JQuery :: Cycle: Play Slideshow Manually OR Automatically?

Sep 6, 2010

I would like user to be able to switch photos manually (with "next" and "previous" links ) or automatically, i.e., to have a link on the page that says "play slideshow" or something, then the slides switch automatically, like this guy has here, [URL] ("play" link in the middle switches photos automatically; he doesn't use cycle plugin, but I'd like to do this w/cycle plugin if possible..)

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Each Server Get The Ip Of The Other Automatically So Don't Have To Do It Manually?

Mar 26, 2010

So what im doing is actually in php, but just wanted to know whats the working logic of what im trying to do. I currently have 2 servers(virtual machines). i have a php file in ubuntu server that calls some other files on the windows server and vice versa. as of now, i am able to call the files just fine. the problem im having is the ip changes every time i reboot the machines(duh. so i have to manually go change the ip address every time in my php files for them to find the other server. is there a way that each server gets the ip of the other automatically so i dont have to do it manually?.

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JQuery :: Lightweight Slideshow/picture - Play With Flickr ?

Jul 29, 2011

I currently have a jQuery & Flickr powered slideshow at [url] My client is dissatisfied with the scrolling transitions and would like to see cross fading instead.

Can anyone recommend a lightweight slideshow/picture presenter (ideally which plays well with Flickr, but not entirely necessary)?

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JQuery :: Play A Flash Player Automatically Based On The Inbound / Back Link

Oct 6, 2011

I'm attempting to have Javascript / jQuery play a flash player automatically based on the inbound/back link. The objective is to only play it automatically for people coming from a certain link. Is this possible with Javascript / jQuery?

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Jquery :: Cycle Plugin - Pause/play Switch

Aug 5, 2009

I'm in the process of developing a site at [url] I'm using the jquery cycle plugin for my slideshow. Does anyone know a way to have my pause button changed to a play button after it is clicked, and for the play to turn into a pause when clicked?

This is the Javascript currently

HTML Code:

And this is the slideshow controls

HTML Code:

You can see I currently have the Play button commented out.

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Jquery :: Code A Play/pause Button - And The Cycle Plugin

Aug 9, 2010

I'm trying to code a play/pause button via Jquery and the Cycle plugin. I'm able to toggle between the two and the "resume" function works, but am not sure how to make the "pause" function work.

Here's my JS:

Here's my HTML:

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Play Random Background Music Automatically When Site Loads?

Oct 28, 2011

Looking for a way to have background music play automatically when my site loads, with the music being randomly picked from a list of several songs.. So each time the page loads, a different song should play.. Can be JavaScript or Flash, whichever way works the best.

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Play Slideshow In Galleria And JCarousel Script

Sep 22, 2010

I need to play slideshow in this script.


I am tired but unable to find any solution.

My html code with main big is

HTML Code:
<div id="main_image"></div>

My thumnails:

HTML Code:
<div class="scrollable">
<ul id="mycarousel" class="jcarousel-skin-tango">
<li class="active"><img src="images/1.jpg" /></li>
<li><img src="images/2.jpg" alt="" /></li>


I need to play slideshow in main_image div with mycarousel ul thumbnail/

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Adding Pause And Play Buttons To A Slideshow

Jul 8, 2010

I spent a while figuring out how to get a Js slideshow to work on a website and then my client asked me to add a pause, play, back and forward button to it. I haven't had any luck trying to add one so I was wondering if anyone could lend me a hand.

Here is the code for the slideshow:



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Making Spacegallery Slideshow Auto-play?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm not a complete Javascript idiot but I am new to Jquery and not used to the way it's written so I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to do what I need to do. I'm working with the jquery slideshow called "spacegallery". Here's a link:[URL].. As you can see, when you click on the front image, it triggers the animation to the next slide. I'd like to set this up on a timer so it'll happen automatically.

Here's a link to the JS file doing the actual work:[URL].. The key function is "next", which starts at line 57. This function is "bound" to each individual image - I think, or maybe to the image container as a whole - at line 118.

I tried using setTimeout (line 191) to trigger "next", but it complains that "el is undefined". I think this is because "next" is expecting a parent node that was clicked - an image element or something like that.

So I think I need to figure out how to pass the current/front-most image element in my setTimeout call of "next". But I can't figure out how to get a handle on that element - doesn't seem to be an obvious array of image elements I can grab, or a current element counter.

Perhaps another approach would be to actually "click" the current main image element somehow in Javascript, so the code registers a click? Not sure if that can be done - can it?

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Slideshow Script - Add A Play And Pause Button

Apr 16, 2011

I have a simple slideshow script that I would like to add a play and pause button to. How can I do this?

I eventually would like to also add a rewind and fast forward button or timeline bar but I thought I would start small.

Here is my slideshow code so far.


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JQuery :: Cycle Slideshow In IE7 - And IE6 ?

Nov 19, 2010

I'm using a simple fade slideshow of 5 images on my site's home page. This works fine in everything except IE6 and IE7. In these browsers, all of the images are displayed at the same time one right after another. The slideshow does not cycle...it is static images.

Here's my site: [url]

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JQuery :: Automatically Wrap Cycle Div's In A Wrapper Every Four Slides

Jun 14, 2011

I know it it a bit of fighting against the idea of jquery cycle, but for the jquery cycle script I need to generate a wrap around every 4 dynamicly created (wordpress posts) div's of the same class, so every slide shows actually 4 dynamic slides at a time.

For example, If the following posts are generated:

It actually needs to generate this:

I've already managed to get this, of which I think i'm getting close:

What to fill in at the for loop to make it work?

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JQuery :: Changing Cycle Slideshow To Not Autoplay

Aug 17, 2011

I am sort of new to jquery but have mucked around in it for drop down menus and simple autoplay slideshows. I am now working on a project I found using the cycle plug-in. How do I make this not autoplay? Would like this to be only user controlled with next/previous text/buttons. I am converting flash based flipbook [URL] into a jquery document using the cycle plugin with fade transition. It seems that making this not autoplay would be simple. Just unsure of how and where to do this. Here is what I have so far: [URL] Other questions that I have is can I put these images into CSS background like the slideshow that we use on our homepage? [URL]

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JQuery :: Cycle Slideshow / How To Pause On Load

Jul 7, 2010

I want the slideshow to be in pause mode when the page loads. I can add a button to resume but can't figure out how to pause on load.I've tried several things. Here's the last attempt that didn't work.

$(document).ready(function() {
fx: 'fade',


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JQuery :: Cycle - Slideshow Where First Slide Is Only Shown Once?

Nov 28, 2011

I have a sideshow to add to a clients site, my plan is to utilise the cycle plugin (correct me if I'm wrong, a little new to all this). The critical aspect is that we have an image which should only be seen once, this being the very first image in the set, this will carry into the cycle/slideshow, but when it loops/repeats i want to skip past this first image.


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JQuery :: The Z-order In A Slideshow Made With Cycle?

Apr 18, 2011

I'm having trouble with the z-order in a slideshow made with cycle. Basically, my slides are an unordered list. Each list item is a slide with a background image, some text and a link. The relevant snippets of code are shown below.I have two absolutely positioned elements. One that is a div that goes around the entire <ul> that kind of frames the slide show. A second one is the link inside each <li>.The problem is that the link inside the <li> isn't clickable, even though it displays correctly.I think I have the z-index set correctly for all elements. If I turn off the slide show, it is clickable, suggesting I have it correct. If I remove the outside "frame" <div>, it is also clickable. It is only when they are both present, and the slide show is running, that the link becomes dead.

I have a pager turned on, but that doesn't affect this situation. I left it in, because it represents another absolutely positioned element that does work within the "frame".Both the pager and the frame are positioned above the slide.So, it seems something is happening when the slide show runs that I don't understand and is conflicting with elements it doesn't know about.Here's the code

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.slides').before('<div class="pager">').cycle({


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JQuery :: Creating Slideshow Using Cycle Plugin?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm creating a slideshow using the Cycle plugin. I'm using Prev / Next options to trigger the transitions and also "alt" attribute to show some metadata on each slide. My question is: Can I use some other metadata to show captions with links in it? I followed [URL] to create this slideshow, but I can't see how to implement links on captions.

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JQuery :: Cycle With Anchors And Slideshow Navigation?

Dec 1, 2010

I'm using the jQuery Cycle plugin to build a slideshow that the main image is wrapped in an anchor and also has the thumbnailnavigation. I basically have the same code from the demo page of jQuery Cycle. Once I wrapped the images in a link the thumbnails broke. I have tried dropping the "slide.src" for $('#slideshow img).attr('src') but that still comes back as undefined.

$('#slideshow').before('<ul id="slideshow-nav">').cycle({
fx: 'fade',
speed: 'slow',


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JQuery :: Cycle Plugin - Fades In And Out In A Slideshow

Jun 8, 2009

I have been using jQuery cycle plugin for a banned with some content that fades in and out in a slideshow sort of thing but I would like to be able to div individually. Rather than saying all instances of #projects become a slide, i would like #project_img, #project_title and #project_description to all be separate, yet i want them all to be look like theyre in sync. I would also want the pause on hover to work for the entire parent div #projects so each div stops fading in/out.

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JQuery :: Slideshow - Previous / Next Navigation In Cycle

Feb 25, 2011

My jQuery cycle slideshow was working beautifully before I tried to implement previous / next nav based on the demo at [URL]. I broke it doing something dumb. I am using images instead of text links, but that should not be an issue.

Here's the script:
$(document).ready(function() {
fx: 'fade', // choose your transition type, ex: fade, scrollUp, shuffle, etc...
speed: 300,
timeout: 0,
prev: 'navprev',
next: 'navnext'
after: function() {
$('#caption').html(this.alt); .....

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JQuery :: Cycle Slideshow: Artifacts In IE6 And Higher?

Dec 22, 2010

Small (1px) white dots appear during the transitions in the JPG images I'm using in the slideshow here:[URL]..

I've tried using:
cleartype: true,

But it's not working. I've tested in IE6, 7 and 8, and it's happening in all three.

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Cycle Navigation Links Instead Of Play In Simple Controls Gallery

Jun 2, 2009

I am trying to customize the navigation on The Simple Controls Gallery.so that instead of the play buttons being displayed the anchor links are the ones that are being cycled through.immediately received an error indicating that an element had not been called correctly. How do I call those anchor links correctly.I place the javascript call on the links themselves which provided me with the functionality of pressing each one to make the gallery advance forward or backwards, but how would I make it so that as the images rotate the anchor links hightlight giving an indication of what the current image link is?

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JQuery :: Cycle Slideshow Onmouseover Only, With Different Appearance When Paused?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm interested in doing something with the Cycle plugin that's very similar to this:which is basically to have a slideshow that only runs when the mouse is over the div itscontained in. But--I'd like the slideshow to not only just run onmouseover, but also to not bevisible accept onmouseover: this way the div that contains the slideshow could have an altogether separate background image that is displayed when the slideshow isn't playing. If there's some kind of function that's built into the Cycle plugin that would achieve the sameeffect, that'd be even better

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JQuery :: Cycle: Replace Slide In Running Slideshow?

Aug 30, 2009

Is there a way to replace the first slide in a running slideshow such that it's shown only once?? I've been trying variations on something like this with no success. The element is replaced, but cycle doesn't show it.

function doBefore(){
var i = $(".slide").index(this);
if (i == 1){


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JQuery :: Cycle: Anchor Links On Slideshow Images + Captions?

Sep 12, 2010

I'm creating a slider with the Cycle plugin and ran into a little bit of a road block.

What I want to do is simply have anchor links on my slideshow images, which I can get working just fine, except that when I add these anchor links, it removes my image caption (which worked prior to adding anchors on my images)


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