OnMouseOver Event
Jul 20, 2005
I have a table with two columns and two rows in it. In the upper left corner, I
have a logo image for my company. In the top right column/cell, I have some
navigational stuff, no big deal. In the left cell in the 2nd row, I have a list
of anchors of different songs I am producing - something like this:
<A HREF="jamison.mp3">Jamison</A>
<A HREF="tlw.mp3">The Long Winter</A>
<A HREF="summer.mp3">It's Summertime</A>
The cell on the right, 2nd row is empty at the start.
On the 2nd row, 1st cell, where the anchors are, on a "mouse over" event, I'd
like to display song lyrics and information regarding the song in the right
cell, 2nd row as the user moves the mouse over a given anchor.
What is the best way for me to do this? There are a couple of things/issues I
can think of right away:
1) Let's say there are 20 anchors in the left column. Let's say that some of
the songs' lyrics are quite lengthy and extend past the height of the cell at
row 2, left column. How would the system know this in advance (this will make
more sense with question #2 below)? Perhaps tell it some type of maximum height
you know will never be reached or something?
2) To me it doesn't make a lot of sense to include all this text in the main
HTML file since a majority of the time, the user(s) will never move their mouse
across ALL the anchors, only one or two. Seems to me there should be some way
of "loading" them as soon as the mouse over event occurs.
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Oct 22, 2010
I'm having a problem with .attr(). I will explain it whith code.I have this HTML code:
<p id="textoMarca0" onmouseover="muestraDialog('textoMarca0');">
this is an example paragraph
So now the onmouseover has again its value [the original one, copied by doing an alert($("#"+elem+i).attr('onmouseover')) when i disable the onmouseover event], but it doesn't work
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Feb 5, 2010
have a small div above (hover) a big one. I assign onmouseover and onmouseout events to the wrapper div. For image caption roll-over animation. The problem is when the mouse is above the caption itself, causing an unwanted result(probably event bubbling).
And another problem: sometimes when you move mouse from outside to container you get a a triple debug sequence: (it should be just 2): -I am over- -I am out- -I am over- (firebug console) How to make it work? (no jquery) must work on all browsers.[URL]... The wanted result: When mouse moved over the image, only mouseover event should be raised once When mouse moved out from the image, only the mouseout event should be raised. when mouse is over the captionm it should be treated as if the mouse is still on the image. (no flickering)
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Apr 23, 2010
How to disable onmouseover event in onclick event using java script
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Nov 7, 2006
I have written some dom code to create a list of divs, each with it's
own id. I want to set the onmouseover and onmouseout events to
highlight the div when the mouse is over it. However I cannot use the
method below because oDiv.id is always set to the last div I create -
so the last div is highlighted regardless of which div I am onmouseover
This must be a common issue, how do I go about fixing it?
I can have a separate function which takes event.srcElement and tracks
back through the parent elments until it finds a div with an id
starting with "entry_" but I was hoping for an easier option.
Is this something to do with closures?
Here's a much simplified example :
for( nIndex=0; nIndex<aEntries.length; nIndex++)
oEntry = aEntries[nIndex];
oDiv = document.createElement( "div");
oDiv.id = "entry_" + oEntry.uniquename;
oDiv. {document.getElementById(
oDiv.id).className = "hover";};
oDiv. {document.getElementById(
oDiv.id).className = "";};
oBody.appendChild( oDiv)
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Mar 11, 2007
My onmousevent fails to switch the large photo with one of the smaller
images. Code:
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Oct 11, 2006
I've been implementing a drop menu in javascript, and I'm finding it difficult to understand why the event bubbling system is implemented as it is. In summary, I want an event to occur when the mouse enters/exits a large div or table that contains many descendent elements.
It appears to me, from experimenting with IE6 and Moz 5, that the event is generated *only* on the lowest element, thus given a table which contains tbody, tr and tds, with an onmouseover listener assigned to the table element (as a property), the onmouseover event is generated only for the td, although the mouse actually entered all these elements.
If there is a slight gap between elements you sometimes get events for the higher element. I guess this is a side-effect of the browser's implementation - sampling the mouse position.
My understanding of event bubbling from "JavaScript the definitive guide" is that events should bubble up the heirarchy unless they are stopped by the stopPropagation() method.
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Apr 26, 2010
I am developing a website.Here i need to disable onmouseover event in onclick event. Actually i have one button with 3 functionalities like mouseover,mouseout,onclick.in every functionality image should be changed.but here my requirement is if we just put the cursor on the button (mouseover) and while come out from the button(mouseout) images should be changed.if we click on the button, image should be changed and some text should also displayed.here i am facing the problem is if we click on the button image was changed but it is not constatnly stayed.After onclick event if i comeout from the button again image was changed.At the time of displaying content i need to set the onclick image constantly.here i want to disable mouseover event.suppose if i click on again on the button after onclick event i want to display mouseout image(first image).
so in onclick event i want to disable mouseover event in javascript. i got the information like documnet.onmouseover=null; but it is not working.
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Sep 3, 2009
How to handle "onMouseOver" event with keyboard. With JQuery, "onMouseOver" on a "plus symbol", small banner with some text content will be shown, it has been working with "Mouse(input device)", but same effect has been expecting from "keyborad" tab ordering on to that particular "plus symbol".
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Feb 14, 2011
I hope this is relatively simple. I've looked around for the answer, but I thin think the search terms (update onchange event) are a bit too common...
document.getElementById("tester").innerHTML= "hello";
document.getElementById("tester").onmouseover = "alert('hello')";
You see I'm trying to change an event like I'd change a property. The first will change the text to hello. I'd like the second to change the onmouseover event to display a hello world alert... but it doesn't seem to do anything.
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Jan 12, 2007
Basically I have site that uses iframes to load its content. In one of the frames I have an html page that contains an image, and when you mouse over the image it is supposed to fade up a little description box. Naturally when you move the mouse away, the box disappears. I have a javascript function that fades the image up and down, and it's activated via an onmouseover event that is attached to a div that contains no content, but lays over the image to define the triggering area.
I use Dreamweaver to preview my pages while they are stored on my computer, and everything works beautifully. However, once I upload the page to my site, that functionality disappears completely. Code:
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Apr 28, 2011
I have a list of links to PDF articles, each link has a corresponding div that contains an introduction to the article. I'm using the onmouseover event in each link to show the corresponding introduction div and hide all the others.
The order and number of the pdf links and the introductory divs are the same. The code below works in IE but not in FireFox - the problem in FF is the index returned from the onmouseover event is double what it should be, so the first PDF link shows the second div, the second PDF link shows the fourth div ect.
HTML Code:
HTML Code:
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Jun 2, 2009
I'm looking for a jQuery plugin, which could create a flyout of a container from left or right side of a page on some event (onClick or onMouseOver).
The example can be found at [URL] when the page loads some shopping ads slide from the left side of the browser screen (it's shown automatically only once, to see it again you need to delete this website cookies and reload the page - it would be great if the plugin had this cookie-based feature).
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Jan 31, 2006
I am looking for a JS script that changes image onmouseover, but then changes a different image elsewhere on the page onmouseclick. I'm a JS n00b so any full script, or pointers to a site that has what I'm looking for would be fantastic!
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Jul 20, 2005
I am trying to capture the onmouseout event on an option. I know there
is no mouseover/out event(in IE 6), therefore I ask, does anyone have
a work around?
Essentially what I need is a tooltip that displays the entire contents
of a dropdown/select if the contents of the option are getting
truncated due to the width of the dropdown/select. And I want to do
this while the dropdown/select is expanded.
Can some recommend an open source 3rd party control if there is no
solution when using the standard select?
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Aug 15, 2009
Heyho. Well I'm rather new to JavaScripting, so don't be harsh on me :).
Well I'm trying to make a 'onMouseOver & onMouseOut' event, where you hold the cursor over a image, it will change to another.
So, here is my code:
It works fine when I use it for 1 picture, but it really mess up when I use it more then 1 time.
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May 28, 2011
I have a img tag but I also added <img src="panada.jpg" onmouseover="alert('$info')">
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Apr 3, 2007
I tried this script and doesn't seem to work!
<span onmouseover="innerHTML:'. . . . . . . . . . . . . '" onmouseout="innerHTML:'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '">. . . . . . . . . . . <br />. . . . . </span>
Any ideas?
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Jun 7, 2005
I made this neat little script to make a rollover image on an image map:
var clipNums=new Array(21,81,95,155,170,230,243,317);
function positionMap() {
document.getElementById('over').style.left = document.getElementById('off').offsetLeft;
document.getElementById('over').style.top = document.getElementById('off').offsetTop;
function imgRoll(i){
document.getElementById('over').style.clip="rect(0 "+clipNums[i]+" 19 "+clipNums[i-1]+")";
function imgOut(){
<body onload="positionMap();" onresize="positionMap();">
<map name="a">
<area shape="rect" coords="21,0,81,19" href="#" onmouseover="sh(1);" onmouseout="mo();">
<area shape="rect" coords="95,0,155,19" href="#" id="mnu1" onmouseover="imgRoll(3);" onmouseout="imgOut();">
<area shape="rect" coords="170,0,230,19" href="#" id="mnu2" onmouseover="imgRoll(5);" onmouseout="imgOut();">
<area shape="rect" coords="243,0,317,19" href="#" id="mnu3" onmouseover="imgRoll(7);" onmouseout="imgOut();">
<img src="/link_imgmap_on.gif" id="over" usemap="#a" border="0" width="322" height="19">
<img src="/link_imgmap.gif" id="off" usemap="#a" border="0" width="322" height="19">
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Jan 15, 2006
I have a simple mouseover menu using style.visibility property(hide/show). My question is how do I hide all menus other then the one I moused over? Also I have a onmouseover and onmouseout for the image that shows the menu when you mouseover it, how do I keep the image showing when moused over it and mousing over the menu that it shows?
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Aug 3, 2006
I have two scripts that seem to be overriding each other. they both seem to use the onmouseover function to trigger actions that are vital to each script. to be honest I'm not sure if this is really what happens but when I disable one one works, when I disable the other, the opposite works. so right now it's my best explanation :-p. oh and it's definitely not any scripting variables interference.
I'm using Milonic drop down menu (the trial for testing) and another small piece of code that I've attached that does on mouse over tip bars.
what I'm wondering is if there is a way to make them both work without...breaking one or the other. or if I should just find another solution, which is proving difficult because I can't find one that's super simple and as nice as this one.
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Oct 6, 2006
I have the following script which loops for all alphabets and displays images. I wanted to display a different image onMouseOver but having problem with the syntax.
<script language="javascript">
var alphaArray= new Array('a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r', 's','t','u','v','w','x','y','z');
var i=0;
for (i=0; i<26; i++)
document.write('<img src="images/'+alphaArray[i]+'.gif" width=16 height=28 hspace=0 border=0 alt="'+alphaArray[i]+'" id="'+alphaArray[i]+'-horz" onMouseOver="document.images[''+alphaArray[i]+''-horz].src='images/'+alphaArray[i]+'-over.gif'">');
I am getting "Expected '('" error with this code
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Apr 27, 2011
I am designing a website with an imagemap as a navigation pane and I want an effect to happen when certain parts of the image are rolled over by the mouse. I want to switch the imagemap image to a different one (one which highlights the rolled-over bit) depending on which bit gets rolled over. (Sorry if this is confusing) This is my code:
HTML Code:
<img id="Image-Maps_9201104271548429" src="imgmap.jpg" usemap="#Image-Maps_9201104271548429" border="0" width="960" height="90" alt="">
<map id="_Image-Maps_9201104271548429" name="Image-Maps_9201104271548429">
This doesn't work, the image stays the same no matter which bit the mouse rolls over. Can you please tell me where I am going wrong? I don't know javascript and am following instruction from this website.
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Dec 5, 2010
1) OnMouseOver is working well on Chrome, but does not do anything on IE. What am I doing wrong?
2) I want to put sound on OnMouseOver. I tried using different examples, but no luck. Can you help me with the code?
Here's the full code just in case:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
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Jul 23, 2005
is it possible to change the bg-Image of a <td>-tag onMouseOver?
maybe with javaScript or with css?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have been writing a practice sliding div navigation script. I am finding
myself in the position where I need to force a div into showing the hover
behavior defined in css.
So my question is this. If I have two divs, is there a way to make the
second div display its onmouseover behavior when the mouse is over div 1?
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