Change Page Content By File Contents??
Jan 17, 2006
I have a website and it has a section that I want to be updated by the content of the file but can't find any code on the net that will read a file and print the results to the screen. The closest thing I could find to what I wanted to do was this but can't get it to work: Code:
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Apr 22, 2010
This is a "can I" or "is it possible" question:
If I have one main html file that calls an external JS file that contains only an array (infoArray), know I can do this code...
Now the question...
Instead of 2 different main.html files, to load the different inforArray.js files, can I somehow overwrite the contents of the infoArray
AFTER the information has been loaded from the first external JS file?
I have seen code that adds elements to the <head> section as the page loads,
is there something similar to load/change array information during or after page load?
Or is this something that should be done by having text information in the file and loading with ajax and processing to an array afterward?
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May 21, 2010
I am currently working on an announcements portlet for a dashboard that my team is creating. What is desired is to be able to have this portlet access a stored text file (file can be edited so content is subject to change) that will have all the information needed for these announcements. The JavaScript will then write it into a html file. I am a novice at html, and javascript;
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Jun 13, 2009
I have a page with two radiobuttons - 'Rent' and 'Buy'. I want the content below the buttons to change with respect to the radio button selected. I want a 'select' and a 'textbox' when I click 'Rent'. I want a deifferent 'select' when I click 'Buy'. I trie a lot but couldnt get a way to do it. Is this possible in JavaScript???
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Jan 27, 2011
How do you update the contents of a form from a click of a button? I can poplate the contents of a table that is inside a form on the initial creation of the page
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">
<p align="center">
List of Dying Patients
</p> <br><br>
<table border="1" align="center">
<td>Last Name</td>
<td>First Name</td>
<td>Middle Initial</td>
<td>Date of Birth</td>
<td>SS Number</td>
<td>Marital Status</td>
and this is the contents of the function populatePatientList();
for (var x=0;x<mainArr.length;x++) {
document.write("<tr>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][0] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][1] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][2] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][3] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][4] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][5] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][6] + "</td>" +
After this the table will have all the contents of the array. How do I reinvoke the form to have the updated version of the array shown on the table without refreshing the whole page? The page cannot be refreshed because the data is just in an array and when I do refresh the page the contents of the array gets back to its default. Is it even possible to refresh just a part of a page, in my case a table after a button click or are there other button events I can try to play with?
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Nov 10, 2009
I have some sample ajax code i have been toying around with.I have it updating & working properly, but you have to click a button first.How can I set it so that it automatically reads the contents of the text file on page load, and updates every 1000ms?I was trying onload=setinterval(JavaScript:xmlhttpPost("status.php"),1000)[code]
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Feb 27, 2010
I want to dynamically change the content of a container tag (DIV for example) with the data of another container tag present in a different HTML file placed in a different folder
My open HTML file is 'A.htm' placed in 'Folder A' and container id='old_data'
My required content is inside the tag with id='new_data' present in file 'B.htm' and placed in 'Folder B'
so, code in file A.htm may be
> document.getElementById('old_data').innerHTML = <<What Comes Here >>
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Jul 5, 2010
this is the code I'm using in order to display the contents of an xml file into a page. It's working fine with IE but with Firefox.I have searched over intrenet and have applied all suggestions I've found about this issue. Unfortunately it's still not working
function importXML()
if (document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument)
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Dec 10, 2006
How can I , for example, replace an image with another image, or some text, Or change the information in some text. But All this has to happen dynamically and without refreshing the page. How can this be achieved best?
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Apr 20, 2010
I'd like to save a single page automatically. The page uses javascript, and therefore I can't seem to use links, elinks, lynx, w3m or curl (I've tried them with spidermonkey but it keeps telling me to enable javascript) to do so properly, it always saves everything except the javascript rendered output.
So I think the only what to do it would be in a web browser. So, say for intstance, I want to save the the main page, google dot com and have it automatically save to my C:google.htm. How would I do that? Is this possible?
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Mar 26, 2009
Let's say we have two separate files / pages:
File A - There is an iframe on this page which contains different links. Every link leads to File B (e.g. which in turn has a frame.
The links on page A should change the source of the frame on page B. In brief - the frame on page A opens page B and every link should change the content/source of page B's relevant frame...
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Nov 25, 2009
The project I am working on involves a flash piece that communicates with a iframe.Currently the flash piece just calls on javascript functions. I want the buttons in the flash piece to be able to change the src of the iframe.
<script type="text/javascript">
function closeVideo() {
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May 2, 2011
Im currently working on a project with jquery... the thing is.. i need to change the contents of a div named "sub2" with the contents of "pets.html"... i've read some tutorials and i thought the best way to do this is through the use of jquery...
Here's my code:
My image which is supposed to be clicked contains this:
The code is working ., but when i transfer my codes to netbeans with Tomcat running the code didnt work ...
Is there anyone here who knows what's wrong or what should i do with my code?
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Mar 30, 2006
how do i load a css file based on the page's url using javascaript. for instance let's say am index.html automatically javascript would load the css for that page and aboutus.html css file would be different based on its css.
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Aug 3, 2011
I am current building an information database for the company I work at...basically just a place for employees to get information and answers from. It is all hosted on a local server and I can only use javascript, html, and css. I've got everything made there is just one thing i want to add to it. Basically an "alerts and updates" page that only some people can edit without having to know html so if im not there they can post important updates. No computers have access to the internet so I did try some rich text editors but none of them worked. The layout I'm going for is kind of like this.
Alerts and Updates
Click on links to show updates: update 1 * update 2 * update 3 * update 4
Stuff goes in the update
[edit button]
You click edit it prompts you to login, bring up something to edit the text in that specific update you hit submit and it changes the info that was on there. The update links are linked to a script I wrote that just display the info below so when the page loads you see whats in update 1 then you click update and it changes the content to the next one.
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Apr 1, 2011
I have a php webpage that has a single input box. When ever an item is entered and the Submit button is pressed, the entry is added to a database. Additionally, the database table contents are read and printed directly below the input box and the submit button on the same page, using AJAX. Now, I have decided to add additional functionality to the page. I want a delete button for each entry displayed in the table below. For any button that is pressed, I want to delete that entry from the database.
Here's the problem: I want the database table contents that has been printed below to reflect this change. I can achieve the delete, but in order to show the change in content caused by the delete, the table below must either be replaced or updated via ajax. How can I achieve this? I have been trying to follow these examples using jQuery and Mootools respectively, but I've been having no luck. [URL] I don't want all the fancy looks, I just want the core functionality.
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Sep 21, 2007
I have a <input type = file> button for uploading a file in my php page. As soon as i select a file from the button, i need the file data to be displayed so that i check whether the file selected has the correct data. How can i do this.
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Nov 26, 2004
I am in a bit of a rut in the self-teaching with JS. I am trying to get links to change the external js file currently on the main page without reloading, the external files are basically long document.write sections with a few interactive functions.
The closest I have found for help with this so far is a rotating script, but I want a manual change from a link (button, image, etc) instead of timeOut rotation. I am not sure what I need to do for the links to replace the timeout function to change the dynamic section.
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Mar 3, 2009
I am trying to develop this expanding content as you can see here:
You see when you click on the title, any text below it will slide down and reveal more content, with nice fade-in. Everything works well for me except that when the page is loading, you can see all the hidden contents before they hide themselves. This content should always be hidden.
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Mar 3, 2011
i am trying to get the contents of a php file into a div. however none of the php code is inserted, it will only insert html(stuff outside of the <?php markers).
function preview()
var content = jQuery('#message').val();
jQuery.get('parser.php', {content:content}, function(txt){
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Nov 27, 2011
I already google this but wasn't able find any thing!.I just wonder if you can tell me where I can find a Jquery plugin which let the users to print a specific part of apage(let say a div for marks result!) as a pdf file?
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Oct 17, 2006
1st Scene1
<a href=''>more</a>
(1) news title1-1
(2) news title1-2
(3) news title1-3
when a user open the page, the page shows the browsing result above.
If the user clicks the link "more," the page shows the browsing result below without url change.
2nd Scene2
<a href=''>more</a>
(1) news title2-1
(2) news title2-2
(3) news title3-3
If the user clicks the link "more" again, the page shows the browsing result below without url change.
3rd Scene3
<a href=''>more</a>
(1) news title3-1
(2) news title3-2
(3) news title3-3
And lastly if the user click the clink "more" again, the page goes back to the first scene.
Can I make it showing different contents without url change like the above with your help?
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Nov 27, 2011
I already google this butwasn'table find any thing!.I just wonder if you can tell me where I can find a Jquery plugin which let the users to print aspecificpart of apage(let say a div for marks result!) as a pdf file?
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Jun 1, 2010
I need to read a files contents to an array so that i can check which lines of the file i need to write back. im not very good with arrays and haven't had any luck so far.
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Feb 11, 2003
OK, this little code takes a string (URL) input and returns an array ([fileContents,httpHeaders]).
function getFile(n){
var file; // Define variable
if(n==''||n==self.location)return []; // Don't request self or empty strings (Safety meassure for some IE and pre0.9.9 Moz versions)
switch(typeof ActiveXObject){
case 'function': // Chech if ie
file=new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); // If so use ie XHreq
file=new XMLHttpRequest; // Otherwise use moz XHreq
file.overrideMimeType("text/xml"); // And override content-type to avoid breakage
try{// Error susceptible code (Moz may screw up, especially if you're breaking the security rules)'GET',n,false);// Open connection
f.send('')// Send empty string
}catch(e){// If error
return []// ...return empty null-length array
return [f.responseText,f.getAllResponseHeaders()]// Otherwise return response and http headers
Note that the file must be within the current domain, or only ie5.5win will actually be able to fetch it....
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Jun 23, 2011
I have the below code that I'm trying to read the contents of an XML file using jQuery, but I seem to have a syntax error on the line that starts with $('<div id="link_'+bannerId+'"></div>').html. Could someone I'm sure it has something to do with somethign not being terminated, or a quote, or something.
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