Issues With IE & Prototype/AJAX
Aug 2, 2006
The following code works great in FireFox, Opera, Netscape, Safari, and
Gecko, but NOT IE. Why?
I tried using 'native' js with setInterval and setTimeout, but I get
the same result. My IE security settings are not an issue. Code:
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Oct 1, 2006
I'm using Prototype's AJAX to get the "alert" the response of a simple PHP script (a script that echoes a single line), but it doesn't seem to work. Here's the code:
function init()
var url = "http://localhost/script.php";
var myAjax = new Ajax.Request(
onSuccess: showResponse
function showResponse(response)
window.onload = init;
The code has no errors, but still doesn't show the response even if i add an onFailure event handler. What could be wrong?
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Mar 5, 2007
i am trying to make the contents of one drop-down box dependent on the
contents of another using AJAX (prototype.js) and PHP
I have it working so that a new dropdown appears when i select a value
in the first dropdown:
<?php echo $html->selectTag('Review/cruiseline', $cruise_lines, null,
array('onchange'=>'new Ajax.Updater('test', 'ships?variable=12',
{ method: 'get' }, {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true});'), null,
true, false);?>
In my php script (which is located at URL 'ships'), I am just getting
the value of 'variable' from the $_GET super global but I obviously
want that value to be dynamic and equal to the value selected in the
So the missing piece is passing the selected dropdown value from
HTML / Javascript to PHP. Anyone know how to do that?
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Jan 18, 2008
I've been working on some prototype and scriptaculous stuff for a domain management DB at work. I have all the areas working I that I need them too, and I have the InPlaceEditor working.. but all I need to do is get the 'saving' to the DB to work.
My dilema is on the form, there are 7 form fields. I have it set to that when the user clicks out of the text box, I want it to update the DB right then and there. So for each updatable item, I have:
PHP Code:
I set the options for the Cancel and Save button to be false and for it to update OnBlur. So the problem I run into is, I know how to update the DB with a full SQL statement, but to update them 1 at a time using this new AJAX features, I am running into some difficulties understanding the syntax for it.
I found this link at and I think it's what I want to do, but not 100% positive.
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Oct 19, 2007
Currently prototype does not support cross site ajax, such as dojo or jquery.
This is unfortunate, cause I am really used to prototype and would like to use this functionality.
What would be the best way for me to implement cross site ajax for prototype.
Note that I will still need the normal ajax functions as well, so a nice extend or something would be good.
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Jun 8, 2006
My code for submitting currently submits to my database properly and I get a really simple xml response either <success type=Ɔ'/> (fail) or type=1 (success)
My question is this, given that I receieve xml back why does my code run all 3 onXXX methods? I can understand it running onComplete but not both onFailure and onSuccess. What events/factors determines whether these triggers are run? Code:
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Mar 24, 2006
I'm using the prototpye libary (the version is 1.4.0) and i can't seem to get my ajax updater to work. Could anyone help please?
HTML Code:
function content(page){
new Ajax.Updater("contentDiv", "content.php", {
parameters : "page="+page,
onFailure : window.document.href = ""+page
HTML Code:
<a href="?page=pictures" onclick="content('pictures');return false;" title="Goto the my pictures section">My Pictures</a><br />
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Sep 30, 2005
Is it possible to send an AJAX XMLHttpRequest using prototype.js API
for a multipart/form-data ?
I already done parsing form parameters and sending GET/POST request,
but does this work with <input type="file"> ?
Who handle file submit and encoding ?
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Jul 21, 2009
I want an identical effect that has three buttons -- print, email, text that does the same thing on the site.I can handle the server-side code (PHP), but I want to know how I can get that exact effect? My JavaScript is a bit above beginners, and I see they are using Prototype with some other effects.Now, on Firefox, I had saved the webpages but when I tried click on either of the 3 buttons, the JavaScript effect did not work. Can anyone show me how to implement something similar on my site?
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Apr 29, 2011
What I have going on is an input box where they type in an account name. And the autocompleter works perfectly if they choose an item in the list.However, I want them to have the option of entering an account that is not in the list. And when they do this, the onblur event triggers the opening of the New Account box where they can fill out the new account information and submit the form back.Once again when a selection is made it works just fine, it's when the user creates a new account that it doesn't trigger the "getAccountInfo" function.
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Jun 15, 2009
I want to use prototype js to have it submitted without refreshing the page.
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Apr 12, 2009
Which is the best JS/Ajax framework according to you ?
(Did I miss anything ?)
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Feb 14, 2007
Simple ajax call seems to have some issues in Firefox. The "onComplete:" is
called BEFORE the response is returned by the call. Is there a coding issue
or a work around?
var ajax = new Ajax.Request( url, {method: 'post', parameters: params,
onComplete: evalInfo });
function evalInfo( request )
// do stuff with request
Should I have a timer that checks the request state before exec the
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Mar 20, 2007
I spent the best part of yesterday trying to get my form to be sent to the server however for the life of me I cannot figure out the problem. I haven't used prototype before but here is my code that I think should work perfectly fine,The php script works perfectly, i've entered test data into it and it makes a connection to the third party server using curl and then requests information that I get back i.e. the routing id comes back. But I cannot test the data using the form as the request isn't working for some reason.
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Nov 25, 2011
According to ECMAScript, the root of the prototype chain is Object.Prototype. Each object has an internal property [[Prototype]] that could be another object or NULL.... However, it also says that every function has the Function prototype object: Function.Prototype, it confused me, because a function is an object, for a function object, what is its function prototype and object prototype..For example:
var x = function (n) {return n+1;};
what is the relationships of x, Object.Prototype and Function.Prototype
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Dec 14, 2009
I am trying to get to the bottom of javascript object, prototypes etc. I have a fairly good grasp of it, but I get confused the closer I get to the base object.prototype. FIrst of all, I was under the impression that all objects descend directly from Object. But some objects (like Array) seem to inherit properties and methods from the function.prototype. So does this mean that the chain is like this:
object -- function -- array Second, I noticed (on the mozilla javascript reference site that object.prototype inherits properties and methods from function.prototype and vice versa!? How can this be? I must be missing something important about understanding the chain?
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Jan 15, 2006
I was trying some Prototype experiments and got Event.observe to work with
"click" and "change" events.
I wanted to do something similar with "key pressing". For example, detect
when somebody pressed the RETURN and/or ENTER key inside a particular text
I couldn't find any docs on this. Does anybody have an example snippet?
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Aug 24, 2005
I can use "with" like this:
function MyObject(message)
this.message = message;
function _MyObject_speak()
with (MyObject)
prototype.speak = _MyObject_speak;
I was wondering why I can't use "with" like this:
with (MyObject.prototype)
speak = _MyObject_speak;
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Jul 23, 2005
One of the complaints about prototype.js (google for it if you're not
familiar with it) is that it's poorly documented. I have this inkling
that the key to understanding prototype.js is in the bind function.
The problem with Javascript is that the "this" operator is poorly
overloaded and it is often hard to understand in the context of
object-oriented javascript
So, let's start with the definition:
Function.prototype.bind = function(object) {
var method = this;
return function() {
method.apply(object, arguments);
As I read this, it states that all functions (which are themselves
objects) will, in the future, have an associated method called "bind".
The function() function, so to speak, simply instantiates a Function
object with the parameter list and then evals the statement, sticking
the resulting execution-tree in the current code frame.
The "this" there refers to the function object associated with the call
to bind(), right? But the word "arguments" there refers to the
arguments passed to the function object *generated by* the call to
In every example within prototype.js, bind() is called either in a
constructor or within a method contexted to a javascript object, and is
always called with "this" as its argument, e.g.:
this.options.onComplete = this.updateContent.bind(this);
As I read the code it seems to be stating that the "this" object
referred to within bind()'d functions are being coerced into always
referring to the current instantiated object.
But isn't this always the case anyway? Is this a rather confusing
attempt to ensure "this" purity whereby the call
method.apply(object, arguments)
is forced to always have the reference to the containing object present?
I think I've got it. Bind() generates uniq functions that contain live
references to the objects to which they belong, such that the function
object can then be passed to setTimeout() or onMouseOver(), handlers
that accept functions but not objects.
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Mar 15, 2006
Lets say we run: window.alert = function() { };
Is there anyway to 'restore' the original alert() method or is it gone
I know you can do window.alert = Window.prototype.alert, but lets say
you also set Window.prototype.alert = function() { } or lets say we're
in Opera, which doesnt have a Window "class".
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Jun 5, 2006
I would like to set up an event observer outside of an object, so I
can't use this.bindAsEventListener. How can I pass the correct object
I tried something like this, and various other variations, but no luck.
This works when I set it up from inside the object, using "this.",
Event.observe(targetId,'click', dAsEventListener(this),false);
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Jan 11, 2007
I wanted to add an object as a prototype to separate my methods more
nicely, however, I ran into a couple of problems. Apart from the
obvious "scope" issues I found that any instances of my class shared
the objects methods and properties.
I realise (now) that this is actually how prototypes work, they share
functions and objects rather than create new instances of them for
every "class", but is there any way around it? (or shouldn't I be doing
things like this at all?) Code:
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Jan 23, 2007
I am working on my own pop up calendar, mainly because the one I am currently using crashes the Safari browser at times.
So, I want to verify that what I am doing will work, in that I want to be able to have multiple calendars open at the same time, each independent of the other.
So, I start it off with:
var Calendar = {
dateSelected: null,
somefunction:function(e) {
If I create more than one calendar object, will they have their own variables, in that the dateSelected, topPos and leftPos will be unique to that instance?
Or, is there a better way to do this, that is cross-platform.....
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Mar 4, 2007
In my research in the javascript language I have encountered problems
with implementing prototype inheritance while preserving private
methods functioning properly. Here is an example: Code:
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May 16, 2007
I want ask you if, for a web portal/application, is better prototype or Jquery? I don't want to innesc some type of flame, but after the announce that drupal use JQuery and that the new Wordpress
2.2 use Jquery I ask myself if my choice of use prototype.js is the bettere choice.
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May 17, 2011
I have <div id ="changeable"> with some html in it. I have a link that calls the function to replace the info in the div. The problem is that the "" file is added to the top of the div and does not replace the content. How do I replace the content, and not just add content?
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