I have been using interstitial boxes for quite a while and have never had a problem. I was required to create an interstitial box this week. When the home page is display in Firefox and Safari, the interstitial box displays right away as it is supposed to do; however, it will not display in Internet Explorer 7 unless you refresh the screen.
I am trying to get a div's content to change using javascript but for some reason it is not working and i get no errors looking at the error console.the code that is waiting for the content...
I'm sure my problem is a syntax error of some kind but I was wondering if anyone can help me discover why I am unable to get the content to load in order, one after the other.[code]
Dynamically loaded content (via JQuery's get method, for instance) seems unable to connect to a stylesheet that resides on the main page. I understand this is due to the fact that the dynamic content is not part of the DOM.
I am using jcookie to store certain information (user cart) and the idea is to re display the contents of the cart when the user visits the website at some other point in future.
So if user adds the item to his cart and i) closes the browser and opens a new browser window after some time OR ii) opens a new tab : In both cases should see the item added to the cart
I am using jcookie.js library.The code I am using to create cookie and add cart contents to it is:
function checkCookies(){ var rented_car_timings_cookie = $.cookie("rented_car_timings"); var $rentTimingsContainer = $('<div class="module">' + rented_car_timings_cookie + '</div>');
Now the problem I am seeing is that the cookies work if I refresh the same page or open a new tab in the same Browser window: I am able to see content added to cart. however, If I open a new window , then I do not see the same .
1) Script Title: Ajax Tabs Content Script (v 2.2) and Featured Content Slider Using jQuery UI
2) Script URL (on DD): [URL]
3) Script URL of Featured Content Slider Using jQuery UI [URL]
4) Script URL of my implementation of both script. [URL]
5) Problem: I've integrated the featured content slider in one of the default content section of the tab menu as you can see on the link on point 4. The slider is working perfectly when until i click on other tab menu and then back tab menu 1. The slider seize to work no more and worst the other featured content slides are appearing below the first one.
I have previously developed two scripts, both of which work really well, however I want to amalgimate them together if possible? My first script loads the content specified into a single div, replacing the content depending on which function is called, it also displays a loading gif during a timeout of 2 seconds. Here is the page:
The content is coming from an Ajax request. The content gets used more than once on the page for other purposes which is why I don't simply change the iframe src--I have to do an ajax request regardless so I'm trying to avoid multiple calls.
After I load the content, I need modify the height of the iframe so it fits snuggly around the content.
Calculating the height isn't a problem with the exception that it's not always correct and I think it's because the calculation is happening before images have downloaded.
I don't seem to be able to rely on a `load` or `ready` event to delay the calculation. The load event is the only one that tiggers on a change of iframe content, but it doesn't see the new content.
I use a small piece of JS code to make different elements on the page show/hide when clicking a link, based on id:
function toggle( targetId ){ if (document.getElementById){ target = document.getElementById( targetId ); if (target.style.display == "none"){ target.style.display = ""; } else { target.style.display = "none"; } } } Then HTML looks like this: <a href="#" onClick="toggle('news'); return false;">Show/hide news</a> <div id="news" style="display:none">BlahBlahBlah</div>
This works. Initially the element is hidden (with style="display:none" property of the element), and the script gets its id and changes its display property to "block" when clicking on a link.
But when Javascript in a browser is turned off, the elements to show are all hidden, and there's no way to see the content of the element.
My question: is there a way to hide toggled elements on page load with JS, so that when it's turned off the hidden content is shown?
Most Jquery I have seen 'pushes' the content above or below it up or down the page as it reveals the hidden content, the above example reveals the content over the top without pushing out any other content which is what I am looking for I have tried to take the code and everything works aside from those tabs!! I was hoping somebody has a link to another site that does the same effect
I have content in hidden (invisible) DIV elements on a page that I want to load into another DIV element on same page. I need to replace content currently in a DIV with that coming from another DIV. DIV ontent could be a P element or a P and IMG element.
<form id="registration" action="/cgi-bin/registration.cgi" method="POST" onsubmit="return control()"> <fieldset> <legend>Fill up this module</legend>
and the following javascript code:
function addPrivate() { var root = document.getElementById('registration'); var label1 = document.getElementById('label'); label1.appendChild(document.createTextNode('First Name: '));
I have this code that adds field when the user hit the "add new field" button.The problem here is, once you added an input field, then fill it out, then add a new field again, the info in the first field be erased.As how the code runs, you have to add all the fields that you want to fillout FIRST before entering you data in those fields. I believe its not logical to do that.
I have built a form on my network. I have put several javasripts in the form. The thing that is driving me nuts is; while codes such as highlight fields, copy fields and text limit work, others, such as Sentence case and Auto enter curent date don't.
I am making an ajax call and in response, i am getting an XML. And then using data from XML, i am creating a form. I stored response XMl in a variable like this var xmlData = $(data); If there is any change in any field of form then i am changing corresponding node value in xmlData by appending new node in related node like this : var val = document.createElement('{nodename}');
I have been using JQuery from last 1 year with IBM RAD 7.0 as IDE and WebSphere 6.1 as app Server without any problem.Now my development environment is upgraded wtih IBM RAD 7.5 and WebSphere 7.0 server.After writing the code in jsp within <JavaScript> tags as [code]i am getting the following error.The function $(HTMLDocument) is undefined.I have included jquery-1.4.2.min.js and even replaced with jquery.min.js.But there is no use.
I've been build and application, using firefox as my testing browser. I come to find out that, when testing the web-application in an internet explorer browser, AJAX doesn't work.
I've created an html page where I will present a list of mp3 tracks which user can listen to. When a user clicks on any track, a pop-up will get open which will play that track. The url of this pop-up, which is partly completed is, [URL]
For this I've googled around and found a solution. But this is working fine in IE but not in FF. This solution uses a "m3u" file for the purpose. And I've got this from here: [URL](please scroll down).
In FF, it says to download a plugin but when I click, it searches for the plugin and displayes error message as "No suitable plugins found Unknow plugin(audio/x-mpegurl)"
I want to commit that I do not have quicktime installed on my system but window media player which is getting used when page is viewd in IE.
how to make this work. I've also set the MIME type under HTTP Header in IIS 6.0. The header set are: .m3u; Mime type: audio/x-mpegurl and mp3; Mime type: audio/mpeg
Though, it is an ASP page but nothing is ASP code over there, completely, JS and HTML
Code for sound.asp file
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
i am unable to break the line in javascript. Actually i am using a javascript to open Microsoft Outlook Express, And in the body text i am sending some value like "Name and Address(Shown in code)". I want after task it should break the line and the value of Address will start from new line. But i am unable to do that. The code i have used is given below.
// JScript File function EmailIt(emailTO,strAddress,strName) {
I am trying to open a FTP file in IE 6, but Its not opening, it throws "Page cannot be Displayed" message. Its work fine in Firefox. Below is the code:<A href="ftp://sysvine.lmt.com/reports/chart.doc">Category Chart</A>even I tried like this:<A href="ftp://username:password@sysvine.lmt.com/reports/chart.doc">Category Chart</A>
I want to be able to add fields to a form with JavaScript, already had a thread about this in the PHP section and someone gave me some code. But that didn't seem to work :(So here is some other code:JavaScript:
var my_div = null; var newDiv = null; function addElement()