Make A Calculator To Calculate Wallpaper Sizes And Cost

Apr 16, 2011

Have to make a calculator to calculate wallpaper sizes and cost (college course so not for the 'real world' so doesnt need a great deal of functionality. Do i make a form in html and then name each cell? what then? Lost as hell here and been watching countless tutorials for js, need guidance i think now.

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Calculate The Cost Deduct Saving And Plus Cost ?

Jan 27, 2011

I have write my code for calculate, discount, total plus other cost but it didnt work for me. I have stuck here for a week, I have done everything to make it right but it seems that doesnt listen to me, so correct my code.

First option; I have 4 choices of tours; people can choose 1 in 4.

Second options; I have 4 different choices of payments; people can choose 1 in 4 Need to alert them if they didnt choose each of the option.

Total cost of choice for tour deduct each option of payment for discount


<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

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Adding A Service Charge To Cost Calculator?

Feb 11, 2009

I am not a programmer so this may be simple but I am not sure what the proper code is. I am trying to place a script I have on my website for a simple product cost calculator.The fields are simple quantity, product, cost per product and total.What my issue is, is that I am trying to put a 59.00 fee as a variable that will be charged on any order, it is a service fee, I just can,t figure it out. I thought I could just change the 0 to 59.00 at the variable but it is not workingHere is the code:

function showDivs(divs)
//get number of div to show


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Add A Radio Button With Numeric Value To Cost Calculator?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a simple form on my artwork website that allows a customer to enter a numer of prints and a number of colours and then calculates a price of the order (for their curiosity only - that is the end of the function).I have now changed the way I have priced my orders and want to make it so that, for instance, if a customer wants 2 prints it will be �150.00 (�75 per print) but 3 prints will be �195.00 (65 per print) and so on the more they order.What I want to do is to add a list of prints from 1 to 10 with a radio button next to each. the user can then select 5 prints.The way my form works right now (see code below) is that the customer enters a numeric value and then the javascript takes the value and multiples by a pre-set "PrintAmount" value.Because that value is constant - I can't make multiples of prints different values (or can I ?) Heres my javascript (form below):

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">


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Calculate, Discount Plus Other Cost?

Jan 26, 2011

I have tried to work on this code for the last 2 weeks, can not figure out what is wrong with my code,please have a look for me, it will greatly appreciated from me; here my details;I work on <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> from dreamweaver:)to set my code to calculate, different Fiji tour (4 options, choose 1 in options)Payment (4 options, choose 1 in options)The cost of tour - discount base on tour cost. (discount has 4 different calculate)Need to be alert if they not choose 1 in each type.Second cost if they choose to fly out , will cost plus $400 on top the above cost. This is an optional, so they don;t need to buy if they want.I have attached my code, please have a look,

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Calculate Cost Not Working?

Apr 28, 2011

I am having troubles with calculating costs on a form. When I press the cost button, it doesn't generate the calculations.

var fday = document.getElementById("reg_start_date").value;
var lday = document.getElementById("reg_end_date").value;
if (fday == "2011-09-05" && lday == "2011-09-06")


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Calculate Total Cost On Booking Form?

Oct 17, 2011

how to achieve client-side calculation on my company booking form, using Javascript.The total amount for accommodation is calculated based on the room type (single or twin), zone chosen and meal plan (which then assigns a certain rate per week,so for example Single room, Zone 2, Self Catering would be �165 per week). There is a table of rates here : http:[utl].....The code would then use the arrival and departure date to calculate the number of weeks, add a booking fee of �50 and output the total amount.The form is located here: http:[url]....

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Calculating Form - Calculate The Square Footage And Cost Of A Vinyl Banner?

Jul 24, 2010

I'm trying to create a four-box form in which the user enters information into the first two boxes,and the program fills the second two boxes in.Basically,I need a form to calculate the square footage and cost of a vinyl banner.In the first text box the user would enter the banner's height.In the second box the user would enter the banner's width.

The third box would multiply the height by the width and display the total square footage of the banner.So far, I have this part down. The following is what I need help with: the fourth box.The fourth box needs to display the cost of the banner. I have a complicated pricing structure. For example:

If the total square feet for the banner is under 12 square feet, the cost is $60.00. If the square feet for the banner is between 13 and 25 square feet. The cost is $4.80/square foot and ect...I believe this would be done using some variation of an IF statement but I can't get it to work.Using this example, what would I add to the form to get this work? The following is the form I have so far which just consists of the calculation of the square feet which is all I've been able to get working.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>[code].....

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Program - User Must Enter Number Of Books And Price And Then Calculate The Total Cost Of Items

May 4, 2011

I have a program in which a user must enter number of books and price and then calculate the total cost of the items, i have tried and tried to get it working to no effect can anyone see where i have went wrong.

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Code For Window.confirm() Function - Find The Number Of Days - Calculate And Display The Total Cost?

Dec 6, 2010

I am having some difficulty in constructing a window.confirm() function that works with my code.So if the form data is valid, I need to use a window.confirm() dialog box to show the user's total cost based on the rental rate of equipment chosen and the reservation period. The user must accept the cost by pressing the confirm button, and if user cancels do not submit data.I have written this code but cannot figure out how to find the number of days from the 2 date fields and use that to calculate and display the total cost.

//confirm submit and display rental cost
var equip = document.forms[0].equipment.value
var pDate = document.forms[0].pickupDate.value[code].....

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Shipping Calculation :: Modify Script To Calculate The Shipping Cost?

Oct 18, 2011

i have follow a tutorial from this site http:[url]....i would like to customize the script for shipping cost as in like: for the drop down , user can choose either 'west' or 'east' on the drop down, my problem now is i don't know how to modified JavaScript to calculate the shipping cost and i have done the calculation for product quantity in php.i would like to do it like using my $ct_qty(php) *shipping cost (javascript).if user select west:

1 quantity = $6

2 quantity = $8

3 quantity = $9...and so on...8 quantity above = F.O.C

and for east showing different price like:

1 quantity = $9

2 quantity = $13

3 quantity = $15...and so on...8 quantity above = F.O.C

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Reverse BMI Calculator To Calculate Filled Goal

Mar 28, 2011

I already have a working bmi calculator for my website where visitor will enter height and current weight to calculate their current bmi. Then I want to have a reverse bmi calculator to grab the same height and weight from said bmi calculator to give a calculation with a fillable goal bmi (example: 18-24 "healthy bmi") to read out a goal weight for them to achieve. I have already figured out the first part of the bmi calculation now I just need the second calculation to grab the height and weight from original bmi calculator without needing to be filled in again and compute result in a second table. I will post code that I have come up with so far for the whole page.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
HCG Drops Fat Lose 1-2 pounds Per Day!
<style type="text/css">

#wrapall {
margin-left: 7em;
margin-right: 7em;
} .....

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Make A Calculator App?

Mar 25, 2011

I'm trying to make a calculator app; with a few differences. I have a text field with a numberpad below it, I got the numbers to show up in the text field, but am unsure as to how when I hit the enter button - it would store them in a variable?...I am also wondering as to how it would store current value and then allow me to input another value(maybe on the next page) and either subtract or add to it(the first value that is stored).I am also wondering how to get a decimal point in place(need it for currency).

Here is my code:

<script type = "text/javascript">


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Make Calculator To Be A Pop Up

Feb 19, 2009

I have a simple calculator written using javascript and html. I would like to make it such that when a link to the calculator is clicked, a pop up window with this calculator appears rather than referring a user to anew page.

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Make Calculator's Actions Continuous?

May 29, 2009

I have a calculator, and I can't make it do continuous actions like:

When you press a number and press + and 1 and then press = 3 times so the first number is added 3.

Here's my code:

And this.updateDisplay() is the function to update the display with this.current.

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Make A Times To Money Calculator

Aug 21, 2010

Well basically i have coded a java script well edited from here i think.

This is the page at the moment [url]

But I'm trying to edit to i have drop down boxes with:



Then the same for karaoke start and finish.

But the hard part it getting the right

So minium booking is 2 hours for 100 and then every hour after is 30 and 15 for 30 Min's karaoke is 5 an hour.

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Make Dynamic Calculator To My Product ?

Jul 11, 2011

My calculator work perfect in IE but not in mozilla? what i need to do..

Here's code:

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Make An Earnings Calculator With User Input

Oct 20, 2011

I've been assigned to make an earnings calculator with user input I'm just having trouble in making the final sum work I just get NaN for an answer


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Make A Button To Display My Name In Answer Box Of My Calculator?

Oct 16, 2010

I need to make a button that will display my name in the answer box of my calculator.

Can anyone please show me the code to do this?code...

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Limiting Sizes In Div's

Jul 10, 2007

I intend on using this gallery viewer on my site.

Is it possible to make it so that image that is displayed in the div is limited to certain dimensions.. say 100 by 100px. If an image that is displayed is above the limit, the excess is simply just out of view..

I dunno how this would be possible maybe by a use of some sort of mask, i normally code inflash im not sure if taht is possible with divs in html. Or maybe you can limit the size in the js file, if your allowed to.

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How To Set Pop Up Window Sizes In Different Browsers???

Nov 28, 2001

I have a link that when clicked it opens up a pop up window. However, this window has a dramatic size change in different browsers, from way to small, to extremely large...

how can I make this pop up window have a similar size in all browsers...currently I have it set at 500 x 200.

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JQuery :: Carousel - Various Images Sizes?

Mar 23, 2011

Anyone know a jquery plugin I can use for a horizontal scrolling image carousel with different size images. I Iike the plug in here as my client will be easily able to put new content using a simple text file. The problem is that the images will be the same height but different width so I get ugly spaces between narrow images. Is there a plug in that solves this or is there a way to manipulate the css for each image so as to adapt the width of the div ? I can add the height and width properties of the images themselves to the text file and that works up to a point , but the images display at their correct size but the carousel stops working.

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Changing Fontstyle Changes Textbox Sizes?

Mar 15, 2011

If the user has not entered data in a textbox I display a message in the textbox in italics.After the user has entered a message their message is then stored in normal textstyle.I am noticing that the textbox changes length when the fontstyle changes. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

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JQuery :: Cycle Image Sizes And Alignment?

Oct 7, 2010

I have two separate questions. One being, how would I go about having the container resizing itself for different image sizes. So that surrounding elements can conform to it's size?

Also, is there a way to align the images in a slide shows so that it is always horizontally and vertically centered in the slideshow?

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JQuery :: Grow Plugin - Change The Box Sizes ?

Sep 5, 2009

I am working on a plugin and have a test page setup test bigSIZE click the 'BIG' button first, then mouse over the colored boxes. It works fine if all the boxes are the same size...the problem comes when you change the box sizes (I added the form to change the sizes for testing). For example if 3 boxes are 100x100 and one is 25x25 the 100 boxes will still work but the 25 will not.

Also, if the mouse leaves the box during the grow animation it will stay grown until you reenter and then trigger a mouseleave, so I need to fix that but I'm not quite sure how to do that either.

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Interferences With Scrollbars EX: Sizes, Placements, Positions

Nov 17, 2007

Interferences with scrollbars:

What would effect a scrollbar in a browser on a website?

Let me clear that up. While writing a "rain effect" script, what could interfere with the scrollbar actually not showing up on that specific webpage.

Below is the script I am working with - If in any instance someone may need to review a certain area of it. Code:

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