Jquery :: Function Parameters - Pass Var HoverText To The Hover Out
Jun 9, 2010I am trying to remove a title attribute for a link on hover and then add it back on mouse out. I would like to pass var hoverText to the hover out...
I am trying to remove a title attribute for a link on hover and then add it back on mouse out. I would like to pass var hoverText to the hover out...
I want to pass two parameters on button "b" click. how to pass parameters on b.onclick = test function?
function test(x, y){
var b = document.getElementById('b');
b.onclick = test; //how to pass x and y parameter?
My button when click call cal function, inside cal function I need to find parent so I can access other element, but I donot know how to pass parameter to Selectors/has(for some reason $("div :button").each(function()... no work here)
Code as below:
function cal(event) {
if (!event) event = window.event;
I have been checking out the following sitepoint tutorial on creating a plugin using Jquery http:[url]....I have some Questions about the selector and the parameters.Say for example, I wanted to pass parameters into the plugin:
(function($) {
// jQuery plugin definition[code].....
And conversely if the plugin takes no parameters $(selector).MyPlugin(); Firstly is my understanding correct and secondly what if the plugin doesn't require a selector? What if it doesn't need to do anything to a given DOM element? would it be something like:
I am trying to pass dynamic String parameter to my javascript. The user enters sdome value and that is passed to the javascript as parameter. My problem is when user enters something of type cs204-1 or cs204.1 etc, the javascript does not run. On passsing simple parameters like cs204 or 111 etc, the javascript works fine. I need to pass any type of parameters to the javascript ( cs204-1 or cs204.1 etc) as I am making this for my college and the values to be entered by the user are of such type. My javascript code is : Code:
I tested the working of the javascript by using alert. It came for normal parameters but not for cs204-1 or cs204.1 types.
how to pass parameters in the <script ..> tag? for instance;
<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js?param1=val1¶m2=val2&etc">
in the javascript script.js, how would we read the params after the question mark? for example, google this; google shopping cart /v2_2/cart.js
I am trying to pass dynamic String parameter to my javascript. The user enters sdome value and that is passed to the javascript as parameter. My problem is when user enters something of type cs204-1 or cs204.1 etc, the javascript does not run. On passing simple parameters like cs204 or 111 etc, the javascript works fine. I need to pass any type of parameters to the javascript ( cs204-1 or cs204.1 etc) as I am making this for my college and the values to be entered by the user are of such type.
My javascript code is :
function deleteQuestion(id){
questionId= eval("document.form1.deleteQ"+id+".value");
I tested the working of the javascript by using alert. It came for normal parameters but not for cs204-1 or cs204.1 types.
I have an easy question, likely, that has me in a headspin. I have an
include file to a frames based site that basically forces frames on
the end user if they visit the site and hit a non-frames created
Simply, it is:
if (parent != self)
However, now I would like to force an inner frame to populate based on
what frame someone was redirected from the include (above). So, if I
visit http://domain/frame/innerframe_3.html, then I want to redirect
to the above, but pass in /frame/innerframe_3.html to be included as a
URL parameter for an inner frame to be populated.
When I modify this link to:
if (parent != self)
self.parent.location.replace("/index.php?redir=" & location.href);
Then, the replaced location doesn't seem to recognize the ?redir=
portion of the new location.
Is there a different way to do this? I can't use a META tag because I
want the TARGET to be _TOP, basically.
Hi all.Am new to this forum so cut me some slack if I don't articulate my problem with utmost clarity.My problem is that I have a javascript function such as:
function modReg(x,y)
var answer = confirm ("Do you really want to deregister user" +x+"?")
if (answer)
Now, leo is a hidden form with the 2 fields namely "id and "two".Viewing source, I see that the parameters I need are well acquired by the function.In next page, I haven't been successful at retrieving the passed parameters.
I am having some issues with getting a variable from an onclick event with javascript.
$('#preview_logo').append('<img src="'+fileObj.filePath+'" height="100px" hspace="5" /> '+fileObj.name+' uploaded.<a href="javascript:;" id="dele_image" onclick="del_image('+fileObj.filePath+','+fileObj.name+');">Upload Different Image</a><br>');
This is for uploadify script for previewing an image that is uploaded, it creates the link fine, but won't trigger the function "del_image" unless I delete the parameters in the onclick, which leads me to believe it is something to do with my quoting. Here is the function:
I am passing parameters via URL to my HTML form. The hardcoded hidden values work. Does anyone know how I can modify this so that the parameters can also write to the hidden values?code...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a code set up something like this:
The problem is I keep getting an error along the lines of: TypeError: Result of expression 'house' [[object Object]] is not a constructor. It seemed to work when I wasn't passing the other objects as parameters in the constructor. I just created and assigned them later. As in:
I have a problem with a function i created. I want an image to move from a to b and then start from a again. Without parameters this works really fine, but now that I have got more images I use parameters but I have no clue how to call the funtion again.
I tried to replace show(100,flo) with show(100,flo(zahl,r_g)) but then the divs only move from a to b but even will not come back to a again. I think the solution should be pretty simple but i cant figure it out.
I have two forms: register and contact, with action attribute that looks like this:
<form id="myform" action="submit.php?url=register">
<form id="myform" action="submit.php?url=contact">
I would like the jquery ajax function to redirect to the above url parameters so that the forms can get processed in their individual functions.
The SUBMIT.PHP page looks like this:
$url = '';
if (isset($_GET['url'])){
$url = strip_tags($_GET['url']);}
I have some jQuery.ajax() calls. It'is all the same but success function and I'd like get less code by taking all ajax calls in the same function.But I need one additional parameter I am using later in the success function, for instance.My actual code is like this:
success: function(responseData){[code]....
But I can't manage to archieve that.
I got a Menu and several Divs:
<li><a href="#" id="page1link">Page 1</a></li>
<li><a href="#" id="page2link">Page 2</a></li>
I have written the following code (quite meaningless. Just to check why setTimeout is not working in a similar real-life code) to enable the user to input a given time interval (hh:mm:ss) when a p is clicked, and then alerting the user with the time entered in the seconds portion one second after the div is clicked. But it is not working. I think the setTimeout is the culprit, the way I am passing parameters to the function inside it, but don't know where exactly am I erring.
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
I'm trying to pass parameters using the jquery's ajax function, but I end up with a "function undefined" error message when I try.
I had trouble finding simple examples of ajax passing parameters with jquery.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
html code:
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
1. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
2. <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
I want - when the page load in result div will apper "Hello bla bla". It works for me if I dont use parameter(aka data: "{ }" and HelloToYou dont accept parameters)
success(data, textStatus, jqXHR)Function, Array A function to be called if the request succeeds. The function gets passed three arguments: The data returned from the server, formatted according to the dataType parameter; a string describing the status; and the jqXHR (in jQuery 1.4.x, XMLHttpRequest) object.
'success': function(html){ jQuery("#quote-of-the-day").html(html) }
success: function(data) { var out = "<ol>"; $(data).each(function(){ out+="<li>"+this.title+"</li>"; });
The above 2 ways of defining the success call back confused me.
1) According to definition, it should take 3 parameters, why here it only takes 1 parameter?
2) Why the name of parameter passed into function() can be different? Does this name matter?
I need to open a popup window from a PHP site and pass in some parameters to use in the pop up window. I have the params in an input box and need to get the val of the box into a param and pass it to the new popup window. All pages are local and in the same folder. The id of the input box is 'ddutykey'. The name of the new window would be showduty.php if possible.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to minimize the amount of script that I use on my website. I have sections of each page; each section has the same basic layout. The divs and images that I want to make appear and disappear all have nearly identical ids, the only difference is the number at the end of the id.Is there a way to get one script to automatically detect which id number has been clicked and then show all elements with the same number at the end of the id? I would also like it to hide the elements in the hide function below (basically they are the elements that do not share the same id number).I currently have everything working the way I want it to using multiple functions like the one below but I woul
$("#2thumbNail2 , #ledBar").click(function () {
$("#type201 , #type203 , #type204").hide();
$("#image201 , #image203 , #image204").fadeOut("slow");
I have a problem with the following function:
I would like to define the hight/length of the window which I open when
I call the function.
The problem is that the window opens but not with the size I defined
when calling the function. Code:
I am making a function that executes code as AJAX readyState's are returned. If readyState = 3 then I running code through eval but I want to be able to run functions with parameters, within the parameter that is evetually executed by the eval
Heres abit of pseudo code of what I am talking about
function receiveRequest(whileLoading, whenDone) {
// AJAX stuff... blah... blah... blah...
if request is being processed:
if request is done:
I haven't used Javascript in agggeeesss and I can barely remember anything anymore - PHP <3
I keep getting a runtime error stating that this
document.adddealer.dealertoadd.value = dealer; is null or not an
object. I've rewritten the Function everyway I could think of, and
couldn't find any thread examples of my problem.
Here is my Function;
<Script language="JavaScript">
function AddDealer(dealer) {
document.adddealer.dealertoadd.value = dealer;
This calls the Function;
<input type="button" value="Make This My Dealer"
When the code breaks and I bring up Microsoft Debugger it shows a
value in the parameter.
I have this js function:
function retCNP()