Jquery :: Adding Input Values Each Time On Top When Click?
Feb 25, 2010
I am trying to write this code which the value in the input field can be added on top each time when you get the value from links,
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Nov 5, 2010
I am new to javascript (4 months), I would like to add an hour to the current time each time a button is clicked.
I have this code:
var hourstbutton=document.getElementById("button3");
hoursbutton.onclick=function() {
var divlink=document.getElementById("math3");
var newtime2=new Date();
var currenthours2=newtime2.getHours()+1;
var currentmins2=newtime2.getMinutes();
var currentsecns2=newtime2.getSeconds();
var ampm2= (currenthours2>=12) ? "P.M." : "A.M.";
if (currenthours2>=13) {
currentmins2= "0" + currentmins2;
currentsecns2="0" + currentsecns2;
divlink.innerHTML=currenthours2+":"+currentmins2+":"+currentsecns2+ " "+ampm2;
How do I tie the number of button clicks into the number of times this code is executed?
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Jul 1, 2010
I can't seem to get this working correctly. I have several radio buttons and checkboxes. Based on them being checked I need to add that value to an input (which will be hidden) to be passed as a form parameter. The input they are added to is wrapped in xml tags. Currently it is simply overwriting each value, not adding them to the string. One value "IKNTK" needs to be passed regardless.
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May 19, 2011
ave this form which gets created by pulling stock/products from a database using PHP and beside every product in the row is a little box for input and in there the user can input the quantity of the product they want. Sometimes only 2 products will be outputted and other times 10 or more.What I want to happen is when the user enters in lets say 3 for the quantity of a certain product I want to get a total for how much 3 of that product will cost so I just do 3 multiply by the cost (which I have from the database) and then display the total cost down under where the list of the available products are and I want all this to happen dynamically obviously not using PHP because I don't want the page to have to reload every time they enter in a new quantity.
I know how to display text and stuff in certain divs with certain ID's using Javascript but I just don't know how to keep track of a form and do what I want to do when the number of inputs in the form can range from 1 to 10 or more. Im thinking of some sort of counter which gives every input a different ID like add 1 at the end of the ID name of the input as the PHP script loops through the database query displaying the products but I still don't know how to go about the Javascript side of things
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Nov 27, 2011
I'm trying to add a textbox to my div -- the code to add does work but when I add in the if statement to make sure that there won't be multiple inputs, the code does not work...
1. How do I debug my own scripts? I've been learning slowing but I don't know the quick way to catch an error and print to page.
2. Is there something I'm missing with this code?
if(!document.getElementById(post_id.id).innerHTML.indexOf('post_rep_box')) document.getElementById(post_id.id).innerHTML += "<input type='text' name='post_rep_box'/>"
I've also tried (post_id.id).value
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Mar 5, 2009
I need to capture input from a form in the run time and send those values as URL parameters using HTML POST.
I am using:
Here searchText and searchFilter are the input values. When I run the app, I don't see the values but I see "frm.searchText.value" and "frm.searchFilter.value" getting passed as parameters.
What is the right way to apply javascript here?
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Jul 6, 2010
With input box if you type something and refresh the page, the previous words that you typed in will be filtered and be display in a scroll down form in which you can click it.My question is, when I click the input type is it possible to scroll down, and display values that comes from a database? It should also filter the scroll down results. If it's possible I don't know how to do it.
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Jul 19, 2011
I have a list of products where they have minimum quantities in a hidden input. Some products have multiple colours, though the same minimum quantity and I'm trying to implement a jQuery check that entries made are at least equal to the minimum.
Blank or '0' entries are fine but if it's below the minimum quantity it should set to the minimum.
Is there something obviously wrong with this? It isn't performing the minimum check and I'm really not sure why.
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Oct 1, 2011
I have following code,
<div id="SliderContents">
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Feb 27, 2011
Is there a way to add a convert and convertBack function for data link plugin outside of passing in the map object? What I'd like to accomplish is have a few custom predefined converts and then on document load add them based on classes found in the form.
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Jul 1, 2010
I have several checkboxes that on .click add their ID to an xml string. I am having trouble with it adding multiple ID's, currently if you have one checked and check another, it overwrites the previous. Here's what I have:
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
services += '<SERVICE><SERVICECD>' + this.id + '</SERVICECD></SERVICE>';
How do I make this work with multiple ID's so it adds/removes each one based on click, not overwriting? I need to be able to have multiple ID's added to the string.
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Feb 17, 2010
I'm trying to develop a module for an aplication and i'm basing on an example from the jquery ui dialog [URL] But i'm using radio buttons and a datepicker field but problems occur when i try to add a second row to the table. It just adds the date value but the "motivo" value don't. I mean everything works fine at the first attempt but at the next it fails.
Here is part of my code:
$(function() {
var fecha = $("#datepicker"),
motivo = $("[name=motivo]"),
allFields = $([]).add(fecha).add(motivo),
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Nov 25, 2011
how I can use Jquery to append and remove data into a table by checking and unchecking html checkboxes?(Or any plugin for this?) I would like to generate an online order invoice from the following checkboxes:
I find these two example on the net but (The first example looks too similar to what I would like to do but with a table) but Icouldn'tfigure out how to modify them? [URL]
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Jul 14, 2010
I have a lot of checkboxes/input's and when they are clicked/filled out I need to add that value to the <COMMETNS> section of the xml string, which is the hidden input's value. Is this close to the right way? Again the xml string is the hidden input #AGREEMENTS value
<input type="hidden" id="AGREEMENTS" name="AGREEMENTS" value="<AGREEMENTS><AGREEMENT><CODE>XNNonproStatus</CODE><VERSION>KV000001</VERSION><DATETIME><?php echo $SubmitDATETIME ?></DATETIME><COMMENT>'SECQualified' + ( $('[name=SECQualified]').val() ),'InvestmentAdvisor' + ( $('[name=Advisor]').val() ), 'Subscribing' + ( $('[name=Subscribing]').val() ), 'Billed' + ( $('[name=BName]').val() )</COMMENT></AGREEMENT><AGREEMENTS>" />
Should I make a click function for each checkbox?
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Nov 17, 2011
I have a situation on my website similar to this:
<ul id="menu1" class="menu">
<a href='javascript:myFunction(0)'>Hello</a>
This makes a link that calls myFunction(0) when I click it. Now I want to add a popup whenever the user clicks the link (but I can't add it to myFunction for some reason), so I add an event listener to this <a> in the $(document).ready() function:
$('ul.menu li a').click(
function() {
Now the the popup does appear, but it doesn't execute myFunction(0) anymore.
So finally my question: is there a way to pass my <a>'s href to this click-function and makes it execute? Or is there a better way?
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Feb 9, 2010
This doesn't seem to work in IEs (6,7,8). Seems to be no problem in FF, Safari, Chrome.Is there a workaround or is that not supposed to work?What I am trying to do is to track clicks on flash content.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$(".skyscraperlink").each(function(i) {}).click(function() {
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May 23, 2011
<script language="javascript">
function add()
var divTag = document.createElement("div");
In above code there is <tr id=myrow > in which calculation part of field box no. ,l,b,h which is done by javascript.but problem is that the javascript function operate only first time ,but after adding this <tr >again ,then javascript is not working .
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Apr 11, 2010
F.e I have div which id is someDiv and input text which id is someInput - and how to do that value of input object will display in DIV in real time? If i type letter "a" in input, it should automatically display in DIV. Which function should I use?
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Apr 23, 2010
I have a setting where I construct an image reference which I then append somewhere in the DOM, like so for instance:
var one = "<img src = "test.jpg" ";
var two = "/>";
var my_img = one + two;
and then I add it to DOM using after() function. It works fine. However, I also need to add a click event to it. I tried to do this:
and then append it using after(), but it doesn't seem to work. One thing I can think of is append it after a certain ID, then look for it as a child of that ID and add click to it this way. I haven't tried this, but it'll probably work.
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Aug 18, 2011
I am trying to show the time and when you click it I want it to go away. But its not working.
<script type="text/javascript">
var date=new Date();
var time=date.getHours();
So I dunno what im doing wrong but when I do this the page is blank.
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Dec 2, 2010
I have a for loop which has a length of 8. It's meant to run through an array of objects and bind a click function to all of them. So the alert should run a range 0-7 but instead it returns 8 no matter which object is being clicked.
for (var j = 0; j < bubbleArray.length; j++) {
$('#icon' + j).bind('click',function() {
var icon = this.id;
this.diam = $(this).width();
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Sep 17, 2009
What im trying to do is have the page auto refresh after the time countdown has expired. Here is the java code for the counter how would it be possible to add a autorefresh after the counter has reached 0 time left.
function ulticountdown(time, id, format, keepCounting, zero, langarray){
timeleft = time;
var countUp = false;
if (timeleft < 0) {
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Dec 16, 2005
I'm wondering how I can add numbers in real time using javascript.
say I enter a number in a text field,
<input type="text" name="qty" value="2">
<input type="text" name="cost" value="5">
how would I then be able to get the total in another test field, like:
<input type="text" name="total" value="10">
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Oct 22, 2010
I'm looking to do two things on a website - add the time (but the local time where my client is based - not taken from their computer clock) and I want to add the local weather - I know there are services out there, and this is what I have at the moment - but my client wants it text only (so without all the banner info on these services.
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Jun 17, 2010
I'm trying to be able to click a row to highlight it on table controlled by tablesorter. I'm having a great deal of difficulty achieving this as nothing seems to make any difference.
I am adding the following after the call to tablesorter.
$("tr").click(function(){ $(this).addClass("hilite"); });
This works on tables that are not sorted by tablesorter.
another plugin that I could use instead of tablesorter and that will allow me to add this functionality?
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Jan 8, 2012
I can't append click event handler at the <a> element when it is created by jquery on that way...
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function(e) {
// Abrindo textos na língua padrão do website.
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