I'm trying to solve a problem with JS textbox array without success.
I have two buttons in my page: PLUS and MINUS; at every click on PLUS a new
textbox named 'dear' is generated. So, if one clicks, say, 3 times the
output is something like:
The length property is accessible; alert(dear.length) gives Ɖ', correctly.
The prolbem is that is not possible to delete a textbox, clicking on MINUS
button. The thing I'd really need to do is to delete from the array (and in
consequence from video) the last textbox created, when one clicks on MINUS
Pop() and Splice() methods do not work, unfortunely...
This is the exact code of my page:
how to do you add elements to an array? am looking at section dealing with arrays in JS Bible, can't find how you add to an array.. in the last few years I've been doing much more Java than JS, am used to Java, where you can't add elements to an array, but use a Vector instead.. and it's very easy to add to it (use add() method..) how to you add elements to an array in JavaScript..
I looked up array obj, don't see method to add to array.
Years ago I created HTML that employs checkboxes and textboxes. I am now writing JS with the intention of adding flexibility and limiting redundancy. I am not sure I truly understand how to correctly interact the two though. For example, one of my scripts have arrays that contain the names of the checkboxes and textboxes, with a 'for' loop to document.write() them to references within the HTML code.This does not seem to be working for me though. Here is what I have thus far (in short):
<script language="javascript"> var teamNames = new Array(3); teamNames[0]="South Africa"; teamNames[1]="Mexico"; teamNames[2]="Uruguay";
I've left out a lot of the code (to include the teamAbbr array, but you get the points. I've tried moving the JS within the HTML body and playing with the reference syntax, but nothing so far.
Below is the script and form fields I am working with. What I want to do is sum the two textbox fields and have the result show in the total textbox. The code works fine and the total textbox is updated with the value of form1.basic. The problem occurs when I add the "+ parseInt(document.form2.supporter.value)" code in the script section.
im trying to just delete the last letter on the right side of a textbox. I am trying to do this via onclick for a backspace button. Does anything have code for this or know what i can search for because i come up with nothing everything i try.
Is there a way to delete a textbox? I found some codes that deletes textbox, but those textbox that can be deleted where just added. I want to delete a textbox that was originally created in the code not by a button.
Is it possible to use JavaScript to delete all elements belonging to a particular CSS class using JavaScript?Would it be possible to delete all td elements in someTable with the class = "b".
I have the following object: var wDefaults = { "skin":1, "pagewidth":"960px", "c1col":[ {"wid":"w001","pcol":0,"wpos":0,"wclosed":"false","wcollapsed":"true"} ], "c3col":[ {"wid":"w002","pcol":0,"wpos":0,"wclosed":"false","wcollapsed":"false"}, {"wid":"w003","pcol":0,"wpos":1,"wclosed":"false","wcollapsed":"false"}, {"wid":"w004","pcol":0,"wpos":2,"wclosed":"false","wcollapsed":"false"}, {"wid":"w005","pcol":1,"wpos":0,"wclosed":"false","wcollapsed":"false"}, {"wid":"w006","pcol":1,"wpos":1,"wclosed":"false","wcollapsed":"false"}, {"wid":"w007","pcol":1,"wpos":2,"wclosed":"false","wcollapsed":"false"}, {"wid":"w008","pcol":1,"wpos":3,"wclosed":"false","wcollapsed":"false"}, {"wid":"w009","pcol":2,"wpos":0,"wclosed":"false","wcollapsed":"false"}, {"wid":"w010","pcol":2,"wpos":1,"wclosed":"false","wcollapsed":"false"}, {"wid":"w011","pcol":2,"wpos":2,"wclosed":"false","wcollapsed":"false"} ]}
First, how do I access a single value? I've tried some of the examples I saw on the forum, but nothing happened. The alert did not fire: alert(wDefaults.c3col[0].wid); //first try alert(wDefaults.c3col.0.wid); //second try var obj = wDefaults.c3col[0]; //third try alert(obj.wid);
The nested objects are the properties for widgets within a portal. After the user moves around the widgets, I need to update the object, putting the widgets in a different order within c3col and updating the values saved in pcol, wpos, wclosed, & wcollapsed. I also may need to add or delete an object, for example, delete wid=w003 and add a new one called w012.
My logic would be: for each widget on the page found = false find the object in c3col where wid == x and update its other values . set found = true if found == false then add a new object to c3col with x & its properties end for for each object in c3col if that wid isn't found in the list of widgets on the page, delete it from c3col end for sort the objects under c3col by pcol and then wpos
The red parts are the ones I'm unclear about how to do it. My basic questions are: (1) How do you access a single nested object? (an object within c3col, find and change its values) (2) How do you add a new nested object to an existing object? (add a new object to c3col) (3) How do you delete an nested object? (remove an object from c3col) (4) How do you sort nested objects? (sort the objects in c3col by pcol and wpos)
I having been trying to make the data from generated (using div tags) pairs of textboxes into two separate arrays, a[] and b[]. I thought that if I label each text box pair a[i] and b[i] that would be enough to include the respective element in each array but that hasn't seemed to work. In fact. the only way I managed to retrieve the values from the text boxes was using "getElementById" and resorted to a for loop in order to make the arrays but that method appears to be able to get elements from only one pair of text boxes. Code:
I am looking for a way to add an id attribute to a div element I append to my document so that i can find the id later and delete it. So far, no luck with jquery .each loop trying to assign unique value and add incrementing value to each of them. In my code, they all seem to have the same id and when I click again it just appends the same value again to all of them.
//first I add a title to the list using append. function addTitle () { $('.myList-box').append('<div class="mylistitem"><div class="mylistitem-image"><img width="30" height="40" src="[URL]small.aspx?TitleID=' + titleid + '"/></div><div class="mylistitem-title">' + title + '</div><div class="mylistitem-options"><a href="javascript:removetitle();">Delete From List</a></div>'); } // then I need a click function, that indexes all the current .mylistitem(s) and allows me to find the id I am clicking on so I can delete it! function removetitle() { $(".mylistitem").each(function(i) { this.id = this.id + "_" + i; }); var item = $(".mylistitem").attr("id"); alert(item); }
I'm trying to present a collapsible list if keys which when expanded will have a delete button at the end of it. My problem is that when this code runs, the confirmation alert shows the key name as the last one read from the array for all items. Here's the complete function:
why this code invokes the deleteNote function with the last key name for all notes?
When I leave the first textbox (taborder 1), I need to check and see if the textbox contains avalue. If it does, then I need to check and see if the second textbox (taborder 2)contains a value. If it doesNOT, then I need to loadthe second textboxwith "100" and highlight (select) the text. I am adding a blur event to all the column one textboxes as they all contain"rawCount" in the id. Here is my blur event code:
$(document).ready(function(){ $('input[id*=rawCount]').bind('blur', function (event) { // Code to go here }); });
What I am trying to do isadd thecode tocheck and update thecolumn two textbox in the corresponding row (same index)to the blur event of the column one textboxes without having to loop the array each time to find the current textbox array position. Since it is adding the blur event, it has to be possible.
This one is throwing me off! Either I am making a stupid mistake or I'm doing it totally wrong I have an array, and I am trying to select unique values from it and assign it to another array. Here is the code:
Code: var flag; for (i=0;i<=pdfs.length-1;i++) { flag = 1; for (j=0;j<=pdfs2.length-1;j++)
The problem is that the if (pdfs2[j] == pdfs[i]) statement ends up never being true. There are URL's to pdf files in the array. On the other side, if there is a much easier way to select unique values from an array, please feel free to point it out.
I'd like to reorganize the third, fourth, fifth and sixth, as well as any elements thereafter in an array in random order:
var a = new Array('first','second','third','fourth','fifth','s ixth','etc')
In other words, the first, second and third element should remain in position 0, 1 and 2, while the fourth, fifth and sixth, etc. should appear in random order.
I am messing with this whole day, 'cos I wanted to try and figure this out by myself instead of going on forums.I failed, as you may see. So, to cut it short:I needed to calculate my prices on-the-fly and display it in textbox with javascript.Well I did succeed with values of radio button an checbox, but as i know very little javascript, I don't know how to expand the code i got from here:http://javascript.internet.com/forms/update-order-form-no-page-refresh.htmlSo what I would LOVE to know, is how can I make this happen:I have a textbox:<input type="text" name="podstranice" size="19" lass="podstr"nkeyup="this.form.total.value=calculateTotal(this);">and when a user inputs a number in it, javascript multiplies it with some other number, say 10 (its a price*quantity thing) and adds it to the total price along with data from checkboxes and radio buttons.And so, this is my javascript. It is basically identical to one on the link, but you can view it better this way I think.
// Calculate the total for items in the form which are selected. function calculateTotal(inputItem) { with (inputItem.form) {
How am I able to add a a cross to the right of a textbox which once click it clears the text from the textbox, sort of like the way Google do it, I have been trying to do this for ages now and can't seem to find a way to do it.
Address Line Fields: text should be input into these fields manually Primary Address field: text should be dynamically populated into this field based on the text manually input from the Address Line fields.
The below are the manual input fields:
Address Line 1: Text1 Address Line 2: Text2 Address Line 3: Text3 Address Line 4: Text4 Address Line 5: Text5 Address Line 6: Text6 City: Text7 State/County/Region: Text8 Zip Code/Post Code: Text9
The below is the Primary Address field which should look like this when the text has been input into the manual fields:
In other words, as I type the text in the Address Line fields, the text is added to the Primary Address field or textbox separated by commas automatically/dynamically.
Is this at all possible with javascript and is there some code that can do it?
I have a TabContainer on my page, and I want to add a keyup handler to the textbox, but somehow I counldn't find the textbox in my jquery function using $('#TabContainer1_TabPanel1_TextBox1'). Here is my code:
var val1=document.getElementById("text_1"); var but_val=document.getElementById("button_1"); var but_val2=document.getElementById("button_2"); var but_val3=document.getElementById("button_3");
i have a drop down list which contains various items,on selection of one of a item,a text box and submit button appears,for this i have used javascript and div tag.now i want to enter the no in that text box and on submitting the number of textbox has to appear on that page,how can i do it?
What i want to know is how to read the value stored in an array to a textbox though I have a second array which is contianed in dropdowns with a for loop iterating
ie item and price arrays
So i want it if item [position] then price [position] is called to the textbox how do i do this so that it iterates through the values using a for loop as i am meant to iterate through and not hardcode in values.
I have a text box and would like to see if the value of the input matches the values defined in a JavaScript array.For example, the JavaScript array will hold five values:
I have probably a really easy question but i just cant figure it out.I want to add a <div> element every time it goes through a loop a .each in this case.I had it working in prototype before: