Play Slideshow In Galleria And JCarousel Script
Sep 22, 2010
I need to play slideshow in this script.
I am tired but unable to find any solution.
My html code with main big is
HTML Code:
<div id="main_image"></div>
My thumnails:
HTML Code:
<div class="scrollable">
<ul id="mycarousel" class="jcarousel-skin-tango">
<li class="active"><img src="images/1.jpg" /></li>
<li><img src="images/2.jpg" alt="" /></li>
I need to play slideshow in main_image div with mycarousel ul thumbnail/
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Jul 25, 2011
My issue seems basic enough but i can't seem to get things working.
I have a list of links within a div as follows:
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Jul 21, 2010
I'm using jcarousel to build a scrolling slideshow and need to make some customizations. There is a callback function that is referenced whenever an item becomes the last visible item in the carousel.
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Jul 8, 2010
I spent a while figuring out how to get a Js slideshow to work on a website and then my client asked me to add a pause, play, back and forward button to it. I haven't had any luck trying to add one so I was wondering if anyone could lend me a hand.
Here is the code for the slideshow:
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Nov 4, 2010
I'm not a complete Javascript idiot but I am new to Jquery and not used to the way it's written so I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to do what I need to do. I'm working with the jquery slideshow called "spacegallery". Here's a link:[URL].. As you can see, when you click on the front image, it triggers the animation to the next slide. I'd like to set this up on a timer so it'll happen automatically.
Here's a link to the JS file doing the actual work:[URL].. The key function is "next", which starts at line 57. This function is "bound" to each individual image - I think, or maybe to the image container as a whole - at line 118.
I tried using setTimeout (line 191) to trigger "next", but it complains that "el is undefined". I think this is because "next" is expecting a parent node that was clicked - an image element or something like that.
So I think I need to figure out how to pass the current/front-most image element in my setTimeout call of "next". But I can't figure out how to get a handle on that element - doesn't seem to be an obvious array of image elements I can grab, or a current element counter.
Perhaps another approach would be to actually "click" the current main image element somehow in Javascript, so the code registers a click? Not sure if that can be done - can it?
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Apr 16, 2011
I have a simple slideshow script that I would like to add a play and pause button to. How can I do this?
I eventually would like to also add a rewind and fast forward button or timeline bar but I thought I would start small.
Here is my slideshow code so far.
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Sep 6, 2010
I would like user to be able to switch photos manually (with "next" and "previous" links ) or automatically, i.e., to have a link on the page that says "play slideshow" or something, then the slides switch automatically, like this guy has here, [URL] ("play" link in the middle switches photos automatically; he doesn't use cycle plugin, but I'd like to do this w/cycle plugin if possible..)
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Jul 29, 2011
I currently have a jQuery & Flickr powered slideshow at [url] My client is dissatisfied with the scrolling transitions and would like to see cross fading instead.
Can anyone recommend a lightweight slideshow/picture presenter (ideally which plays well with Flickr, but not entirely necessary)?
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May 31, 2011
I have used multiple jQuery in my page. Two of them are working fine.When I tried to integrate the galleria script, it says, Error: $("ul.gallery_demo").galleria is not a function The code is working for me separately. Here's the code.
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Jul 22, 2011
To javascript and have succeeded in getting this code:
To play a constant loop of audio on my site that autoplays (which i know, typically people hate... but, i'm doing it anyways on this site).
How to add one button in my html body that is CSS style-able that will both pause and then when clicked again resume playing the audio?
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Dec 11, 2011
I am using the youtube chromeless player and embeding videos with loadVideoById() method problem is that videos with an id that contains an underscore or dash dont play although they play in the normal player. I also tried replacing with a hex value in querystring i.e (%5f) but that did not work I also tried loadVideoByUrl() method with several urls but still they don't load. here is my code
function switchToPlayer(ytid){
var params = { allowScriptAccess: "always"};
var atts = { id: ytid,onmouseover: "this.playVideo()",onmouseout: "this.pauseVideo()"};
swfobject.embedSWF(""+ytid, 'cell'+ytid, "150", "120", "8", "scripts/expressInstall.swf",null,params,atts);
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Mar 19, 2010
I would like to use Galleria to display photos on my website but I'm having trouble getting it to function. I don't know an awful lot about html but I think I've followed the instructions correctly. I would like my gallery to function something like this: [URL] but right now it looks like this: [URL] I'm not so worried about the design aspect because I'm hoping to work on that later but I would like the gallery to work correctly.
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Jan 24, 2011
I'm trying to get galleria working on a few images which are pulled in dynamically. The HTML at the moment looks like this:
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Mar 2, 2009
I have done what i THOUGHT was everything right. I downloaded the jquery min js file, then the galleria.jquery.js file.. Then i created a CSS called galleria.css and edited it to my liking and the ONLY thing that I can get is a BASIC gallery. It seems that the Java is not being read. The css creates the overall LOOK of it, but theres no HOVER, theres no FADE... nothing that the java would typically have done. I just REALLY need to figure out why this is not working.. i have tried it on both my dreamwevaer install AND tried for the heck of it just to upload it to my server and see if it was the local file paths that were causing the issue.. Apparently it was not the case. I get the same results when viewing the page!!
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Sep 8, 2009
I have been trying to figure this out for a few days now and I'm stuck. I'm using a JQuery based image gallery called Galleria [URL]... Its simple enough for my needs but I would like it to load the images from an xml file. With that in mind I have been trying to modify the basic demo_01.htm demo file to do just that.
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Nov 22, 2010
I'm trying to set up multiple instances of the galleria plug in on the same page. Here is the page I am working on[url]...
I don't really know javascript very well so that's why I'm stumped.
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Jun 23, 2010
1. I have a number of images placed in my html page simply using the img tag. When the page is loading I see these images stacked (full size) for a few seconds before galleria loads and then begins to convert them into thumbnails. how to hide the images on the page but only to appear in the galleria as the images start to load as thumbnails?
2. I wish to have the same 5px (horizontal) gap between each thumbnail. However my images are of different sizes and have been optimized to a max width or max height. I do not wish for the thumbnails to be cropped so have set: thumb_crop: false, This has now visually created an inconsistent horizontal space between each thumbnail (highlighted in pink to show the gap left and right of each one). I have already attempted to change the thumbnail width to auto in the css, but with no success. How do I remove the 'excess' left & right space from each thumbnail so that the gap appears consistent?
3. Lastly, upon page load, is it possible to hide the main stage image until a thumbnail is selected? I wish to initially display some text (where the main image sits) which is then replaced with the main image when the user clicks on one of the thumbnails.
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Nov 23, 2011
I am trying to set up a photo gallery on a website using the Galleria Javascript. I managed to setup one gallery but I don't know the code to setup another or another two galleries on the same one page. Can anyone help me urgently? When I try to post the code twice, it gives an error message.
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Jul 26, 2009
I've implemented a photo gallery using Galleria and jCarousel on my site, and have chosen to use custom thumbnails instead of having Galleria generate them for me from the source images.
As far as I can tell, there may be an advantage in conserving bandwidth with this method, but the page also degrades to a nice set of thumbnails that link to the larger images (which is very nice, IMO).
Everything works beautifully, however when viewing this gallery for the first time, instead of the large image fading in nicely as it does in the Galleria demo, it almost kind of "slides" the image into view like it's rendering pieces of it as it loads in the container. This is definitely an effect i would like to avoid, but I also thought that one of the benefits of Galleria was that it pre-loaded images in the background, right?
So why does my gallery appear to be loading these images "on-demand"?
Here's a link to the page in question: [url]
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Aug 18, 2010
So Im trying to create a slideshow with thumbnails the user can scroll through and use to navigate the slideshow. I'm a big fan of cycle so I wanted to use that as my main slideshow component and was planning on using jcarousel for the pager. So far it works great in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari, yet in IE the thumbnails are not loading. I'm guessing it has something to do with how the images in the pager are generated and then jcarousel just isnt proccessing that in IE but I 'm not sure. I feel like I'm very close to getting this slideshow to work, yet I need to figure out why it is failing in IE.
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Nov 25, 2009
I am using a simple prototype slideshow and a more comprehensive jquery slideshow on my website.When these are used on the same webpage on my website there appears to be a collision: (For example)Code:element.attachEvent is not a function[Break on this error] element.attachEvent("on" + actualEventName, responder); How can I avoid the conflict without reverting to a new slideshow?
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Jun 1, 2011
i have a small image slideshow i want add a text slideshow to image slideshow. how is it?
my code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"/>
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Mar 23, 2009
[URL]... I would like to add a auto to the carousel does anybody know how its done.
An example of it is here but not sure what to do[URl].. I have used this framework from this site to build the one i am currently using but not sure how to add the feature.
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May 4, 2011
I'm using jCarousel Lite on my site for a best sellers rotator and a logo rotator.
jCarousel Lite – A jQuery plugin | Ganesh
After a lot of trial and error, it seems to work great, except for one thing.
If javascript is turned off, the carousels don't load correctly and the home page gets messed up. But in the demo page for jCarousel Lite, turning off javascript isn't a problem as long as only one instance of it is used in a page.
Is there a way I can put 2 carousels on the same page and have them deprecate (if I'm using that word correctly here?) properly?
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Nov 5, 2011
I'm trying to get jQuery to hide jCarousel images while they load using the following code. It actually worked at one point but refuses to now (which makes me think it's a minor syntax issue). '#carousel' is the containing ul element. You can see I've tried it a few different ways. No errors appeared in Chrome's debugging console. "show('slow')" doesn't work either...
/* Hide jCarousel
// $('.jcarousel-container').css('visibility', 'hidden');
// $('#carousel').css('visibility', 'hidden');
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Sep 9, 2010
I am using jcarousel for a scrollable list of images (vertical). Unfortunately, when you try to scroll it the first time you enter the website its not working properly. Just when you try to visit the site the second time it the scrolling will work as intended (when cache deleted, again, it will not work). [URL]. To load the script earlier, I tried to already put it in the head of the index page (starting page), but this had no effect. The Problem is for IE and Firefox the same. I am using Dreamweaver CS4.
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