Create Cookie And Use Its Value On Another Page?

Nov 3, 2007

i am trying to create a cookie in a page, and use the cookie value in another page, but it does not work, could anyone tell me why? Code:

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Cookie Reading - Create A Simple Checkout System That Utilizes Cookies To Pass Information From Page To Page

Nov 9, 2010

I'm trying to create a simple checkout system that utilizes cookies to pass information from page to page. Currently, my entire script works fine except for the read cookie portion. I cannot figure out what is wrong with it. It has been validated and the syntax is fine; it just doesn't work. I use the function with the onload call on my html file such as:


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Create A Cookie And Check Whether It Exists?

Sep 14, 2011

I have created a popup at the following page:

If i click on 18+ then it gets redirected to

if i click on i am not 18 then it gets redirected to

if i have chosen 18+ then the cookie should be created and if by mistake i again go to that is popup page it should get redirected to

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Create Cookie From Class Name Change?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm employing a javascript function that adds a class name to a div, so I can alter the font size of the page... simple enough!

However, I'm stumped as to creating a cookie that will remember this new classname and employ it sitewide, instead of resetting it as soon as I reload or navigate to another sitepage.

I've hashed something together to try and get this to work... font increase is working fine, the cookie part is not.

code is as follows:

HTML Code:


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Create A Cookie On The Client And Let The Server To Retrieve It?

Jul 8, 2009

id like to know how can i create a cookie on the client side as well as to script my server side coding to retrieve the cookie value.

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Create A Cookie To Remember Selected Language?

Apr 27, 2010

Here's the website code...

Id like to make it to the site remembers whether someone choses the english or french version of the site. How hard is it to do something like that?

Can it be done in javascript?

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Create Cookie When Link Clicked And Use It As Settings?

Mar 12, 2009

I use javascript to create a cookie when you click a link
<a href="#" onclick="document.cookie='settings=blue; expires=31/03/2009;'">Blue</a>
This creates a cookie and I can get it back easily but I want to use it as settings. I have 3 folders of pictures white blue and pink the user will click the link selecting there colour creating a cookie. Now when the page finds the cookie it needs to place the output in to the path.
<img src="pictures/ !!!output!!! /something.png">

So far I have this (just a trial)
<script type="text/javascript" src="cookie.js">
<script type="text/javascript">
function image(){
if (settings!=null && settings!=""){
document.write('<img src="'+settings+'.png">')

This works but next to the image it says undefined so how would I get rid of it?

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OnClick :: Create A Cookie For The User That Adds The Link Id ?

Jun 15, 2011

I have a website with five links, each with its own id. onClick I would like to create a cookie for the user that adds the link id that they have clicked.I am planning to do this using an array, however, I am a bit confused about the theroy behind a cookie.It is just a text file that can hold any data correct? So I could store an array with

array[0] = hi.html
array[1] = hello.html

and later on pull up what is in array[0] to diplay it on the page? Can I do this with one cookie or would I need a new cookie for each link?

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JQuery :: Cookie Plugin To Remember The State Of A Navigation Menu From Page To Page

May 19, 2011

I'm trying to use the cookie plugin to remember the state of a navigation menu from page to page. Here is the snippet of code from towards the top of my page where I am including the jquery files and cookie plugin. The second part of the sample tries to determine whether the cookie exists.


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JQuery :: Create Copy Of File On Server Change It And Create Download Link On Page?

Dec 16, 2011

I have files on the server: .txt, .xml, .config, and "no extension" - all editable with notepad.

User will write some input, it will be added to file in specific place.

I need an ability to change element value in file (in one of them - depends what user choose) (or it even can be some trigger word it-self like CHANGE_ME for not to use attributes)

Create a temporary copy of edited file and create a unique temporary link to it.

I don't know what to start from.... For now I know how to make XHR, but what to do with other extensions?

Have no idea how to save the NEW file (a copy of original file) on server , and create a UNIQUE link ,and delete the file right after it was downloaded.

I can find a specific word in xml file, but how to change it?[code]...

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Page Redirection Upon Cookie Recognition?

Mar 10, 2011

I want to write a javascript program which will redirect the user from a welcome page to an an intro page when a cookie is found. If there are not cookies found, the welcome page is loaded but a cookie is written so that next time the user visits the page, he will be redirected to the intro page automatically.This program would allow only new visitor to view the welcome page and other visitors to skip the welcome page to be brought to the intro page right away.

window.onload = pageInit;
function pageInit(){
var visited = "";


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On Page Load, If Cookie Set Then Hide Div?

Jun 15, 2009

I'm not very good with Javascript so I need you help for page on my website. Basically what I need to do is to make a DIV shown only first time someone visits page, and then when he/she revisit it I want that same DIV hidden, and I want it hidden for next 24 hours... so in that way DIV would be shown only once a day, and only on first page load.

So to make that happen I need to do fallowing, and I would need your help for that: I need a script that on a page load checks if cookie (which is 24h cookie) is set, if it is then it should hide that DIV, if it is not set then it should set it, so that DIV would be hidden on next page load..

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Set A Cookie When User Enters A Page?

May 22, 2010

I'm trying to set a cookie when a user enters a page. The cookie is for youtube to make videos default to widescreeen.

I know that the cookie name is wide, the value should be set to 1, the domain should be but I dont know how to do it properly. Ive been trying to set it from a link, so when a user clicks the link and it opens in a frame, the cookie is set so that the youtube video opens as widescreen in the frame.

however, whenever I look at my list of cookies, it isnt being created.

is this the best way to do this?

(I found how the cookie is created by checking the values of the cookies when I pressed the 'right turn' arrow on a youtube video)

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Set A Cookie So A Specific Page Can Access It?

Dec 4, 2010

just needed to know this because I'm setting the path of the cookie and the path on my browser isn't matching what I set it as.

var the_cookie="file_address~"+x+";path=gallerylogin.php"; still doesn't set it so "gallerylogin.php" can access it.

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Hide Div Using Cookie If Page Has Been Already Loaded?

Apr 24, 2009

I am absolute javascipt newbie so please threat me like that I need the following functionality to my webpage: Let's say I have a div with some unique ID on my page. Now, what I need is to show this div on my page only the first time visitor opens a page, and then not show it every next time he/she opens it for next 24h.

So I need to set a cookie that hides div from page if it has already been shown to visitor, for next 24h,so that the content of this div will be shown to each unique visitor only once for a day.

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Check For JS Cookie Before Loading Rest Of Page?

Aug 2, 2010

Is it possible to have an window.onload function that checks for a cookie, and only loads the rest of the page if that cookie is current?

I know that there's the window.stop() function, but that appears to only stop the drawing of the page in the browser; if you view the page source, the whole thing is still there for all the world to see.

I'm working on a multi-page site. The login page does its username and password checking on the server side in Perl. Then a client-side cookie is set in JS. In the <head> section of each page, there is a window.onload JS function which checks to see if the cookie has expired yet. But the question is, what do we do if it is expired??

The best I've been able to come up with so far is to have it instantly do a location.replace, taking the user back to the login page. But that seems kludgy. In some browsers, you actually see the intended page for a split second, before the location.replace happens. In testing it, it only took me a few tries to hit the stop button at just the right time to prevent the location.replace from even happening. So it's not only kludgy, it's also only marginally effective.

It would be great if I could prevent the rest of the page from ever loading if the cookie has expired.

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Cookie, Form, And Page Refresh Problem!

May 25, 2003

I want to have a form to select between English and Spanish on a site. Upon selecting a radio buton (I prefer to do this without a submit button - just select the radio button and move on), I want a cookie to be set for which selection has occured and then be taken to that page. On the return visit I'd like to check for this cookie and then be sent to the correct page if it exists. Anyone have any ideas? I've found a few cookie tutorials and things, but they invole a submit button or a manual page refresh after the selection.

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Simple Cookie To Load Modified Page

Sep 22, 2005

I'm searching for a pre-made cookie script or a tutorial on making a simple session cookie. Just a cookie to make sure users are getting most current copies of HTML pages on my site.

Up till now I've just had messages on each page instructing them to refresh to make sure the have the latest version.

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Get Form Data From A Page To Store Into A Cookie?

Nov 8, 2010

I have a simple count-as-you click button form, and this is what I want to do with it:

Click the button (however many times) to get the sets of numerical data.Take those numbers into a cookie, and be able to add/subtract to each number as i use the form again; and update the cookie. I need a way to be able to do this multiple if not an infinite number of times!

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Make A List Of Hyperlinks That Users Can Customize And Save As A Cookie By Clicking A Button And Automatically Retrieve The Cookie

Jan 26, 2011

Can I make a list of hyperlinks that users can customize and save as a cookie by clicking a button and automatically retrieve the cookie so it remembers their list next time? This is kind of what I want to do:


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Cookie Editing - Using - Only Displays Certain Text If The Cookie Is A Certain Number

Apr 30, 2009

I am making a sort of text based game (Just a hobby) I like to do that sort of thing. So, anyway, considering all I can really do is code HTML, and very, very light javascript, I kinda need some help.

I basicly know how to do everything except affect & Use the cookies. So what I need to do with them is to

#1.) Have a code to change the cookie number, say... on the click of a button.

#2.) Have a code where it only displays certain text if the cookie is a certain number.

I cant code JS and have no idea how hard/easy this is.

If it is insanely hard & needs a master coder, just tell me and ill take it off. I dont want to be wasting anyones time.

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Save All Variables In A Cookie When The User Leaves The Page

Feb 26, 2007

On one of my sites, I have a reather involved page (searchable map).
When the person leaves the page then all the AJAX generated
information is lost. Is there a way that I can retain all this data
in a cookie or so or how would you recommend I saved all the users
information (perhaps using a database on the serverside).

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Make A Cookie That Correctly Sets IFrame Src On Page Load?

Jan 21, 2011

I have an embedded video set in an iFrame (the page is called on.php). When someone clicks the stop video button, the iframe is re-directed to off.php, and the video is replaced with a play video button -- which when clicked takes them back to the video (on.php).

What I want to do is install a cookie that will permanently 'remember' which page the user has selected (on.php or off.php)... and then from that point forward will always load the appropriate page.

I've seen all sorts of tutorials about setting cookies and stuff, but nothing that would clue me in on how to accomplish what I'm trying to do specifically.

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IE6 Always Rejects A Particular Cookie Regardless Of Privacy/cookie Setting

Jul 23, 2005

I have an embedded system with a web interface. One of the web pages
has a small JavaScript program that, when run on IE6, always displays
the message that cookies need to be enabled:

if (document.cookie.indexOf('asm_session') == -1)
document.cookie = 'asm_session=0'
if (document.cookie.indexOf('asm_session') == -1)
document.write("Advanced System Management access requires
cookies to be enabled."+'<br><br>');

This problem only occurs with IE6, not Mozilla. It also only happens
on some of the embedded systems, but this problem exists for everyone
running IE6.

The problem isn't limited to the Javascript code, either. On another
web page from this embedded system, a cookie is set the normal way,
via the HTTP header. This cookie is also rejected.

When I display any page that attempts to set a cookie, IE6 displays
the blocked icon and says that cookies on that URL are blocked.
However, I have set all privacy and cookie options to their most
permissive. I've spent the past hour changing every option I can find
that's even remotely related to cookies and privacy, and nothing
changes. Does anyone have any idea what's going on?

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Retrieving Cookie Data Through Document.cookie

Jul 20, 2005

In my web application we are able to store large data in the browser
cookie keeping in mind the limit of 300 cookies per cookie file, 20
keys per cookie per domain and 4KB max size of each cookie. We are
unable to retreive this large amount of data immediately after storing
through document.cookie in IE browser (The same works fine in

Is there any limit on the size of the data that can be retreived using
document.cookie in IE browser? Could you please suggest a solution to
this problem I am facing.

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Each Time The Visitor Access The Page Read The Cookie And Display The Corresponding Image / Incrementing / Updating

Jul 12, 2011

My requirement: Each time a visitor arrives at a specific webpage i want the main image on the page to be different, or more specifically, one of 6 images which will be shown in rotation. Solution: Set a cookie. Each time the visitor access the page read the cookie and display the corresponding image. Then increment the value and rewrite the cookie, so that next time they'll see the next image in sequence. NB: if the cookie does not exist (first timer) or is at 6, then the value is set to zero (and then incremented).

Problem: Can't get my coding to work. Specifically it just doesn't do anything - no error message, no cookie written. I'm a very novice scripter, as in I've cobbled the coding together from bits off the net that i think i've managed to grasp some kind of an understanding of. Very suck it and see - so far lots of sucking and no seeing!


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