Row Number, Total And Grand Total Not Updating In Dynamic Table?

Sep 12, 2011

I am making making class project and faced with some problems. I have found script (here) and learned.

1. not updating row number and row ID after deleting rows

2. not updating total sum if user change quantity

3. not updating grand total after deleting and changing quantity

<script type="text/javascript">[code].....

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Getting An Accurate Grand Total

Jan 24, 2007

I have a page that has a total field that will have a value when the page is loaded. I also have a few select options that modify the total via an onchange event. Problem is, when i change a select option twice, I cant work out how to get the correct total happening instead of just adding more to the total. I'll show you what I mean.. Code:

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Table Total - Get The Last Line - Total - Of Each Column

Apr 12, 2009

When i comment off the document.autoSumForm.row7_col1.value = (row1_col1 * 1) + (row2_col1 * 1);

in cal() function it work the way i want it. I get the total in last column of each row. i am trying to get the last line ( Total ) of each column.

Here is my code.


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Grand Total For Form - Add Up The Inputs Without Having To Click A Button?

Apr 26, 2011

I have grabbed this html code off the internet. It looks like it will work for what i am looking for except it does not add a grand total. The inputs multiply numbers without having to click a button. I wanted the grantotal to add up the inputs without having to click a button also.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />[code].....

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Invoice Form :: Calculate Grand Total Of Products And Add Rows?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm trying to create a Invoice form with javascript. Basically, my invoice form should have the field item, cost, quantity and product total.It shd have a function to allow the user to add rows if they want more than one item. In the end, there should be a sub total. I am able to use javascript to calc the total of each product for only the first row. If I add rows, the Product total script don't work.This is what I have so far:

mysql_connect("", "", "");

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When The User Enter A Quanity It Will Show The Total Straight Away Without Having To Click The Total Box?

Jan 27, 2011

I am trying to add up some fields, it works but to get the total you have to click on the total box. Is there any way of getting it to total automatically i.e. when the user enter a quanity it will show the total straight away without having to click the total box.

Below is my code
<html><head><title>Online Order</title></head>
<body bgcolor=white onLoad=";


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Auto Calculate The Subtraction Of Total Earn And Total Deduction?

Oct 18, 2011

I have Javascript code for auto is the code:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function autocalearn(oText)

I have a textbox for the overall total, and i want it automatic subtract the total earn and total deduction..

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Sum Of Radio Buttons Value - Total Does Not Reflect The Actual Total ?

Sep 2, 2011

I used the sum of check boxes script, altered it for radio buttons and it works... except for one little nit-picking thing.If a user changes their mind and chooses the other radio button in the set, the total does not reflect the actual total unless they click again on an already set radio button on the side they are using.Here's the JS:

//Adds the sum of all radio buttons for the Home Team (Games Won)
function UpdateCost() {
var sum = 0;[code]......

How can I get this to reflect the actual games won if a user changes a radio button from home team to visiting team? I have a duplicate JS (UpdateCost2) and I have a matched pair of radio buttons for each game. Either you win (get 1) or lose (get 0).

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Find The Best Method Of Updating A Running Total Of The Value Of List Boxes?

Feb 11, 2011

I'm just trying to find the best method of updating a running total of the value of list boxes. I basically have 6 items and I want a drop down box listing quantities. when a number is selected I want a total to update beneath. I'm not sure I can do this in PHP without reloading the page. Do i need to use Java script? if so I'm a total newbie can someone point me in the right direction?

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Sub-Total & Page Total Fields ?

Apr 20, 2009

I have a page that lists a bunch of golf clubs. They are ordered by catagory (drivers, woods, etc) When you click on a check box the javascript puts the price in a sub-total box. I need it to also add up the total for the page.Here's a link to the page:

http:[url]....Here is the javascript at the top:

<script language=javascript>
var a=<?php echo $row_recDrivers['cPrice']; ?>; //set driver value.
var b=<?php echo $row_recWood['cPrice']; ?>; //set wood1 value.[code].....

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Get The Total Of The Checkboxes Selected When The User Clicks The "calculate Total" Button?

Jul 18, 2011

I am trying to get the total of the checkboxes selected when the user clicks the "calculate total" button. It isn't working though.

<script type="text/javascript">


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How Can I Count The Total Number Of Results Displayed?

Dec 2, 2002

I'm currently working on a javascript form validator and have run into a problem. The validator is used to make sure that the customer has entered a number in the quantity input box of the item they wish to purchase.


function validateRE(fieldToCheck, strRegExp, msg, min, max) {
if (!min) { min = 0 }
if (!max) { max = 100 }

for (i=0;i<15;i++)
if (fieldToCheck[i].value) {
var re_pattern = strRegExp;
if (!re_pattern.test(fieldToCheck[i].value) || fieldToCheck[i].value.length < min || fieldToCheck[i].value.length > max) {
return false;
return true;
Used with:

<form method="post" action="../some_URL"
onsubmit="return (

validateRE(this.quantity, /^[1-9]{1}$|^[0-9]{2,3}$/,
'Please enter a Quantity.', 1, 3)

The part in question is the red highlighted section.
The number of items that is under a specific product is generated dynamically and can range from 2-20. How can I get javascript to count the total number of items and run "for i=0;i<total number" instead so it is different for each product page?

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"document.getElementById ('total').value = Total;" Not Submitted In Form Post?

Jun 25, 2009

I have a issue with a javascript code that I wrote. This script is a simply for calculating the summation of 2 text input boxes and printing it in another text input box within the form. The entire form is then sent using Form post.The total is written back to the form's total text input box using the code below:

document.getElementById ('total').value = total

This code works perfectly for displaying the values on screen. However, when I send the form (PHP Post), the " total " field is empty. I have searched all over for possible solutions. But no solution yet.

1. document.getElementById ('total').INNERHTML = total .This does not even work on screen and total field is not updated on screen. Needless to say, the PHP Post variable was also empty.

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Checkbox Calculations - Total To Be In Plain Text And Not In A Text Box Maybe Just Drop The Total Value In A DIV

May 5, 2009

My requirement is to develop a simple form with checkboxes which when selected calculate a price based on the value assigned to the checkbox. The form and calculations is working great but i need a few final touches which i can't work out.

1. I want the total to be in plain text and not in a text box maybe just drop the total value in a DIV.

2. I want the form to start with a default value for example 200, i have tried adding a hidden checkbox with a value of 200 and setting it to checked as default but it doesnt display 200 in the total when i first load the page it only calculates it when i select the first box and i need it to be displayed as the total even if no options are selected.


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Adding Multiple Input Boxes And Getting A Total Different Number Every Time?

May 19, 2011

ave this form which gets created by pulling stock/products from a database using PHP and beside every product in the row is a little box for input and in there the user can input the quantity of the product they want. Sometimes only 2 products will be outputted and other times 10 or more.What I want to happen is when the user enters in lets say 3 for the quantity of a certain product I want to get a total for how much 3 of that product will cost so I just do 3 multiply by the cost (which I have from the database) and then display the total cost down under where the list of the available products are and I want all this to happen dynamically obviously not using PHP because I don't want the page to have to reload every time they enter in a new quantity.

I know how to display text and stuff in certain divs with certain ID's using Javascript but I just don't know how to keep track of a form and do what I want to do when the number of inputs in the form can range from 1 to 10 or more. Im thinking of some sort of counter which gives every input a different ID like add 1 at the end of the ID name of the input as the PHP script loops through the database query displaying the products but I still don't know how to go about the Javascript side of things

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Real Time Update Total Count Results Number

Jun 8, 2011

How to get a number to update realtime on a site? What I'm looking for is used on the following website:
New & Used Cars For Sale - Arnold Clark
The number with the top vehicle search update when a user makes any of the selections in the form. I think I know how to get the number to update via php and mysql queries on the db but how can I get the effect where the number rolls to the newly updated total?

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Create User Input Table And Add Total?

Dec 1, 2011

I am trying to modify the table found in the following Link (section 4, Post Event Calculated tonnes) to recreate an identical table that I require:Special Event Follow UpSomeone prior to me create this sheet and I would like to modify the formula and the headings in that specific table only. How can I recreate an identical table with different headings to represent the items I require.

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Program - User Must Enter Number Of Books And Price And Then Calculate The Total Cost Of Items

May 4, 2011

I have a program in which a user must enter number of books and price and then calculate the total cost of the items, i have tried and tried to get it working to no effect can anyone see where i have went wrong.

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JQuery :: Hide A Table Row That Contains A Td That Has InnerText *=Total But Not Month

Nov 8, 2011

I have a table that i need to hide 2 rows in one the 1st td has innerText *=Balance and the other innerText *=Total. Using the my selector for totali get 2 tds I need to not select the row with a td containing Month. For some reason my selectors only select the td, i was trying tr td[innerText *=Balance] this selects the td not the row

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Code For Window.confirm() Function - Find The Number Of Days - Calculate And Display The Total Cost?

Dec 6, 2010

I am having some difficulty in constructing a window.confirm() function that works with my code.So if the form data is valid, I need to use a window.confirm() dialog box to show the user's total cost based on the rental rate of equipment chosen and the reservation period. The user must accept the cost by pressing the confirm button, and if user cancels do not submit data.I have written this code but cannot figure out how to find the number of days from the 2 date fields and use that to calculate and display the total cost.

//confirm submit and display rental cost
var equip = document.forms[0].equipment.value
var pDate = document.forms[0].pickupDate.value[code].....

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JQuery :: Adding And Extracting Slider Value (to/from) Total Value(Stored In An HTML Table)

Dec 9, 2011

I have a costestimatorslider using jquery ui slider as:

$(function() {

As you can see I can add the value from the slider ui.value without any problem.Now I would like to be able to ADD or Extract the$('.cost') value to other value as Total(total=parseInt($('#total').html());.) which is Sum of some other calculations stored in a HTML table cell in the page as:

I tried to do it by this way butFirstof all it doubled the value which makesense and it's wrong!, besides itcouldn'textract the cost from the total.

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Total Number Of Radio Buttons Checked "maybe"?

Jun 18, 2010

I am trying to use some dead software made by Grandasoft (XSDesigner & XSForms) that sllows for the creation of data-collecting forms on handheld devices. The software works fine, and is exactly what I need, but...In the Form Design half of the software, you can create more complex actions (OnChange, OnCreate, OnSetfocus, and OnKillfocus)- these actions need be written in either Jscript or VBA.I have created a series of radio button entries which allow either "yes, no, maybe, or significant" to be selected as possible answers. Whichever button is selected, the data is stored as text ("maybe" for example).Now, at the bottom of the form page, I have a series of [text] totals boxes, for which I desperately need Jscript code: "Total number of radio buttons checked "maybe;" "Total number of radio buttons checked "significant;" "Total number of radio buttons checked "yes;" etc.

I have been floundering for the past 2 weeks trying to learn enough code to make sense of my problem. Could one of you provide me with a code that would automatically sum the number of "maybe" values?I think I could rearrange the other values to create similar for my other totals boxes.My 'maybe' Total box is apparently called:tbxPermRd_MaybeTotal.Value The radio buttons are called:optRespectSensitiveAreas.Value optRoadsmeetgradespecs.ValueoptDitchesdontdumpintostreams.Value

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Adding Up A Total

Jul 23, 2005

Here is a sample form that I just made up. I would like a somekind of
script that when each button is checked or unchecked to dynamicly add or
subtract the total.



<title>Testing addition of javascript</title>


<form method="POST" action="">
<p><input type="checkbox" name="C1" value="50">item 1 $50</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="C2" value="10">item 2 $10</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="C3" value="30">item 3 $30</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="C4" value="60">item 4 $60</p>
<p>Total $ totalhere</p>

<script type="text/javascript">


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Calculate Each Row And Then Total

Jul 26, 2011

I am making what I call a PM (Preventive Maintenance) Kit list. My users will use this list to generate a printable sheet to tell me what they used out of there kit. The list includes pricing per part and I would like the list to calculate the costing as they enter each item. So a total per line and an overall total cost.

I have included a snap shot of the page and below is the code. I can do this sort of thing on a small scale with just adding two lines but I am not sure how to modify it to handle this scale. You can see the script towards the bottom of the page. That is my lame attempt to make the per line costing happen but NOTHING happens.

require "../config/bpts_config.php";
// Start the session
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">

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Automatically Calculate A Total?

Oct 6, 2010

automatically calculate a total. The script pulls a price, which is given from a database to a hidden form field. Then once the quantity is changed the bottom form field automatically updates the price. Here's my script if someone could possibly point out why this might not be working (or is my logic flawed.)

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Shopping Cart</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
function calcTotal(){

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Get The Total Column Automatically?

Mar 6, 2009

how to get the total column automatical gets update when user inputs a value in column 1. i believe its some thing to do with javascript onfocus(). i don't know how to do it.


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