AJAX :: Read XML From Another Site?

May 10, 2010

So, like the title says, is it possible with JS/AJAX to read an XML from another site? Or is this restricted with JS?

I'm wondering if I can real a RSS news feed from another web site so that I can display the contents on the site that I'm building.

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Read Html Data Of Other Site?

Apr 2, 2010

for example there is site with address www.X.com, that has the price of some product:<div id="product1">price: 100$</div>now I wanna make site www.Y.com and then, I wanna read the price of product1 which is in the site www.X.comwe can read the value in the html site with javascript command like this:String s = document.getElementById("product1").valuebut how can we read this value in out of that site automatically?

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AJAX :: Read Before Asking About Cross Domain?

Jan 10, 2011

I'm writing this post as there are alot of questions about Cross Domain AJAX request so i'm going to give an overview of the different ways and the best practices Ok so there are 2 systems for this the key difference is how much control you have.

If you control the Requested site you can use Javascript Safe calling to that server, this is all done via a few Headers so to do this all you have to do is send some headers from the page your requesting.

The first is tell the browser that the site the AJAX call is coming from is allowed this is done with

"Access-Control-Allow-Origin: " Now this can be set to a wild card and allow all sites to access the page

"Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"
Or you can say only a set server can
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin: mydomain.com"

This header allows GET requests but what if you need to post data to the site well you need to tell the browser that POST data is allowed to be sent Access-Control-Allow-Headers: GET,POST

Now we run into the problem that sending post data the browser will send the header Content-Type but your server has not told the browser its allowed to send that header so Access-Control-Allow-Methods: Content-Type Will allow the header to be sent if you wish to send any other custom headers you have to make your server tell the browser its allowed to send them this is done by adding them as a comma delimited list via the "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" header

Now if you dont have control well then your back to using a script that is local to the AJAX script then sending the data via cURL or another connection method to the remote server


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AJAX :: Read Data From Server Using XMLHttpRequest.responseText?

Mar 20, 2009

I am trying to read data from server using AJAX XMLHttpRequest.responseText.In received data, there are lot of similar type of characters which has tge value of FFFFFD (65533). I think, all characters which has the value above 127 are converted to default character.

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AJAX Read Text File On Server And Assign It To A Variable?

Dec 26, 2010

I have a javascript that has a string variable and is hardcoded example: var text = "A,1,2,3";However, i want to read this string from a text file from the server. (The text file is generated using PHP). How to i get this done?I have seen codes on other pages which deal with this topic. Below is an example of the code

var txtFile = new XMLHttpRequest();
txtFile.open("GET", "http://my.remote.url/myremotefile.txt", true);
txtFile.onreadystatechange = function() {


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Cross Site Ajax In Prototype

Oct 19, 2007

Currently prototype does not support cross site ajax, such as dojo or jquery.
This is unfortunate, cause I am really used to prototype and would like to use this functionality.

What would be the best way for me to implement cross site ajax for prototype.

Note that I will still need the normal ajax functions as well, so a nice extend or something would be good.

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Ajax :: Throwing X-site Scripting Error

Mar 10, 2009

I'm not sure why my ajax is throwing a cross site scripting error. I have a php page that request a page not in my domain. I have another page where my ajax requests the php page, which is in my domain. Then the error is thrown. Since the php page is in my domain, why would the error be thrown?

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AJAX/php - Plugin Cross Site Request

Aug 8, 2007

I've recently been working on a small AJAX/PHP plugin, its very easy to understand, you just call the page and it returns a quote from a database in html, something like

<strong>quote here.. <em>author name</em></strong>

And then you style it however you want, its good for semantics that way, you would typically wrap it in a div and update that div with the output each time from your ajax.

It all works fine, and you can see an example here @ www.theshadownest.com.au click on the clock, and you will see the quote come up. disregard the other stuff in the box.

The idea i had for this was set up a large database of quotes with simple semantic output and let Ajax queries call that page, but i want to be able to call that page output from other servers, urls etc... I thought that would be fine, you just request the page with ajax on your site and it could return the response from my site...

But this does not work, you get a permission denied error in the Javascript, it obviously can't do this.

How do you write a PHP/AJAX plugin that can work from multiple sites, because i want to be able to let anyone make a request, its basically a resource for people who want to add quotes to their site without setting up their own database or writing their own php.

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Site Check Partners For Ajax Smoke Tests

Jan 3, 2007

I'd like to join or start a small group of Ajax web developers who are
willing to smoke test each others Ajax applications, quid pro quo.

I can smoke test on W2K SP4 with IE6, FF2, SM 1 and O9.

I need the following smoke tests:
IE7 on XP (are they SP1 or SP2 now?)
IE and FF on VISTA (any SPs yet?)
SAF, IE and FF on MAC (Panther, Tiger, ...?)
KON and FF on LINUX (Debian, Ubuntu, ...?)
other Ajax-friendly browsers...?

I'm talking about something a small group of mature developers can do
to help each other, without anyone being neglected or taken advantage

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Ajax :: Site Navigation Module Not Loading Correctly

Jul 7, 2009

I had posted this issue previously regarding my Ajax site navigation module not loading correctly. It would load on certain parts of the site and not others. After some research I have discovered that I need to redirect from "www.mydomain.com" and make a call to "mydomain.com" instead. I thought a 301 .htaccess redirect would work but according to the site that sold me the template the script in my configure.php file must be changed. This is what configure.php looks like now.

define('HTTP_SERVER', '[URL]');
define('HTTPS_SERVER', '[URL]');
define('ENABLE_SSL', 'TRUE');
define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'mydomain.com')
define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'mydomain.sslpowered.com/mydomain.com/');
define('HTTP_COOKIE_PATH', '/mydomain.com/mysite/catalog/'); .....

I am wondering what has to be changed in the script so it will make the call the the correct domain so the ajax script will load on all parts of the site.

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AJAX :: Jquery Conflict - Implement A New Scroller For Some Navigation In Site

Apr 23, 2011

I am trying to implement a new jquery scroller for some navigation in my site and am running into some problems. I had a different version of the scroller working as well as the ajax calls to the content. Now with the new scroller there are classes created by the javascript that seem to be interfering with the ajax. You can see in the example shown : webdesign The solo link works fine (without the extra classes) This is how it was set up before. I am having to use a new scroller because I need to make the navigation dynamic and have to be able to create a single list of links that can then be cut up into sections by the JS, rather than building the list out in sections to be scrolled. If you are familiar with these scrollers then you know how they work.

This is the one I am using now: [URL] Then one I was using before is this: [URL] How can I get this to work. I tried disabling the creation of these classes but then it didn't scroll at all. I don't know JS enough to dig into the file or to figure out a solution.

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AJAX :: Scroll Div And Site Position - Set The View On The Div After Content Is Loaded?

Jun 29, 2010

I have scroll div on the buttom of my page. This div is autoloaded after pressing link via AJAX technology. Everything is ok except position of the web. Right after I press link the view of the page is going to the top. How I could set the view on the div after AJAX content is loaded.

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AJAX :: Windows XP - Yahoo Hosting - Site Worked Fine In IE But Not In Firefox

Apr 8, 2010

I ran in to a strange problem with a client who uses Yahoo hosting. The web site uses AJAX (jquery, php, javascript). There is no problem viewing the site using IE8, Firefox on a Windows 7 computer. On an XP computer the site worked fine in IE, but not in Firefox. The site never worked properly using Chrome or Safari.

I tried jquery 1.3.2 and 1.4.2 but got the same results.

I use this same combination (jquery, php, javascript) on other web hosts and don't have these problems.

I know that Yahoo hosting injects tracking code in the web pages it serves for the sites it hosts (at least for my client). I think this could be the source of the problem.

When I removed jquery (I was only using the load function anyway) and used my own code- the problem disappeared. The site now works in all browsers.

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JQuery :: Read The "XML Format" Date Which Is Returned From An API Using $.ajax()?

Feb 3, 2010

I would like to get get some data which format is "XML" and it is returned from an API. However, the $.ajax() doesn't work in this case? But the same code works when the "XML format" data is from an XML file. Can anyone tell me why?

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Can JS Suss Out "on-site" Vs Off-site HTTP Requests?

Dec 5, 2006

this may be more of an "html" issue, but I'll wing it.

i've got a multi-language site, where the home-page of each language group
features a link to a popup window that offers background info on site
management. the popup is fired by a javascript function, when they click
the site management link. there's also a "window close" function button so
they can nuke it as they please.

now, oddly, people who search for my site in the chinese language on google,
are sent directly to the site management popup window, which of course,
opens in their "full" browser window, and which also has no links back to
the main site, because it's meant to open only as an "accessory" to the main

my question is this: is there any way, with Javascript, that I could
determine if they arrived at this window from "off-site" (ie, a google
search), and therefore offer such "off-site" visitors a link back to the
principal site, a link that would be hidden for visitors who clicked the
popup window from my own site?

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Posting Data From A Form On My Site To A Form On Someone Else's Site:

Feb 25, 2006

Basically, I registered for a free board at one of the various sites because my server doesn't support .cgi scripts. I want to know if there is a way to have the data from a form on my site post to the board site -A user would fill in my form, click submit, and a new post would appear on the board site -as if they had entered it there.
If you can point me in the right direction, I would be grateful. Here is my thinking.

A) I can't locate the script that they use to perform a "submit"; so I thought I might enter their <head> data (as far as xmlns, href, etc) in my <head>; that my website might call up their script files, css sheets, etc.

B)I could code my own Javascript function to send my form data to their site. If I knew how to simulate a mouseclick on someone else's site, I could have the script "click" there, paste the data, and hit the submit button. But I don't.

C) I could size their site down to the form itself and put it in a frame on my page

Option C is clearly easier, but I would prefer option A or B. I have time and will happily do the research myself; provided that I know if approach A or B is even feasible.

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Read A Pre Tag With Xml ?

Apr 5, 2010

I want to read a pre tag with xml. I am working client side. I have tried everything. The <title> tag gets lost with innerHTML(ok in FF only). I tried traversing the dom and putting in the tag names but the title tag is ignored. I am trying to syntax highlight this. Everything works if I do not use certain html tags. How do I get raw text from the pre? The text would come from one of two sources, a server or inputted into a textarea by the user. It is dynamically placed in the div tag and then processed.

HTML Code:

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How To Read XML

Feb 15, 2012

I'm trying to read an XML file with Javascript. It's supposed to display an alert message but it's not. What's wrong with my code?



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Read From A Textfile?

Jul 23, 2005

I have a database with information of my users, lets say their date of

I want them to be able to go to my site, and login with a username and
password, after which they get to see what their date of birth is (according
to what's stored in the database).

I want to upload a textfile named "userinfo.txt" structured like:
<username>;<password>;<date of birth>, for example:

What's the javascript to have a "username/password" box popup, and when a
valid name/pass was entered show the appropriate date of birth?

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Read-only Loading Of An XML

Jul 23, 2005

I use Microsoft.XMLDOM load() method to load an XML file into memory
and display
some elements in the browser.

However it apparently locks the file, since I get this error message
whenever a Visual Basic application concurrently tries to add an
element to the same XML file:

The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another

I would like not to lock this file, but open it in read-only mode
instead. In fact the browser simply needs to read its content, it
doesn't need to modify it at all. As a consequence there is no reason
to lock it.

At the same time, I need to access it from the VB process.

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How To Read The Attribute's Name ?

Jul 23, 2005

How can I read the object's attribute's name ? I mean something like this:

x = new Object
x.myAttr = 5

and how to get the 'myAttr' string ?

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Cannot Read Ext Src Array

Jul 23, 2005

I have an external file, TestVar.js with a single line.
NewsA("This is a test.","test.pdf","TEST")

Within my HTML I wish to use the array variables from TestVar.js, but
can't seem to get them loaded for use. The following is what I have,
but doesn't work. If I directly place the NewsA array in the script
instead of trying to call it from the js it works just the way I want
it, but I really need the external file. What am I doing wrong? Code:

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Read Cgi Response

Jul 10, 2007

I need to parse a response from a cgi script. The response is te

the call for the cgi is http://<server>/cgi-bin/getuid?FILE=uid.html

Now I need the UID in a javascript.
1) call cgi
2) put UID into a variable

How do I have to do that? If I call the cgi the response will be
displayed on the screen but I just need it in the variable.

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Read These Parameters From URL?

Jan 20, 2010

I want to pass parameters thru URL. I know how to pass. I am finding problem in reading the parameters. here is the [URL]. how to to read these parameters from URL using java script?

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How To Read Cookie Set With PHP

Feb 16, 2010

I'm trying to read a cookie that I've set with php with javascript. The cookie is for storing the username when logging in to a site. If the cookie has been set I want the focus in the inline popup to target the password field so that the user doesn't have to tab down from the username field of the login form.

The php script stores the cookie perfectly:
if (isset($_POST['remember'])){
$expire = time()+60*60*24*30;
setcookie("login_username", $username, $expire);
echo $_COOKIE['login_username'];
} else {
if (isset($_COOKIE['login_username']) || isset($_COOKIE['password'])){
$expire = time()-3600;
setcookie("login_username", "", $expire);

The javascript:
if (targetfocus == 'login_username'){
if (readCookie('login_username') == 'username'){
targetfocus = 'password';
function readCookie(name) {
var cookieName = name + "=";
var cookieArray = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < cookieArray.length; i++){
var cookie = cookieArray[i];
while (cookie.charAt(0)==' '){
cookie = cookie.substring(1,cookie.length);
}if (cookie.indexOf(cookieName) == 0){
return cookie.substring(cookieName.length,cookie.length);
}return null;

But when trying to read the cookie in the javascript code I receive null when I put an alert to the code. Why won't the javascript find the cookie? Is it because I'm running the site localhost on my laptop? Does that have an effect on cookies?

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Cannot Read 2nd Value In Array

Aug 20, 2004

While writing a look up for internet terms script for a site, I found the script will not read the second value in this array, I could make wl[1] a null value but would like to know what is happening if possible. All of the other elements seem to be ok!

function search(){
wl = new Array()
wl[0]="applet - An Applet is a small application etc";
wl[1]="Bug? - Null but why";
wl[2]="cgi - CGI or Common Gateway Interface allows etc";
wl[3]="browser - A Browser is etc.";
myWord = myWord.toLowerCase();
for(c=0; c < wl.length; c++){
currentWord = wl[c].split(" ");
alert(c + " MyWord " + myWord);
alert(c + " Current " + currentWord[c]);// The alert box = 'Current -' when wl[1] is read.
}//end of function

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