Displaying And Changing Image - User Selection?

Apr 17, 2011

I have problem, the code cannot operate. The user must select in dropdown list having one display of image every time.

JS code
var sel = document.getElementById("sw");
function f1(){
var imgs = ['chart1.cgi', 'chart2.cgi', 'chart3.cgi', 'chart4.cgi'];
var im = document.getElementById("pic");
im.src = imgs[this.selectedIndex];

html code
<img id="pic" src="chart1.cgi" />
<select name="sw" id="sw" onchange = "f1()" >
<option value="s1">what</option>
<option value="s2">whatever 2</option>
<option value="s3">whatever 3</option>
<option value="s4">whatever 4</option>

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Hiding And Displaying Forms Based On Selection

Dec 30, 2010

I am trying to display three different types of forms of the same page. One of the three will appear based on the selection. Right now my code has everything shown when you first reload the page and then when you select something it all disappears and nothing comes back. I am trying to use divs because the forms will perform the same action just with different parameters. It is a lot of code but the forms are the same thing just wrapped in a different div and I know they work. hopefully this will cut down on the amount of time you have to look at it.

Below is what I have so far:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function choose()
document.getElementById('notes').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('tests').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('homework').style.display = 'none'; .....

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Displaying Part Of Form Based On List Box Selection

Mar 13, 2006

I have a form with a drop down list box, few textboxes with labels and submit button. depending upon my selection I should be able to show hide textbox; assume items, 1,3,5 in the selection box shows the items other than the listbox and 2,4,6 items in the selction box if selected hides the labels and textboxes. but in all the case submit button should be present.

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Displaying Font And Color Selection Using Client Input

Sep 16, 2004

I am trying to figure ou how to have a page where a client can input some text, then select a font type and color and possibly an outline(?) and have the page display their text with their selections (I hope that makes since-like if they choose 'Hi' in blue text, veranda style it would actually display the text in blue in the font face chosen), and from what I gather, I may be able to achieve this using javascript with css, but I'm not sure where to start?

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Displaying Pictures And Changing Them With Buttons?

Feb 1, 2010

I have 4 pictures (Picture_1, Picture_2, Picture_3, Picture_4) and 2 buttons. I am trying to make it so that when you click the 'next picture' button it increments a variables andchanges the current picture to the next one ("Picture_" + CurrentPicture) I am aware that I would need to delete the current picture before creating the next one but I am unsure how to do this I use document.write("<img src = 'Picture_Example'>") to display my picture but if there is a better way Here's all my code:

<script language = "javascript" type = "text/javascript">


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Changing The Url Of An Iframe With A Selection Box

Mar 29, 2006

I have been wrestling with a problem, I am trying to change the url of
an Iframe from a simple selection box, once the user selects the
desired url they wish to visit from the main page the iframe then loads
the url while not affecting the main page. I am using the onchange
event of the select tag to drive the javascript function hopefully
passing the value of the selection wich in this case is the url to the
independant script wich will in turn will change the src of the iframe
from the default page that is loaded when first viewing the page.One
question I have is would it be better to use the onload event to set
the initial src then use the onchange event form the select to change
the src or staticly set the src then use the onchange event to change
it? below is an example of my code so far. Also currently whenever I
try to pass teh value to the script I get an object expected error and
nothing happens.Bear in mind I know enough C++ to make myself dangerous
and can stay on top javascript to a point but right now I am just lost.
just need a nudge in the right direction at this point please :D

<select name="sites" id="sites" onchange="changesite()">
<option value=" "> </option>
<option value="http://www.nanpa.org">NANPA.org</option>
<option value="http://www.google.com">Google.com</option>

Function changesite(value)
var newsite = value;
document.frames['websites'].src = newsite;

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Determine User Selection

Jul 12, 2007

I am trying to pass the slection made by a user to a javscript
function using the onchange event. The problem is I can get the index
but not the actual value. As my list is variable (dependent on a db)
I cannot hard code to a static index. I either need a way to
determine the number of items in a select control or a way to
determine the actual selection made by the user.

Can anyone enlighten me as to the code to determine what option the
user selects?

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Displaying Alert/prompt To Another User Page?

Nov 20, 2010

My group is working on a basic document management system that includes four users. staff member, department director, division chief and clerk. The programming language that we used is PHP.when staff member logs-in on his homepage and uploads a file he must choose reviewer from a dropdown menu that consists of dep. director and div. chief.When he clicks the upload button the homepage of who he chose as reviewer should receive a prompt/alert box upon log-in saying "you have a document to review".For example:if he chose division chief as the reviewer when the person logs-in on his homepage a prompt/alert should display that he has something to review.The code for uploading file is already up and working.

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Clearing Element After Changing Earlier Selection

Mar 15, 2007

I know how to do this the hard way, but I suspect that there's an easier option. I'm creating a program that requires a series of 4 or 6 select menus. Something like this: Code:

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Changing Variable Value Based On <option> Selection

Aug 20, 2011

I need to change the value of a variable on a <select> question.


Currently the variable choses either 1or 2 so when I execute the function it will sum the value ie..3,6 ect.

I would like it to add the value in the text part of the option ie.. 5000,10000,15000.

I realize if I could I could change the value to be the same as the text value but the backend of this software needs the values to stay 1 or 2.

I was trying to do an "if else" statement but I am not sure how to format the syntax to work:


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Changing Visibility Depending On Dropdown Box Selection

Aug 18, 2002

I want a text box which is only visible if the preceding drop down box has a certain option selected. Does anyone know how to do this or where I might be able to find the appropriate code?

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Running A Program Onclick Or Onblur And Displaying The Result On Same Page Without It Changing?

Apr 21, 2010

How would I go about running a program onclick or onblur and displaying the result on same page without it changing?

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Save User Selection On Confirm Message Box?

Jun 30, 2009

I have a confirm message box which asks the user whether they wish to take a survey. At the moment the confirm box appears each time the page is loaded. Would there be a way that when the user selects OK to take the survey this is remembered, so when the users next visit the page the box doesn't appear?

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Wrap A User Selection With Arbitrary Text?

Jun 24, 2011

how to properly add some text content before and after a user's selection?I am working with the TinyMCE editor, and I can get the following from it:

* User's selection as a W3C compatible range
* User's selection as a browser selection object
* User's selection as a node (element) that encompasses the user's selection

I also need the user's selection to remain selected after being wrapped.I've looked all over the web and could find nothing (except running into my OWN previous questions about this).Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:


First line is original text, second line a part is selected, third line the selection is wrapped and the selection remains selected.

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Allow Selection From List If User Select At Least One Checkbox

Apr 14, 2010

How do we use javascript to only allow selection from the list in question 3 to be made IF the user selected at least 1 check box in question 2?
Below is my code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<head><title> Example </title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />
</head><body><form name="Form"><h1>Survey </h1>
<p> Please take a minute to fill in the form below. </p><ol>
<li> Question 1.</li>
<li> Q2.Which classes have you attended?
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="attend" id="aerobics" value="aerobics"/>
<label for="aerobics">Aerobics</label>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="attend" id="boxing" value="boxing"/>
<label for="boxing">Boxing</label>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="attend" id="circuit" value="circuit"/>
<label for="circuit">Circuit Class</label>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="attend" id="weight" value="weight"/>
<label for="weight">Weight Training</label>
<li> Q3. Which of the above classes has been beneficial for you?
(choose one from the list):
<select class="drop" name="dropdown">
<option value="aerobics">Aerobics</option>
<option value="boxing">Boxing</option>

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JQuery :: Show / Hide A <div> When Changing The Selection Of A Radio Button?

Mar 2, 2010

I want that a <div> element will show when yes is selected and when no it should be hidden. For show and hind i will use the functions from the jQuery UI. But I don't find a way to call the hide / show function when the selection change.

The radio selection: <input type="radio" name="lang_anz" value="1"> Yes<br> <input type="radio" name="lang_anz" value="0" checked="checked"> No<br> When I understand the documentation I can request the current value from the radio with: <script type="javascript"> $('input:radio[name=lang_anz]:checked').val(); </script>But how i can now call the show / hide function when I change the selection?

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Match Up Changing Hyperlinks To The Below Drop Down Images Selection Script?

Mar 19, 2009

how I might be able to match up changing hyperlinks to the below drop-down images selection script.


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Setting Cookie Based On Checkbox Selection By User?

Jul 23, 2005

I've got the following code snippet in a function to set a coockie based on whether or not the user selects a checkbox. Using an alert the cookie text looks fine but when I go to retrieve the values the only one it can find is the value for user. I've a few different things and none of them seem to work. I'm getting the same thing in both IE and Firefox. The only cookie listed is the 'user' with the proper expiration date. Code:

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JQuery :: Re-establish User Selection In A Div With Designmode=true

Jun 5, 2009

I have a web app where I have created a div to masquerade at a textarea so I can add highlighting according to so rules. I rely on setting designmode=true. After certain amounts of idle time my code grabs the text from the div, which consists of tags and <span> tags and re-generates the html with new spans. The paragraphs and text stay the same. So far so good. But when the div "repaints" the insertion is set to the beginning of the div. I want it to visually stay put, meaning I need to somehow record where it was before nd then restore it afterwards. Problem is, I can't seem to get my head wrapped around how selections (Ranges, etc.) work. I've been googling around for the last day or so and have not yet seen the light.

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TextFields Based On User Selection - Variables And Objects

Apr 10, 2011

I have 3 TextFields, called txtUSD, txtEUR, txtAUS. And a PopupList with the same values, minus the txt part, but I need to form the names of the TextFields to use based on the selection that the user made. So I've done this:

function btConvert_Click(event){
var amount = document.getElementById("txtAmount").value;
var rates = document.getElementById("lstConvertTo").value;
var from = "txt" + document.getElementById("lstFrom").options[document.getElementById('lstFrom').selectedIndex].text;
var to = "txt" + document.getElementById("lstConvertTo").options[document.getElementById("lstConvertTo").selectedIndex].text;
var curr_from = document.getElementById(from).value;
var curr_to = document.getElementById(to).value;
if(curr_from > curr_to){
amount * rates;
} else {
amount / rates;
} alert(result);

But every time I try it I get this error:
mobile/main.js line 215: Result of expression 'document.getElementById(from)' [null] is not an object.

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Echo A Variable In A Form Based On User Selection?

Aug 15, 2009

here is part of a form I have:

<select name = "pulmonologist" >
<option selected="" value="">---Select---
<option value="none">None</option>


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Change Form Target Upon User Selection Of Country?

Feb 10, 2010

with the code details as to how this would be possible.

<form method="post" name="validate" action="internet_marketing_and_email_blasting_signup.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" onmouseover="change(event,'../images/submit1.png')"


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Making A Simple Image Gallery - When The User Clicks A Thumbnail, The Image Loads Where The Previous Big Image Was?

Feb 2, 2010

I want to have a big image and say 5 small thumbnails underneath. When the user clicks a thumbnail, the image loads where the previous big image was. Is there a standard way to do this?

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Create Forms Dynamically - When The User Clicks A Button Creates A New Row Displaying A Form

Mar 8, 2011

I currently have a page which, when the user clicks a button creates a new row displaying a form. I also have other forms on this page how to close a form using javascript? My code to create the table row and form are below...

myform = document.createElement("form");
myform.method = "post";
myform.action = "editdetails.php";
myform.id = "editemail";
myform.name = "editemail";
var a=document.getElementById('editdetailstable').insertRow(2);
var b=document.getElementById('editdetailstable').insertRow(3);

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JQuery :: Make An Image Selection, Display Same Image On Page In Unique Id And Save To Hidden Input All In One Click?

May 11, 2010

Using a UI dialog I'd like to load in 10 or so images. Each would be unique and after you click on one the following needs to happen:

1. Image appears on the parent page in a specified ID.

2. A "hidden" field is updated so that when the user submits the db is updated with their selection.

3. Dialog closes automatically.

That's it. Basically it would work similar to "datepicker".I'm using the latest 1.4 and ui and been making great progress as learning basics. I need to do the above and it seems like such a no brainier and or it should already exist but after 2 days of searching and trial and error...

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Image Changing And Changing InnerHTML With JS : Query

Jul 6, 2011

Ive got a small image of a power button and when pressed the inner section on the button changes to yellow, but when its pressed down Im also trying to get part of my H1 (main header logo title) to change to yellow.

Ive created a span with an id surrounding the letters of the H1 that I want to change, the id being : "power";

The javascript that I have come up with so far and works is as follows:

<img id="poweron" src="http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/images/power.png" alt="Power on button" onmousedown="this.src='images/poweron.png';" onmouseup="this.src='images/power.png';"/>

I understand Im not really supposed to be using inline JS, and I know Ive got to create a function for the onmousedown event to trigger changing the H1 text, so am I under the right impression that the JS so far written is redundant and will have to be re-written so thats contained within a script placed just before the closing </body> and an external script for invoking the main function ?

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