Adding Elements To An Array Using "getElementById" From Text Boxes

Feb 5, 2008

I having been trying to make the data from generated (using div tags) pairs of textboxes into two separate arrays, a[] and b[]. I thought that if I label each text box pair a[i] and b[i] that would be enough to include the respective element in each array but that hasn't seemed to work. In fact. the only way I managed to retrieve the values from the text boxes was using "getElementById" and resorted to a for loop in order to make the arrays but that method appears to be able to get elements from only one pair of text boxes. Code:

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Adding The Values In Text Boxes

Jul 20, 2005

I have a large form, that has text boxes of numbers in rows and
columns. I need to sum the values in the columns, and put the total at
the bottom of the column. But I also need to sum the values in each
row, and put the total at the end of the row.

What is the javascript to sum the values to a few text boxes, and how
would I write the script for these totals to run all at once?

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NaN Problem While Adding Text Boxes

Jan 18, 2007

My javascript at the moment allows me to enter digits into textboxes, with the result of them all being put totalled up in a seperate box.

However, the numbers inputted are referring to money. This means that some users may put commas or full stops in. Does anyone know how I can parse such punctuation, so javascript just reads it as a full number without the commas etc. As it stands I just get a NaN error.

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Adding Values To Dynamic Text Boxes

Apr 23, 2011

I'm a complete beginner to JS and have been playing around with a few test projects but I am stuck with one particular part.It simply creates a new text box if you press the Add Text Box button, and removes the text box if you press the Remove Text Box button.What I want to do now is add a usable value to each text box (e.g. the first text box will have the value "tb1", the second "tb2" and so on - so that I can post the data to use it further on.

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Adding Elements To An Array...

May 30, 2006

how to do you add elements to an array? am looking at section dealing
with arrays in JS Bible, can't find how you add to an array.. in the
last few years I've been doing much more Java than JS, am used to Java,
where you can't add elements to an array, but use a Vector instead.. and
it's very easy to add to it (use add() method..) how to you add
elements to an array in JavaScript..

I looked up array obj, don't see method to add to array.

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Adding And Removing Array Elements

Jul 18, 2004

Since the Array.splice() method isnt supported by IE5 here's a script with an add function and a remove function.

function remove(nr) {

var nb = parseInt(nr)

for(x=nb;x<myArray.length-1;x++) {
myArray[x] = myArray[x+1]
myArray.length += -1

function add(nr,value) {
for(x=myArray.length;x>nr;x--) {
myArray[x] = myArray[x-1]
myArray[nr] = value

You can test it out by including the following html, and an array in the script (here named 'myArray').


Nr to add/remove<input type="text" name="nr" /><br />
Value to insert <input type="text" name="val" />
<input type="button" value="remove" onclick="remove(" />
<input type="button" value="add" onclick="add(,this.form.val.value)" />
<input type="button" value="View Array" onclick="aA()" />


And this small function

function aA() {

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Sum Values Stored In An Array Of Text Boxes?

Nov 30, 2009

how to sum the values stored in an array of textbox using javascript and display it in a separate text box.

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Adding And Deleting Elements From A Textbox Array

Dec 1, 2005

I'm trying to solve a problem with JS textbox array without success.
I have two buttons in my page: PLUS and MINUS; at every click on PLUS a new
textbox named 'dear' is generated. So, if one clicks, say, 3 times the
output is something like:


The length property is accessible; alert(dear.length) gives &#393;', correctly.
The prolbem is that is not possible to delete a textbox, clicking on MINUS
button. The thing I'd really need to do is to delete from the array (and in
consequence from video) the last textbox created, when one clicks on MINUS

Pop() and Splice() methods do not work, unfortunely...
This is the exact code of my page:

<a href="#plus" onclick="john.innerHTML+='<li><input id=dear type=text
<a href="#minus" onclick="alert(dear.length);dear.pop()">

<div id=john>

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Adding JS To Old HTML Referencing Array Elements?

Mar 23, 2010

Years ago I created HTML that employs checkboxes and textboxes. I am now writing JS with the intention of adding flexibility and limiting redundancy. I am not sure I truly understand how to correctly interact the two though. For example, one of my scripts have arrays that contain the names of the checkboxes and textboxes, with a 'for' loop to document.write() them to references within the HTML code.This does not seem to be working for me though. Here is what I have thus far (in short):

<script language="javascript">
var teamNames = new Array(3);
teamNames[0]="South Africa";


I've left out a lot of the code (to include the teamAbbr array, but you get the points. I've tried moving the JS within the HTML body and playing with the reference syntax, but nothing so far.

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Correct Syntax For An Nested Array Where Each Array Element Has 3 Elements, A Number And Two Text Strings?

Sep 17, 2010

What is the correct syntax for an nested array where each array element has 3 elements, a number and two text strings?


array = ['1, Old Man, Old Man','2 Black Sheep, Black Sheep',....]

should the text strings be in double quotes("")?


array = ['1, "Old Man", "Old Man"','2 "Black Sheep", "Black Sheep"',....]

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Adding Values From Selection Boxes?

Jan 11, 2010

I am trying to take the values of 2 or more select boxes, add them together and then update a text field each time a selection in one of the select boxes is made. Basically, I am trying to keep a running total.

Currently I have it set up so that onchange it grabs the selected value. The problem is that it is being processed as a string I believe. For instance, if there are two variables, a=111 and b=222, the output in the text field reads 111222. I tried using parseInt, but that just returns NaN (not a number?...just a guess).

I have seen this solved with if statements, grabbing the selected index # and then assigning an integer, but I am hoping there is an easier way.

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GetElementByID Not Working With Array

Sep 18, 2005

Why does'nt the arrayvalue work?
I'm sure its foo. Is it some string conversionproblem. I've tried a lot but nothing works.

function handleResponse() {
if(http.readyState == 4){
var response = http.responseText;
var update = new Array();

if(response.indexOf('|' != -1)) {
update = response.split('|');
document.getElementById(update[0]).innerHTML = update[1]; //Dont work.
//document.getElementById('foo').innerHTML = update[1]; //Works!

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Adding Check Boxes To Equal Total Sum?

Oct 26, 2010

im wanting to add check boxes up to create a total sum at bottom of the form or anywhere for that wanting to add the values up of the check boxes and then the total amount of checked boxes appears in the total amount. also ive been trying to get it when you uncheck a box the amount goes away from the total is what ive got

<script type="text/javascript">
function initialize(){
Total = 0;


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Adding Button To Check / Uncheck All Boxes?

Nov 18, 2009

I have the following page [URL] and I would like to add a button or checkbox to check/uncheck all. Note we are already using some javascript for custom checkboxes so it needs to integrate with that.

Here is the current javascript...
/* Custom Form Element [URL]

The only thing you need to change in this file is the following variables: checkboxHeight, radioHeight and selectWidth. Replace the first two numbers with the height of the checkbox and
radio button. The actual height of both the checkbox and radio images should be 4 times the height of these two variables. The selectWidth value should be the width of your select list image. You may need to adjust your images a bit if there is a slight vertical movement during the different stages of the button activation.

Visit [URL] for more information.
*/ var checkboxHeight = "47";
var radioHeight = "25";
var selectWidth = "190";
/* No need to change anything after this */
document.write('<style type="text/css">input.styled { display: none;
} select.styled { position: relative; width: ' + selectWidth + 'px;
opacity: 0; filter: alpha(opacity=0); z-index: 5; }</style>'); .....

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GetElementById/form.elements - Get The Value Of A Selected Option Value?

Sep 16, 2010

I'm trying to get the value of a selected option value. I've tried using getElementById("fieldname").selectedIndex.value and formname.elements["fieldname"].options[selectedIndex].value with no joy.

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Does Document.getElementById Work With Form Elements?

Oct 20, 2011

I wanted to know if document.getElementById works while accessing form elements. I tried doing this just for testing purposes

This code doesnt work
function validateForm()
var val = document.getElementById("id_login").getAttribute("value");
return false;


Why doesnt document.getElementByid work with form works with all non form HTML objects..

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Acces An Array With Data From GetElementById

Jun 5, 2009

var arrayOne=('onehorse','onebird')
var arrayTwo=('twohorses','2birds')
var arrayThree=('3horses','3birds')


Does not work. I would expect '2birds' but returns undefined. Probably because the typeof idArray I get from the function call is string. What is the right way to do it?

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.getElementById (Multiple Elements?) Detect Whether The Input Value IsNaN?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm performing some validation functions on a form I've created.For the phone number, I have 3 text boxes lined up next to one another. The first is for the country code, the second is for area code and the third is for the remainder of the phone number.I have used the following in order to detect whether the input value isNaN.

input = document.getElementById("phone1");
if (isNaN(input.value)) {
errorText += "[code]...

As I have three text boxes for the phone number, can I group them within this one statement? So, ...getElementById("phone1, phone2, phone3"); ?If not, what would you recommend?

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Dynamically Adding <option> Tags To <select> Boxes In Firefox / IE

Dec 21, 2005

I'm currently working with a bit of javascript to dynamically add
<option>s into a select box. My code currently works fine in Internet
Explorer, however in Firefox the dropdown only displays the first
option in the list, and when clicked the other values aren't displayed.

Here is the code;

//ar_options is an array with the option to be displayed in.

for (count=0; count<number_of_options+1; count++)
document.forms['enquiry'].enquirytype.options[count] = new

As I said - fine in Internet Explorer, but not in Firefox. I did
discover some discussions about this, which were talking about an issue
and workarounds but I couldn't get any of them to work. I have also
tried simply using the document.write() function to output the HTML in
the correct place. However this is just hte same, works in IE but not

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Adding Multiple Input Boxes And Getting A Total Different Number Every Time?

May 19, 2011

ave this form which gets created by pulling stock/products from a database using PHP and beside every product in the row is a little box for input and in there the user can input the quantity of the product they want. Sometimes only 2 products will be outputted and other times 10 or more.What I want to happen is when the user enters in lets say 3 for the quantity of a certain product I want to get a total for how much 3 of that product will cost so I just do 3 multiply by the cost (which I have from the database) and then display the total cost down under where the list of the available products are and I want all this to happen dynamically obviously not using PHP because I don't want the page to have to reload every time they enter in a new quantity.

I know how to display text and stuff in certain divs with certain ID's using Javascript but I just don't know how to keep track of a form and do what I want to do when the number of inputs in the form can range from 1 to 10 or more. Im thinking of some sort of counter which gives every input a different ID like add 1 at the end of the ID name of the input as the PHP script loops through the database query displaying the products but I still don't know how to go about the Javascript side of things

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Drop Down Boxes Return To Default When Adding More Content With InnerHTML?

Jan 26, 2010

I am adding drop down boxes to a div using javascript on a user action, if these boxes are assigned a value by the user then the user adds more boxes the values previously selected are cleared.

It does not happen if an option is selected in the HTML when the page is loaded.

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Comparing Array Values To Select Unique Array Elements?

Apr 10, 2010

This one is throwing me off! Either I am making a stupid mistake or I'm doing it totally wrong I have an array, and I am trying to select unique values from it and assign it to another array. Here is the code:

var flag;
for (i=0;i<=pdfs.length-1;i++)
flag = 1;
for (j=0;j<=pdfs2.length-1;j++)


The problem is that the if (pdfs2[j] == pdfs[i]) statement ends up never being true. There are URL's to pdf files in the array. On the other side, if there is a much easier way to select unique values from an array, please feel free to point it out.

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Using Array To Display Input Boxes?

Jan 26, 2010

I am looking to make a page with a display on it using input boxes, but I want the input boxes to get some of the values from an array I enter at the beginning. To start with I am only entering 2 items, as it will make it easier until I have it all up and running. I have no problems getting a table to come up, with a label and then an input box beside it. I can even prompt the user for the number of input boxes they require. I also can make it so that the input box is disabled, so that the user cannot change the contents of it. But, I am totally stuck as to how to get this how I want it...

I am wanting labels at the top of each row, not the left hand side, and I am wanting rows of 3 input boxes, with the first 2 containing the text from my array, which is what I'm wanting ti be the disabled boxes. Basically I am starting a very simple page for an online order facility.

This is the code I have been working on, I have totally messed it up by now trying different things but it will give an idea of what I have been attempting I figured lol. I have got it to have 6 empty input boxes all on top of each other, but I realised after that if i set all the values etc in the table, then im not getting the array to define the contents :S and, they are still all on top of each other which i dont want... And my attempts at getting the array to define the number of input boxes has so far been futile. I end up with a blank page, just a button. just getting frustrated lol.


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Validating Array Of Dropdown Boxes

Nov 24, 2011

[code]I have created an array of cars so if personA has more cars, they can click add and select another one. If they have 1 car and just enter name and 1 car, the form works but when I click Add row and select another car, it doesnt work?

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Shuffle Array Elements (3 To End Of Array) In Random Order

May 6, 2007

I'd like to reorganize the third, fourth, fifth and sixth, as well as any
elements thereafter in an array in random order:

var a = new Array('first','second','third','fourth','fifth','s ixth','etc')

In other words, the first, second and third element should remain in
position 0, 1 and 2, while the fourth, fifth and sixth, etc. should appear
in random order.

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Add Numbers In Text Boxes To Total In A Quantity Text Box?

Aug 6, 2010

how to add up a series of text boxes which contain numbers that a user will input and have the total of those text boxes show up in a quantity text box on the next page.

Not sure if i should use javascript or php, but i don't know how to do it either

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