JQuery :: Jcookie : Unable To Restore Content Across Different Browser Windows
Nov 12, 2011
I am using jcookie to store certain information (user cart) and the idea is to re display the contents of the cart when the user visits the website at some other point in future.
So if user adds the item to his cart and i) closes the browser and opens a new browser window after some time OR ii) opens a new tab : In both cases should see the item added to the cart
I am using jcookie.js library.The code I am using to create cookie and add cart contents to it is:
function checkCookies(){
var rented_car_timings_cookie = $.cookie("rented_car_timings");
var $rentTimingsContainer = $('<div class="module">' + rented_car_timings_cookie + '</div>');
Now the problem I am seeing is that the cookies work if I refresh the same page or open a new tab in the same Browser window: I am able to see content added to cart. however, If I open a new window , then I do not see the same .
i have found more script for autoresize a popup browser windows to the image opened but I search something that autoresize the browser windows popup to che content(for example a table with an image and a textin in the cell)....
I am trying to modify with jQuery the content of a child window but for an unknown reason it does not work. I would be gratefull if someone may explain what (how) happend. Here is my code:
<html> <head> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ // Open a new window with a bare html file var newWindow = window.open [Code]....
What I expect (you should already have understood) is a new div to be appended to my child window body. The div (and its text) is effectively inserted (in new child's window) but then disappears in the process. Once I look at the generated code, the div is not in child's DOM.
I'm sure my problem is a syntax error of some kind but I was wondering if anyone can help me discover why I am unable to get the content to load in order, one after the other.[code]
Dynamically loaded content (via JQuery's get method, for instance) seems unable to connect to a stylesheet that resides on the main page. I understand this is due to the fact that the dynamic content is not part of the DOM.
is there a possibility to get the number or the names of open Browser windows ? I want to try to avoid double-opening of a page. My idea was to give the page a name and to check whether this name exists.
This problem is a little but difficult for me to explain, but I hope you will get the idea.
I have some javascript code, where I: document.getElementById(el).style.display=""; document.getElementById(el).scrollIntoView(true);
so basically, the element was hidden, but I am setting it to not-hidden, and I want the browser to scroll so the element is visible by the user. BUT, if the element is allready in the current browserwindows, then I don't want to scrollIntoView, since this will move the element - in that case, I'd rather do nothing.
But how do I check for that?
I hope I made myself understandable. The word "hidden" has two menings in this post - one is that the element is hidden and therefor is not displayed in the broser no matter how much you scroll. The other is that the element isn't hidden - you just need to scroll in order to see it.
In the past I write the jave script to popup windows in the browser for tell our visitor about news & event but now most of browser will block popup by default. Someone can show me an example about the professional popup with out the block.
I have a question about opening new pages when a link is clicked on a webpage. What I want to happen is this:
On the main webpage, I would like to have links to other websites. For example:
Link 1 Link 2 Link 3
Now, if I was to click links 1,2 and 3, I would have 4 browser windows open: The window containing the original webpage, plus the 3 windows that were opened by clicking on the 3 links. (I am using a href="www.,,,,," target="_blank"></A>)
Now, what I want to happen is this, I only want the mainpage to have ONE child window so that at any given time, there will be at most 2 browser windows open, the main page window and one child that is opened by clicking on a link. If I click on Link 1 followed immediately by Link 2, I don't want 2 child windows to pop up. What I need to happen is when I click Link 1, it needs to open a window. When I click link 2, the browser window that contains the webpage from link 1 now needs to show the webpage that from link 2. Is there a way to do this using javascript window.open? Code:
I am using javascript to find the browser window's innerheight and outerheight(ie both document body + task bar ,statusbar,menubar etc)I am using the following command for the calculation of the above thing
This one works perfectly for the following browser's GoogleChrome,Safari,Firefox with small problem on Firefox
Following is the problem
The window.outerheight and window.innerHeight returns different values.
a)when the script is run locally on the same browser
b)when the script is run after publishing the page on the server and ran from the same browser.
This issues do not come for other browser except firefox.For other browser the outerheight and innerheight comes same, before and after the script is published on the server.
The firefox browser version used is : firfox 3.6.16. Os is Windows Xp
You need to log into my website as a user... User Name is: supramaniac Password is: lakeella On the top bar you can click on the chat tab... Enter into one of the chat rooms... As you will see the chat room window turns into like its own web browser and displays a copy of my index page... The chat rooms used to do that before and someone fixed it and said that my permissions were wrong on my installation folder. I don't know if that is right or not. Why would it go back to doing the same thing. Anyway does anybody know how to fix this issue?
I need to be able to drag and drop data from one browser window to another. Presumably javascript would be the best way to handle this, but I'm not making much headway with the onDragDrop handler. Specifically, I'm really not sure how to transfer the data via the mouse drag & drop..
I need to know how to create a pop up window that opens behind a browser window. I don’t want to bother my visitors with a pop up window every time they visit my site and I don’t want to use cookies to prevent my site from popping up a window when a surfer visit my site a second time or more; some visitors may need to read my offer more than once before they subscribe to my newsletter.
The answer seems to be a pop up window that opens behind all other browser; this way the pop up window will not interfere with their visit to my site.
Does anyone know the codes for such a pop up window?
I have been using interstitial boxes for quite a while and have never had a problem. I was required to create an interstitial box this week. When the home page is display in Firefox and Safari, the interstitial box displays right away as it is supposed to do; however, it will not display in Internet Explorer 7 unless you refresh the screen.
I am trying to get a div's content to change using javascript but for some reason it is not working and i get no errors looking at the error console.the code that is waiting for the content...
i want my windows 98 comp to be able to open only 3 windows when u click on the explorer icon 3 times.it opens as many as i like,but i want it to open a maximum of 3 windows as i dont have have a fast connection as a result the pages dont open so fast ,if i open more than 3 windows.
I have a form that submits parameters to Stripes action. The action builds a URL, fetches a PDF from that URL and returns the PDF to the browser. Stripes has a neat StreamResolution object that takes the URLConnection and MIME type and returns the object which I can simply return to the browser.I also have a requirement that the document should be opened in a new window.Unfortunately, sometimes PDF generation takes a while, so I'm required to pop up a "Please wait..." window that has to be taken down once the PDF loads.I cannot use the target="_blank" on the form, since it prevents me from hooking the javascript I need, so I use javascript to submit the form [URL]:
var report; var spinner; function viewReport(url, report) {
The PDF is getting fetched and displayed and the popup is taken down, but the PDF content is displayed in the original window, while the new window contains the calling page.
But when I click the browser backward button and it goes back to the page I was, its content remains faded out, which is kind of awkward.. I just want the page content fading in again if the browser backward button is clicked.
Say I have a site that's centered on the page, and do $ ("#some_content").slideDown(). If the appearance of the new content means that the page no longer fits in the browser window, scrollbars will appear, and so the available page width decreases slightly, and so my centered content jumps left while it's sliding down. Is there a decent workaround for this? Best I can figure out at the moment is to persuade the browser to always display scrollbars, which isn't exactly ideal.
I'm looking for a solution that can be used in a calendar/gig guide scenario where each day is represented by a dot image. Now this dot must do the following
1. When the mouse goes over the dot image it swaps to the mouseover dot
2. When the mouse goes out of the dot image it restores back to the original img
3. When the img is clicked the dot image is swapped with another image (different to the other 2) that will remain there even when the mouse goes out of the image
I have written a script that highlights a table row when the appropriate checkbox is checked. Using element.style is a bit messy and doesn't really fulfil my needs..
I want to just be able to use className, but when I uncheck a row I am having difficulty restoring the original (when the page loaded)className, I need to do this because the rows have different styles Is their any other way to access the original className of an element?