Accessing And Changing Form Elements

Mar 15, 2005

I have 4 checkboxes in my form and wanna change the number (to be displayed) according to the selection made on the ListBox Menu

HTML PART of the code

<select name= "rights" onChange="chk_Count(this);">
<option value = 0 > Admin </option>
<option value = 1> guest </option>

<input type= "checkbox" name = "add" value = "on">
<input type= "checkbox" name = "edit" value = "on">
<input type= "checkbox" name = "delete" value = "on">
<input type= "checkbox" name = "view" value = "on">

I want that when I select Guest onle checkboxes for "ADD" n "VIEW" should be shown and when Admin is selected all four. but I am able to find out how to access those elements in the form
and change their properties.

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Help In Accessing Form Elements

Aug 29, 2006

I'm creating a invoice application. In the JSP page user has an option to enter more than one location for each contract. I have created the JSP page. I face problem in calculating the total for the newlocation if user has added a new one. I'm posing my Invoice.jsp page below. Code:

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Accessing And Changing Two Items In An Object?

Jul 7, 2011

I have an object that defines the default color, and then when the color is updated, the different css classes need to be updated as well. So here's what I was trying to do

var colorPicker = {
mainColor: "red",
backgroundColor: this.mainColor + "bkgd",

So problem 1 is I keep getting "undefined" returned for "this.mainColor". If I use colorPicker.mainColor, it hasn't been created yet so it throws an error.Problem two is if I update mainColor from another function, say to make mainColor = "green", then backgroundColor doesn't automatically update.

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Accessing Elements

May 17, 2007

How can I access to specific element by javascript and not by using the getElementById method.

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Accessing Elements In Other Frames

Jul 23, 2005

Firstly, I am aware of all the issues that are introduced with frame
pages - this was not my decision - it is just what I have to work

I have a frame page that looks like this
| topFrame |
| navFrame |
| ContentsFrame |

Within the contents frame I have a NEW FRAME set which looks like this
| | |
|treeFrm | frmDisp |
| | |

I know that this is awful. I have a link in the contentsFrame. When I
move over that link, I need to get a layer that already exists in the
frmDisplay to become visible..

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Accessing Named Elements

Jul 23, 2005

When are named elements written with script accessible to script?

<html><head><script type="text/javascript">
function ready() {
alert( document.getElementsByName("div").length );
<body onload="ready()">
<script type="text/javascript">;
document.writeln( "<div name="div"></div>" );

IOW, why are there 0 elements named div at the time the <body>
element's onload handler is invoked? When can I retrieve this named
div from the document hierarchy?

This exercise is necessary since code I have written using the DOM
(that works) has to run on God-forsaken browsers such as IE 5.1 for
Mac whose support for the DOM is spotty at best.

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Accessing Iframe DOM Elements

Feb 19, 2010

I need to pull data from an iframe, everything is on my domain (no cross-domain issues). This is how the iframe is named.

Code: <iframe ID="search_frame" src=""></iframe>

The iframe has a bunch of <span> elements in it. I need to access the innerHTML of the spans, to check for data and use the data elsewhere. Each span has an unique ID assigned to it. What would be the syntax to read this information? I've tried all sorts of document.frames["search_frame"].getElementById("ID").innerHTML variations to no avail.

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Accessing Elements Drawn With Script

Jul 23, 2005

However, I'm still wondering about my actual problem, which is that I need to initialize some arrays of named elements when the document is loaded so they can be used by other functions used as event handlers. What I have now is that every function that requires
these arrays checks to see whether they have been initialized, and if not initializes them. That seems to be a fairly ugly hack, and I'd like to use a better way if it exists. Does that make sense?

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Accessing Dynamically Created Elements?

Dec 23, 2010

I'm trying to write a script for a website that reads from a database and makes a separate table for each entry in the database. Since the number of entries can change, I want to dynamically create a div for each one, which I can later hide or display based on user selection. However, when I try to access the dynamically created elements by their ID, they return null. Is what I'm trying to do here actually possible?

for(var i = 0; i < tables.length; i ++)
var newDiv = document.createElement("div");
newDiv.setAttribute("id", tables[i].name);
newDiv.setAttribute("name", tables[i].name);
newDiv.setAttribute("class", "hidden");


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Accessing All Elements In ExtJs With A Common Id Name?

Dec 5, 2010

I have a problem in accessing all elements with a common id name in ExtJs. In fact, I have a couple of divs with id like:divmic+a number.

That is the code:

<div id="slideshow" >
for i=0 to 660/23
for j=0 to 380/23
Response.Write "<div id=divmic" & i & j & "


If I try this code, what is inside of "each" instruction works, but if I want to access all those elements having id starts with "divmic", it doesn' work. Why it's happen that think and how to put all those elements into an array, in ExtJs ?

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JQuery :: Adding DOM Elements And Accessing A Selector?

Mar 15, 2011

I return json string and loop through the results putting items in Div's and want can't seem to access the class attribute / selector.

$.getJSON(strUrl, function
(data) {
items = [];


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Jquery :: Accessing Elements After Adding Them With Append

Sep 1, 2009

I'm having trouble accessing some Elements with jQuery after I created them and added them to the HTML. I want to add some Checkboxes to my Site as soon as the user clicks another Checkbox. That works just fine. But if the user clicks on one of these added checkboxes, i want an event to trigger, too. For starters, i just want to alert a message. But this doesnt happen.So, now I think the Elements are added properly to DOM tree. But still, when I click on one of the added input Elements, nothing happens.What am I doing wrong? How can i get jQuery to recognize the Elements I added?

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Accessing .attr() When Creating New Dom Elements (using .live())?

May 15, 2010

I'm trying to access the id of an image I create using .live().When creating the image I give it an id however, I am unable to retrieve that idea later using .attr()

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JQuery :: Accessing Value In Ajax Form Without Submitting The Form?

Jun 2, 2009

I have a form. Upon submit, the data is sent to the server. Under certain conditions, the form is replaced via ajax with a set of radio buttons that offer the user a a choice.I need to access the radio buttons before I submit the form again.Normally I could just access the buttons with getelementbyid but it is not available, presumably because they were generated via ajax.I could submit the form just to access the radio buttons and then submit it again, but I'd like to avoid that.

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Changing Value Of Multiple Elements With Same Name At Once?

Jul 20, 2005

I am doing a form for my site and would like to enable and disable a radio
button set depending on whether one of the choices on an outer radio button
set is checked. How can I refer to all the inputs of the inner radio button
set (they all share a common name) with javascript. I tried
document.getElementsByNames('thename') but it doesn't work. I know this is
because this method returns an array which you must then refer to by a
specific index number, unless there is another way. I would like to refer to
all of them at once and then set their disabled status to false.

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Changing Pseudo-elements' CSS

Jun 4, 2006

Does anyone know how to do this in JavaScript? I want to change an element's :first-line property.

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Changing Elements Content Without Refreshing Page?

Sep 3, 2010

What website do any of you recommend for learning Javascript browser compatibility? I'd like to learn more about acceptable javascript programming.

I am using the script below for changing elements content without refreshing my page. Typically it works fine on recent Mozilla and IE releases if they haven't had too many hijacked settings. I know this isn't really much of an excuse for a script not to execute if it is done properly so I am hoping someone here can help me make what I have more compatible with more settings and browsers.


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JQuery :: List Elements, Swap, Changing Positions?

Mar 31, 2010

in a list, as seen below, i would like to first of all change the order only by clicking a button.e.g. li_elem2 and li_elem3 should change their order (positions), maybe even in a nice animated way later on...i tried to change it by editing the css properties, but didn't work out. so now i would be happy about any other approach i can take to swap items, or change positions of two list items....

<ul class="rounded">
<li class="li_elem1">Liste 1</li>
<li class="li_elem2">Liste 2</li>


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Onmouseout Firing When Changing Elements Within The Parent Element?

Mar 5, 2010

i have a dropdown menu wrapped in a div attached to this div is the onmouseout event which hides the div this is working the problem however is when moving from 1 link to the next in the dropdown the onmouseout event of the wrapper div is firing and hiding the div prematurely [URl]

relevant code:

<div id="roster_drop" class="drop_menu" style="left: 128px;" onmouseout=" = 'none';">
<a href="roster.php">Superstars</a>
<a href="champions.php">Champions</a>
<a href="titlehistory.php">Title History</a>

how do i make the event only trigger when your mouse leaves the div itself and not crossing onto a link

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Accessing A Variable Through A Form Name

Jul 23, 2005

I have 2 arrays:

var A1 = new Array();
A1[ 0 ] ="Y2";

var B1 = new Array();
B1[ 0 ] ="Y1";
B1[ 1 ] ="sink";

I also have a drop down menu with the names of the arrays. Say:

document.form.option[1].text returns 'B1'

Can I transform the string 'B1' into the array B1, so that:

document.form.option[1].text[1] returns 'sink'

Currently I'm doing this with conditionals, e.g.

if(document.form.option[1].text =="B1){do stuff}

but this gets a bit messy.

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Accessing Form Feild

Oct 26, 2005

how can i access this form feild? (this field has an array name)

<select name="field[247]">
<option value="no">no</option>
<option value="yes">yes</option>

i use "onChange" how can i access the selected field?


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Accessing Form Id Values Using DOM

Mar 27, 2011

I am undertaking an assignment where I have to create a webpage that reads values from a database, and generate the appropriate amount of sliders (scroll bars) according to the number of database entires. The webpage functions like this: On index.php load, it reads all the slider values from the database and automatically generates and sets each slider to that value On setting each individual slider to a new value by adjusting the slider, the code automatically updates the slider value in the database via AJAX.

So far I have gotten both functionalities to work successfully. There is just one problem with the 2nd functionality. I can only get one slider value to save to the database at a time. I know how to fix the problem, I just do not know to achieve it. I shall now illustrate via snippets of code:


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JQuery :: Assigning Classes To Visible Li Elements Only, And Changing Dynamically?

Apr 17, 2011

I'm putting together an events calendar athttp:[URL].. Each event is a li item, and I use jQuery to assign the class "no-left-m" (no left margin) to li:nth-child(3n+1) for CSS layout purposes. I've also added the ability to show only events in certain categories. Unfortunately, the initial jQuery assigns the classes to li items from the DOM, and doesn't take into account the show/hide. This means that when I show only a single category, the margins are off.


how I can assign my classes dynamically to nth-child(3n+1) of *visible* items only?

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Accessing Hidden Objects In A Form

Jul 23, 2005

Can anyone tell me the best way to access a hidden object in a form? I could use a hard-coded index to the elements of the form, but it's too easy to add something before the hidden object and mess up the indexing. For example:

The form has a tagid of "myForm"
The hidden object has a tagId of "myHiddenObj"

I can get the form elements by using
var formElements = document.getElementById('myForm').elements

But there doesn't seem to be any way to do this:

Assuming I have the elements as obtained above, none of these have
worked for me either:


Anyone have an idea?

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Accessing Form Data From Javascript

Jul 23, 2005

I've been using some code to verify form data quite happily, but i've
recently changed the way my form is structured, and I can't get it to work

Originally :

The form is called "form1", and I have selects called "PORTA", "PORTB" ...

I then had javascript that accessed these selects as below, and it worked

ind = document.form1.PORTD.selectedIndex;
val = document.form1.PORTD.options[ind].value;
dev = document.form1.PORTD.options[ind].text;

My form is now autogenerated, and form data is stored to file, so I now use
an associative array for thte form elements (so that I can loop through them
easily), The form elements names are now :

McuCfg[PORTA], McuCfg{PORTB} and so on

Now, I modified the javascript so that it now uses the McuCfg[] associative
array :

ind = document.form1.McuCfg[PORTD].selectedIndex;
val = document.form1.McuCfg[PORTD].options[ind].value;
dev = document.form1.McuCfg[PORTD].options[ind].text;

When the script runs, I get the error

"document.form1.McuCfg.PORTD is null or not an object"

I have used the same notation that i know works for the "options" array
although that's not an associative array.

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Grouping And Accessing Form Inputs?

May 1, 2011

If I have inputs like this:


<form name = 'myform'>
<input type='text' name='Monday_1'>
<input type='text' name='Monday_2'>


But can I somehow do this instead?:


<form name = 'myform'>
<input type='text' name='Monday[1]'>
<input type='text' name='Monday[2]'>


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