Cross Site Ajax In Prototype
Oct 19, 2007
Currently prototype does not support cross site ajax, such as dojo or jquery.
This is unfortunate, cause I am really used to prototype and would like to use this functionality.
What would be the best way for me to implement cross site ajax for prototype.
Note that I will still need the normal ajax functions as well, so a nice extend or something would be good.
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Aug 8, 2007
I've recently been working on a small AJAX/PHP plugin, its very easy to understand, you just call the page and it returns a quote from a database in html, something like
<strong>quote here.. <em>author name</em></strong>
And then you style it however you want, its good for semantics that way, you would typically wrap it in a div and update that div with the output each time from your ajax.
It all works fine, and you can see an example here @ click on the clock, and you will see the quote come up. disregard the other stuff in the box.
The idea i had for this was set up a large database of quotes with simple semantic output and let Ajax queries call that page, but i want to be able to call that page output from other servers, urls etc... I thought that would be fine, you just request the page with ajax on your site and it could return the response from my site...
But this does not work, you get a permission denied error in the Javascript, it obviously can't do this.
How do you write a PHP/AJAX plugin that can work from multiple sites, because i want to be able to let anyone make a request, its basically a resource for people who want to add quotes to their site without setting up their own database or writing their own php.
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Jul 20, 2005
I need to html encode all text field values on the client just before
sending them to the server. A javascript equilalent of Server.HTMLEncode in
IIS. I also need to be able to perform the reverse.
All I am trying to do is ensure that if a user enters html tags in the a
form, that the tags does not get parsed by the browser.
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Aug 28, 2006
I'm working on a function of my page that contant must be visible on another sites. Just like google ads, maps and so on..
The question is how do I create that portion of javascript that my friends can embed on their sites (without useing IFrame!)
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Mar 30, 2010
I am trying to find the simplest, most cross-browser friendly dynamic navigation for my site. I tried to use a CSS version (Suckerfish) and it worked ok but it destroyed the formatting I had. I would really like to implement this kind of dropdown on my main navigation so users don't have to click and wait for a page to load. If possible, I'd like very few lines of code. That's why the CSS option was good... there was very little javascript.
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Jun 19, 2007
We have a javascript that is vulnerable to XSS because the input to
the script is not being checked for strings such as "javascript",
"eval", "script" etc. I have seen some snippets of code here and
there on how to check the strings but I have not yet found a
comprehensive js library that will clean user input of all offending
characters. What complicates it is that phishers can encode characters
to bypass the usual amateurish attempts to clean strings of offending
Any js libraries or resources out there anywhere?
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Oct 1, 2006
I'm using Prototype's AJAX to get the "alert" the response of a simple PHP script (a script that echoes a single line), but it doesn't seem to work. Here's the code:
function init()
var url = "http://localhost/script.php";
var myAjax = new Ajax.Request(
onSuccess: showResponse
function showResponse(response)
window.onload = init;
The code has no errors, but still doesn't show the response even if i add an onFailure event handler. What could be wrong?
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Aug 2, 2006
The following code works great in FireFox, Opera, Netscape, Safari, and
Gecko, but NOT IE. Why?
I tried using 'native' js with setInterval and setTimeout, but I get
the same result. My IE security settings are not an issue. Code:
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Mar 5, 2007
i am trying to make the contents of one drop-down box dependent on the
contents of another using AJAX (prototype.js) and PHP
I have it working so that a new dropdown appears when i select a value
in the first dropdown:
<?php echo $html->selectTag('Review/cruiseline', $cruise_lines, null,
array('onchange'=>'new Ajax.Updater('test', 'ships?variable=12',
{ method: 'get' }, {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true});'), null,
true, false);?>
In my php script (which is located at URL 'ships'), I am just getting
the value of 'variable' from the $_GET super global but I obviously
want that value to be dynamic and equal to the value selected in the
So the missing piece is passing the selected dropdown value from
HTML / Javascript to PHP. Anyone know how to do that?
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Jan 18, 2008
I've been working on some prototype and scriptaculous stuff for a domain management DB at work. I have all the areas working I that I need them too, and I have the InPlaceEditor working.. but all I need to do is get the 'saving' to the DB to work.
My dilema is on the form, there are 7 form fields. I have it set to that when the user clicks out of the text box, I want it to update the DB right then and there. So for each updatable item, I have:
PHP Code:
I set the options for the Cancel and Save button to be false and for it to update OnBlur. So the problem I run into is, I know how to update the DB with a full SQL statement, but to update them 1 at a time using this new AJAX features, I am running into some difficulties understanding the syntax for it.
I found this link at and I think it's what I want to do, but not 100% positive.
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Jun 8, 2006
My code for submitting currently submits to my database properly and I get a really simple xml response either <success type=Ɔ'/> (fail) or type=1 (success)
My question is this, given that I receieve xml back why does my code run all 3 onXXX methods? I can understand it running onComplete but not both onFailure and onSuccess. What events/factors determines whether these triggers are run? Code:
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Mar 24, 2006
I'm using the prototpye libary (the version is 1.4.0) and i can't seem to get my ajax updater to work. Could anyone help please?
HTML Code:
function content(page){
new Ajax.Updater("contentDiv", "content.php", {
parameters : "page="+page,
onFailure : window.document.href = ""+page
HTML Code:
<a href="?page=pictures" onclick="content('pictures');return false;" title="Goto the my pictures section">My Pictures</a><br />
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Sep 30, 2005
Is it possible to send an AJAX XMLHttpRequest using prototype.js API
for a multipart/form-data ?
I already done parsing form parameters and sending GET/POST request,
but does this work with <input type="file"> ?
Who handle file submit and encoding ?
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Jul 21, 2009
I want an identical effect that has three buttons -- print, email, text that does the same thing on the site.I can handle the server-side code (PHP), but I want to know how I can get that exact effect? My JavaScript is a bit above beginners, and I see they are using Prototype with some other effects.Now, on Firefox, I had saved the webpages but when I tried click on either of the 3 buttons, the JavaScript effect did not work. Can anyone show me how to implement something similar on my site?
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Apr 29, 2011
What I have going on is an input box where they type in an account name. And the autocompleter works perfectly if they choose an item in the list.However, I want them to have the option of entering an account that is not in the list. And when they do this, the onblur event triggers the opening of the New Account box where they can fill out the new account information and submit the form back.Once again when a selection is made it works just fine, it's when the user creates a new account that it doesn't trigger the "getAccountInfo" function.
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Jun 15, 2009
I want to use prototype js to have it submitted without refreshing the page.
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Feb 18, 2010
I'm fairly new to javascript and JQuery so please bear with me. I've written a simple app using JQuery whose purpose is to select the fastest mirror site. To this end I use several $.ajax calls - one to each mirror site -and I don't do anything with the data I get from these, I only use the order in which they respond to sort the sites from fastest to slowest. I'd share the code, but really the only thing it does is call the $.ajax function and append a line in a table using the success: callback. This works perfectly fine for most browsers, except IE which throws the 'access is denied' error. I know about cross domain restrictions and understand the reasoning behind - my plan was to put my script in the 'trusted' zone and enable the required options to bypass the problem as this will be used in a controlled environment, but no matter what I try my code won't run in IE. Some of my mirror sites are indeed in a different domain. What I have trouble understanding is why all other browsers (FF, Chrome etc), with their default configuration, allow my code to run flawlessly? If the reasoning behind IE blocking this is correct, then why do others allow it?
Also obviously for my purpose using a server-side proxy makes no sense as I want to test the sites from the client side, not from the server. I've also read about other work arounds such as JSONP but unfortunately the sites that I'm testing cannot support this. But once again, what I'm really wondering about is why my code works flawlessly in other browsers..
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Jan 10, 2011
I'm writing this post as there are alot of questions about Cross Domain AJAX request so i'm going to give an overview of the different ways and the best practices Ok so there are 2 systems for this the key difference is how much control you have.
If you control the Requested site you can use Javascript Safe calling to that server, this is all done via a few Headers so to do this all you have to do is send some headers from the page your requesting.
The first is tell the browser that the site the AJAX call is coming from is allowed this is done with
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin: " Now this can be set to a wild card and allow all sites to access the page
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"
Or you can say only a set server can
This header allows GET requests but what if you need to post data to the site well you need to tell the browser that POST data is allowed to be sent Access-Control-Allow-Headers: GET,POST
Now we run into the problem that sending post data the browser will send the header Content-Type but your server has not told the browser its allowed to send that header so Access-Control-Allow-Methods: Content-Type Will allow the header to be sent if you wish to send any other custom headers you have to make your server tell the browser its allowed to send them this is done by adding them as a comma delimited list via the "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" header
Now if you dont have control well then your back to using a script that is local to the AJAX script then sending the data via cURL or another connection method to the remote server
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Jan 25, 2011
Is there a way of using the Ajax httpRequest cross domain?
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Mar 21, 2010
I'm looking to upgrade some of my scripts to AJAX (right now I'm sending info back and forth between an iframe), but wanted to make sure I wasn't losing some cross-browser compatibility by doing so. I saw this double checker on one of the tutorials and liked it, but I want to make sure it isn't limiting any other common (maybe even slightly older) browsers:
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Apr 12, 2009
Which is the best JS/Ajax framework according to you ?
(Did I miss anything ?)
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Jun 16, 2011
To make cross domain calls when json is required (JSONP) is easy
dataType: 'JSONP',
I see the XML comming in as a string argument of 'myCallback', but ist never called. Also 'success' is never called!
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Mar 30, 2009
I know cross domain Ajax request are denied due to the security issues. As an alternative to this, I have heard of using JSON. I tried to use that, but I am unable to get it work. I had also tried the jQuery's $.getJSON() that didnot work as well.
Could you please provide me some working examples for this case?
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Feb 14, 2007
Simple ajax call seems to have some issues in Firefox. The "onComplete:" is
called BEFORE the response is returned by the call. Is there a coding issue
or a work around?
var ajax = new Ajax.Request( url, {method: 'post', parameters: params,
onComplete: evalInfo });
function evalInfo( request )
// do stuff with request
Should I have a timer that checks the request state before exec the
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Mar 20, 2007
I spent the best part of yesterday trying to get my form to be sent to the server however for the life of me I cannot figure out the problem. I haven't used prototype before but here is my code that I think should work perfectly fine,The php script works perfectly, i've entered test data into it and it makes a connection to the third party server using curl and then requests information that I get back i.e. the routing id comes back. But I cannot test the data using the form as the request isn't working for some reason.
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May 25, 2010
I am recentlyexperiencinga problem with .ajax calling cross domain webservice. It started working fine, until the data returned from server is becoming too big and suddenly the ajax call caused errors, if i reduce the data length then the error went away. After doing some debug, i have identified the problem being the callback was inserted into the returned data.
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