I have a web page, in a frame set, that has a table-menu bar in javascript.
It relies on the "movein" function attached to "onmouseover" to trigger the
chaninging of the elements background color, text color, and pointer when
the mouse moves over an element. On IE the code below works fine. In
firefox none of the movein function doesn't seem to be triggered (none of
the above effects occur) UNLESS I force a reload of the frame. Then
everyting works fine. Any ideas? Code:
I've been working on a project for some time now, and just recently I installed Firefox.
Now, part of the site (which works perfectly in IE6/7) doesn't work in Firefox.
Here is part of the code:
(I didn't copy all of the code because it's basically the same all the way down) The main problem is with the link (Firefox apparently doesn't recognize table rows as links).
The second problem is with the onmouseover/onmouseout etc handlers (absolutely nothing happens).
Just in case you need to know, the code is for a nav bar.
I'm using window.location.reload(true) to refresh the current page. It works fine in IE but in FF it doesn't seem to work correctly. If I view the page source, I see that it has been updated, but the display isn't updated. What's going on?
I have a frame set (as per MS FrontPage 2000). It has a contents and a main frame. The contents frame has a menu bar written with with javascript (in the context of a table). In IE6.1 everything works fine as it also does in firefox if I call the contents frame directly (i.e. outside of its frameset). However, if I call my main page (index.html) which invokes the frame set, the contents frame javascript menubar onmouseover function doesn't seem to work though if I reload the contents frame directly it then does. Code:
I am experiencing a problem with some images I am using for navigation. In Safari on my Mac everything displays as it should. The image loads ok, I mouse over the image and it goes black and white, mouse out and it goes back to colour.
When I tested this with Firefox and Opera on my Mac and IE8 and Firefox on my Windows laptop the onmouseover image does not appear and I am left with a text link and a lot of flickering as you move the mouse about.
I have almost zero knowledge when it comes to javascript and I've got the necessary code which according to everyone works from either books or the web.
I am completely stuck as to why this simple operation is not working.
you can see the page at this address: [url]
Only the left hand image has been set to onmouseover as I was testing to see if it worked first.
I have attached the CSS and HTM files in a zip file.
I'm having a problem with .attr(). I will explain it whith code.I have this HTML code:
<p id="textoMarca0" onmouseover="muestraDialog('textoMarca0');"> this is an example paragraph </p>
So now the onmouseover has again its value [the original one, copied by doing an alert($("#"+elem+i).attr('onmouseover')) when i disable the onmouseover event], but it doesn't work
I have a list of links to PDF articles, each link has a corresponding div that contains an introduction to the article. I'm using the onmouseover event in each link to show the corresponding introduction div and hide all the others.
The order and number of the pdf links and the introductory divs are the same. The code below works in IE but not in FireFox - the problem in FF is the index returned from the onmouseover event is double what it should be, so the first PDF link shows the second div, the second PDF link shows the fourth div ect.
To enhance user experience on my site, I've moved a few page elements (well, the ads...) to the end of the page (in a hidden div) and when the page is loaded the content of such divs are copied to their appropriate location on the page. This makes the content load much faster and thus not delay the user.So what I did works perfectly with IE/Opera but th FireFox is causes the page to try and reload, which it never succeeds to and so we're stuck with a blank page. So yes, the problem is that there are document.write calls inside those divs which contain script but I cannot change it (google ads / ebay ads)I even tried to use setTimeout() to ensure the content is loaded (and can see that it is) but still when the move is done, the page tries to reload.
I want to build a form which invokes an ajax-function and therefore the page shouldn't reload.
The problem is I don't want to avoid the autocompletion of the browser. But to save the input i have to submit the form regularly, which means 'onSubmit="return false;"' doesn't work.
Is there any possibility or is this technique just impossible?
This is the current code, which works fine, but the browser doesn't save the (non-)submitted input. (The submit will be invoked by the "getSuggests()"-function.)
I've been working on a project for some time now, and just recently I installed Firefox.
Now, part of the site (which works perfectly in IE6/7) doesn't work in Firefox.
Here is part of the code:
(I didn't copy all of the code because it's basically the same all the way down)
The main problem is with the link (Firefox apparently doesn't recognize table rows as links). The second problem is with the onmouseover/onmouseout etc handlers (absolutely nothing happens).
just in case you need to know, the code is for a nav bar.
I have a gif which when 'rolled over' swaps with an animated gif. I want it to sit on the last frame of that animated gif, regardless of whether it is rolled over again or not. In other words, I guess I only want the rollover to work once. Possible
Ok so I have a menu that has a tab you are able to close, the tab has it's own onclick function and in the top right corner is a link that is an X, to close the tab, which has it's own onclick function also. The Problem is, is that when you click the X, the tab function activates and then the X function activates. Is there any way to prevent this from occuring?
I don't know any Javascript except for using image rollovers with the help of Photoshop and ImageReady, so please excuse my n00b knowledge.
I am looking for a tutorial that, when you cross over an image on one part of the page, text appears on another part of the page (e.g. describing that button).
My problem is that when I hover over info1 and one of its sub elements (p or a), it activates the onmouseout effect. Only though when I cross that invisable box line that surrounds them.
So the effect is this constant mouseover/mouseout effect when I hover over the sub elements (Once I hover over the sub elements, img1 shows, but then I mouseover that so info1 starts to show).
I've been playing with a small script that activates a slide down panel when a tab is clicked. I'd like the user to be able to activate the panel by clicking another area of the page. Everything works fine from the panel tab. It seemed simple to me but what I'm doing isn't working.Here is theavascript that's in and external file.
Is there a difference between right clicking an iframe and reloading post reponse vs. using javascript to reload the frame? So far, the javascript route hasn't worked for me. [some context] I am writing a little bookmarklet to help me with the online registrations at my school. Here is the setup.
Load up a page on the domain. Remove all body elements. Insert an iframe. Set iframe to page for class roster search. (in iframe on school search page) Select class search options, POST the form data, and view results in frame. *This works perfectly, but I need to have it refresh results every minute or so. When I use frame.contentDocument.location.reload(true); the frame loses the post data or something and the page is broken. BUT when I just right click on the frame and select "reload frame" it works perfectly. What is the difference between rightclicking the frame and refreshing it like that vs. using javascript to reload the frame?
I have a simple product display with an product image. The product image changes with ajax when i click in a dropdown menu on another color.
Now i added the (beautiful) zoom script cloud zoom. It just works fine but after i click on another color and the product image reloads the script does not work anymore. instead my <a> is just a normal <a>.
This is the part that reloads at all:
How can i reload the function when this part reloads? Or what else could i do?
Im usign jquery.scrollflow for a navigation on a website.in the same div this is a small logo which i want to fade in as soon as the scrollflow takes action.
The fadIn is not the big problem, i just added it in to the scrollfade function like this:
But the big question is: how can i make it work that when i scroll the page down theimage fades in, and when im scrolling back up to the top of the page the logo should fade out again ?
I am looking for a JS script that changes image onmouseover, but then changes a different image elsewhere on the page onmouseclick. I'm a JS n00b so any full script, or pointers to a site that has what I'm looking for would be fantastic!
I have a table with two columns and two rows in it. In the upper left corner, I have a logo image for my company. In the top right column/cell, I have some navigational stuff, no big deal. In the left cell in the 2nd row, I have a list of anchors of different songs I am producing - something like this:
The cell on the right, 2nd row is empty at the start.
On the 2nd row, 1st cell, where the anchors are, on a "mouse over" event, I'd like to display song lyrics and information regarding the song in the right cell, 2nd row as the user moves the mouse over a given anchor.
What is the best way for me to do this? There are a couple of things/issues I can think of right away:
1) Let's say there are 20 anchors in the left column. Let's say that some of the songs' lyrics are quite lengthy and extend past the height of the cell at row 2, left column. How would the system know this in advance (this will make more sense with question #2 below)? Perhaps tell it some type of maximum height you know will never be reached or something?
2) To me it doesn't make a lot of sense to include all this text in the main HTML file since a majority of the time, the user(s) will never move their mouse across ALL the anchors, only one or two. Seems to me there should be some way of "loading" them as soon as the mouse over event occurs.
I am trying to capture the onmouseout event on an option. I know there is no mouseover/out event(in IE 6), therefore I ask, does anyone have a work around?
Essentially what I need is a tooltip that displays the entire contents of a dropdown/select if the contents of the option are getting truncated due to the width of the dropdown/select. And I want to do this while the dropdown/select is expanded.
Can some recommend an open source 3rd party control if there is no solution when using the standard select?