drop down list (not even a javascript error)

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Dynamically Changing Flash Vars?

Jun 1, 2010

I have a flash header on my website with 5 menu items (home, register, about us, etc)

myheader.swf?button=1 "Home" is focused
myheader.swf?button=2 "register" is focused
etc etc

When you click on a menu item it becomes the focused menu item (or "button") and the flash fires off a javascript event which handles the AJAX.Using the browser's back/forward buttons, the flash header's focused item does not change.

I can capture the history change, but how can I change the " .swf?button=x " using javascript.

PS: the flash header is a big file and I do not want to reload it every single time to update the var

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Changing Form Fields Dynamically?

Jul 27, 2010

Below is the html and js I have so far to dynamically place form fields on the form when a certain radio button is marked (Fixed hours). Problem is I can't get the fields to go away if the other radio button is marked (Variable hours). Solutions on what code my js needs to remove the fields when the opposite radio button is marked?

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Dynamically Changing Play - Pause Buttons

Dec 21, 2011

I have an image slideshow that works fine and, I may be being over ambitious but I'd like to combine the Play and Pause buttons so that when the slideshow is playing, the Play button is replaced by the Pause button and when it is paused the Pause button is replaced by the Play button.

Sounds like a simple JavaScipt change image function but both buttons have roll over effects and they both have different JavaScript functions assigned to them so I'm struggling to get my head around what I need to do.

I've highlighted the relevant chunks of code below...

The HTML / CSS...

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