Counter (up) From A Preset Number And Date To A Second Preset Number And Date?
May 10, 2011
I am delving into the coding world and while I understand the basic principle of cookies, conditional statements, arrays, etc...I have looked around the web and this forum with little success. If the situation below is too complicated, I would really appreciate even a shove in the right direction regarding the logic.How could I show a preset counter which counts up from a preset, beginning number toward a preset, end number? I imagine the increment and speed is set be the difference between the two numbers and a timeframe.
:confused: Assumptions:I would rather not set the increment but edit the end number to show a steady increase. As I update that number, the increment adapts dynamically. I would want the number/script to be useful, so it should not refresh to the beginning number on each page load (i.e. num=0). When a visitor comes to the page, it must seem like the counter has been steadily been increasing in their absence.Coke or Pesi did something similar one time regarding cans sold to date (doubt it was plugged into a DB somewhere but rather based on a steady sales figure) and it was pretty cool.
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Mar 3, 2010
I want to use JavaScript to detect the number of times a key (for example, the A key) is pressed. Once it reaches a preset number (say 10 for this example), it will trigger two events:
1. Change the background color of a cell in a table from white to black.
2. A split-second (e.g., .01 second) later, submit the form on this page.I can't have the user hit the ENTER key to submit the form, so the JavaScript script will need to do this.
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Jul 10, 2010
I want to get the day number of the week from a dynamic date such as 2010-09-25. The Objects to use are clear but not the input they accept
var d=new Date();
var dd=d.getDay();
But this retaurn the week day number of the current day. So how can I feed Date() with above date?
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Dec 7, 2010
I am working on an HTML project that displays a field with a number in the field by each day. What it does is start at 0 on day one. Each day it adds a 1 to the field. Day 2, the field would say 1, then day 3 would say 2, and so on. I am not sure how to approach this. This is also displayed in an HTML format. I want to to be automatic and change as the date changesI will also need a way to reset it back to zero if possible.
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Jan 20, 2011
how to approach this but I have a date input that uses a jQuery pop-up for a calendar, and enters the date in a format d MMM yy (1 Jan 11).
Not everyone wants to be clicking and choosing the date from the calendar but to be entering it just as a number such as 0101, 010111 or 01012011 which can be faster. This would then need to be converted to the d MMM yy format as per the jQuery pop-up when they exit the input box.
So really only if it's a number format it needs to look at the number of digits... and does the conversion.
Has anyone done something like this before? Or is there a link to how I could go about achieving this?
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Aug 9, 2011
I need date format of some javascript code I'm using.
Here's the code:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function to add number of days (accepts number of days to add)
function AddDays(days) {
var thisDate = new Date();
thisDate.setDate(thisDate.getDate() + days);
return thisDate;
This is what I get: Thu Aug 09 2012 16:45:34 GMT-0500 (CDT)
I just want: Aug 09 2012
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Mar 4, 2011
counting the number of Sundays from a given date to todays date?For example the given date is 11/27/2010, so how many Sundays from then til today?
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Aug 3, 2010
For a project that would be too hard to explain, I am working with date ranges. There is a begin date and an end date. With those two variables, I need a function to calculate the number of months between both dates. To be more precise, I need a count of all unique month names in the dates (or month numbers if that is easier) where the range includes the beginning date, the end date, and all dates in between. So I am not looking for full months or an approximation. If only, say, one day of a given month is included in the date range, that adds a month. Also the range can span several years, january 2010 and january 2011 need to count for two different months.
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Jul 8, 2010
To give you a little background about myself, I am a complete JavaScript novice. I am used to SQL scripting a little. We have recently moved to a web IT Service tool, we have taken on the programming of this tool and it is mostly using JavaScript. Within my tool I am trying to create a field to display the financial Period Number, based on the open date of a task using a 4 weekly rotation. Therefore what I am trying to code is;
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Jun 19, 2009
I'm looking for a script that with look at a list of zip codes and if the zip code the user enters is in the list it directs them to one page, but if their zip code is not in the list it directs them to another page. I don't know much about java, but I can modify scripts to meet my purposes. I just need a reference to scripts that do this sort of thing.
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Feb 4, 2011
I'm wanting to make a search function in a limited way.
The following code sends the input text to a page where the script processes it, no problem
I would like to have text automatically added to the input.
Example: I have a site I want to be only about things that are red.
Someone inputs "table" and the text "red+table" is sent to the search page.
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Jun 23, 2010
I have a site, im expecting a few hundred colleagues to sign up, they have the chioce to pick a user name and email adress of their choice, but to speed things up a bit I would like set preset usernames and emails in the fields so the user just has to press the enter button.
So for example, my 2 fields will be filled with something like Username: [mysitename]User[randomnumber] Email: [randomnumber]
where my site name is the actual name of the site, and the random number will be different on every visit.
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Jun 15, 2011
I have been looking around for a while on google and have come accross a few things but still am unable to find the exact codes. I am trying to have a page setup so that when the user clicks a button it will add preset text to a form box and keep the chronological order of buttons that are clicked. This is going to be used for my ambulance service to assist dispatch so basically i am looking for preset buttons that the dispatcher can click disp. and have the dispatch and time added to a list in the form box that can later be copied and emailed to our cell phones.
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Aug 12, 2011
I'm close, but the issue is that if the window is opened at a size that is SMALLER than the original image, it wont scale down to the smaller size until i first make the window bigger, THEN size it down smaller. The image itself is big (its fashion photography so it needs to be high res) and the js sets the minimum width at 1070. Id like to have the image as big as possible and then on page load automatically drop down to as low as 1070px if the window size is small. Here is the js:
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Mar 16, 2011
I am having difficulty trying to change the format of selected date from date picker. This is a test so my code is very simple. Here it is.
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Feb 6, 2010
I have a start date and end date text boxs. What I would like to achieve is when a submit button is clicked all the available dates between start and end dates should be displayed together with 3 check boxes next to each date (please see below). I am just wondering whether that'sachievablewith jquery, and if so, how I might be able to implement this.
Start date End date
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Jul 5, 2011
I am using the counter script below to display a count from 1-36. Does anyone know how to edit the javascript to flash or blink the number 36 a few times, and then loop the script to start over and count from 1-36 again (and again)?
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Feb 14, 2011
I have added a booking form to a website with belongs to fastbooking.You can see a temporary website here. http:[url]....It works perfectly fine in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari but it does not load on Internet Explorer.On the other browsers the form loads todays date and the year is generated but on IE the date stays on 01-01 and no year is generated.I'm using wordpress as a cms.I think the code that is not loading is <body onLoad='start();'>But I'm not sure. The code of the year is
<select name='fromyear' class="input" onChange='update_departure();'>
<option value="0"></option>
</select> But since it's no just the year I assume its the onload code.
I tried to add the onload to the header function like this
<body onLoad='start();' <?php if(function_exists('body_class')) body_class(); ?>>
So now wordpress generates the following code when it loads the page
<body onLoad='start();' class="home page page-id-6 page-template page-template-default logged-in">
But sadly the date still does no load on Internet Explorer.
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Aug 31, 2009
I am trying to use the jquey datepicker. I want to show the date chosen by the user in a <span> element with a particular format. However my code maintains the default format. What am I doing wrong?
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May 26, 2011
We have a little callendar on our website. I have set the format of the date to "dd-mm-y" because I want the date to be saved europian, not american. When comfirming the form, the date is saved as 0000-00-00. The date shows correctly on the form itself. I have two scripts: Calendar.js and Calendar-en-GB.js. Calendar-en-GB.js contains the 'settings'. (Including date format). I can't figure out the problem and thought maybe one of you could. I have uploaded the scripts in one .zip file: [URL]
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Sep 9, 2010
I want to change date format to insert date in mysql. I tried as below code
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
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Nov 11, 2011
I have this script that is supposed to check if a number the user guesses is the same as the randomly generated number.Problem is that the random number generated at the start of the program keeps on changing everytime I click on the "Check if I'm right" button, the random number gets generated again and I never ever get to reach the correct answer
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
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Feb 20, 2010
Hello everyone... I've got a question about an onKeyUp event. I'm using a text box that HAS to be a negative number therefore it has to have a - sign in front of the number. Can someone point me in the right direction as to how to write a function to do this? Thanks so much...
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May 5, 2011
I am working on trying to create a Picture Bingo JavaScript. I am using the standard Bingo Card Generator and it works great however, I need help coding the script so that the number are associated with a picture for example everytime number 12 would show up on the card an image would replace the number. Here is the code that I am using:
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Jun 16, 2011
When updating our agency's webpage daily, [URL] I am looking for a shortcut to save time.. When I update air quality numbers. I have to put the conditions. Ex.. 50 = good 100= moderate etc etc. As you see here(bold and underlined)
Well instead of having to type good or moderate every-time to correlate with the numbers, I want to find a way the category can automatically default correctly when I put in just the number. Ex, if I put in the number 100, it automatically knows to issue/ put Moderate with out me having to type it. I semi wrote a code .. Yet can't seem to know how to execute. Seeing if Maybe I can get some assistance.
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Nov 29, 2011
I have a function below where every time a question is submitted, it will add a new row in the table with a textbox which allows numbers entry only. My question is that I don't know how to code these features in this function:
I want the text box to be between 0 and 100, so if text box contains a number which is above 100, it will automatically change the number to the maximum number which is 100.
Does any one know how to code this in my function below in javascript:
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