Adding Multiple Input Boxes And Getting A Total Different Number Every Time?
May 19, 2011
ave this form which gets created by pulling stock/products from a database using PHP and beside every product in the row is a little box for input and in there the user can input the quantity of the product they want. Sometimes only 2 products will be outputted and other times 10 or more.What I want to happen is when the user enters in lets say 3 for the quantity of a certain product I want to get a total for how much 3 of that product will cost so I just do 3 multiply by the cost (which I have from the database) and then display the total cost down under where the list of the available products are and I want all this to happen dynamically obviously not using PHP because I don't want the page to have to reload every time they enter in a new quantity.
I know how to display text and stuff in certain divs with certain ID's using Javascript but I just don't know how to keep track of a form and do what I want to do when the number of inputs in the form can range from 1 to 10 or more. Im thinking of some sort of counter which gives every input a different ID like add 1 at the end of the ID name of the input as the PHP script loops through the database query displaying the products but I still don't know how to go about the Javascript side of things
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Oct 26, 2010
im wanting to add check boxes up to create a total sum at bottom of the form or anywhere for that wanting to add the values up of the check boxes and then the total amount of checked boxes appears in the total amount. also ive been trying to get it when you uncheck a box the amount goes away from the total is what ive got
<script type="text/javascript">
function initialize(){
Total = 0;
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Apr 15, 2009
I am trying to simulate a simple checkout page where a user inputs the quantity of merchandise that they want in multiple text boxes. When they click "calculate" it calculates the subtotal, tax, and total. As it stands my calculate function works if I do quantity * price for each text box and then add together. I would have to do this 9 times! :eek: I would like to use an array but I am not exactly sure how to use it to do calculations. I know I need a loop (which I have written) and an array (which is written also).
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Jun 8, 2011
How to get a number to update realtime on a site? What I'm looking for is used on the following website:
New & Used Cars For Sale - Arnold Clark
The number with the top vehicle search update when a user makes any of the selections in the form. I think I know how to get the number to update via php and mysql queries on the db but how can I get the effect where the number rolls to the newly updated total?
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Jun 21, 2010
I have to input an undefined number of rows of data. Existing data is read from a database. There is an Add button after the last row.
I can see how to add the next row: there is a hidden blank row with visibility set to 'none', which is turned to 'block' by clicking the Add button.
How can I continue to add rows? Do I need to have a large number of invisible rows and turn each one on as required? (I don't want to have to submit the form for each row, which would be another solution).
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Mar 21, 2010
Is there any way to pop up more than one alert boxes at a time?I tried it using a loop but they appear one after another, not at a time.
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Oct 31, 2009
I've been trying to check what I did wrong in my code but still the total doesn't show. Below is my javascript function:
function CalculateTotal(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r)
var tota= document.getElementById('a');
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Apr 18, 2010
i've got a program that gets input from a user, and then stores it in a cookie. That bit is fine, what is a problem is that its just overwriting the data each time a new entry is made, i believed this to be something do do with it not being numbered entry's, so i added a number into the entry, but for some reason it wont add 1 to the number variable each time the function is called
<title>Grader 101</title>
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Sep 12, 2011
I am making making class project and faced with some problems. I have found script (here) and learned.
1. not updating row number and row ID after deleting rows
2. not updating total sum if user change quantity
3. not updating grand total after deleting and changing quantity
<script type="text/javascript">[code].....
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May 23, 2011
<script language="javascript">
function add()
var divTag = document.createElement("div");
In above code there is <tr id=myrow > in which calculation part of field box no. ,l,b,h which is done by javascript.but problem is that the javascript function operate only first time ,but after adding this <tr >again ,then javascript is not working .
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Feb 25, 2010
I am trying to write this code which the value in the input field can be added on top each time when you get the value from links,
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Oct 14, 2009
in my webpage, i've a form which contains several textboxes and a submit button. all the textboxes are generated using php looping, what i wanna do is, when user click the submit button, it will sum up all the textboxes values and pop up alert message telling the total value.
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Jun 3, 2009
I'd like some direction on creating a small piece of Javascript that will populate my <select> boxes.Basically, I have a form for users to create events, with a start time and an end time. (These are the two select boxes).For example:
<select id="startTime">
<option value="12:00AM">12:00AM</option>
<option value="12:15AM">12:15AM</option>
What I am trying to do is:
1) Have times populated in 15 minute incrementals from 12:00AM to 11:45PM
2) Have some type of "error checking" available to where the End Time must be after the start time. It would be nice for the script to automatically change the end time field to a time that is after the start time.
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Aug 3, 2011
I need to be able to add dynamically multiple "Date Picker" input boxes to a form. I wanted to use a simple dynamic textbox added form which will easily add or remove date pickers.
I already have a Date Picker which works well also I have a very dynamic field added.
is it possible to use another JavaScript inside another script as one seems to corrupt the other?
var counter = 2;*
$("#add").click(function () {*
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Feb 11, 2011
I'm just trying to find the best method of updating a running total of the value of list boxes. I basically have 6 items and I want a drop down box listing quantities. when a number is selected I want a total to update beneath. I'm not sure I can do this in PHP without reloading the page. Do i need to use Java script? if so I'm a total newbie can someone point me in the right direction?
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Jul 23, 2005
Here is a sample form that I just made up. I would like a somekind of
script that when each button is checked or unchecked to dynamicly add or
subtract the total.
<title>Testing addition of javascript</title>
<form method="POST" action="">
<p><input type="checkbox" name="C1" value="50">item 1 $50</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="C2" value="10">item 2 $10</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="C3" value="30">item 3 $30</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="C4" value="60">item 4 $60</p>
<p>Total $ totalhere</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
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Dec 2, 2002
I'm currently working on a javascript form validator and have run into a problem. The validator is used to make sure that the customer has entered a number in the quantity input box of the item they wish to purchase.
function validateRE(fieldToCheck, strRegExp, msg, min, max) {
if (!min) { min = 0 }
if (!max) { max = 100 }
for (i=0;i<15;i++)
if (fieldToCheck[i].value) {
var re_pattern = strRegExp;
if (!re_pattern.test(fieldToCheck[i].value) || fieldToCheck[i].value.length < min || fieldToCheck[i].value.length > max) {
return false;
return true;
Used with:
<form method="post" action="../some_URL"
onsubmit="return (
validateRE(this.quantity, /^[1-9]{1}$|^[0-9]{2,3}$/,
'Please enter a Quantity.', 1, 3)
The part in question is the red highlighted section.
The number of items that is under a specific product is generated dynamically and can range from 2-20. How can I get javascript to count the total number of items and run "for i=0;i<total number" instead so it is different for each product page?
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Nov 12, 2009
How to subtract totalgift if my condition of donateamount is lesser than the totalgift trigger.
When the field is selected and the DonateAmount is trigger, I need to subtract the entered amount on the field selected to the TotalGift and put the field selected to zero "0" and TotalGift to original amount which is less than the amount entered on the field selected. I have some code that I created but it doesn't work. My initial javascript to calculate all the total is below assuming that DonateAmount is already selected = 25:
Below is what I am trying to do but it doesn't work. If the first input field is selected and user enter amount greater than the TotalGift, alert will pop-up then and the amount entered by the user automatically added to the TotalGift. So what I wanted to do is to subtract the amount entered to the TotalGift so it will go back to the original amount before the addition occurs. I know it is possible but I just can't get the right code.
My html code below which I have 18 input fields but all of them only optional wherever the user wants to input number. I will only include some here. Code below works, please ignore any missing code. I just need the calculation code to work.
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Mar 26, 2011
<script type="text/javascript">
I have an array in a seperate.js file that I need to step through a FOR loop to grab all these values and add them together.
Here is a small sample of the array's:
Here is the loop step through that I have:
I am stuck on how to grab each amount index and add them together to save them as the amountTotal variable.
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Feb 18, 2011
I have a program that allows the user to input a product number from 1 to 5, and the amount of each product number sold. After all values are added, the program is supposed to calculate each product's total retail value, as well as the total retail value of all five products combined. The program runs fine, up until the end. I got all my alert boxes working, and the program is doing the multiplication as it is supposed to. However, when I get to the end, I receive "Last weeks total retail sales are: $NaN".
My code:
var productNum;
var quantity;
var prodPrice1 = 2.98;
var prodPrice2 = 4.50;
var prodPrice3 = 9.98;
var prodPrice4 = 4.49;
var prodPrice5 = 6.87;
var total1;
var total2;
var total3;
var total4;
var total5;
productNum = window.prompt( "Enter a Product Number (1,2,3,4,5):", "1" );
quantity1 = window.prompt( "Enter the quantity sold" );
productNum = window.prompt( "Enter a Product Number (1,2,3,4,5):", "1" );
quantity2 = window.prompt( "Enter the quantity sold" );
productNum = window.prompt( "Enter a Product Number (1,2,3,4,5):", "1" );
quantity3 = window.prompt( "Enter the quantity sold" );
productNum = window.prompt( "Enter a Product Number (1,2,3,4,5):", "1" );
quantity4 = window.prompt( "Enter the quantity sold" );
productNum = window.prompt( "Enter a Product Number (1,2,3,4,5):", "1" );
quantity5 = window.prompt( "Enter the quantity sold" );
total1 = document.writeln("Total for product 1 is $" + (prodPrice1 * quantity1) + "<br />");
total2 = document.writeln("Total for product 2 is $" + (prodPrice2 * quantity2) + "<br />");
total3 = document.writeln("Total for product 3 is $" + (prodPrice3 * quantity3) + "<br />");
total4 = document.writeln("Total for product 4 is $" + (prodPrice4 * quantity4) + "<br />");
total5 = document.writeln("Total for product 5 is $" + (prodPrice5 * quantity5) + "<br />");
document.writeln( "<h1>Last weeks total retail sales are: $" + ( total1 + total2 + total3 + total4 + total5) + "</h1>" );
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Mar 25, 2009
I have a Javascript that calculates and displays how long, in minutes and seconds a user has been in online(Google Gears development) mode on a given web page. I need however, to modify the script so that it calculates and displays how long the user has been online on the web site. For e.g. on page 1 for 2 minutes 12 seconds. Moves to page 2 - total time on page 1 and 2= 4 minutes 13 seconds. My script (see below) starts a second counter then converts that to minutes and seconds. I have tried passing the secVar0 variable in the url but that comes back "undefined".
if(request.responseText != "" && request.responseText.indexOf("404 Page not found") == -1)
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Mar 25, 2009
I have a Javascript that calculates and displays how long, in minutes and seconds a user has been in online(Google Gears development) mode on a given web page. I need however, to modify the script so that it calculates and displays how long the user has been online on the web site. For e.g. on page 1 for 2 minutes 12 seconds. Moves to page 2 - total time on page 1 and 2= 4 minutes 13 seconds. My script (see below) starts a second counter then converts that to minutes and seconds. I have tried passing the secVar0 variable in the url but that comes back "undefined".
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Nov 16, 2011
There are two text boxes in a HTML form.The first text box takes the time when the user starts to work on a project. The second box takes the time when the user stops working on that project.Now, I would like to calculate the total time worked on that project for that user. That is (stop time - start time). I tried few things without success.
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Sep 5, 2010
I'm trying to search for the correct code to make my form work. I have 3 select boxes - one with 2 options, one with 8 options, and the last with 2 options... All of this adds up to 32 different url paths. Can anyone tell me how to get this done?This is what I have so far: (and yea, I know I suck... I honestly have absolutely NO clue)
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Nov 20, 2010
What I'm trying to do is, a jquery script to show in real time the total price. I got this:
<select name="users" id="users">
<option value='1'>1</option>
<option value='2'>2</option>
<option value='3'>3</option>
<option value='4'>4</option>
<option value='5'>5</option>
<option value='6'>6</option>
<option value='7'>7</option>
<option value='8'>8</option>
<option value='9'>9</option>
<option value='10'>10</option>
<select name="months" id="months">
<option value='1'>1 Month</option>
<option value='2'>2 Months</option>
<option value='3'>3 Months</option>
<option value='4'>4 Months</option>
<option value='5'>5 Months</option>
<option value='6'>6 Months</option>
<option value='7'>7 Months</option>
<option value='8'>8 Months </option>
<option value='9'>9 Months</option>
<option value='10'>10 Months</option>
<option value="11">11 Months</option>
<option value="12">12 Months</option>
<div class="grand_total">
<h4 class="colr">Price</h4>
<li class="price">$0.50</li>
1 Month and 1 User price should be 0.50 USD
+1 Month = + 0.50 USD
+ 1 User = + 0.50 USD
Example: 5 Users + 2 Months = 3.50 USD
I wanna make the jquery to show the total price at li class="price".
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May 4, 2011
I have a program in which a user must enter number of books and price and then calculate the total cost of the items, i have tried and tried to get it working to no effect can anyone see where i have went wrong.
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