AJAX :: Jquery Conflict - Implement A New Scroller For Some Navigation In Site

Apr 23, 2011

I am trying to implement a new jquery scroller for some navigation in my site and am running into some problems. I had a different version of the scroller working as well as the ajax calls to the content. Now with the new scroller there are classes created by the javascript that seem to be interfering with the ajax. You can see in the example shown : webdesign The solo link works fine (without the extra classes) This is how it was set up before. I am having to use a new scroller because I need to make the navigation dynamic and have to be able to create a single list of links that can then be cut up into sections by the JS, rather than building the list out in sections to be scrolled. If you are familiar with these scrollers then you know how they work.

This is the one I am using now: [URL] Then one I was using before is this: [URL] How can I get this to work. I tried disabling the creation of these classes but then it didn't scroll at all. I don't know JS enough to dig into the file or to figure out a solution.

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JQuery :: Class Toggle Navigation - Implement A Minimal Navigation Bar

Nov 2, 2009

I'm trying to implement a minimal navigation bar using jQuery's toggleClass() function but can't seem to get it working.

It's the .img_selector div at the bottom of the page:[url]

I want to toggle the 'active' class for each <a> when it's selected, to indicate which image is showing, so after calling jQuery, in the <head> I've got:

Then the links, which also include the showPic function:

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Ajax :: Site Navigation Module Not Loading Correctly

Jul 7, 2009

I had posted this issue previously regarding my Ajax site navigation module not loading correctly. It would load on certain parts of the site and not others. After some research I have discovered that I need to redirect from "www.mydomain.com" and make a call to "mydomain.com" instead. I thought a 301 .htaccess redirect would work but according to the site that sold me the template the script in my configure.php file must be changed. This is what configure.php looks like now.

define('HTTP_SERVER', '[URL]');
define('HTTPS_SERVER', '[URL]');
define('ENABLE_SSL', 'TRUE');
define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'mydomain.com')
define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'mydomain.sslpowered.com/mydomain.com/');
define('HTTP_COOKIE_PATH', '/mydomain.com/mysite/catalog/'); .....

I am wondering what has to be changed in the script so it will make the call the the correct domain so the ajax script will load on all parts of the site.

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Form Dependency And Top Navigation Menu Script Conflict

Aug 22, 2011

I have 2 scripts running on a page but does not work if both are on a single page. Here are the test pages:
[URL] test
[URL] test2
[URL] test3

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Conflict Between Separate Pieces Of DHTML On My Site?

May 30, 2005

I have two separate pieces of DHTML on my Site. One is an Opencube Quick Menu and the other is cross-browser marquee script II from Dynamic Drive.

Each works independently but since I've added the marquee script the Quick Menu no longer functions. Is there a conflict between and the two and how do I resolve it please?

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Jquery :: Mootools And Tabbed Ajax Content Script Conflict

Oct 17, 2009

On my website: [URL], I have a scrolling logo script that uses Mootools and a tabbed AJAX content script using jQuery. I can't get the two to play well, because as you can see, the tabbed content at the bottom is not working correctly. I've tried the jQuery.noConflict(); code and wrapping the jQuery in:
(function($) { /* some code that uses $ */ })(jQuery)
... But to no avail.

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Cross Browser Dynamic Navigation For Site?

Mar 30, 2010

I am trying to find the simplest, most cross-browser friendly dynamic navigation for my site. I tried to use a CSS version (Suckerfish) and it worked ok but it destroyed the formatting I had. I would really like to implement this kind of dropdown on my main navigation so users don't have to click and wait for a page to load. If possible, I'd like very few lines of code. That's why the CSS option was good... there was very little javascript.

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Js Accordion Navigation In The Bottom Of The Sidebar On Site

Dec 17, 2009

I've been experimenting with accordion nav in the bottom of the sidebar on this site. I got it from this work put up by Marco van Hylckama Vlieg, and I think he's done a good job. At a glance, it looks like my menu works, but as you click around, you will see it is not consistent at remembering which section of the menu to leave open - it should remember its state. It uses cookies, and I wonder if there is a problem with that, or a conflict with other scripts on the site (this is a Squarespace site). I'm hoping a js expert might see an obvious problem. I asked Marco, but he saw no problem. I've tried it on several machines and always had problems.

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Embedd An Address Navigation Bar On Top Of Pages Visited From Root Site?

Sep 2, 2010

I have what some would identify as a Kiosk machine running a browser in full screen(true full screen, no address bar visible). It serves as an internet cafe machine, with unique users and a login system.

What I'm looking to do is when the user leaves the root site (via clicking a button), to embed a frame at the top of the page with an address navigation bar, so I can track the time the user spent browsing. I'm exclusively using firefox, and I'm not concerned with support for such functionality in other browsers.

I assume I can achieve this with javascript, jquery, or ajax, I'm just not sure which to start with and how to begin planning the execution.

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Ajax :: Using To Implement Php Inside Of Loop?

May 7, 2010

I have a theoretical question, I can't really post my code. But I have four results from reads to a database using php. I then read from an xml file using javascript using a loop. I am basically creating a chart of four variables with several different values for each variable. Some of the values for each variables come from the database using php, and some come straight off the XML file parsing done by the javascript. I initially had the php fetch/extract inside of the javascript loop, but it only assigned the first variables values to all the other variables. I discovered (after hours of googling) the difference between client side and server side code. So, after all this typing, my question is where should I look for tutorials on using Ajax to be able to use php code inside of a javascript loop? (If at all possible)

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Ajax :: URL Navigation Without JQuery?

Jul 20, 2011

Does anyone know of any good scripts for ajax navigation based on urls that only uses javascript and no JQuery?i.e. I need to retrieve the relevant "sections" and "pages" from the following type of url to navigate my pages or more like to reload data into my page based on variables that are submitted in the url [code]And then I could load the relevant page and section and sub sections into my page.

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AJAX :: Implement This Prototype Effects On Webpage?

Jul 21, 2009

I want an identical effect that has three buttons -- print, email, text that does the same thing on the site.I can handle the server-side code (PHP), but I want to know how I can get that exact effect? My JavaScript is a bit above beginners, and I see they are using Prototype with some other effects.Now, on Firefox, I had saved the webpages but when I tried click on either of the 3 buttons, the JavaScript effect did not work. Can anyone show me how to implement something similar on my site?

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Ajax :: Implement A Back Button On A Website?

Oct 14, 2011

Anyone has an easy way to implement a back button on a ajax website. I nice easy step by step tutorial would be nice.

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How To Implement HTTP PUT Method Using Apache, VBScript/JavaScript + AJAX

Nov 3, 2005

Can anyone redirect to any online tutorials, articles, code of how to upload a file using HTTP PUT method and JavaScript or VBScript to a server running Apache 2.0 that uses CGI + PERL.

How to create configuration entries in httpd.conf for supporting HTTP PUT method.

How to code with AJAX to post uploaded file content to the server using PUT method ?

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JQuery :: Ajax - Script Which Loads New Content Onto The Page When The Main Navigation Links Is Clicked

Sep 21, 2011

I have an ajax script which loads new content onto the page when the main navigation links is clicked. I also have a jquery script which fades divs in and out when another subset of links are clicked.

I guess these scripts essentially do the same thing but the first basically is loading in 'pages' without the page having to refresh. The second is just fading in and out divs that are on a page.

The problem is is that the second script only seems to work once, when the page is loaded.

Here they are:

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JQuery :: Create An Own Horizontal Navigation And So The Navigation Is A Nested?

Feb 6, 2011

I want to create an own horizontal navigation and so the navigation is a nested list like

<ul id="mymenu">
<ul class="abc">


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Ajax Tabbed Navigation

Apr 22, 2006

Im trying learn ajax and i dont have very much experience with javascript so im using the prototype javascript developers framework.

i thought this would be quite an easy task, however i have ran into a problem i just cant understand..

i've written a function called GetPage(page) which sends an XMLHttprequest to a serverside script (via New Ajax.updater("script.php?id=1234","content"); )

however the function is not displaying the server response in my "content" div. a live version is avalibe here Strange thing is if i add Alert('hello');

to the line after Ajax.Updater , the server-response is displayed for a second and the disapears. a live version is avalibe here Code:

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Ajax :: Navigation Through Gallery - Loading DIVs

Feb 23, 2010

I tried to used this script to navigate through a gallery on my CMS website. [URL].

It looks like this:
<title>My Domain</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="[URL]"></script>

<div class="gallery">
<div id="gallery_content_left">Gallery<br />
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="open_url('[URL]','gallery_content_right');">Gallery 1</a><br />
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="open_url('[URL]','gallery_content_right');">Gallery 2</a><br />
</div> .....

The pages which are loaded look similar to the main page shown above. It works fine, except the fact that the whole page is loaded into the "gallery_content_right" DIV (including header, navigation and so on). Is it possible to just load the DIV "gallery_content_right" from the other pages, so that just the content from "gallery_content_right" is replaced onClick()?

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Ajax :: Looking For Pagination Script To Create Page Navigation?

Jun 13, 2009

Looking for ajax pagination script, to create page navigation.

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AJAX :: Read XML From Another Site?

May 10, 2010

So, like the title says, is it possible with JS/AJAX to read an XML from another site? Or is this restricted with JS?

I'm wondering if I can real a RSS news feed from another web site so that I can display the contents on the site that I'm building.

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JQuery :: Navigation And Sub Navigation Plugin?

Aug 8, 2009

</div><div>I did some navigation menu and sub menu using jquery ,</div><div>
</div><div>like ;</div><div>
</div><div>Menu1 </div><div> Sub menu1(some.php)</div><div> Sub menu2(some1.php)</div><div>


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Cross Site Ajax In Prototype

Oct 19, 2007

Currently prototype does not support cross site ajax, such as dojo or jquery.
This is unfortunate, cause I am really used to prototype and would like to use this functionality.

What would be the best way for me to implement cross site ajax for prototype.

Note that I will still need the normal ajax functions as well, so a nice extend or something would be good.

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Ajax :: Throwing X-site Scripting Error

Mar 10, 2009

I'm not sure why my ajax is throwing a cross site scripting error. I have a php page that request a page not in my domain. I have another page where my ajax requests the php page, which is in my domain. Then the error is thrown. Since the php page is in my domain, why would the error be thrown?

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AJAX/php - Plugin Cross Site Request

Aug 8, 2007

I've recently been working on a small AJAX/PHP plugin, its very easy to understand, you just call the page and it returns a quote from a database in html, something like

<strong>quote here.. <em>author name</em></strong>

And then you style it however you want, its good for semantics that way, you would typically wrap it in a div and update that div with the output each time from your ajax.

It all works fine, and you can see an example here @ www.theshadownest.com.au click on the clock, and you will see the quote come up. disregard the other stuff in the box.

The idea i had for this was set up a large database of quotes with simple semantic output and let Ajax queries call that page, but i want to be able to call that page output from other servers, urls etc... I thought that would be fine, you just request the page with ajax on your site and it could return the response from my site...

But this does not work, you get a permission denied error in the Javascript, it obviously can't do this.

How do you write a PHP/AJAX plugin that can work from multiple sites, because i want to be able to let anyone make a request, its basically a resource for people who want to add quotes to their site without setting up their own database or writing their own php.

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Highlight Active Page On Navigation System When Navigation Is Being Included With SSI?

Apr 18, 2010

I am not terribly familiar with Javascript but i am looking forward to learning, and currently the problem I am facing is this:I have an a file being included to an .shtml document, that serves as my navigation, the code is like this:

<ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarHorizontal">
<li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#">Home</a>


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Site Check Partners For Ajax Smoke Tests

Jan 3, 2007

I'd like to join or start a small group of Ajax web developers who are
willing to smoke test each others Ajax applications, quid pro quo.

I can smoke test on W2K SP4 with IE6, FF2, SM 1 and O9.

I need the following smoke tests:
IE7 on XP (are they SP1 or SP2 now?)
IE and FF on VISTA (any SPs yet?)
SAF, IE and FF on MAC (Panther, Tiger, ...?)
KON and FF on LINUX (Debian, Ubuntu, ...?)
other Ajax-friendly browsers...?

I'm talking about something a small group of mature developers can do
to help each other, without anyone being neglected or taken advantage

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