Incrementing A Multi-Dimensional Array

Jul 27, 2005

I'm kind of at a lose this is my first foray into using a multi-dimensional
array and I've run into a snag. for some reason the second dimension always
seems to end up being the last value of the second dimension of the array
ie: in the case below the conditionArray[[0][1]] always ends up being 6.0
where it should be 1.0. Code:

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Re-organizing Multi-dimensional Array?

Oct 30, 2009

Short version: I'm having trouble with "moving subarrays" in a multidimensional associative array.

Long version: (Yes, I know that there's technically no such thing as a js associative array and that I'm actually using a generic object.) This is one of those annoying questions for which significant code can't be shown.

I'm fetching a JSON object from PHP and parsing it as multi-dimensional associative array that comes out with this "structure": obj[regions][variables][years] = value; My presentation logic works fine for that. Year data is presented for each variable, and variables are grouped by region. For reference, if needed, the display is tabular and similar to this:


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Create A Multi-dimensional Associative Array?

May 21, 2010

I'm trying to create a multi-dimensional associative array that has some of its data created dynamically. The code I've currently got is as follows (using JQuery to retrieve form element values):

Code JavaScript:
var data = {
label: $('#label').val(),
child_float: function() {


.. if its values were not being created dynamically. However as you can tell that isn't what is being generated at the moment, as there's no opening/closing brace before/after the child_float's member variables. Any ideas what changes I need to make in order make the child_float behave as intended?

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Correct Syntax For Multi-dimensional Array?

Sep 17, 2010

What is the correct syntax for multi-dimensional array? an array of arrays. I have an array such as code...

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PHP - Create A Multi-dimensional Array With Strings For Keys

Dec 17, 2009

in PHP I can create a multi-dimensional array with strings for keys,eg

$arr['key'] = array("item 1","item 2");

This works if the string is a variable as well, like

$key = "MyKey";
$arr[$key] = array("item 1","item 2");

I'm trying to something similar in javascript, but with no luck


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Passing A Multi-dimensional Javascript Array Through A Form

Mar 11, 2005

I would like to be able to pass a multi-dimensional Javascript array through a form to a server-side script I am running. Any suggestions as to how to do this? I know how to asign a Javascript variable to a hidden field (basic stuff ), and if it was a single-dimension array I would join() it, but I don't know how to treat a multi-dimensional array. Any suggestions?

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Matrix Woes - Summing Up A Multi-dimensional Array

Sep 27, 2011

I have a Javascript array object like this:

[0][0] - 32[1] - 13[2] - 26[1][0] - 8[1] - 17[2] - 4[2][0] - 10[1] - 30[2] - 22...etc

and what I want to end up is with an array with the sum of the [0], [1] and [2] values, so for instance with this example, I want an array returned like this:

[50, 60, 52] i.e. this is [(32+8+10), (13+17+30), (26+4+22)]

My real problem with this is that the "inner array" can be any number of (its dynamic), so in my example its just 3 values but it could be for example 5 values e.g.:

[0][0] - 32[1] - 13[2] - 26[3] - 16[4] - 6etc

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JQuery :: Loop Through Multi Dimensional Json?

Sep 28, 2009

I'm sure this is a simple matter, but i cant seem to work out how to loop through a multi dimensional JSON object (where the keys are unknown). [code]...

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Multi-dimensional Arrays With Image Rollovers

Aug 9, 2006

I'm trying to get rollover images to work that are a little more complex than usual. I have a webpage that presently gives information on four groups within an organization. I've put each group within its own div with an id. The div contains a short description of what the group does, thumbnails pictures of each member of the group, and to the right of these thumbnails, a larger picture. This larger picture is supposed to change, when ever the mouse is over a thumbnail to a normal size picture of the thumbnail, for the first part.

I tried to put in a script that will preload all the original images that should be changed. First I created an array with all the names of the divs, then used two for loops, one nested inside the other to get the pictures into the array. Tried to get the names of the array to hold the pictures from the first array with the names (inames), using a two dimensional array (used an example from a post on this forum) but it seemed to have gone astray, as the onmouseover doesn't work. Code:

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PHP Looping To Create Multi-dimensional Variable

Jan 19, 2010

PHP Code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="sylvester.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var M = $M([


I need to build a 100x100 array. I'm using the sylvester plug-in to make a matrix. The code executes fine and when i go view source from the browser the 100 rows and columns are defined just fine. I think that the document is first loaded then the php loops are executed on the server. Is there any way i can load a multi-dimensional array with PHP. I must do it that way, cause later i'll need to query the databases in the loops above.

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How To Make Multi Dimensional Horizontal DropDown Menu

May 21, 2011

I really want to use this (javascript, jquery, and css) menu at this web page: [URL]. However, I would like to have this menu as a multi level menu. Currently it is two level. How to make this menu as three or four level?

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Sorting A Two-dimensional Array

Oct 12, 2010

I am declaring a 2D array like this...

var myArray = [];
myArray[0] = [];
myArray[1] = [];

So now the first dimension will have a size of two (0 or 1) and the second dimension will have an unlimited size. I want to sort this array by the integer values held in myArray[1][x], where x is any number between zero and the size of my result set. That is, I want to reorder the array such that


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Problem Using GetElementsByName On 2 Dimensional Array In IE

Aug 17, 2007

How can I fetch a part of the array in IE?

The code works as expected in Opera and Firefox, but IE returns an error saying that matchPaid does not contain a value.

As it seems IE does not pull any of the input fields belonging in the array.

I believe the issue lies in this line:

var matchPaid = document.getElementsByName("plan_bonus_amount["+key+"][]");

The rest of the function:

JavaScript Code:

function updateMatchPowerline(total, newPlan) {
    var totalPlan = parseInt(document.getElementById("total_plans").value);
    var totalMatch = document.getElementById("total_match");
    if (newPlan === true) totalPlans = totalPlan + 1;
    else totalPlans = totalPlan;
    var matchValue = 0;
    for (var key=0;key < totalPlans;key++) {
        var div = document.getElementById("match_table_"+key);
        var newTbody = document.createElement("tbody"); 
        var match = new Array();
        if (key < totalPlan && parseInt(totalMatch.value) > 0) {
            /*Fetch the current values, then clear the table*/
            var matchPaid = document.getElementsByName("plan_bonus_amount["+key+"][]");
            for (var nr=0;nr < parseInt(totalMatch.value);nr++) {
                match[nr] = parseFloat(matchPaid[nr].value);
        for (var nr=0;nr < total;nr++) {           
            if (typeof(match[nr]) != 'undefined') matchValue = match[nr];
            else matchValue = 0;
            newTbody = createMatchPowerline(newTbody, key, nr, matchValue);
    totalMatch.value = total;

Does anyone have an idea on how I can fetch those values in IE?

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Simulating A Multi Array - More Than One Textarea

Aug 31, 2010

I have a section of javascript that declares a global variable for a few functions, like this incomplete code


The above, in its full version, changes the text in a textarea. In my php code, if I include the above code above the textarea, it all works as expected.

The problem is that I may have more than one textarea - the number cannot be known beforehand. If I include the above before each textarea, the pointer gets confused as to which string belongs to which textarea since the global variables get redefined many times. In php, this would be a simple problem to solve with a mutildimensional array but, from what I understand, javascript doesn't have such arrays.

Someone can provide a solution that will allow me to use the same block of code over and over in the same file.

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Passing Multi Value Variable To Array?

Sep 16, 2010

I have a database which writes to a webpage. The html has one field showing called client_userid with an id of client (see below)

<span id="client"><WebObject name=client_userid></WebObject></span>

The value returned in the table is a 7 digit number eg: 1234567 This web view may have one, a few or a thousand records showing depending on the search criteria. For the life of me I cannot find a script that will pass all returned field values to an array that will allow me to remove duplicates and add a hotlink to the individual number and showing the result in a new view of the original table.

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Retrieve Value From Multi-dim Associative Array Using Only One String As The Key?

Jul 20, 2011

Lets assume the following object

var x = {
y: {
z: 10
} ;

Next, I need to retrieve the value '10', but the only thing I have is one string as a key For example (this doesn't work):

var str = '[y][z]' ; // or 'y.z'??
alert(x[str]) ; // should alert 10

Can this be done using a single string as input for x ?

UPDATE: a solution which comes close to what I was looking for is

var str = "x['y']['z']" ;

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JQuery :: Using JQuery.inArray In 2 Dimensional Array

Dec 4, 2010

i wrote code below, but it always return -1,

var arr = {
11: {
2: 'value1',
3: 'value2'


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Return A Multi-demensional Array Using Prototype Hash?

Aug 10, 2009

I'm having difficulty trying to return a multi-demensional array using Javascript Prototype's Hash Object.I have been able to return the values of the following associative php array using JSON and Javascript Prototype's Hash Object:

php array

$player = array(
'PlayerName' => 'Ron Artest',
'Position' => 'Forward',[code]............

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Incrementing A Field

Jan 17, 2006

I've got an embedded system that uses a javascript-enabled browser as a
front end.

The input system consists of an encoder which generates + and - chars, and
a couple of keys that generate Tab and Shift-Tab for navigation.

Each field in the form is numerical, and has certain properties; for
example, one field represents %, and has a min of 0, a max of 100, and
increments of 1.

I need to come up with some javascript code that would take take those +
and - chars, and increment/decrement the field values so that the user can
'dial in' the value they need....

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Incrementing A Object Name

Apr 6, 2007

I just need to get a unique number dynamically at the end of the new object name (paItem) name but I get an error when i try to do it this way.

for (i=0; i<table.length; i++)
paItem[i] = new paOrgValues(vName, vQty, vPrice, vTot, vSelRad);

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JQuery :: Saving A Value And Incrementing It?

Apr 21, 2011

I am making a LOVE IT button using php and jquery and i have most of it working...

The button currently returns the value from the DB of 0 but when i click the button it wont save the incremented value to the DB.

see it here[URL]

my code is this

mysql_connect("localhost", "web183-loveit", "password") or die ("Error.");
mysql_select_db("web183-loveit") or die ("error");
$increase = "UPDATE results SET value=value+1 WHERE id=1;";


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Incrementing Button Value On Click?

Oct 12, 2011

I need to make an HTML button whose value is "Times clicked: 0" and every time the user clicks it the value increments the number so it will say "Times clicked: 1" after clicked and so on. I don't know if a javascript function is the best way to do this, I know how to change the value on click but I don't know how to make it increment only the number

<INPUT NAME="myButton" TYPE="button" VALUE= " (I don't know what to put here) " onclick=increment()>
<script type="text/javascript">
function increment() {
document.myForm.myButton.value= (how do I make it increment?)

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Determining Whether Mouse Is Decrementing Or Incrementing?

Apr 20, 2010

I'm having an issue determining whether the mouse is increment or decrementing.

Code JavaScript:
_self.mousedown(function(e) {
var initialValue = parseInt($('#value').val());
var initialMouse = e.pageX;


As I move my mouse to the right, this returns true. When I move the mouse to the left, this still returns true; because the currentMouse value is still greater than the initialMouse value.

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Retrieving A Variable And Then Incrementing And Displaying Onclick?

Feb 10, 2010

Simply put, I need to take a variable (The number '20' in this case) that is displayed by an input box on my web page and plug it into a function so that whenever I click on a button, the number in the input box will decrease by 1.

Seems simple enough, though for hours I've been going at it with no luck. Skipping the rest of my code - I currently have:

<title> Online Slots </title>
<script type="text/javascript"


The entire code is a slot machine project that's supposed to be extremely simple where you hit the button and it spins 3 wheels, 3 of the same image and you win. Every spin takes $1, every win gives $13.

The majority of the code is already working, however for some reason I appear to be failing badly at getting the read out to show a decrement of $1 every time you push the button.

I've tried so many different ideas that I've found across w3schools, webdevelopersnotes, dave-reed, ect - and so far I haven't been able to get any of them to work correctly.

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Adding An Incrementing Variable To A Script To Create Different Class Names

Feb 12, 2009

Last evening I ran across this script which I think will address a need I have; replacing my radio buttons with images. The one difference I have is that I need to use a different button image for each of the 5 buttons in my group.Unfortunately, the script dose not apply unique classnames within the generated mark-up so if I'm to use this I need to apply some sort of counting variable that increments and use this variable to append the classname with.Around line 52/53 of jquery.checkbox.js is

Code JavaScript:

/* Wrapping all passed elements */
return this.each(function()


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Each Time The Visitor Access The Page Read The Cookie And Display The Corresponding Image / Incrementing / Updating

Jul 12, 2011

My requirement: Each time a visitor arrives at a specific webpage i want the main image on the page to be different, or more specifically, one of 6 images which will be shown in rotation. Solution: Set a cookie. Each time the visitor access the page read the cookie and display the corresponding image. Then increment the value and rewrite the cookie, so that next time they'll see the next image in sequence. NB: if the cookie does not exist (first timer) or is at 6, then the value is set to zero (and then incremented).

Problem: Can't get my coding to work. Specifically it just doesn't do anything - no error message, no cookie written. I'm a very novice scripter, as in I've cobbled the coding together from bits off the net that i think i've managed to grasp some kind of an understanding of. Very suck it and see - so far lots of sucking and no seeing!


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