AJAX And Refresh/location Bar/backbutton Woes (adding To History)
Jul 7, 2006
If I type http://domain.com/product/5 into my browser I will see the
product details in the main div plus a side bar div containing links to
other products. This side bar is common to all product views. I click a
sidebar link to product 6 and an ajax request updates the main cell
with the product 6 information. My location bar will still say
/product/5. If I refresh the browser I will see product 5. If I
bookmark the page it will be for product 5. If I click the back button
I will go to the page I saw before product 5. I know none of these
problems with AJAX are new. Why is it that JavaScript can't tell the
browser "Now you are looking at http://domain.com/product/6"? Is there
a security risk? Is this just something not yet implemented?
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Sep 13, 2011
I have a row containing 3 text field and a dropdown. the user enters details into the textbox and chooses a option from the dropdown. User may choose to save the details or add more details by clicking on Save or Add Row button resp. If the user clicks Add Row button, another row of fields similar to the previous row must append to the table. This should happen without the page getting refreshed, because i dont want to loose the data entered in the 1st row.
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Oct 10, 2008
I have a problem with IE and location.hash. If I change the hash, the history doesn't "update" and it only keeps one record of the URL. This whole website is AJAX-driven and I need the user to be able to use the forward and back buttons in the browser. Everything works fine and dandy, tested on all the major browsers on PC and Mac, except for IE (both 6 and 7).
In case I wasn't clear, here's a way to reproduce in IE6/7:
Go to google.com
Go to yahoo.com#one
Go to yahoo.com#two
Click back. You'll be back to google.com instead of yahoo.com#one
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Nov 21, 2007
i need go to back page using history.back() but this page dont refresh, i need this
how ican refresh the back page?
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Mar 13, 2009
I'm attempting to implement some deep-linking in my simple AJAX application by setting location.hash, and I've run into two problems:
1) Sometimes setting location.hash seems to send the window on both IE and FF to scroll to the top of the page. I do not want any scrolling to occur. The location.hash change happens in a function which is triggered in an onclick event.
2) Changing location.hash creates a history entry on FF (not on IE)... that's pretty cool for FF, but in this case I do not want a history entry created. How can this be avoided?
I found an example which seems to have avoided both these problems, but cannot decipher the pertinent code: [URL]
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Oct 28, 2007
need some javascript that when a page is refreshed, the page will appear in the browser in a certain location down the page. Trouble is a php text link is being clicked on which causes the page refresh. Anyone know a way to show a page location after a page refresh with javascript?
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Apr 6, 2010
I have been a happy lurker for some time now, soaking in the abundant knowledge that i have found here. But now I am at my wits end trying to find the solution to what is probably a novice’s oversight.I have a menu that animated with jquery. One of the link I have added js call a function that asks for a quick password then opens new page. Some reason it only seems to refresh the page. Here's the code involved.the js
function password(){
var password;
var pass1="cool";
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Aug 24, 2011
To make a long story short when I do a redirect like this...
if(window.location.hash.length > 0){
window.location = "http://" + "<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; ?>" + "/" + window.location.hash;
it goes there, but on the refresh php can't see what was appeneded with the window.location.hash, so its like I'm going to
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Nov 28, 2010
I am trying to add markers to Google Maps, they are working fine but some of the markers are of same location, thus Google Map will show only one marker for them. Is it possible to show all markers no matter if they are of same location.
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May 29, 2006
I have a webpage popup (lets call it POPUP) which refreshes the opener window (this one we call PARENT) when we close it, saying we want to save data. For this, we use
When we don't want to save the POPUP data, we just close the popup and
don't refresh the PARENT. In the PARENT we have a "Back" link which executes a simple
The problem is:
If we refresh parent, we need to go back 2 pages, because the refresh
method adds another page to the history. But we have no (easy) way of
knowing in the PARENT if it had been refreshed. With this, our users
are forced to click two times in the Back link.
Is there anyway of going back to the previous page, no matter how many
refreshes happened in the current one ?
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Apr 15, 2010
So my problem is that i can't send form data in FF without page refresh (though in IE7-8 everything works smoothly).
My code fragments:
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Jul 23, 2005
I've started testing on Win XP SP2 and it now has something called local machine lockdown activated by default. It means that active content,
such as JavaScript, is prevented from running.
I thought that the solution was simply - to enable the testing of files locally - to just add what M$ calls the "mark of the web". So I added
this line to the tops of my HTML pages:
<!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
However, the local links in the files, such as to external JavaScript files, do not work because (I believe) the HTML files are now treated as an internet zone and not a local zone file.
Without deactivating the lockdown is there a way to get a bunch of inter-linked files to work locally, or is it just my lack of understanding of what's going on that's at fault?
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Oct 23, 2007
Just another quick question:
function calc(value, rate)
setTimeout("calc(value, rate)", 1000);
In FireFox error console it says that "value" and "rate" are not defined. But they are?
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Nov 15, 2010
I know that others have asked about adding a class to a navigation based on indow.location, but I couldn't quite fit my question within those bounds, so hopefully it's alright to ask here.RequirementAdd a class based on window locationComplexityThe current if/else method I have doesn't work correctly, because all subsequent URLs will have the initial word we're looking for,andI'd like to have the final else to be on nav id#3 - (because the url's there will all be varied and may change later so adding those specifically in the if/else seems redundant)So far I've probably explained nothing, so here's what the code looks like:
if (window.location.pathname.match(/(employees)/)) {
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Oct 3, 2003
I have done something that works perfectly in IE, but doesn't work at all in Netscape.
I have a page of thumbnail images (Page A). When each thumbnail is clicked on, a small 300x 300 pop up (Page B) appears with a larger "preview." The preview image that appears in the small pop-up is dynamically created with the onClick/ image swapping method. (In other words, when a user clicks on a thumbnail on Page A, it swaps a transparent gif I have placed on Page B with the preview image).
Now I've tested this on IE and it works perfectly. But in Netscape, not only does the image swap not occur (no preview image appears), but the height and width attributes I've designated for the pop up are ignored (the pop up is full screen instead of 300x300).
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Sep 27, 2011
I have a Javascript array object like this:
[0][0] - 32[1] - 13[2] - 26[1][0] - 8[1] - 17[2] - 4[2][0] - 10[1] - 30[2] - 22...etc
and what I want to end up is with an array with the sum of the [0], [1] and [2] values, so for instance with this example, I want an array returned like this:
[50, 60, 52] i.e. this is [(32+8+10), (13+17+30), (26+4+22)]
My real problem with this is that the "inner array" can be any number of (its dynamic), so in my example its just 3 values but it could be for example 5 values e.g.:
[0][0] - 32[1] - 13[2] - 26[3] - 16[4] - 6etc
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Nov 17, 2010
Is there a difference between right clicking an iframe and reloading post reponse vs. using javascript to reload the frame? So far, the javascript route hasn't worked for me. [some context] I am writing a little bookmarklet to help me with the online registrations at my school. Here is the setup.
Load up a page on the domain. Remove all body elements. Insert an iframe. Set iframe to page for class roster search. (in iframe on school search page) Select class search options, POST the form data, and view results in frame. *This works perfectly, but I need to have it refresh results every minute or so. When I use frame.contentDocument.location.reload(true); the frame loses the post data or something and the page is broken. BUT when I just right click on the frame and select "reload frame" it works perfectly. What is the difference between rightclicking the frame and refreshing it like that vs. using javascript to reload the frame?
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Nov 1, 2011
Here is the url:The issue, as you will see, is initially when my front page loads the "menu" animates into place. Then after a button is clicked:
$(".home_button").click(function() {
$('#content_menu').stop().fadeOut(1000,function() {
window.location = "http://jquery.com/";
That all works fine. The issue is when I use the back button on the browser to return to the home page the animation never triggers and the page remains unusable until a refresh. How can I have this page refresh when the user uses the back button and/or is there a better way to do what I'm asking?
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Feb 9, 2010
I have written the following javascript code using Ajax.After successful login, the page should navigate to index.html. It works perfectly in all IE versions. But i didn't worked in Firefox.In place of setTimeout( function(){ window.location=url; },10);, i tried all the following but there is no effect.
1) window.location directly with timeout
3) kept sleep function to sleep for 1,2 seconds
but when i removed the set timeout and placed alert, it successfully navigated to new page in firefox.
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Oct 4, 2010
I ve been trying the following code (see below), this code was posted by tabo here but apparently he left, it works fine on Firefox, Chrome, Safari but I cant get it working on Internet Explorer...I ve been looking everywhere and I dont understand where is the problem. here is the full coding :
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Dec 9, 2009
I have some JavaScript that calls an AJAX function that in turn refreshes a DIV. I have a working model of this for a comment box. When a user types in a comment and hits send, the data is sent to a server and only the div refreshes; not the entire page
I need to add one more level of functionality to this working model. But when I change it a bit to fit what I need it does not work!
Each comment is related to a specific mediaID, and when comments are listed they all have the same mediaID. The mediaID is changed by clicking on a flash video link which in turn calls a method that "should" refresh the comments box with the correct comments. The problem is the DIV does not refresh with the php page that I provide it; instead, it puts the home page in the DIV. In my working model the DIV refreshes with the php page that I provide it.
In the head of my page I have:
<script src="<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>mod/vcomments/views/default/js/vcomments_change.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function delvePlayerCallback(playerId, eventName, data) {
try the comments box - you will see it update correctly - but then select a new video - and the home page loads in it.
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Dec 8, 2009
I made a captcha verification in my php page and refresh the image using a simple javascript. Everything working fine in IE .. But in FF the refresh of image is not working... This is my code..
<script language="javascript">
function refreshCaptcha(){
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May 18, 2011
I am currently developing a website and I would like some areas to be refreshed when one click on a button.
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Oct 24, 2011
I really need this to include in my page
This is the original code : -
I would like to add ajax auto refresh.. to refresh the div link which is something like this : -
But, there is something wrong here... instead of refreshing the div.. it refresh html page only.. not the div data..
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Jul 9, 2010
I have a script which allow users to chnage there profile image, and it allmost works perfect. The script is set up so when a user uploads a new picture it overrides the previous one, so if a user have an ID, lets say 15, the image would be called 15.jpg. The problem is that when an new upload is finished it still shows the old image, I think by cache, and thats no good. How do I refresh the image with ajax so when the script has done uploading the image is the new one?
The javascript upload.js:
Code JavaScript:
function startUpload(){
document.getElementById('f1_userimage').style.visibility = 'hidden';
document.getElementById('f1_upload_process').style.visibility = 'visible';
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Sep 10, 2011
i want to reload page using ajax or jquery
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