Matrix Woes - Summing Up A Multi-dimensional Array
Sep 27, 2011
I have a Javascript array object like this:
[0][0] - 32[1] - 13[2] - 26[1][0] - 8[1] - 17[2] - 4[2][0] - 10[1] - 30[2] - 22...etc
and what I want to end up is with an array with the sum of the [0], [1] and [2] values, so for instance with this example, I want an array returned like this:
[50, 60, 52] i.e. this is [(32+8+10), (13+17+30), (26+4+22)]
My real problem with this is that the "inner array" can be any number of (its dynamic), so in my example its just 3 values but it could be for example 5 values e.g.:
[0][0] - 32[1] - 13[2] - 26[3] - 16[4] - 6etc
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Jul 27, 2005
I'm kind of at a lose this is my first foray into using a multi-dimensional
array and I've run into a snag. for some reason the second dimension always
seems to end up being the last value of the second dimension of the array
ie: in the case below the conditionArray[[0][1]] always ends up being 6.0
where it should be 1.0. Code:
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Oct 30, 2009
Short version: I'm having trouble with "moving subarrays" in a multidimensional associative array.
Long version: (Yes, I know that there's technically no such thing as a js associative array and that I'm actually using a generic object.) This is one of those annoying questions for which significant code can't be shown.
I'm fetching a JSON object from PHP and parsing it as multi-dimensional associative array that comes out with this "structure": obj[regions][variables][years] = value; My presentation logic works fine for that. Year data is presented for each variable, and variables are grouped by region. For reference, if needed, the display is tabular and similar to this:
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May 21, 2010
I'm trying to create a multi-dimensional associative array that has some of its data created dynamically. The code I've currently got is as follows (using JQuery to retrieve form element values):
Code JavaScript:
var data = {
label: $('#label').val(),
child_float: function() {
.. if its values were not being created dynamically. However as you can tell that isn't what is being generated at the moment, as there's no opening/closing brace before/after the child_float's member variables. Any ideas what changes I need to make in order make the child_float behave as intended?
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Sep 17, 2010
What is the correct syntax for multi-dimensional array? an array of arrays. I have an array such as code...
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Dec 17, 2009
in PHP I can create a multi-dimensional array with strings for keys,eg
$arr['key'] = array("item 1","item 2");
This works if the string is a variable as well, like
$key = "MyKey";
$arr[$key] = array("item 1","item 2");
I'm trying to something similar in javascript, but with no luck
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Mar 11, 2005
I would like to be able to pass a multi-dimensional Javascript array through a form to a server-side script I am running. Any suggestions as to how to do this? I know how to asign a Javascript variable to a hidden field (basic stuff ), and if it was a single-dimension array I would join() it, but I don't know how to treat a multi-dimensional array. Any suggestions?
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Sep 28, 2009
I'm sure this is a simple matter, but i cant seem to work out how to loop through a multi dimensional JSON object (where the keys are unknown). [code]...
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Aug 9, 2006
I'm trying to get rollover images to work that are a little more complex than usual. I have a webpage that presently gives information on four groups within an organization. I've put each group within its own div with an id. The div contains a short description of what the group does, thumbnails pictures of each member of the group, and to the right of these thumbnails, a larger picture. This larger picture is supposed to change, when ever the mouse is over a thumbnail to a normal size picture of the thumbnail, for the first part.
I tried to put in a script that will preload all the original images that should be changed. First I created an array with all the names of the divs, then used two for loops, one nested inside the other to get the pictures into the array. Tried to get the names of the array to hold the pictures from the first array with the names (inames), using a two dimensional array (used an example from a post on this forum) but it seemed to have gone astray, as the onmouseover doesn't work. Code:
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Jan 19, 2010
PHP Code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="sylvester.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var M = $M([
I need to build a 100x100 array. I'm using the sylvester plug-in to make a matrix. The code executes fine and when i go view source from the browser the 100 rows and columns are defined just fine. I think that the document is first loaded then the php loops are executed on the server. Is there any way i can load a multi-dimensional array with PHP. I must do it that way, cause later i'll need to query the databases in the loops above.
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May 21, 2011
I really want to use this (javascript, jquery, and css) menu at this web page: [URL]. However, I would like to have this menu as a multi level menu. Currently it is two level. How to make this menu as three or four level?
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Oct 12, 2010
I am declaring a 2D array like this...
var myArray = [];
myArray[0] = [];
myArray[1] = [];
So now the first dimension will have a size of two (0 or 1) and the second dimension will have an unlimited size. I want to sort this array by the integer values held in myArray[1][x], where x is any number between zero and the size of my result set. That is, I want to reorder the array such that
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Aug 17, 2007
How can I fetch a part of the array in IE?
The code works as expected in Opera and Firefox, but IE returns an error saying that matchPaid does not contain a value.
As it seems IE does not pull any of the input fields belonging in the array.
I believe the issue lies in this line:
var matchPaid = document.getElementsByName("plan_bonus_amount["+key+"][]");
The rest of the function:
JavaScript Code:
function updateMatchPowerline(total, newPlan) {
var totalPlan = parseInt(document.getElementById("total_plans").value);
var totalMatch = document.getElementById("total_match");
if (newPlan === true) totalPlans = totalPlan + 1;
else totalPlans = totalPlan;
var matchValue = 0;
for (var key=0;key < totalPlans;key++) {
var div = document.getElementById("match_table_"+key);
var newTbody = document.createElement("tbody");
var match = new Array();
if (key < totalPlan && parseInt(totalMatch.value) > 0) {
/*Fetch the current values, then clear the table*/
var matchPaid = document.getElementsByName("plan_bonus_amount["+key+"][]");
for (var nr=0;nr < parseInt(totalMatch.value);nr++) {
match[nr] = parseFloat(matchPaid[nr].value);
for (var nr=0;nr < total;nr++) {
if (typeof(match[nr]) != 'undefined') matchValue = match[nr];
else matchValue = 0;
newTbody = createMatchPowerline(newTbody, key, nr, matchValue);
totalMatch.value = total;
Does anyone have an idea on how I can fetch those values in IE?
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Aug 31, 2010
I have a section of javascript that declares a global variable for a few functions, like this incomplete code
The above, in its full version, changes the text in a textarea. In my php code, if I include the above code above the textarea, it all works as expected.
The problem is that I may have more than one textarea - the number cannot be known beforehand. If I include the above before each textarea, the pointer gets confused as to which string belongs to which textarea since the global variables get redefined many times. In php, this would be a simple problem to solve with a mutildimensional array but, from what I understand, javascript doesn't have such arrays.
Someone can provide a solution that will allow me to use the same block of code over and over in the same file.
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Sep 16, 2010
I have a database which writes to a webpage. The html has one field showing called client_userid with an id of client (see below)
<span id="client"><WebObject name=client_userid></WebObject></span>
The value returned in the table is a 7 digit number eg: 1234567 This web view may have one, a few or a thousand records showing depending on the search criteria. For the life of me I cannot find a script that will pass all returned field values to an array that will allow me to remove duplicates and add a hotlink to the individual number and showing the result in a new view of the original table.
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Jul 20, 2011
Lets assume the following object
var x = {
y: {
z: 10
} ;
Next, I need to retrieve the value '10', but the only thing I have is one string as a key For example (this doesn't work):
var str = '[y][z]' ; // or 'y.z'??
alert(x[str]) ; // should alert 10
Can this be done using a single string as input for x ?
UPDATE: a solution which comes close to what I was looking for is
var str = "x['y']['z']" ;
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Dec 4, 2010
i wrote code below, but it always return -1,
var arr = {
11: {
2: 'value1',
3: 'value2'
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Aug 10, 2009
I'm having difficulty trying to return a multi-demensional array using Javascript Prototype's Hash Object.I have been able to return the values of the following associative php array using JSON and Javascript Prototype's Hash Object:
php array
$player = array(
'PlayerName' => 'Ron Artest',
'Position' => 'Forward',[code]............
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Dec 11, 2001
I just have some fields for people to enter the number of tickets they want in four categories. This number of tickets in each category (member, nonmember, etc.) is multiplied by the ticket cost, which is being pulled out of a database, and then the total of the four categories is meant to be added up.
I have checked that the database values are correct and they are displaying. In fact, the script works fine when it operates just on any one input field - multiplies correctly and returns the right result.
The problem seems to come up whe I try to add the four input box totals after multiplying them by the ticket price. It gives me 'NaN' in the output field. Here's the script i'm using: Code:
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Jul 23, 2005
I've started testing on Win XP SP2 and it now has something called local machine lockdown activated by default. It means that active content,
such as JavaScript, is prevented from running.
I thought that the solution was simply - to enable the testing of files locally - to just add what M$ calls the "mark of the web". So I added
this line to the tops of my HTML pages:
<!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
However, the local links in the files, such as to external JavaScript files, do not work because (I believe) the HTML files are now treated as an internet zone and not a local zone file.
Without deactivating the lockdown is there a way to get a bunch of inter-linked files to work locally, or is it just my lack of understanding of what's going on that's at fault?
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Jun 4, 2004
This is my implementation of an n x m matrix in JS:
var n=parseInt(prompt("n:",1));
var m=parseInt(prompt("m:",1));
function array(){
for (var i=1;i<=m;i++)
function matrix(){
for (var i=1;i<=n;i++)
this[i]=new array;
var a = new matrix();
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Oct 23, 2007
Just another quick question:
function calc(value, rate)
setTimeout("calc(value, rate)", 1000);
In FireFox error console it says that "value" and "rate" are not defined. But they are?
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Feb 14, 2009
I have a form that I am trying to loop through the elements of and come up with a total, when the form is submitted. The goal is to alert users that they have not entered a minimum or maximum number of choices before letting the form submit. The fields in question might be checkboxes in some cases (with a value of 1) or textboxes in others with user-submitted values. Here is a stripped down example...The html
<form class="phpws-form" id="elections_vote" action="index.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="Candidate_Vote[2]" id="Candidate_Vote[2]" size="3" value="" />
<input type="text" name="Candidate_Vote[3]" id="Candidate_Vote[3]" size="3" value="" />[code]....
...problem is, is that total is always 0. I know I'm missing something, and I suspect that 'inputs' is not what I want it to be,
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Oct 3, 2003
I have done something that works perfectly in IE, but doesn't work at all in Netscape.
I have a page of thumbnail images (Page A). When each thumbnail is clicked on, a small 300x 300 pop up (Page B) appears with a larger "preview." The preview image that appears in the small pop-up is dynamically created with the onClick/ image swapping method. (In other words, when a user clicks on a thumbnail on Page A, it swaps a transparent gif I have placed on Page B with the preview image).
Now I've tested this on IE and it works perfectly. But in Netscape, not only does the image swap not occur (no preview image appears), but the height and width attributes I've designated for the pop up are ignored (the pop up is full screen instead of 300x300).
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Sep 4, 2011
I'm working on a project that involves extracting values from a series of select boxes and then working out the result.
The select boxes contain the following:
<select name="select_Col1_Row1">
<option value="blue">Blue</option>
<option value="green">Green</option>
<option value="red>Red</option>
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Apr 23, 2010
My name is matt a very fed up up person at the min iam building a website my self for my print and design business, and it has come to the part where i need to list my products and buy now options etc. Well to be frank i dont have a clue how to do it so i dont have reams of pages of boxes etc.
here is the page with business cards [URL] on this one is ok because there is only 6 options to chose in sense of qty. but when it comes to LEAFLETS ITS HARD COS YOU HAVE DIFFERENT SIZE QTY PRICE.
Iam using a cart software that links to google checkout for payment side
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