Onclick Statement Within Asp/vb Code?
Mar 25, 2011
I am having the following problem with the " Next " link not working in Firefox, Chrome, Opera.
<%If Cint(iMore) > 0 then
if iMore > iRecsPerPage then iMore = iRecsPerPage[code]....
The funniest thing is that the " Next " link works in Internet Explorer only.
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Dec 17, 2007
I am a novice, almost to an intermediate-level JavaScript guy, so much of this is new to me. I appreciate your patience reading this.
I have a routine that creates some HTML on the fly (updateFilters() function) and after the HTML is created, I attempt to access some fields (elements) on the form itself.
I works fine if I place an alert() statement after the HTML is created, but when I remove, the code errors out.
I have tried the setTimeout() statement, but I cannot grab the element --- undefined or null is returned. It seems that the form is the only element I can get a handle on --- everything else is undefined or null...
Here is the code:
function editQuery() {
var f;
var x;
var myForm = document.forms[0];
// Get the row filters that were used in the last query..
for (f = 1; f < 16; f++) {
var filter = eval("myForm.FilterList_" + f);
if (filter.selectedIndex > 0) {
var methodElement = element("FilterMethod_" + f);
var methodIndex = methodElement.selectedIndex;
var savedFilterMethodValue = methodElement.options[methodIndex].text;
var choicesElement = element("FilterChoices_" + f);
var choicesIndex = choicesElement.selectedIndex;
if (isNaN(choicesIndex)) {
var savedFitlerValues = choicesElement.value;
else {
var savedFitlerValues = choicesElement.options[choicesIndex].text;
updateFilters(filter); // update the filters
// take the saved methods and values and then update the selections
// Alert here makes the code work..
// alert("Try this");
// Wait for HTML..
setTimeout("completeEdit()", 1000);
function completeEdit() {
// Since the object was updated, get the object again..
var methodElement = element("FilterMethod_" + f);
for (x = 0; x < methodElement.options.length; x++) {
if (methodElement.options[x].text == savedFilterMethodValue) {
methodElement.options[x].selected = true;
else {
methodElement.options[x].selected = false;
// Since the object was updated, get the object again..
var choicesElement = element("FilterChoices_" + f);
for (x = 0; x < choicesElement.options.length; x++) {
if (choicesElement.options[x].text == savedFitlerValues) {
choicesElement.options[x].selected = true;
else {
choicesElement.options[x].selected = false;
// Only display next row if f = 2..
// If only one row was used, no reason display the next row..
if (f == 2) {
displayNextFilter(f - 1); // display it
Do I have to pass the object (the form, the elements) to the completeEdit() function in the setTimeout() statement?
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Mar 19, 2011
I have managed to get my program running perfectly for outputting alert boxes, however instead of alert boxes I would like my image to change with an IF statement.
My main image is a pic with text saying Please enter Temperature. if the user enters a temperature it will display an alert saying HOT, MODERATE or COLD. I have made other images that basically say the same thing and I would like the appropriate image to replace the original image depending on the IF statement
I have commented out my alertboxes (which work) and replaced new code above that I can't seem to get working. On lines 21, 27 and 33.
<script type="text/javascript">
//This is where we decare our function to validate the HTML form
My images are stored in the same directory as the HTML file and the img names are correct
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Jul 2, 2010
I don't understand why the image swapping doesn't work when I click the 2nd time code...
On the first click it swaps to the 2nd image but on the 2nd click it doesn't swap back to the first.
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Nov 27, 2011
I am thinking of how to write the code for below scenario to create a simple online customize calculator:There is 1 box which allow us to enter any number=x (representing amount of money). So whenever we entered a number in the box and click "CALCULATE" buton below the box,there will be 3 results generated in 3 boxes below it based on the set of of rules i.e.
1. if the amount entered is <21,000
Result 1 = 1.5%*x*12
Result 2 = 1.5%*x*48
Result 3 = 1.5%*x*120
2. if the amount entered is >=21,000 and <210,000
Result 1 = 1.8%*x*12
Result 2 = 1.8%*x*48
Result 3 = 1.8%*x*120
3. if the amount entered is >=210,000
Result 1 = 2.2%*x*12
Result 2 = 2.2%*x*48
Result 3 = 2.2%*x*120
I understand that this code will involve If...else if...else Statement..
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Sep 1, 2011
I have a simple problem that I can't solve. I am trying to code a "More Info" button/link to display some more technical details of an item, if required or wanted. I haven't tried incorporating any code in to my web site yet, first I am trying to test how it can be done in a seperate file.
What I have right now is a table with two cells. In one cell is static text, in the other is a hyperlink. The onClick event calls a JS function called "more_info()" in which a global varible is altered to contain the value 1.
Directly after these two cells is more JS (this is before the table ends). The JS here is checking to see whether the value of the global variable has been changed. If the value is 1, display information. There is no "else" clause because I don't want information displayed unless the variable is equal to 1, so it is not required.
I think I know what the problem might be. The browser is reading the code in question before I ever click the link and has already been executed before the variable is changed. I know JS is object oriented so it will not sit there waiting for me to click the button before reading the logical statements.
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Jun 23, 2011
i have the following code:
// This code is defined in one file :
editor.addMenuItem = function( name, definition )
if ( groupsOrder[ definition.group ] )
menuItems[ name ] = new CKEDITOR.menuItem( this, name, definition );
// This code is defined in another file:
if (editor.addMenuItems) {
footnote : {[code]....
what the 2nd block of code means? Does it mean : If the function editor.addMenuItems exists, then call it with the following parameters?? i.e If the function exists then execute the following:
footnote : {
label : 'Footnote',[code].....
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Jun 7, 2011
With this code, it is not closing properly and I can not get it to work;.
"Its a radio button selection named "status" it has two values 0 and 1
<script type="text/javascript">
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May 7, 2011
if($job_list->num_rows() > 0){
foreach($job_list->result() as $item){
echo "<tr style='border-bottom: gray;'><td width ='1px'></td><td><p><a href=''>".$item->job_title."</a></p></td></tr>";
I've searched on the net on how to use an onclick event <a href="#" onclick="some_function( );return false;" /> but don't know how to apply it in my code(coz of foreach). What i want to do is when I clicked my link it will popup a new window where it will display all necessary information of the job title.
For more information my primary key or id is job_id.
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Nov 4, 2009
I am an turkish student trying to got understood of java ajax complition..I have checked out the hole threads but cant see or ı have missed it up.I have a blog in blogspot. so in an post. ı want to do something like this.İn the post ı have a code with "java" center of the post or where ever. and is with clicking on this code or something jpeg or video etc but with javascripted.. ı want to call the posts real content.. but without clicking that. ı dont want to show up the content.so is ; if u click you wıll get the content ..if you not. you wont get it until you cilck it
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Jun 19, 2011
I must apoligse to be posting such a simple question but I seem to have forgotten a lot of Javascript and have decided to get back into it by writing some client side programs as is the trend these days
All I need to do trigger some code when a button is clicked. I need it to add 1 to the variable "numberofbeers" each time - Then output the total again to the variable "beers". It doesn't work an I have no Idea why. I would be verry great full if you could help its driving me crazey
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Jul 17, 2011
My name is juan and recently started html programming. I have a web page with a drop box with the name of states.
<option value="">Alabama</option>
<option value="">Alaska</option>
I can add a onclick="code here" to the tag so that when the drop box alabama is selected it triggers the onclick event. Im using Ibox in order to have a image of the state open.
<a href="images/large/image_1b.jpg" rel="ibox" title="alabama at 1024x450!"><img
src="images/small/image_1.jpg" alt=""/></a>
the above is a <a> link tag correct? How do I go bout adding the above code into the onclick event?
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Aug 10, 2005
I have a 3-state rollover: home.gif, homeover.gif, and homeclick.gif
I would like to make the homeclick image be selected when going to the page it pertains to.
The way I'm doing it now, is I'm just changing the image for that particular page, to homeclick instead of home.gif, but I know there's a better way, isn't there?
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Nov 30, 2010
I am working on my site and I am finding trouble getting my thumbnails to open the larger images when clicked. It only seems to work with the first thumbnail, but I can't figure out why.Here is the code I am working with:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="css/colorbox.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/jquery.cycle.all.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/jquery.colorbox-min.js"></script>
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Mar 24, 2009
Sample Code For OnClick Operation In JS File..
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Oct 19, 2009
I need to pass two lines of code through an onClick event.player1.sendEvent('STOP');player2.sendEvent('STOP');
I tried <a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="player1.sendEvent('STOP'); player2.SendEvent('STOP');" title="<?php echo $list[$i]->title ?>">
only the event of player1.sendEvent('STOP'); is working... but not the second one. How do I manage this right here on the link rather than calling a fuction.
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Apr 4, 2011
my webstie allows users to change the color of the background, so to keep the text readable I have it changing as well.the color picker I am using has text boxes with rgb values 0-255 for each.I am trying to get one bit of text to alternate between red and blue with the conditions
if(blue>green && blue>red)
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Apr 15, 2009
In the following scenario how can i make the onclick function to load the tracking code when that link is clicked? Also if the tracking code is stored in the same html file how do i prevent it from loading by default with the page. I want that code to be loaded only when the link is clicked.
This is the link : <a href=[url]
And this is the tracking code which calls an html file on a different domain:
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May 31, 2010
This is what I am seeking: On the main page we have 3 different images (img1, img2, img3), that must link to another page (photo page) with a photo in the middle enlarged: for example if I click img1 i will go to the photo page with img1 enlarged in the middle, and if I click img2 will go to the photo page with img2 in the middle. the photo page has photo thumbnail sliding at the bottom of the page that links to the same middle enlarged photo based on the clicked photo. is it doable with JS? or should I look somewhere else?
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Sep 4, 2010
I want to make it so that when I click on something, it changes what document.onclick does.
This is a simplified version of what I'm trying to do:
<div id="clickme" onclick="document.onclick = function(){ alert ('This should not be alerted on the first click'); }">Click here</div>
However, as you'll notice, the alert box shows up on the first click as well. The only way I have been able to get around this behaviour is to have the first onclick execute a timer that will then set the document.onclick after 1ms, however this seems very messy to me.
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May 21, 2011
here is the page I'm working onhere is the jQuery in use
$(document).ready(function() { $('.error,.success').hide(); $("#send").click(function (){ $('.error,.success').hide("slow"); $.ajax({ url: 'add.php?lnk='+$.URLEncode($('[name=lnk]').val())+'&
and in this code, it works, the call is made and text is added. in the other code I don't get a change at all. Not even in the database that add.php manipulates.
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Mar 23, 2011
I am trying to make a gui for clients to edit a php page that displays html and javascript.
I want the user to be able to move html elements around and even edit it like add effects like fade in and out etc.
Then after all the changes I want to overwrite the existing php file that does this for that user. how can you make such changes and then save it to a file?
It's an html / javascript editor but using a gui instead of allowing them to directly touch the code. It would be a security risk if I allow such a thing. So I need to program a interface that would make such changes and save them to file.
Like how can you delete and add new javascript code to the file?
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Jan 6, 2011
I am trying to hide this code:
HTML Code:
using this code
HTML Code:
This works fine when I place this code under the html in the main source, but if I try to add this Jquery code to an external js sheet it doesnt seem to work?
Currently my js sheet is called in the header, when I move this link to the footer of my page the code works again, so Im guessing this has something to do with where the jquery code is placed in relation to the code Im trying to hide?
How I can keep my js in the header but still make the content disappear on click?
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Jan 1, 2010
I'm trying to get my Client Side Firefox DHTML app to display a list of eBooks. For this, i have the following files
i'm using FireFox 3.5 to develop this App. So obviously this will not work with anything other than Gecko Based browsers.
here is my HTML code:
<script language="JavaScript">
var eBookLibrary = "eBooks.txt";
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Jun 30, 2010
I am VERY NEW to javascript programming as I am to web development. I am pretty decent with VB.Net though. My question is, what are the different ways to call a JavaScript Function either from within XHTML Markup code or from a VB.Net Code-Behind file?
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Aug 26, 2010
The code executes nicely in the site and the pictures/text show up where and how they should - It's just that I'm also getting some code as a slide!
In the <head> I have:
<script type="text/javascript">
$.fn.cycle.defaults.timeout = 8000;
$(function() {
$('#contentLeft pre code').each(function() {
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