Function Works On First Button, But Shows Same Output On Second Button?
Nov 9, 2010
I have been looking at this for ages, so apologies in advance if I have become so bleary eyed I can't see something simple.I use php to create buttons based on values pulled for a table. The problem I have is when you click on the first button the javascript function works great, when you click on the next button you get the same output even though it should be different results. I am working in ff and I can see on my firebug console that the javascript function is being called, but it is not passing the new value of the second or third button, it just keeps repassing the value of the first button. So not entirely sure where I am going wrong here.My page is:
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadXMLDoc2(File,ID,Msg){
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {[code].....
And getShow.php produces a table with a list of product images, names and prices, based on theme.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a javascript that displays couple of buttons, which are
directional (e.g., click button it goes to a particular page). I need
to have these buttons shows up multiple times in same page, each
represent a different direction but buttons themself are from the same
gif file. What's the most effecient way to do this?
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Mar 16, 2010
I'm creating a web page that randomly shows images when when a button is clicked. I appear to be having 2 main problems with it so I'll begin with what seems to be the easiest one to the user scrolls down the page I need to keep the button statically, in the top right's the relevant code:
position: absolute;
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Aug 5, 2011
how to show the value of my radio button when click.I have this code:
<tr><td width="10px"></td><td width="60%">Neatness</td>
<td width="40%">
<input name="neat" type="radio" class="hover-star" value="1" title="Poor"/>[code]....
say when my 1st radio button it will show 1 or so on.. How can I achieve this? Or better yet does anyone know hot to do this in jquery.
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Jun 13, 2009
This small script adds text before and after what is put into form box 'inputbx1'.I'm trying to add a button or text link so you can visit the url as outputted by this 'inputbx1' box.
<script type="text/javascript">
function FillBx(f) {[code]....
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Jan 31, 2011
I am trying to write a radio button form that has dynamic output. If radio 1 selected then the text would say "one", if radio 2 text = "two", etc. For example:
How many chickens do you own?
Radio 1
Radio 2
*Radio 3
Radio 4
I have the following and am stuck, can I stack getElementsbyid...?
<script type="text/javascript">
function check() {
<input type="radio" value="0" id="r1" name="r1" onclick="check()" />
<input type="radio" ???? />
<input type="radio" ???? />
<input type="radio" ???? />
I own <label for="r1" id="Radio1">blank</label> chickens.
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Jul 16, 2010
When I click the button, the images hide/show in IE, but this doesn't work in Firefox. I've tried JSLint and JavascriptLint, but haven't figured out what the issue is. This is the code below:
<script language="Javascript">
function openConsole(docId, attachmentFileName, name) {
if (window.customOpenConsole) {
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Apr 28, 2011
Yhe button I am using working perfecting in FireFox and Chrome but not in Internet explorer. (Yes I know someone that actually uses IE that pointed this out to me) The rest of the code works fine but just not the reset button I have. Something I have been needing to do is make the code call my images differently by putting them in an array so I don't mess this the sources of my images like I sloppily am here, but I am not sure if that will actually fix the problem I am have. The checkbox should both uncheck the box(if checked) AND change the picture but it only unchecks the box. Here is the relevant code let me know if you want me to post the whole thing.
function reset(){
"Check" me out;) <input type="checkbox" id="cb1" onClick="validate()" />
<img src="Good Afternoon.gif" name="goodAfternoon">
<input type="button" id="cb2" value="RESET" onClick="reset()"/>
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Jul 21, 2010
I am trying to set something up like this - there is a button that takes you to a page where the user can download items (.pdf manuals, etc).
But, I want to set it up so the button ONLY works if the checkbox right above the button is checked.
If it is not checked, and the user tries to click the submit button, a message pops up - or the button is just greyed out until the user checks the box.
Now, I have used this code from a tutorial I found online, but this one uses (3) checkboxes - and if I try to remove 2 of the 3 checkboxes, the script doesn't seem to work anymore:
function checkCheckBoxes() {
if (document.frmTest.CHKBOX_1.checked == false &&
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Aug 12, 2010
The below code works, until i try and move the bottom button into the form. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the tut3 function and I probably need to reference the form somewhere in the function, but I dont know where.
<script language="javascript">
var properties = [<? echo $row['property_id'] ?>];
function tut3(){
var addRemove = document.getElementById('addRemoveProperty');
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May 14, 2009
I've spend about 2 days writing this javascript code and it works great in IE only to find out that it does nothing in Safari/FF.
Here is my code:
<script type="text/javascript">function calculate() {
var thetotal = 0;
var silver = 0;
var gold = 0;
Basicly what the script does is using some variables in my form will calculate a total price in real time when you click the "Calculate" button. Works great in IE, but in Firefox/Safari it won't do a thing..
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Nov 16, 2011
I have two radio buttons on a form. I wish for one button to show a div that's hidden with {display:none;}, and the other to put it back to being hidden when selected. My code seemed sound to me but in firefox it doesn't really work, only in internet explorer. I would like to keep the coding as simple as possible:
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Jul 26, 2011
The following code works fine in IE 678and9 and checks the relevant radio button but not in chrome or Firefox.
document.write(' <input type="radio" name="useopt' + subid + '" value=1 ' + (eval('document.forms.mspage.text' + subid + '.useoptrb == "1" ? "checked" : "" ')) + ' onclick="useoptClick();" style="background-color:#0096ff;"> Default');
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Jul 18, 2010
I have one long text field in HTML to feed text as input in my page. the entered text will be shown as output text after some operations.In this context, i need to display few text(say 200 chars) only and i need to provide READMORE link/button which would show me the complete content of that text field. I need to achieve this shortly!
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Aug 2, 2010
I would like to create a program which converts some letters into different ones.
1) I want 2 text areas (input and output) + "convert" button
2) if I type in the input area the letters "ea" I would like it to be converted into "a", so that If I type "cambrea" and press "submit" the output text will have "cambra".
3) if I type "e " which is (e+space) I want it to be converted into " " which is "space" example: if I type the word "spine " it should be converted into "spin , note that there is a space after "spin ".
4) If I type any vowel before "o" it should render "o", example: gambuo becomes gambo.
would this be possible? I'm not very familiar with Javascript even though I can modify it.
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Jul 13, 2010
I am trying to produce a web form to allow wedding guests to RSVP. The form allows them to enter a name and select from a radio button whether they will be attending or not. If they select the "yes" radio button then a further pair of radio buttons are displayed for their meal preference.
They can then click a submit button or they can click another button to add another line for another guest which operates in exactly the same way. I've almost got this working, but it seems that the checkbox change handler is lost for the current guest when a new guest is added and the checkbox value is reset. I've got a feeling I'm doing something stupid but can't for the life of me figure out what.
Code (source file (renamed to .txt) also attached as I'm not sure the pasted code is too clear):
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Feb 13, 2009
I have it set up so that there are three frames (frames and the use of javascript are encourage for practice) "bar" on the left with navigational options, "main" in the center where the body of the drill is presented, and "feedback" along the bottom where the feedback will appear.
My issue is that I have everything working except the form! I'm not sure how to make it so that upon clicking the submit button the feedback is presented in the "feedback" frame. This was suggested to me but isn't working, maybe I have a mistake somewhere? Or is there another way I can do this?
<script type="text/javascript">
function CheckCheckbox() {
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Nov 16, 2011
What happens is that when I click on a button, a random string from the RandomString variable appears below the button. e.g I click on the button and it displays 'AAB' and then if I click on the button again it may display 'AAE' and etc.
The problem is that sometimes it displays 'undefined'. I don't wanit 'undefined' to appear but why does it sometimes display 'undefined' rather than a Random string.
Below is the code:
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Jun 3, 2011
I have this as my Dialog Javascript
$( "#dialog-form<?php echo $diagnumber; ?>" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
height: 300,
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Jun 21, 2010
i know how to enable the button when one or the other is selected, how do i check if both are selected?
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May 22, 2010
The main page is called Aj.html. In the 'head' I have mostly some functions to support Ajax call to server PHP (to just 'echo' something so I could see Ajax work). In the 'body', there is a little javascript and a form 'button'. When I click the button, an 'onclick' event causes a function to do the last step or two of the Ajax stuff... and the server PHP element is called... and then my ajax message handler back in Aj.html gets control to just send an alert... and that was the initial experiment ... and it was just so I could see how Ajax works.
Well - then I noticed that the 'button' is only clickable ONE time... And I set about to try to learn whatever I needed to learn to make that button be one that could be used to fire off the Ajax stuff multiple times... But I couldn't get that to work. So, I tried some code to remove the onclick event (during the ajax messaging handling logic in Aj.html) - and then add another onclick event to that same button... but that didn't work. Then, I tried to delete my button altogether - and insert a new button with it's own 'onclick' (which also would fire the ajax stuff) - but that didn't work, either....
Anyway... Now, my biggest curiosity (for the moment, at least) is why I can't dynamically add a button that has the needed onclick stuff to also fire the Ajax stuff... So, I guess I'd like to solve that right now.
What's currently happening is this: when I'm in the part of the code that is defining the dynamic button - and just before that button is added to the form, I define the 'onclick' that is supposed to be a part of that new button... BUT - when that assignment is made, it is almost like javascript is thinking that the request is actually in insert another onclick for the in-progress 'click'... because the new onclick is immediately processed at that point (I don't even make it to the next statement...just boom... the new onclick function is executed).
Also - the new dynamically added button DOES get added okay... but when I click that newly added button, it doesn't fire the Ajax stuff it's supposed to fire (via the onclick for this added button) - instead, it just causes what appears to be like a page refresh ... because the regular button reappears at that point (and then the Ajax stuff will again work off of that 'regular' button).
I'm including the whole script here.
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May 19, 2009
I have a message system that I want to prevent double posting. So when a user sends a message i would like to disable the button. But its done using AJAX and will load without much time. But enough to cause double clicking. So now the button needs to be enabled once Text is put in the Form Field.
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Oct 2, 2011
After doing some tutorials, I am not sure if this is a bug, or perhaps someone can give me a better explination why it is working the way it is.I am using Visual Studio 2010 combined in a Master Page. In my aspx page, I have the following code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
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Dec 8, 2010
I use DatePicker to select an expiration date for an item. It is triggered by a image button, I don't want to show a textbox for this field, just an icon. I want to add a button inside the DatePicker (in the button panel) for 'Cancel Expiration Date'.
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Jul 23, 2005
I am wanting to fire the onClick event of button1 by pressing button2.
Does anyone have a clue if this is even posible?
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Nov 11, 2010
I want to add something to my forum. Specifically, I want to add a HTML and Picture button for when you go to reply. Like posting an article here, there are also these options (font, alignment, insert image) I do not know how to achieve this but shouldnt be too hard.
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