Changing The Url Of An Iframe With A Selection Box
Mar 29, 2006
I have been wrestling with a problem, I am trying to change the url of
an Iframe from a simple selection box, once the user selects the
desired url they wish to visit from the main page the iframe then loads
the url while not affecting the main page. I am using the onchange
event of the select tag to drive the javascript function hopefully
passing the value of the selection wich in this case is the url to the
independant script wich will in turn will change the src of the iframe
from the default page that is loaded when first viewing the page.One
question I have is would it be better to use the onload event to set
the initial src then use the onchange event form the select to change
the src or staticly set the src then use the onchange event to change
it? below is an example of my code so far. Also currently whenever I
try to pass teh value to the script I get an object expected error and
nothing happens.Bear in mind I know enough C++ to make myself dangerous
and can stay on top javascript to a point but right now I am just lost.
just need a nudge in the right direction at this point please :D
<select name="sites" id="sites" onchange="changesite()">
<option value=" "> </option>
<option value=""></option>
<option value=""></option>
Function changesite(value)
var newsite = value;
document.frames['websites'].src = newsite;
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Mar 15, 2007
I know how to do this the hard way, but I suspect that there's an easier option. I'm creating a program that requires a series of 4 or 6 select menus. Something like this: Code:
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Apr 17, 2011
I have problem, the code cannot operate. The user must select in dropdown list having one display of image every time.
JS code
var sel = document.getElementById("sw");
function f1(){
var imgs = ['chart1.cgi', 'chart2.cgi', 'chart3.cgi', 'chart4.cgi'];
var im = document.getElementById("pic");
im.src = imgs[this.selectedIndex];
html code
<img id="pic" src="chart1.cgi" />
<select name="sw" id="sw" onchange = "f1()" >
<option value="s1">what</option>
<option value="s2">whatever 2</option>
<option value="s3">whatever 3</option>
<option value="s4">whatever 4</option>
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Aug 20, 2011
I need to change the value of a variable on a <select> question.
Currently the variable choses either 1or 2 so when I execute the function it will sum the value ie..3,6 ect.
I would like it to add the value in the text part of the option ie.. 5000,10000,15000.
I realize if I could I could change the value to be the same as the text value but the backend of this software needs the values to stay 1 or 2.
I was trying to do an "if else" statement but I am not sure how to format the syntax to work:
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Aug 18, 2002
I want a text box which is only visible if the preceding drop down box has a certain option selected. Does anyone know how to do this or where I might be able to find the appropriate code?
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Mar 2, 2010
I want that a <div> element will show when yes is selected and when no it should be hidden. For show and hind i will use the functions from the jQuery UI. But I don't find a way to call the hide / show function when the selection change.
The radio selection: <input type="radio" name="lang_anz" value="1"> Yes<br> <input type="radio" name="lang_anz" value="0" checked="checked"> No<br> When I understand the documentation I can request the current value from the radio with: <script type="javascript"> $('input:radio[name=lang_anz]:checked').val(); </script>But how i can now call the show / hide function when I change the selection?
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Mar 19, 2009
how I might be able to match up changing hyperlinks to the below drop-down images selection script.
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Feb 15, 2011
I have a drop down box. onChange of that drop down box the option selected is $_POSTed to a php page where I'm grabbing that name and using it in a form on the new page.
Instead of it opening a new window for the php page, I'd love to make it more aesthetically pleasing and use Fancy Box and jQuery to open a popup window over the page that has an iframe of the php in it.
My issue: I can't figure out how to have the modal popup open when the dropdown is selected. I don't want to have to use a button to trigger it. Any way to trigger the popup AND also POST to the php page onChange of the selection box?
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Apr 11, 2006
I discovered how to write out the inner HTML of the contents of an
Iframe; I want to know how to write out the outerHTML of the contents
of an Iframe.
frames['iframeid'].document.body.innerHTML allows me to read the inner
HTML of the contents of an iframe and also allows me to write out the
inner HTML of the contents of an iframe.
However using frames['iframeid'].document.body.innerHTML I am only able
to change, in the contents of the iframe, the code in between and
including the body tags; I am not able to change the code above the
body tag such as what is in the head section and what is in the html
The problem is, that other maneuvers that allow me to read the contents
of an iframe, do NOT allow me to write out the contents of the iframe.
These are:
The problem persists if the page originally loaded into the iframe
contains no code.
This looks like an unpredictable inconsistency of the type that makes
Javascript a language to be learned through experimentation. Or is
there some documentation somewhere that lists the read/write abilities
of such lines of code?
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Sep 29, 2005
Is there anyway I can load a website into an iframe on my page like this:
<iframe src="" frameborder="no" width="410" height="600" name="worldFrame"></iframe>
and then change the visibility of elements on that page from my page?
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Mar 23, 2006
I have a small problem this my javascript. I want it to change the url/src of an iframe I have on the screen, but I can't find anything that works.
var newiframepath = "http://newURL.htm";
I also have this (again doesn't work):
var newiframepath = "http://newURL.htm";
iframeName.location.replace = (newiframepath);
Can anyone help?
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Nov 9, 2010
I created a page that has an iframe on it. Within this iframe I call an asp page. The asp page is supposed to do some work and then update the innerHTML of a <div> object on the parent page to indicate that processing of the page in the iframe is complete. The code works in IE but not FireFox. I am wondering what is the best way to make the script work for both browsers?
Sub page JavaScript:
parent.document.getElementById("num2").innerHTML = '<center><strong>Processing complete.</strong></center>';
Parent page:
<div id="num2"></div>
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Mar 27, 2007
I do not much understand what is going on. The iframe is transparent in all browsers but IE. I need to change the background color in IE, of my iframe and cannot figure it out. My code is below. It is pulling from an external file exfile.js.
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Jul 1, 2010
I have found a method which works in FireFox (2 - 3.6) & Mozilla but obviously it is not generic and IE is proving difficult to provide an attribute I can change. This (in essence) is what I am doing. I do have CSS styles and set the background (fixed, repeated) there in a style called body. The one below is an exapmple - I change the URL of the IFRAME contents several times before dumping the filtered table in the innerHTML. This leaves the background as the last one set.
background-attachment: fixed;
background-image: url(images/gcount.jpg);
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Apr 6, 2009
pageone.htm has an iframe with pagetwo.htm inside pagetwo has a form with a hidden field that has a dynamic value.I'm trying to get that value from pageone.htm using:var myid = window.frames['myiframe'].document.forms['myform'].elements['page'].value; This is working, but I just get the value that the field had when I did:
setInterval('alert(GetValue())', 9000);
for the first time. All the alerts after the first one have the same value even when myid is changing in pagetwo.htm (tested alerting it in there).I thought that by using setInterval I would be checking for a fresh value every 9 seconds but what I get is the same old value every 9 seconds
///// pageone.htm /////
<script type="text/javascript">
function GetValue() {[code]......
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Apr 18, 2009
Would like to say right away that I'm a massive newbie on this and the project below is something I'm creating for others but also to help me learn at the same time. First of all I have my Index file. This contains 3 divs (MainDiv TopDiv and BottomDiv) in which I load iframes onto using innerhtml using this code.
function loadPageX(pageAddress,containerID
var el=document.getElementById(containerID)
el.innerHTML="<iframe src="" + pageAddress + ""height="100%" frameborder="0" width="100%" ALLOWTRANSPARENCY="true"></iframe>"
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Aug 17, 2010
I am looking for an input text that links to a iframe. . ?
To begin, we need some simple HTML elements:
A basic form; An Input text that will contain the URLs we want to use; An iFrame that will display the page we select from the input text.
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Nov 18, 2009
Ok, 'nother head-banger for the hardcore!
I have a "contact us" <a> with the id 'contact' on the main page, which is supposed to change the source file of an iframe to the contact page. Except when I click on "contact us" nothing happens.
I've tried to get this to work several different ways, and suspect that the problem is purely syntax, but I just haven't been able to figure it out.
Here's the code:
The snippet on the main page (index.html):
<div id="linkListContact" class="LinkList">
<img id="linkListContactBg" class="SideBarBgImg" src="Assets/Backgrounds/SideBar/ContactBg.png"></img>
The setIFrame function is used to call the content initially when the page loads, and is working beautifully in that context. You can see the problem in action at the actual site: [URL]
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Jan 12, 2011
I currently have a normal link like Code:<a href="" class="link">sitepoint</a> and when a user clicks on it I want to be able to change the "link" class to a different class. However, I don't want to add anything to the actual link html. Is it possible to do this using javascript without modifying the original link code?
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Feb 2, 2011
I am trying to dynamically clear the value of a form input field and then submit the form.When I used $('#my_field').val('') to clear the field, it was cleared on the screen but when the form was submitted the original value of the input field was posted.My browser is FireFox and I can see using FireBug that when the field is cleared, firebug is still showing the html code with the old value. E.G. <input type="text" value="old_value" />The same situation occurred if I used $('#my_field').attr('value', '') to clear the field.The same situation occurred if I actually changed the value of the field rather than just clearing it.To work around this problem I ended up using the $('#my_field').removeAttr('value') to clear the field before it was submitted.
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May 7, 2009
I am a complete novice when it come to Javascript. I copied the script for displaying random images at a specific interval (from I would appreciate knowing whether the following is possible:
The pages are based on tables, so the parts that change are all cells.
1. Can I define text instead of an image in the array? i.e. can I have the image change to say an apple in one cell and the next cell have text explaining what an apple is?
2. Would it be possible to put a countdown timer for when the image/text is going to change?
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Jul 6, 2011
Ive got a small image of a power button and when pressed the inner section on the button changes to yellow, but when its pressed down Im also trying to get part of my H1 (main header logo title) to change to yellow.
Ive created a span with an id surrounding the letters of the H1 that I want to change, the id being : "power";
The javascript that I have come up with so far and works is as follows:
<img id="poweron" src="" alt="Power on button" onmousedown="this.src='images/poweron.png';" onmouseup="this.src='images/power.png';"/>
I understand Im not really supposed to be using inline JS, and I know Ive got to create a function for the onmousedown event to trigger changing the H1 text, so am I under the right impression that the JS so far written is redundant and will have to be re-written so thats contained within a script placed just before the closing </body> and an external script for invoking the main function ?
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Feb 18, 2011
I am trying to make a comment editor with iframe, and want to trigger the change of content inside iframe, the following code cant work.code....
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Oct 7, 2011
Im trying to use javascript history to resize an iframe when a submit button is clicked inside the iframe.
This is what i found so far.
Us this with iframe:
But im not really sure on how to apply this to my iframe, and i know that the resize part also needs to be edited, but what is missing?
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Oct 25, 2010
Have this in parent document:
function ResizeDocument(...) {
(){ $(this
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Aug 18, 2009
I am loading a collection of frames as follows (from jsp source, so ignore <%= %> blocks):
<frameset name="MNGM_OUTER" rows="50,*,20" framespacing=0
frameborder=0 border=0>
<frame name="MNGM_TOP" src="control/top.jsp" scrolling=no
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