Form Output To Link Or Button?
Jun 13, 2009
This small script adds text before and after what is put into form box 'inputbx1'.I'm trying to add a button or text link so you can visit the url as outputted by this 'inputbx1' box.
<script type="text/javascript">
function FillBx(f) {[code]....
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Jan 31, 2011
I am trying to write a radio button form that has dynamic output. If radio 1 selected then the text would say "one", if radio 2 text = "two", etc. For example:
How many chickens do you own?
Radio 1
Radio 2
*Radio 3
Radio 4
I have the following and am stuck, can I stack getElementsbyid...?
<script type="text/javascript">
function check() {
<input type="radio" value="0" id="r1" name="r1" onclick="check()" />
<input type="radio" ???? />
<input type="radio" ???? />
<input type="radio" ???? />
I own <label for="r1" id="Radio1">blank</label> chickens.
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Jul 18, 2010
I have one long text field in HTML to feed text as input in my page. the entered text will be shown as output text after some operations.In this context, i need to display few text(say 200 chars) only and i need to provide READMORE link/button which would show me the complete content of that text field. I need to achieve this shortly!
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Nov 9, 2010
I have been looking at this for ages, so apologies in advance if I have become so bleary eyed I can't see something simple.I use php to create buttons based on values pulled for a table. The problem I have is when you click on the first button the javascript function works great, when you click on the next button you get the same output even though it should be different results. I am working in ff and I can see on my firebug console that the javascript function is being called, but it is not passing the new value of the second or third button, it just keeps repassing the value of the first button. So not entirely sure where I am going wrong here.My page is:
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadXMLDoc2(File,ID,Msg){
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {[code].....
And getShow.php produces a table with a list of product images, names and prices, based on theme.
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Nov 25, 2009
I implemented some code I found online to convert a text link into a form submit button, but get an error on page message at the bottom right corner of the window AND the link does not submit. The latter part of the code is generate via a PHP echo (but I don't think the PHP is creating the error -- correct me if I am wrong)
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function getsupport ( selectedtype )[code]....
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Jun 19, 2003
Javascript form: text link instead of button
instead of having a button as a big grey thing, is it possible to have a <a href> style text link?
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Apr 5, 2011
I've got a JQuery Mobile form working across multiple "pages", even though it is a single HTML file.This is done by placing the opening form tag before the <div data-role="page"id="screen1"> tag, and closing it after the final losing page div tag. Works great.Currently the form validation is properly flagging each field as the user leaves it.The only trouble I am having is making the continue button at the bottom of each screen disabled until the visible invalid fields pass validation.Here's the simplified version of the code:
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Mar 6, 2009
I would like to know if it is possible to create a script to use in a webpage for output the title <a href="[url].....types.html">TITLE</a> BUT not the link itself = [url].... or http:
[url]......It is a website (it it not mine) where the user input your data in a database being output as html page.
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Sep 26, 2005
I have a link to a callender and I want that link to be like <A href="> so it'll default down to the current month's events. I already have a script that gives me the month, but the problem is that the link is inside a frammed page and there seems to be no way that can incorperate where the target is when (in the script) I do "document.write(" where the URL is what I want the link to be.
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Aug 5, 2011
how to show the value of my radio button when click.I have this code:
<tr><td width="10px"></td><td width="60%">Neatness</td>
<td width="40%">
<input name="neat" type="radio" class="hover-star" value="1" title="Poor"/>[code]....
say when my 1st radio button it will show 1 or so on.. How can I achieve this? Or better yet does anyone know hot to do this in jquery.
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May 22, 2011
i am trying to make a form that out puts the inputs to a table and makes the form disappear in the process. I am encountering too problems though
a) at the submitt bit it says object expected for "document.getElementById('tablename').value=
why what did i forget to do??
b) am i missing a section of code needed to not only output the data to table but make form disappear?this is the full code
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">[code]......
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Mar 8, 2006
I have forgotten how to do this.
Got a <form ... >
<input type="button" name="Hit Me" onclick="whatever()">
The output of the Javascript function 'whatever' appears on a separate
page. I need it to go below the form on the same page.
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Sep 28, 2010
I'm using mailchimps signup box (they don't have a decent forum to ask on) on my website and want to adjust the submit button and change it to a normal link. Here's the button that submit's the form:
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Aug 20, 2011
I'm trying to tweak a small script to pull some data from an iTunes podcast formatted XML feed. Currently, it outputs a link to the most recent actual mp3 file with the episode title as the name (which is great), but I'd also like it to show a description of the episode under the link.Here's the code I have so far:
How can I tweak my existing code to output the content of the first <itunes:subtitle> entry under the link it generates?
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Apr 16, 2004
I've got a pretty basic form that i need to be able to "submit" by simply loading it in the browser address, not click the submit button. is there a way to do this? Here is the code:
<form name="newform" action="/dir/submition.cfm?z=1&Myid=1" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="userID" value="27566">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
if i load just, it doesnt do anything because it doesnt have the userID variable, but im not sure how to include that into the address...
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Jul 23, 2005
Can JavaScript be used to write the output from an HTML form to a text file? The scenario would be that the form has text fields and checkboxes and will only output the text fields that have data entered along with the checkboxes that the user has selected.
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May 19, 2011
I'm very new to JS so I am having trouble understanding how to do what is probably a simple task.I have the following script setup to parse variables from a gps mashup.
<script type="text/javascript">
this.send_query = function() {
var self = Edit;[code].....
It seems to be working just fine but now I want to store the variables from that script into a form, then submit the form so it passes all the JS vars.
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Jul 5, 2009
I am trying to fix the output of a form on my website. Here is a screenshot of the form, on the left:http:[url]....Now, after you successfully submit your information, here is what you see, on the #thankyou page:http:[url]....
I would like to have the "Your email has been sent. We shall contact you shortly, Thank you." text inside of the form box. Instead, the form box is completely removed after you submit your info.Here is the javascript from the page:
function checkquotevalues(){
if( ==0){[code]....
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Jun 11, 2009
I an wanting to make a form where all of the text fields will be output in html table format to a new webpage. For example, Name, Age, Location, etc. When the user clicks submit I want to write a new html file based on the user's name (for exmaple chris.html). This seems like it would be fairly easy to do. Can anyone give me example coding to get me started?
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Dec 15, 2011
how to output a reformated number to a form?? This is what I have so far:
if (!
alert("Phone number missing. Please enter a valid phone number to continue.");;
return false;
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Dec 16, 2002
I am currently constructing a web-based database and would like to have it so that the main query output appears in a frame in the main window. Some of the queries require the user to make successive choices, each based on the one before, before the final query is built and executed. I would like the user input to occur in a pop-up child window belonging to the frame in the main window.
For example, a table of data is printed out into the main output frame. This table has links to then cross reference the data within it. Ok, so the user will click one of these links which will then pull up a pop-up window giving a little information about the link, and various choices to allow the user to cross-reference this back into the main database.
The point is, I need this query output to go BACK INTO THE PARENT FRAME, as opposed to into the pop-up (child) window I got as far as using <FORM ACTION="opener.location.replace('query.php') NAME="thisform" METHOD="GET">. This runs the query in the parent frame, but does not appear to pass the form data to the server .
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Feb 14, 2010
I am having a particular problem with my Javascript page, which should change the form that the user is at. Need to proofread my code to check for errors? The code does not change the form (Also it does not run the PHP page, or at least does not display its output in the loginStatus div):
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
PHP Hardcoded Login Script!
function processLogin(form) {
var user = form.user.value;
var pass = form.pass.value;
var url = "processLogin.php?user=" + user + "&pass=" + pass;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
{// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
{// code for IE6, IE5
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} .....
Why this is not working? The page running this code can be found at: [URL]
Another page without the signup form (that works) is at:
The login for the pages is:
user: john_doe
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Aug 10, 2010
I basically want the values from the checkboxes to output to a div, I also want to give the check boxes a numerical value eg:
if monday conference selected that would cost
if Tuesday conference selected theat would cost
and output a total based on the selections.its basically confirming the users choices and outputting the total cost to them.I have made a start already but Ive hit a point where Im absolutely stuck.This is the form
<div class="form">
<h1>Online Bookings</h1>
<form id ="theForm" action="mailto:" method="post" enctype="text/plain" ><table>[code]....
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May 22, 2011
I am trying to build a webpage quotation form that collects the relevant data then outputs the calculated quote details to a table for an assignment. I know how to build the form and the table so they can be filled filled but i am stuck big time trying to work out best way to output the data on to the table and hide the original form in the process.
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Feb 25, 2007
I try to make the follow. I want that i can click on a text link and that
then a link wil be copyed in a input form box (<input type="text"
name="img_url" />).
I have google-ed about how i can make this but i cant find a explane how i
can do this. I'm sure my javascript skills are the problem....
Is there here someone who can help me whit this ?
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Jul 13, 2010
I am trying to produce a web form to allow wedding guests to RSVP. The form allows them to enter a name and select from a radio button whether they will be attending or not. If they select the "yes" radio button then a further pair of radio buttons are displayed for their meal preference.
They can then click a submit button or they can click another button to add another line for another guest which operates in exactly the same way. I've almost got this working, but it seems that the checkbox change handler is lost for the current guest when a new guest is added and the checkbox value is reset. I've got a feeling I'm doing something stupid but can't for the life of me figure out what.
Code (source file (renamed to .txt) also attached as I'm not sure the pasted code is too clear):
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