Creating Code With If...else If...else Statement?

Nov 27, 2011

I am thinking of how to write the code for below scenario to create a simple online customize calculator:There is 1 box which allow us to enter any number=x (representing amount of money). So whenever we entered a number in the box and click "CALCULATE" buton below the box,there will be 3 results generated in 3 boxes below it based on the set of of rules i.e.

1. if the amount entered is <21,000

Result 1 = 1.5%*x*12
Result 2 = 1.5%*x*48
Result 3 = 1.5%*x*120

2. if the amount entered is >=21,000 and <210,000

Result 1 = 1.8%*x*12
Result 2 = 1.8%*x*48
Result 3 = 1.8%*x*120

3. if the amount entered is >=210,000

Result 1 = 2.2%*x*12
Result 2 = 2.2%*x*48
Result 3 = 2.2%*x*120

I understand that this code will involve If...else if...else Statement..

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Alert() Statement Lets Code Work, Remove It, Code Errors Out

Dec 17, 2007

I am a novice, almost to an intermediate-level JavaScript guy, so much of this is new to me. I appreciate your patience reading this.

I have a routine that creates some HTML on the fly (updateFilters() function) and after the HTML is created, I attempt to access some fields (elements) on the form itself.

I works fine if I place an alert() statement after the HTML is created, but when I remove, the code errors out.

I have tried the setTimeout() statement, but I cannot grab the element --- undefined or null is returned. It seems that the form is the only element I can get a handle on --- everything else is undefined or null...

Here is the code:

function editQuery() {
var f;
var x;
var myForm = document.forms[0];
// Get the row filters that were used in the last query..
for (f = 1; f < 16; f++) {
var filter = eval("myForm.FilterList_" + f);
if (filter.selectedIndex > 0) {
var methodElement = element("FilterMethod_" + f);
var methodIndex = methodElement.selectedIndex;
var savedFilterMethodValue = methodElement.options[methodIndex].text;
var choicesElement = element("FilterChoices_" + f);
var choicesIndex = choicesElement.selectedIndex;
if (isNaN(choicesIndex)) {
var savedFitlerValues = choicesElement.value;
else {
var savedFitlerValues = choicesElement.options[choicesIndex].text;
updateFilters(filter); // update the filters
// take the saved methods and values and then update the selections
// Alert here makes the code work..
// alert("Try this");
// Wait for HTML..
setTimeout("completeEdit()", 1000);
function completeEdit() {
// Since the object was updated, get the object again..
var methodElement = element("FilterMethod_" + f);
for (x = 0; x < methodElement.options.length; x++) {
if (methodElement.options[x].text == savedFilterMethodValue) {
methodElement.options[x].selected = true;
else {
methodElement.options[x].selected = false;
// Since the object was updated, get the object again..
var choicesElement = element("FilterChoices_" + f);
for (x = 0; x < choicesElement.options.length; x++) {
if (choicesElement.options[x].text == savedFitlerValues) {
choicesElement.options[x].selected = true;
else {
choicesElement.options[x].selected = false;
// Only display next row if f = 2..
// If only one row was used, no reason display the next row..
if (f == 2) {
displayNextFilter(f - 1); // display it

Do I have to pass the object (the form, the elements) to the completeEdit() function in the setTimeout() statement?

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Creating Textbox That Uses If Statement

Sep 9, 2010

I'm trying to create a textbox that uses an if statement. If the words vgn, vgx, vgc, pcv, pcg are typed into the textbox it will input a "-" in front of those letters in the textbox , "else" it will input nothing.
Input: vgn
Output: vgn-

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Creating A Calculator That Returns An Answer Using An If/else Statement?

Nov 5, 2010

I am trying to place a Body Mass Index Calculator on a web page. I need a prompt box that asks the user to enter their weight and height (in pounds and inches, respectively). The box should calculate BMI as follows:BMI = (Weight / (Height * Height) ) * 703;After the BMI is calculated, I would like the box to display the user's status (obese, overweight, normal, underweight). After the user has entered all information, use the document.write function to display the following, with the customized information:


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Creating A Switch Statement That Tests The Value Of The PartyType Parameter

Nov 14, 2009

Im creating a switch statement for this case, but dont know how to start - Create a Switch statement that tests the value of the partyType parameter. If partyType equals "D", store the following text string in a variable named barText: <td class='dem'> </td>

If partyType equals "R", barText should equal <td class='rep'> </td> etc.. So since its going to test the value of the partyType parameter, and store the text string in a variable named barText do i begin like:


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Script Generated Button Code Creating Corrupted Code?

Jan 1, 2010

I'm trying to get my Client Side Firefox DHTML app to display a list of eBooks. For this, i have the following files



i'm using FireFox 3.5 to develop this App. So obviously this will not work with anything other than Gecko Based browsers.

here is my HTML code:

<script language="JavaScript">
var eBookLibrary = "eBooks.txt";


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Onclick Statement Within Asp/vb Code?

Mar 25, 2011

I am having the following problem with the " Next " link not working in Firefox, Chrome, Opera.

<%If Cint(iMore) > 0 then
if iMore > iRecsPerPage then iMore = iRecsPerPage[code]....

The funniest thing is that the " Next " link works in Internet Explorer only.

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If Statement Syntax - What The 2nd Block Of Code Means?

Jun 23, 2011

i have the following code:

// This code is defined in one file :

editor.addMenuItem = function( name, definition )
if ( groupsOrder[ ] )
menuItems[ name ] = new CKEDITOR.menuItem( this, name, definition );

// This code is defined in another file:

if (editor.addMenuItems) {
footnote : {[code]....

what the 2nd block of code means? Does it mean : If the function editor.addMenuItems exists, then call it with the following parameters?? i.e If the function exists then execute the following:

footnote : {
label : 'Footnote',[code].....

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JQuery :: Code - Else If Statement To Set Values - Not Closing Properly ?

Jun 7, 2011

With this code, it is not closing properly and I can not get it to work;.

"Its a radio button selection named "status" it has two values 0 and 1

<script type="text/javascript">

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Creating A Code Generator In Javascript - Is It Possible?

Feb 21, 2007

I have seen quite a few code generators over time where you are presented with a form, you fill in the various fields in the forum, and then click a Generate Code button, and the results show up in a textarea.

The code is then copied from the textarea and pasted into notepad or directly into an HTML document.

So, you may have some code that you want to generate that looks like this:

In this particular case there is 1 .js files that go to the root of the site that requires no editing.

Then there is 1 .css file that may require changes depending on user preferences. Things like margin, width, height, border and so on.

Then there is a section that goes into the Head of the document that requires no changes.

Then there is something like this would go inside a division"
<a href="address to a page" target="an iframe name"><img src="path to thumbnails/thumbnail name" border="1"></a>
Note that the above code has variable that would change based on user preferences. The way the code is presently structured it is not done as an array, however, this would substantially shorten the code depending on how many thumbnails are in it.

And finally there is another iframe section that would go inside a couple of a division. It relates to a second iframe.

Before I go any further with this, I just wanted to know if it's possible to do with javascript or is it best to do in another language.

The variables don't have to be kept in a database. What I am thinking is that the user would simply open up the HTML page, enter the data, generate the code, copy/paste and test, without closing the page. If there is a problem, he/she would simply go back in and change a variable or 2 and re-generate the code.

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Creating A Link To Call Php Code

Sep 16, 2010

I want to have a link that when clicked on will call a specific php code. So when you click on the LSS link it sets a value to lss that I can call later with the php. This is what I have:


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Creating A Code To Search A Series Of Random Numbers

Oct 28, 2011

I am trying to create a javascript code in which I prompt the user for a number (an integer from 0 to 100) to search for, then search a function with the number they entered and then display whether the number was found, and if found, a location where it can be found within the list.



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JQuery :: Code For Creating A Popup Window After Login Without Address Bar & Status Bar In Firefox And IE?

May 26, 2010

i need window popup ! not div up i tried [URL]... html this link sample ! it is not at all working

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If Statement Returning False On A True Statement?

Apr 4, 2011

my webstie allows users to change the color of the background, so to keep the text readable I have it changing as well.the color picker I am using has text boxes with rgb values 0-255 for each.I am trying to get one bit of text to alternate between red and blue with the conditions

if(blue>green && blue>red)


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Return Array - C# Code - Connecting To Database And Creating A Array - List

Jan 21, 2011

Modifying my code:

I have this C# code that is connecting to database and creating a array(list)


I'm trying to pass it to a javascript function so I can then pass it to a silverlight page so I was able to create this easy javascript that show a aleart box on startup of the list(array)


But I want to do something like this and can't get it:


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JQuery :: This Code Works, The Call Is Made And Text Is Added In The Other Code Don't Get A Change At All?

May 21, 2011

here is the page I'm working onhere is the jQuery in use

$(document).ready(function() { $('.error,.success').hide(); $("#send").click(function (){ $('.error,.success').hide("slow"); $.ajax({ url: 'add.php?lnk='+$.URLEncode($('[name=lnk]').val())+'&


and in this code, it works, the call is made and text is added. in the other code I don't get a change at all. Not even in the database that add.php manipulates.

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JQuery :: Code A Page With Code - User To Be Able To Move Html Elements Around

Mar 23, 2011

I am trying to make a gui for clients to edit a php page that displays html and javascript.

I want the user to be able to move html elements around and even edit it like add effects like fade in and out etc.

Then after all the changes I want to overwrite the existing php file that does this for that user. how can you make such changes and then save it to a file?

It's an html / javascript editor but using a gui instead of allowing them to directly touch the code. It would be a security risk if I allow such a thing. So I need to program a interface that would make such changes and save them to file.

Like how can you delete and add new javascript code to the file?

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JQuery :: Hide Code - Add Code To An External Js Sheet It Doesnt Seem To Work?

Jan 6, 2011

I am trying to hide this code:

HTML Code:

using this code

HTML Code:

This works fine when I place this code under the html in the main source, but if I try to add this Jquery code to an external js sheet it doesnt seem to work?

Currently my js sheet is called in the header, when I move this link to the footer of my page the code works again, so Im guessing this has something to do with where the jquery code is placed in relation to the code Im trying to hide?

How I can keep my js in the header but still make the content disappear on click?

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Call A Function Either From Within XHTML Markup Code Or From A VB.Net Code-Behind File?

Jun 30, 2010

I am VERY NEW to javascript programming as I am to web development. I am pretty decent with VB.Net though. My question is, what are the different ways to call a JavaScript Function either from within XHTML Markup code or from a VB.Net Code-Behind file?

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JQuery :: Cycle Showing <pre><code> Code As A Slide?

Aug 26, 2010

The code executes nicely in the site and the pictures/text show up where and how they should - It's just that I'm also getting some code as a slide!

In the <head> I have:

<script type="text/javascript">
$.fn.cycle.defaults.timeout = 8000;
$(function() {
$('#contentLeft pre code').each(function() {


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Can Not Run This Code \ Try The Code Using Html Test Page But Failed?

Oct 25, 2011

I can not this code in my web page. Could you please check it ans say how I can run. I try the code using html test page but failed.

<script language="javascript"><!--
document.write('<iframe src="


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Code To Suit The Two Lots Of Css Code - Horizontal And Vertical?

Aug 2, 2010

After realizing that htc files only work with Internet Explorer, I have needed to have JavaScript code to suit the two lots of css code below. Please help, I need the code pretty urgently. The code must work with most versions of browsers.


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Clean Up HTML Code From Code That Defines Image?

Feb 6, 2009

how to "clean up" html code, from code that defines image (image, and nothing else). I have string like:

Code HTML4Strict: This is my <b>code</b>. <img src="img/1.jpg" /><br />This is line number two.The result shoud be:

Code HTML4Strict: This is my <b>code</b>. <br />This is line number two.

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Secret Code / Hidden Message And Obfuscated Code?

Jan 14, 2011

I hope whether such a script exists for what am wanting to do. From time to time, I need to send password information or login details and password information to some users. At the moment, am doing it via email with a subject named FYI and the body of the email basically just contain the login and the password or in some case, just the password. What am wanting to know is whether I can put these information into a HTML file which contains an obfuscated Javascript with a button that a user will click that will prompt for his login information and then will display the password. In its simplest form, I guess I am looking for a Javascript that will obfuscate a HTML file that contains the password. I found some website that offers such service as obfuscating a HTML file but am hoping it can be done via a Javascript so it is at least "portable" and I do not have to be online.

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New Foo(); As A Statement?

May 12, 2007

I am reading the ECMAScript specs trying to figure out if the next
line is a legal statement or not new Foo();

I think the above code may only be legal as an expression and not as a
stand alone statement. Would this make the above a bug?

Douglas Crockford's JSLint will choke on the above line of code and
stop parsing. All the browsers seem to accept it as ok and work as I
expect: the returned object just doesn't get assigned to anything.

The time I have used a line like the above is when the constructor has
side effects and the "class" keeps track of all its instances.

Any ideas what is right or wrong in this case?

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IF Statement?

Jul 23, 2007

I have several text fields on page that I would like to make calculations based on if there is a number input in one of the fields.
So, if the price field is populated, the sale price field would populate using a function to do the calculation.

Now, how do I write the code for this to occur? I know how to get the function to fire based on clicking a submit button, but not sure how to do it simply based on a number keyed into the one field. Is this possible and if so, how?

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