Onclick In Tag Can't Work With If Statement / Fix It?
Jul 2, 2010
I don't understand why the image swapping doesn't work when I click the 2nd time code...
On the first click it swaps to the 2nd image but on the 2nd click it doesn't swap back to the first.
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Sep 1, 2011
I have a simple problem that I can't solve. I am trying to code a "More Info" button/link to display some more technical details of an item, if required or wanted. I haven't tried incorporating any code in to my web site yet, first I am trying to test how it can be done in a seperate file.
What I have right now is a table with two cells. In one cell is static text, in the other is a hyperlink. The onClick event calls a JS function called "more_info()" in which a global varible is altered to contain the value 1.
Directly after these two cells is more JS (this is before the table ends). The JS here is checking to see whether the value of the global variable has been changed. If the value is 1, display information. There is no "else" clause because I don't want information displayed unless the variable is equal to 1, so it is not required.
I think I know what the problem might be. The browser is reading the code in question before I ever click the link and has already been executed before the variable is changed. I know JS is object oriented so it will not sit there waiting for me to click the button before reading the logical statements.
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Mar 19, 2011
I have managed to get my program running perfectly for outputting alert boxes, however instead of alert boxes I would like my image to change with an IF statement.
My main image is a pic with text saying Please enter Temperature. if the user enters a temperature it will display an alert saying HOT, MODERATE or COLD. I have made other images that basically say the same thing and I would like the appropriate image to replace the original image depending on the IF statement
I have commented out my alertboxes (which work) and replaced new code above that I can't seem to get working. On lines 21, 27 and 33.
<script type="text/javascript">
//This is where we decare our function to validate the HTML form
My images are stored in the same directory as the HTML file and the img names are correct
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Mar 25, 2011
I am having the following problem with the " Next " link not working in Firefox, Chrome, Opera.
<%If Cint(iMore) > 0 then
if iMore > iRecsPerPage then iMore = iRecsPerPage[code]....
The funniest thing is that the " Next " link works in Internet Explorer only.
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Mar 20, 2007
For the first time, I'm attempting to write a small Javascript program
using one on the online reference sites. I need some confirmation as
to the behaviour of the break statement.
In the following code:
for ( row = 0 ; row <= 7 ; row++ ) A <----
for ( col = 0 ; col <=7 ; col++ ) B <----
if ( check ( row, col ) == "pass" )
break ;
Where will control pass to once the break statement is executed?
Will it continue with the first 'for' statement (A) or the second (B)?
Also my 'check' function needs to pass an indication as to it's
success or failure. It does it by:
return ( "pass" ) ;
Am I doing it correctly?
Any links to useful reference sites would be welcomed.
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Jun 20, 2009
If statement won't work / resolve this? Here is my code...
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Mar 25, 2010
this is a re-post of the last item in ':after in js?', below, but the problem is no longer about ':after': now there's an 'else if' statement that doesn't work. This works: it looks for 2 conditions in a class name, and changes a class:
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Jan 17, 2010
Switch Create a HTML that uses Javascript. Create a page that tells a student the range their mark falls in if they know their letter grade. Below 50 is an "F", 50-59.9 is a D, 60 - 69.9 is a "C", 70 - 79.9 is a "B", 80 - 89.9 is an "A" and 90 - 100 is an "A+". You determine the input and output format.
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Feb 24, 2011
WhatI want to do: IfI hover over a tab (there are 3) all other tabs will close.Below is thecode for the first tab
{(function () {
$("#box1").animate({ width: "500px" }, 400 )
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Feb 19, 2010
I have an input form that accepts numbers. I am trying to compare the last field value to the current field value. My problem is that when I use the variable name of the last field in an object path, I get the error "null or not an object". The var 'L' is the problem in the statement below. If I manually type the field name in place of 'L', it works fine. How do I have to write this statement so 'L' works?
Problem statement:
Here is my code: Form element:
<input style="border:1px solid gray; background-color: #FF9;" onkeyup="moveOnTwo('frm_score1',<?PHP echo $num_holes; ?>,this,'frm_score2')" size="1" maxlength="3" name="frm_adjsc1" id="frm_adjsc1" />
JavaScript Function:
function moveOnTwo(lastFieldID,holes,field,nextFieldID){
var L = lastFieldID ; var N = nextFieldID;
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Dec 6, 2009
Red part in the code above is for conditional statement.
But the conditional statement doesn't work correctly.
How can I make the conditional statement correct in javascript?
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Nov 19, 2010
I have a JavaServer demo I'm working on with a bit of JavaScript and thought I'd try adding some AJAX. Its a forum, and the idea is that a post window is revealed when the reply message is clicked. This button is in a jsp page has an onclick attribute to the showEditor() function below. A cancel button is similarly hooked up to hideEditor(), and the submit button calls copy() with a onsubmit tag. A servlet sends a response which has both the HTML for the post area (its a rich-text editor in an iframe, with a bunch of buttons above it much this one) and a Javascript object called Editor that has handlers for all the buttons and sets up the iframe so it is editable.
I actually got it to work okay, until I removed the last alert() I was using for debugging. Then the iframe stops being editable, and the editor.appendQuote() function either doesn't work or doesn't run.
This isn't terribly important because all AJAX accomplishes here is not sending all the post-related HTML and Javascript unless it is actually needed, which isn't all that much, but it would be nice to figure it out anyway.
<script type="text/javascript">
var editor = null;
function showEditor(node) {
if (node != null) {
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Apr 7, 2010
So my htaccess file has this:
when I go to:
My javascript stops working. I can't even run an alert() statement.
However, when I go to [url]everything works. why is that?
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Dec 17, 2007
I am a novice, almost to an intermediate-level JavaScript guy, so much of this is new to me. I appreciate your patience reading this.
I have a routine that creates some HTML on the fly (updateFilters() function) and after the HTML is created, I attempt to access some fields (elements) on the form itself.
I works fine if I place an alert() statement after the HTML is created, but when I remove, the code errors out.
I have tried the setTimeout() statement, but I cannot grab the element --- undefined or null is returned. It seems that the form is the only element I can get a handle on --- everything else is undefined or null...
Here is the code:
function editQuery() {
var f;
var x;
var myForm = document.forms[0];
// Get the row filters that were used in the last query..
for (f = 1; f < 16; f++) {
var filter = eval("myForm.FilterList_" + f);
if (filter.selectedIndex > 0) {
var methodElement = element("FilterMethod_" + f);
var methodIndex = methodElement.selectedIndex;
var savedFilterMethodValue = methodElement.options[methodIndex].text;
var choicesElement = element("FilterChoices_" + f);
var choicesIndex = choicesElement.selectedIndex;
if (isNaN(choicesIndex)) {
var savedFitlerValues = choicesElement.value;
else {
var savedFitlerValues = choicesElement.options[choicesIndex].text;
updateFilters(filter); // update the filters
// take the saved methods and values and then update the selections
// Alert here makes the code work..
// alert("Try this");
// Wait for HTML..
setTimeout("completeEdit()", 1000);
function completeEdit() {
// Since the object was updated, get the object again..
var methodElement = element("FilterMethod_" + f);
for (x = 0; x < methodElement.options.length; x++) {
if (methodElement.options[x].text == savedFilterMethodValue) {
methodElement.options[x].selected = true;
else {
methodElement.options[x].selected = false;
// Since the object was updated, get the object again..
var choicesElement = element("FilterChoices_" + f);
for (x = 0; x < choicesElement.options.length; x++) {
if (choicesElement.options[x].text == savedFitlerValues) {
choicesElement.options[x].selected = true;
else {
choicesElement.options[x].selected = false;
// Only display next row if f = 2..
// If only one row was used, no reason display the next row..
if (f == 2) {
displayNextFilter(f - 1); // display it
Do I have to pass the object (the form, the elements) to the completeEdit() function in the setTimeout() statement?
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Oct 25, 2006
i have this code:
<area shape="poly" coords="2,2,121,2,135,11,192,137,203,150,1,150,2,3" href="#" onclick="javascript:window.open('popup_1.php','Popup 1 title','height=200,width=400');" />
but this code works fine in FF but IE do not whant to popup windw.
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Jun 21, 2009
I am trying to use onclick to add text to a textarea, the function I am using is:
function addtxt(input,add) {
var obj=document.getElementById(input)
var txt=document.createTextNode(add)
and the line that I use to call the function - through php- is:
<a onclick="addtxt('post','$code');">
<img src="smiles/$smile" alt="$smilename" border="0" style="cursor: pointer;"></a>
it seems to work in IE but not in firefox, why is that?
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Oct 7, 2009
I have this code, and it works fine in windows but not in mac, does anybody know why?
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Mar 25, 2010
Whenever I use onclick in javascript (not with onclick attribute in html) it doesn't work. I've never been able to get it to work... ever! Here is the code I'm using
el = document.getElementById("foo");
el.onclick = function () { return false; };
Am I doing something wrong?
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Apr 4, 2011
my webstie allows users to change the color of the background, so to keep the text readable I have it changing as well.the color picker I am using has text boxes with rgb values 0-255 for each.I am trying to get one bit of text to alternate between red and blue with the conditions
if(blue>green && blue>red)
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Jul 23, 2005
Are there any compatibilty issues associated with teh following command?
<div onclick="open('http://www.mysite.com.htm','','')">Main page </div
It worked on a PC butnot on a MAC (bith with IE).
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Jul 23, 2005
I bringing up a list of movies in a separate window where each one has an
"onclick" function which is suppose to call a procedure and pass in the
variables and display the details of the selected record. When I click on a
record nothing happens. Code:
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Dec 6, 2009
I'm using a javascript file to switch out items when a thumbnail is clicked. This includes photo, title, description, price, size, quantity and add to cart button....
The original code on the html file works fine, but as soon as it is swapped by onclick, the 'add to cart' button does nothing! code...
and that adds the item to the cart just fine, but when a thumbnail is clicked on, activating the javascript file to switch out the item/elements, the 'add to cart' button no longer does anything... by the way, I am using simpleCart.js.
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Sep 21, 2010
I have identical code in my index that works, so I'm just guessing the error is somewhere else, I know IE is not the best target to aim for - but I really want this to work in the windows default browser....
Here is the php page...
and here is the javascript that works in the index but not here...
function Abort()
When I load the page everything looks ok, but click on the abort button, and all that happens is that the little error symbol pops in the lower left of IE. The names of the two files are "AddFamilyMember.php" and "AddFamilyMember.js".
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Jan 27, 2010
I'm doing a very simple click count funktion with Ajax where I put some data in a mySQL database when some links are clicked:
onClick="UpdateSQL('1', '190', 'divname', 'message');"
function UpdateSQL(KundeID, IP, sideElement, kaldMessage) {
document.getElementById(sideElement).innerHTML = kaldMessage;
And the file called puts the data in the database..This all workes fine, but if I click the link again, it doesn't work... It works in Firefox, if I click the link or button or whatever it puts data in the database multiple times...But in IE7 and 8 it only works on the first click, and when you have to close the browser window and and go to the url again make it count one more click...
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Dec 3, 2011
I'm writing a script that dynamically generates a menu table. Each TD has an onclick property which serves as a link. Everything works properly in other browsers since setAttribute onclick works. However, this function does not work in IE, and you're supposed to do this instead:
elementName.onClick = "blah";
Here's my code that works in all browsers but IE:
var truePath = "document.location.href=" + "'" + "/" + urls[i] + "'";
cell.onclick = truePath;
For IE, if I set the cell.onclick value to truePath, nothing happens when I click on the menu. However, it works fine in Firefox and Opera because of the setAttribute function. How I could get this to work in IE? My script is complete besides this part... I hate IE. Why can't they follow the rules?
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Aug 29, 2009
I added a submit button with an onclick event and an alert message to say it doesn't work yet, but if I push the button, it isn't taken into account and the form is submitted to the cgi.
<input id="saveForm" class="button_text" type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" onclick="alert('Sorry, it's not working yet!');return false;" >
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